/* * This file is part of the MicroPython project, http://micropython.org/ * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2022 Scott Shawcroft for Adafruit Industries * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "shared-bindings/mdns/Server.h" #include "py/gc.h" #include "py/runtime.h" #include "shared/runtime/interrupt_char.h" #include "shared-bindings/mdns/RemoteService.h" #include "shared-bindings/wifi/__init__.h" #include "supervisor/shared/tick.h" #include "lwip/apps/mdns.h" #include "lwip/prot/dns.h" // Track if we've inited the LWIP MDNS at all. It expects to only init once. // Subsequent times, we restart it. STATIC bool inited = false; // Track if we are globally inited. This essentially forces one inited MDNS // object at a time. (But ignores MDNS objects that are deinited.) STATIC bool object_inited = false; #define NETIF_STA (&cyw43_state.netif[CYW43_ITF_STA]) #define NETIF_AP (&cyw43_state.netif[CYW43_ITF_AP]) void mdns_server_construct(mdns_server_obj_t *self, bool workflow) { if (object_inited) { // Mark the object as deinit since another is already using MDNS. self->inited = false; return; } if (!inited) { mdns_resp_init(); inited = true; } else { mdns_resp_restart(NETIF_STA); } self->inited = true; uint8_t mac[6]; wifi_radio_get_mac_address(&common_hal_wifi_radio_obj, mac); snprintf(self->default_hostname, sizeof(self->default_hostname), "cpy-%02x%02x%02x", mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); common_hal_mdns_server_set_hostname(self, self->default_hostname); if (workflow) { // Add a second host entry to respond to "circuitpython.local" queries as well. #if MDNS_MAX_SECONDARY_HOSTNAMES > 0 mdns_resp_add_secondary_hostname(NETIF_STA, "circuitpython"); #endif } } void common_hal_mdns_server_construct(mdns_server_obj_t *self, mp_obj_t network_interface) { if (network_interface != MP_OBJ_FROM_PTR(&common_hal_wifi_radio_obj)) { mp_raise_ValueError(translate("mDNS only works with built-in WiFi")); return; } if (object_inited) { mp_raise_RuntimeError(translate("mDNS already initialized")); } mdns_server_construct(self, false); } void common_hal_mdns_server_deinit(mdns_server_obj_t *self) { if (common_hal_mdns_server_deinited(self)) { return; } self->inited = false; object_inited = false; mdns_resp_remove_netif(NETIF_STA); } bool common_hal_mdns_server_deinited(mdns_server_obj_t *self) { return !self->inited; } const char *common_hal_mdns_server_get_hostname(mdns_server_obj_t *self) { return self->hostname; } void common_hal_mdns_server_set_hostname(mdns_server_obj_t *self, const char *hostname) { if (mdns_resp_netif_active(NETIF_STA)) { mdns_resp_rename_netif(NETIF_STA, hostname); } else { mdns_resp_add_netif(NETIF_STA, hostname); } self->hostname = hostname; } const char *common_hal_mdns_server_get_instance_name(mdns_server_obj_t *self) { return self->instance_name; } void common_hal_mdns_server_set_instance_name(mdns_server_obj_t *self, const char *instance_name) { self->instance_name = instance_name; } typedef struct { uint8_t request_id; size_t i; mdns_remoteservice_obj_t *out; size_t out_len; } nonalloc_search_state_t; STATIC void copy_data_into_remote_service(struct mdns_answer *answer, const char *varpart, int varlen, mdns_remoteservice_obj_t *out) { if (varlen > 0) { if (answer->info.type == DNS_RRTYPE_A) { char *hostname = out->hostname; size_t len = MIN(63, answer->info.domain.name[0]); memcpy(hostname, answer->info.domain.name + 1, len); hostname[len] = '\0'; out->ipv4_address = varpart[0] | varpart[1] << 8 | varpart[2] << 16 | varpart[3] << 24; } if (answer->info.type == DNS_RRTYPE_SRV) { // This isn't a null terminated string. Its length encoded. uint8_t *domain = answer->info.domain.name; char *instance_name = out->instance_name; size_t offset = 0; uint8_t iname_len = domain[offset++]; size_t len = MIN(63, iname_len); memcpy(instance_name, domain + offset, len); offset += iname_len; instance_name[len] = '\0'; uint8_t sn_len = domain[offset++]; char *service_name = out->service_name; len = MIN(16, sn_len); memcpy(service_name, domain + offset, len); offset += sn_len; service_name[len] = '\0'; uint8_t proto_len = domain[offset++]; char *protocol = out->protocol; len = MIN(4, proto_len); memcpy(protocol, domain + offset, len); offset += proto_len; protocol[len] = '\0'; out->port = varpart[4] << 8 | varpart[5]; } } } STATIC