MBEDTLS Error Strings for MicroPython

This directory contains source code and tools to rework the Mbedtls error strings for
micropython to use less space. In short, instead of storing and printing something like
"SSL - Our own certificate(s) is/are too large to send in an SSL message" it prints
the name of the error #define, which would be "MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_CERTIFICATE_TOO_LARGE" in
this case, and only stores `SSL_CERTIFICATE_TOO_LARGE` in flash. The exact Mbedtls error
defines are used because they're easy to search for to find more detailed information.

Mbedtls defines a specific format for error value #defines and
includes a Perl script to gather all `MBEDTLS_ERR` defines from includes files together with
english error text. From that the Perl script generates `mbedtls_strerror()`. The files in this
directory modify this process to produce a more space efficient error lookup table with
shorter error strings.

The files are as follows:
- `generate_errors.diff` - diff for original mbedtls perl script
- `error.fmt` - modified code template for MicroPython
- `mp_mbedtls_errors.c` - source file with `mbedtls_strerror` this is built using the include
  files in `../mbedtls`
- `do-mp.sh` - shell script to produce `mp_mbedtls_errors.c`
- `tester.c` - simple C main to test `mp_mbedtls_errors.c` locally on a dev box
- `do-test.sh` - shell script to produce `mp_mbedtls_errors.c` and compile the `tester` app
- `do-esp32.sh` - shell script to produce `esp32_mbedtls_errors.c` -- see below

In order not to store multiple copies of `mbedtls_errors.c`
it is assumed that all ports use the same version of mbedtls with the same error #defines.
This is true as of MP v1.13, and ESP-IDF versions 3.3.2 and 4.0.1. If anything changes in the
future the `do-esp32.sh` script can be used to generate an esp32-specific version.

### How-to

- To build MicroPython all that is needed is to include the `mp_mbedtls_errors.c` into the build
  (the Makefiles do this automatically). Note that Perl is not needed for routine MicroPython
- When a new version of Mbedtls is pulled-in the `do-mp.sh` script should be run to
  re-generate `mp_mbedtls_errors.c`.
- The `tester` app should be run if changes to the string handling in `error.fmt` are made:
  it tests that there is not an off-by-one error in the string copying/appending, etc.
- To include `mbedtls_strerror` error strings define `MBEDTLS_ERROR_C` in the build.