# Change the following to True to get a much more comprehensive set of tests # to run, albeit, which take considerably longer. full_tests = False def test(fmt, *args): print('{:8s}'.format(fmt) + '>' + fmt.format(*args) + '<') test("{}-{}", 1, [4, 5]) test("{0}-{1}", 1, [4, 5]) test("{1}-{0}", 1, [4, 5]) test("{:x}", 1) test("{!r}", 2) test("{:x}", 0x10) test("{!r}", "foo") test("{!s}", "foo") test("{0!r:>10s} {0!s:>10s}", "foo") test("{:4b}", 10) test("{:4c}", 48) test("{:4d}", 123) test("{:4n}", 123) test("{:4o}", 123) test("{:4x}", 123) test("{:4X}", 123) test("{:4,d}", 12345678) test("{:#4b}", 10) test("{:#4o}", 123) test("{:#4x}", 123) test("{:#4X}", 123) test("{:#4d}", 0) test("{:#4b}", 0) test("{:#4o}", 0) test("{:#4x}", 0) test("{:#4X}", 0) test("{:<6s}", "ab") test("{:>6s}", "ab") test("{:^6s}", "ab") test("{: <6d}", 123) test("{: <6d}", -123) test("{:0<6d}", 123) test("{:0<6d}", -123) test("{:@<6d}", 123) test("{:@<6d}", -123) test("{:@< 6d}", 123) test("{:@< 6d}", -123) test("{:@<+6d}", 123) test("{:@<+6d}", -123) test("{:@<-6d}", 123) test("{:@<-6d}", -123) test("{:@>6d}", -123) test("{:@<6d}", -123) test("{:@=6d}", -123) test("{:06d}", -123) test("{:10.4e}", 123.456) test("{:10.4e}", -123.456) test("{:10.4f}", 123.456) test("{:10.4f}", -123.456) test("{:10.4g}", 123.456) test("{:10.4g}", -123.456) test("{:e}", 100) test("{:f}", 200) test("{:g}", 300) test("{:10.4E}", 123.456) test("{:10.4E}", -123.456) test("{:10.4F}", 123.456) test("{:10.4F}", -123.456) test("{:10.4G}", 123.456) test("{:10.4G}", -123.456) # The following fails right now #test("{:10.1}", 0.0) def test_fmt(conv, fill, alignment, sign, prefix, width, precision, type, arg): fmt = '{' if conv: fmt += '!' fmt += conv fmt += ':' if alignment: fmt += fill fmt += alignment fmt += sign fmt += prefix fmt += width if precision: fmt += '.' fmt += precision fmt += type fmt += '}' test(fmt, arg) if fill == '0' and alignment == '=': fmt = '{:' fmt += sign fmt += prefix fmt += width if precision: fmt += '.' fmt += precision fmt += type fmt += '}' test(fmt, arg) int_nums = (-1234, -123, -12, -1, 0, 1, 12, 123, 1234, True, False) int_nums2 = (-12, -1, 0, 1, 12, True, False) if full_tests: for type in ('', 'b', 'd', 'o', 'x', 'X'): for width in ('', '1', '3', '5', '7'): for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '=', '^'): for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'): for sign in ('', '+', '-', ' '): for prefix in ('', '#'): for num in int_nums: test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, prefix, width, '', type, num) if full_tests: for width in ('', '1', '2'): for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '^'): for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'): test_fmt('', fill, alignment, '', '', width, '', 'c', 48) if full_tests: for conv in ('', 'r', 's'): for width in ('', '1', '4', '10'): for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '^'): for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'): for str in ('', 'a', 'bcd', 'This is a test with a longer string'): test_fmt(conv, fill, alignment, '', '', width, '', 's', str) eg_nums = (0.0, -0.0, 0.1, 1.234, 12.3459, 1.23456789, 123456789.0, -0.0, -0.1, -1.234, -12.3459, 1e4, 1e-4, 1e5, 1e-5, 1e6, 1e-6, 1e10, 1e37, -1e37, 1e-37, -1e-37, 1.23456e8, 1.23456e7, 1.23456e6, 1.23456e5, 1.23456e4, 1.23456e3, 1.23456e2, 1.23456e1, 1.23456e0, 1.23456e-1, 1.23456e-2, 1.23456e-3, 1.23456e-4, 1.23456e-5, 1.23456e-6, 1.23456e-7, 1.23456e-8, -1.23456e8, -1.23456e7, -1.23456e6, -1.23456e5, -1.23456e4, -1.23456e3, -1.23456e2, -1.23456e1, -1.23456e0, -1.23456e-1, -1.23456e-2, -1.23456e-3, -1.23456e-4, -1.23456e-5, -1.23456e-6, -1.23456e-7, -1.23456e-8) if full_tests: for type in ('e', 'E', 'g', 'G', 'n'): for width in ('', '4', '6', '8', '10'): for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '=', '^'): for fill in ('', '@', '0', ' '): for sign in ('', '+', '-', ' '): for prec in ('', '1', '3', '6'): for num in eg_nums: test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, '', width, prec, type, num) # Note: We use 1.23459 rather than 1.2345 because '{:3f}'.format(1.2345) # rounds differently than print("%.3f", 1.2345); f_nums = (0.0, -0.0, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10.0, 0.0012, 0.0123, 0.1234, 1.23459, 12.3456, -0.0001, -0.001, -0.01, -0.1, -1.0, -10.0, -0.0012, -0.0123, -0.1234, -1.23459, -12.3456) if full_tests: for type in ('f', 'F'): for width in ('', '4', '6', '8', '10'): for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '=', '^'): for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'): for sign in ('', '+', '-', ' '): # An empty precision defaults to 6, but when uPy is # configured to use a float, we can only use a # precision of 6 with numbers less than 10 and still # get results that compare to CPython (which uses # long doubles). for prec in ('1', '2', '3'): for num in f_nums: test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, '', width, prec, type, num) for num in int_nums2: test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, '', width, '', type, num) pct_nums1 = (0.1, 0.58, 0.99, -0.1, -0.58, -0.99) pct_nums2 = (True, False, 1, 0, -1) if full_tests: type = '%' for width in ('', '4', '6', '8', '10'): for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '=', '^'): for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'): for sign in ('', '+', '-', ' '): # An empty precision defaults to 6, but when uPy is # configured to use a float, we can only use a # precision of 6 with numbers less than 10 and still # get results that compare to CPython (which uses # long doubles). for prec in ('1', '2', '3'): for num in pct_nums1: test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, '', width, prec, type, num) for num in pct_nums2: test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, '', width, '', type, num) # We don't currently test a type of '' with floats (see the detailed comment # in objstr.c) # TODO Add tests for erroneous format strings.