# test the special functions imported from cmath try: from cmath import * log10 except (ImportError, NameError): print("SKIP") raise SystemExit test_values_non_zero = [] base_values = (0.0, 0.5, 1.2345, 10.0) for r in base_values: for i in base_values: if r != 0.0 or i != 0.0: test_values_non_zero.append(complex(r, i)) if r != 0.0: test_values_non_zero.append(complex(-r, i)) if i != 0.0: test_values_non_zero.append(complex(r, -i)) if r != 0.0 and i != 0.0: test_values_non_zero.append(complex(-r, -i)) functions = [("log10", log10, test_values_non_zero)] for f_name, f, test_vals in functions: print(f_name) for val in test_vals: ret = f(val) print("complex(%.5g, %.5g)" % (ret.real, ret.imag))