/* * This file is part of the MicroPython project, http://micropython.org/ * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2021 Artyom Skrobov * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "py/runtime.h" #include "common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.h" #include "shared-bindings/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.h" #include "timers.h" // TODO: support multiple concurrently active outputs. STATIC TIM_HandleTypeDef tim_handle; STATIC audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *active_audio = NULL; STATIC void set_pin(uint8_t channel, GPIO_PinState state) { HAL_GPIO_WritePin(pin_port(active_audio->pin[channel]->port), pin_mask(active_audio->pin[channel]->number), state); } STATIC void toggle_pin(uint8_t channel) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(pin_port(active_audio->pin[channel]->port), pin_mask(active_audio->pin[channel]->number)); } STATIC void set_drive_mode(const mcu_pin_obj_t *pin, uint32_t mode) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0}; GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = pin_mask(pin->number); GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = mode; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH; HAL_GPIO_Init(pin_port(pin->port), &GPIO_InitStruct); } STATIC void start_timer(audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *self) { if (self->buffer_ptr[0] >= self->buffer_length[0]) { // no more pulses return; } self->period = self->buffer[0][self->buffer_ptr[0]]; if (self->pin[1] && self->period > self->buffer[1][self->buffer_ptr[1]]) { self->period = self->buffer[1][self->buffer_ptr[1]]; } // Set the new period tim_handle.Init.Period = self->period - 1; HAL_TIM_Base_Init(&tim_handle); // TIM7 has limited HAL support, set registers manually tim_handle.Instance->SR = 0; // Prevent the SR from triggering an interrupt tim_handle.Instance->CR1 |= TIM_CR1_CEN; // Resume timer tim_handle.Instance->CR1 |= TIM_CR1_URS; // Disable non-overflow interrupts __HAL_TIM_ENABLE_IT(&tim_handle, TIM_IT_UPDATE); } STATIC bool fill_buffers(audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *self) { // Naive PCM-to-PWM conversion int16_t threshold = 0x666; // 0.05; TODO: make configurable uint8_t *buffer; uint32_t buffer_length; audioio_get_buffer_result_t get_buffer_result; bool average = (self->sample_channel_count > 1) && !self->pin[1]; bool replicate = (self->sample_channel_count == 1) && self->pin[1]; int8_t effective_channels = average ? 1 : self->sample_channel_count; do { get_buffer_result = audiosample_get_buffer(self->sample, false, 0, &buffer, &buffer_length); if (get_buffer_result == GET_BUFFER_ERROR) { return false; } uint32_t num_samples = buffer_length / self->bytes_per_sample / self->sample_channel_count; int16_t *buffer16 = (int16_t *)buffer; while (num_samples--) { for (int8_t channel = 0; channel < effective_channels; channel++) { int16_t val; if (self->bytes_per_sample == 1) { val = *buffer++ << 8; } else { val = *buffer16++; } val += self->sample_offset; if (average) { int16_t next; if (self->bytes_per_sample == 1) { next = *buffer++ << 8; } else { next = *buffer16++; } next += self->sample_offset; val += (next - val) / 2; } int8_t new_pos = (val > threshold) - (val < -threshold); if (new_pos == -self->pos[channel]) { if (self->len[channel] > 1) { self->buffer[channel][self->buffer_length[channel]++] = self->len[channel]; if (replicate) { self->buffer[1 - channel][self->buffer_length[1 - channel]++] = self->len[channel]; } self->len[channel] = 0; } self->pos[channel] = new_pos; } self->len[channel]++; } } } while (get_buffer_result == GET_BUFFER_MORE_DATA && (!self->buffer_length[0] || (self->pin[1] && !self->buffer_length[1]))); if (get_buffer_result == GET_BUFFER_DONE) { // It's the final countdown for (int8_t channel = 0; channel < effective_channels; channel++) { self->buffer[channel][self->buffer_length[channel]++] = self->len[channel]; if (replicate) { self->buffer[1 - channel][self->buffer_length[1 - channel]++] = self->len[channel]; } } if (self->loop) { audiosample_reset_buffer(self->sample, false, 0); } else { self->stopping = true; } } return true; } STATIC void move_to_beginning(uint16_t *buffer, uint16_t *buffer_length, uint16_t *buffer_ptr) { if (*buffer_ptr < *buffer_length) { memmove(buffer, buffer + *buffer_ptr, *buffer_length - *buffer_ptr); *buffer_length -= *buffer_ptr; } else { *buffer_length = 0; } *buffer_ptr = 0; } STATIC void pwmaudioout_event_handler(void) { // Detect TIM Update event if (__HAL_TIM_GET_FLAG(&tim_handle, TIM_FLAG_UPDATE) != RESET) { if (__HAL_TIM_GET_IT_SOURCE(&tim_handle, TIM_IT_UPDATE) != RESET) { __HAL_TIM_CLEAR_IT(&tim_handle, TIM_IT_UPDATE); if (!active_audio || active_audio->paused) { __HAL_TIM_DISABLE_IT(&tim_handle, TIM_IT_UPDATE); return; } bool refill = false; active_audio->buffer[0][active_audio->buffer_ptr[0]] -= active_audio->period; if (!active_audio->buffer[0][active_audio->buffer_ptr[0]]) { toggle_pin(0); if (++(active_audio->buffer_ptr[0]) >= active_audio->buffer_length[0]) { refill = true; } } if (active_audio->pin[1]) { active_audio->buffer[1][active_audio->buffer_ptr[1]] -= active_audio->period; if (!active_audio->buffer[1][active_audio->buffer_ptr[1]]) { toggle_pin(1); if (++(active_audio->buffer_ptr[1]) >= active_audio->buffer_length[1]) { refill = true; } } } if (refill) { __HAL_TIM_DISABLE_IT(&tim_handle, TIM_IT_UPDATE); move_to_beginning(active_audio->buffer[0], &active_audio->buffer_length[0], &active_audio->buffer_ptr[0]); if (active_audio->pin[1]) { move_to_beginning(active_audio->buffer[1], &active_audio->buffer_length[1], &active_audio->buffer_ptr[1]); } if (active_audio->stopping || !fill_buffers(active_audio)) { // No more audio. Turn off output and don't restart. common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_stop(active_audio); return; } } // Count up to the next given value. start_timer(active_audio); } } } void audiopwmout_reset() { if (active_audio) { common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_stop(active_audio); } } // Caller validates that pins are free. void common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_construct(audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *self, const mcu_pin_obj_t *left_channel, const mcu_pin_obj_t *right_channel, uint16_t quiescent_value) { // Set up the pin(s) for output self->pin[0] = left_channel; self->pin[1] = right_channel; set_drive_mode(left_channel, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP); if (right_channel) { set_drive_mode(right_channel, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP); } self->buffer[0] = NULL; self->buffer[1] = NULL; self->quiescent_value = quiescent_value; } bool common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_deinited(audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *self) { return !self->pin[0]; } STATIC void free_buffers(audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *self) { m_free(self->buffer[0]); self->buffer[0] = NULL; m_free(self->buffer[1]); self->buffer[1] = NULL; } void common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_deinit(audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *self) { if (common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_deinited(self)) { return; } common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_stop(self); free_buffers(self); self->pin[0] = 0; self->pin[1] = 0; } void common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_play(audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *self, mp_obj_t sample, bool loop) { common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_stop(self); if (active_audio) { mp_raise_RuntimeError(MP_ERROR_TEXT("Another PWMAudioOut is already active")); // TODO } self->sample = sample; self->loop = loop; uint32_t sample_rate = audiosample_sample_rate(sample); self->bytes_per_sample = audiosample_bits_per_sample(sample) / 8; uint32_t max_buffer_length; uint8_t spacing; bool single_buffer; bool samples_signed; audiosample_get_buffer_structure(sample, /* single channel */ false, &single_buffer, &samples_signed, &max_buffer_length, &spacing); self->sample_channel_count = audiosample_channel_count(sample); self->sample_offset = (samples_signed ? 0x8000 : 0) - self->quiescent_value; free_buffers(self); if (max_buffer_length > UINT16_MAX) { mp_raise_ValueError_varg(MP_ERROR_TEXT("Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"), max_buffer_length, UINT16_MAX); } uint16_t buffer_length = (uint16_t)max_buffer_length / self->bytes_per_sample; self->buffer[0] = m_malloc(buffer_length * sizeof(uint16_t)); self->buffer_ptr[0] = self->buffer_length[0] = 0; if (self->pin[1]) { self->buffer[1] = m_malloc(buffer_length * sizeof(uint16_t)); self->buffer_ptr[1] = self->buffer_length[1] = 0; } self->pos[0] = self->pos[1] = 1; // initially on self->len[0] = self->len[1] = 0; audiosample_reset_buffer(self->sample, false, 0); self->stopping = false; self->paused = false; if (!fill_buffers(self)) { mp_raise_RuntimeError(MP_ERROR_TEXT("Failed to buffer the sample")); } // Calculate period (TODO: supersample to 1 MHz?) TIM_TypeDef *tim_instance = stm_peripherals_find_timer(); uint32_t source = stm_peripherals_timer_get_source_freq(tim_instance); uint32_t prescaler = source / sample_rate; // Activate timer active_audio = self; stm_peripherals_timer_reserve(tim_instance); stm_peripherals_timer_preinit(tim_instance, 4, pwmaudioout_event_handler); tim_handle.Instance = tim_instance; tim_handle.Init.Period = 100; // immediately replaced. tim_handle.Init.Prescaler = prescaler - 1; tim_handle.Init.ClockDivision = TIM_CLOCKDIVISION_DIV1; tim_handle.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP; tim_handle.Init.AutoReloadPreload = TIM_AUTORELOAD_PRELOAD_DISABLE; HAL_TIM_Base_Init(&tim_handle); tim_handle.Instance->SR = 0; // Alternate on and off, starting with on. set_pin(0, GPIO_PIN_SET); if (self->pin[1]) { set_pin(1, GPIO_PIN_SET); } // Count up to the next given value. start_timer(self); } void common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_stop(audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *self) { if (active_audio != self) { return; } // Turn off timer counter. tim_handle.Instance->CR1 &= ~TIM_CR1_CEN; stm_peripherals_timer_free(tim_handle.Instance); active_audio = NULL; self->stopping = false; self->paused = false; // Make sure pins are left low. set_pin(0, GPIO_PIN_RESET); if (self->pin[1]) { set_pin(1, GPIO_PIN_RESET); } // Cannot free buffers here because we may be called from // the interrupt handler, and the heap is not reentrant. } bool common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_get_playing(audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *self) { return active_audio == self; } void common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_pause(audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *self) { self->paused = true; } void common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_resume(audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *self) { self->paused = false; if (active_audio == self) { start_timer(self); } } bool common_hal_audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_get_paused(audiopwmio_pwmaudioout_obj_t *self) { return self->paused; }