void search_result_cb(struct mdns_answer *answer, const char *varpart, int varlen, int flags, void *arg) { nonalloc_search_state_t *state = arg; state->out[state->i].base.type = &mdns_remoteservice_type; copy_data_into_remote_service(answer, varpart, varlen, &state->out[state->i]); if ((flags & MDNS_SEARCH_RESULT_LAST) != 0) { state->i += 1; } if (state->i == state->out_len) { mdns_search_stop(state->request_id); state->request_id = MDNS_MAX_REQUESTS; } } size_t mdns_server_find(mdns_server_obj_t *self, const char *service_type, const char *protocol, mp_float_t timeout, mdns_remoteservice_obj_t *out, size_t out_len) { enum mdns_sd_proto proto = DNSSD_PROTO_UDP; if (strcmp(protocol, "_tcp") == 0) { proto = DNSSD_PROTO_TCP; } nonalloc_search_state_t state; state.i = 0; state.out = out; state.out_len = out_len; err_t err = mdns_search_service(NULL, service_type, proto, NETIF_STA, &search_result_cb, &state, &state.request_id); if (err != ERR_OK) { return 0; } uint64_t start_ticks = supervisor_ticks_ms64(); uint64_t timeout_ms = timeout * 1000; while (state.request_id < MDNS_MAX_REQUESTS && !mp_hal_is_interrupted() && supervisor_ticks_ms64() - start_ticks < timeout_ms) { RUN_BACKGROUND_TASKS; } if (state.request_id < MDNS_MAX_REQUESTS) { mdns_search_stop(state.request_id); state.request_id = MDNS_MAX_REQUESTS; } return state.i; } typedef struct { uint8_t request_id; mdns_remoteservice_obj_t *head; size_t count; } alloc_search_state_t; STATIC void alloc_search_result_cb(struct mdns_answer *answer, const char *varpart, int varlen, int flags, void *arg) { alloc_search_state_t *state = arg; if ((flags & MDNS_SEARCH_RESULT_FIRST) != 0) { // first mdns_remoteservice_obj_t *service = gc_alloc(sizeof(mdns_remoteservice_obj_t), 0, false); if (service == NULL) { // alloc fails mdns_search_stop(state->request_id); state->request_id = MDNS_MAX_REQUESTS; if (state->count == 0) { m_malloc_fail(sizeof(mdns_remoteservice_obj_t)); } return; } service->base.type = &mdns_remoteservice_type; state->count++; service->next = state->head; state->head = service; } copy_data_into_remote_service(answer, varpart, varlen, state->head); } mp_obj_t common_hal_mdns_server_find(mdns_server_obj_t *self, const char *service_type, const char *protocol, mp_float_t timeout) { enum mdns_sd_proto proto = DNSSD_PROTO_UDP; if (strcmp(protocol, "_tcp") == 0) { proto = DNSSD_PROTO_TCP; } alloc_search_state_t state; state.count = 0; state.head = NULL; err_t err = mdns_search_service(NULL, service_type, proto, NETIF_STA, &alloc_search_result_cb, &state, &state.request_id); if (err != ERR_OK) { mp_raise_RuntimeError(translate("Unable to start mDNS query")); } uint64_t start_ticks = supervisor_ticks_ms64(); uint64_t timeout_ms = timeout * 1000; while (state.request_id < MDNS_MAX_REQUESTS && !mp_hal_is_interrupted() && supervisor_ticks_ms64() - start_ticks < timeout_ms) { RUN_BACKGROUND_TASKS; } if (state.request_id < MDNS_MAX_REQUESTS) { mdns_search_stop(state.request_id); state.request_id = MDNS_MAX_REQUESTS; } mp_obj_tuple_t *tuple = MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(mp_obj_new_tuple(state.count, NULL)); mdns_remoteservice_obj_t *next = state.head; uint8_t added = 0; while (next != NULL) { mdns_remoteservice_obj_t *cur = next; tuple->items[added] = MP_OBJ_FROM_PTR(cur); next = cur->next; // Set next back to NULL so that each service object is independently // tracked for GC. cur->next = NULL; added++; } return MP_OBJ_FROM_PTR(tuple); } void common_hal_mdns_server_advertise_service(mdns_server_obj_t *self, const char *service_type, const char *protocol, mp_int_t port) { enum mdns_sd_proto proto = DNSSD_PROTO_UDP; if (strcmp(protocol, "_tcp") == 0) { proto = DNSSD_PROTO_TCP; } // Remove the existing service if it was already added. int8_t existing_slot = MDNS_MAX_SERVICES; for (int i = 0; i < MDNS_MAX_SERVICES; i++) { if (self->service_type[i] != NULL && (service_type == self->service_type[i] || strcmp(service_type, self->service_type[i]) == 0)) { existing_slot = i; break; } } if (existing_slot < MDNS_MAX_SERVICES) { mdns_resp_del_service(NETIF_STA, existing_slot); } int8_t slot = mdns_resp_add_service(NETIF_STA, self->instance_name, service_type, proto, port, NULL, NULL); if (slot < 0) { mp_raise_RuntimeError(translate("Out of MDNS service slots")); return; } self->service_type[slot] = service_type; }