# Setup The TinkeringTech ScoutMakes Azul is a bluetooth enabled, feather format, open source platform featuring the nRF52840 from Nordic Semiconductors. The design is based on the Adafruit nRF52840 feather express and uses the Raytac MDBT50Q-1MV2 module. Schematic, datasheet, pin mapping etc. can be found over [here](https://tinkeringtech.com/scoutmakes-azul). features: - ARM Cortex M4F (with HW floating point acceleration) running at 64MHz - Raytac MDBT50Q-1MV2 BLE module. FCC / IC / TELEC certified module - 1MB flash and 256KB SRAM - Native Open Source USB stack – pre-programmed with UF2 bootloader and CircuitPython - 128×32 OLED display - USB type-C - On/off power switch - Bluetooth Low Energy compatible 2.4GHz radio (Details available in the nRF52840 product specification) - BT5.1 & BT5 Bluetooth Specification Certified - Supports BT5 Long Range Feature - 1.7v to 3.3v operation with internal linear and DC/DC voltage regulators - 21 GPIO, 6 x 12-bit ADC pins, up to 12 PWM outputs (3 PWM modules with 4 outputs each) - Pin #3 red LED for general purpose blinking, - Programmable NeoPixel for colorful feedback - 4 mounting holes - Reset button - Works out of the box with Adafruit feather wings. - Open source design.