#define MICROPY_HW_BOARD_NAME "Adafruit Pybadge Airlift" #define MICROPY_HW_MCU_NAME "samd51j20" #define CIRCUITPY_MCU_FAMILY samd51 // This is for Rev B #define MICROPY_HW_LED_STATUS (&pin_PA23) // These are pins not to reset. // QSPI Data pins #define MICROPY_PORT_A (PORT_PA08 | PORT_PA09 | PORT_PA10 | PORT_PA11) // DotStar pins, QSPI CS, and QSPI SCK #define MICROPY_PORT_B (PORT_PB10 | PORT_PB11) #define MICROPY_PORT_C (0) #define MICROPY_PORT_D (0) #define USER_NEOPIXELS_PIN (&pin_PA15) #define DEFAULT_I2C_BUS_SCL (&pin_PA13) #define DEFAULT_I2C_BUS_SDA (&pin_PA12) #define DEFAULT_SPI_BUS_SCK (&pin_PA17) #define DEFAULT_SPI_BUS_MOSI (&pin_PB23) #define DEFAULT_SPI_BUS_MISO (&pin_PB22) // USB is always used internally so skip the pin objects for it. #define IGNORE_PIN_PA24 1 #define IGNORE_PIN_PA25 1