/* * This file is part of the Micro Python project, http://micropython.org/ * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Damien P. George * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef __MICROPY_INCLUDED_PY_LEXER_H__ #define __MICROPY_INCLUDED_PY_LEXER_H__ #include <stdint.h> #include "py/mpconfig.h" #include "py/qstr.h" #include "py/reader.h" /* lexer.h -- simple tokeniser for Micro Python * * Uses (byte) length instead of null termination. * Tokens are the same - UTF-8 with (byte) length. */ typedef enum _mp_token_kind_t { MP_TOKEN_END, // 0 MP_TOKEN_INVALID, MP_TOKEN_DEDENT_MISMATCH, MP_TOKEN_LONELY_STRING_OPEN, MP_TOKEN_BAD_LINE_CONTINUATION, MP_TOKEN_NEWLINE, // 5 MP_TOKEN_INDENT, // 6 MP_TOKEN_DEDENT, // 7 MP_TOKEN_NAME, // 8 MP_TOKEN_INTEGER, MP_TOKEN_FLOAT_OR_IMAG, MP_TOKEN_STRING, MP_TOKEN_BYTES, MP_TOKEN_ELLIPSIS, MP_TOKEN_KW_FALSE, // 14 MP_TOKEN_KW_NONE, MP_TOKEN_KW_TRUE, MP_TOKEN_KW_AND, MP_TOKEN_KW_AS, MP_TOKEN_KW_ASSERT, #if MICROPY_PY_ASYNC_AWAIT MP_TOKEN_KW_ASYNC, MP_TOKEN_KW_AWAIT, #endif MP_TOKEN_KW_BREAK, MP_TOKEN_KW_CLASS, MP_TOKEN_KW_CONTINUE, MP_TOKEN_KW_DEF, // 23 MP_TOKEN_KW_DEL, MP_TOKEN_KW_ELIF, MP_TOKEN_KW_ELSE, MP_TOKEN_KW_EXCEPT, MP_TOKEN_KW_FINALLY, MP_TOKEN_KW_FOR, MP_TOKEN_KW_FROM, MP_TOKEN_KW_GLOBAL, MP_TOKEN_KW_IF, MP_TOKEN_KW_IMPORT, // 33 MP_TOKEN_KW_IN, MP_TOKEN_KW_IS, MP_TOKEN_KW_LAMBDA, MP_TOKEN_KW_NONLOCAL, MP_TOKEN_KW_NOT, MP_TOKEN_KW_OR, MP_TOKEN_KW_PASS, MP_TOKEN_KW_RAISE, MP_TOKEN_KW_RETURN, MP_TOKEN_KW_TRY, // 43 MP_TOKEN_KW_WHILE, MP_TOKEN_KW_WITH, MP_TOKEN_KW_YIELD, MP_TOKEN_OP_PLUS, // 47 MP_TOKEN_OP_MINUS, MP_TOKEN_OP_STAR, MP_TOKEN_OP_DBL_STAR, MP_TOKEN_OP_SLASH, MP_TOKEN_OP_DBL_SLASH, MP_TOKEN_OP_PERCENT, MP_TOKEN_OP_LESS, MP_TOKEN_OP_DBL_LESS, MP_TOKEN_OP_MORE, MP_TOKEN_OP_DBL_MORE, // 57 MP_TOKEN_OP_AMPERSAND, MP_TOKEN_OP_PIPE, MP_TOKEN_OP_CARET, MP_TOKEN_OP_TILDE, MP_TOKEN_OP_LESS_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_OP_MORE_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_OP_DBL_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_OP_NOT_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_PAREN_OPEN, // 66 MP_TOKEN_DEL_PAREN_CLOSE, MP_TOKEN_DEL_BRACKET_OPEN, MP_TOKEN_DEL_BRACKET_CLOSE, MP_TOKEN_DEL_BRACE_OPEN, MP_TOKEN_DEL_BRACE_CLOSE, MP_TOKEN_DEL_COMMA, MP_TOKEN_DEL_COLON, MP_TOKEN_DEL_PERIOD, MP_TOKEN_DEL_SEMICOLON, MP_TOKEN_DEL_AT, // 76 MP_TOKEN_DEL_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_PLUS_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_MINUS_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_STAR_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_SLASH_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_DBL_SLASH_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_PERCENT_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_AMPERSAND_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_PIPE_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_CARET_EQUAL, // 86 MP_TOKEN_DEL_DBL_MORE_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_DBL_LESS_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_DBL_STAR_EQUAL, MP_TOKEN_DEL_MINUS_MORE, } mp_token_kind_t; // this data structure is exposed for efficiency // public members are: source_name, tok_line, tok_column, tok_kind, vstr typedef struct _mp_lexer_t { qstr source_name; // name of source mp_reader_t reader; // stream source unichar chr0, chr1, chr2; // current cached characters from source mp_uint_t line; // current source line mp_uint_t column; // current source column mp_int_t emit_dent; // non-zero when there are INDENT/DEDENT tokens to emit mp_int_t nested_bracket_level; // >0 when there are nested brackets over multiple lines mp_uint_t alloc_indent_level; mp_uint_t num_indent_level; uint16_t *indent_level; mp_uint_t tok_line; // token source line mp_uint_t tok_column; // token source column mp_token_kind_t tok_kind; // token kind vstr_t vstr; // token data } mp_lexer_t; mp_lexer_t *mp_lexer_new(qstr src_name, mp_reader_t reader); mp_lexer_t *mp_lexer_new_from_str_len(qstr src_name, const char *str, mp_uint_t len, mp_uint_t free_len); void mp_lexer_free(mp_lexer_t *lex); void mp_lexer_to_next(mp_lexer_t *lex); void mp_lexer_show_token(const mp_lexer_t *lex); /******************************************************************/ // platform specific import function; must be implemented for a specific port // TODO tidy up, rename, or put elsewhere //mp_lexer_t *mp_import_open_file(qstr mod_name); typedef enum { MP_IMPORT_STAT_NO_EXIST, MP_IMPORT_STAT_DIR, MP_IMPORT_STAT_FILE, } mp_import_stat_t; mp_import_stat_t mp_import_stat(const char *path); mp_lexer_t *mp_lexer_new_from_file(const char *filename); #if MICROPY_HELPER_LEXER_UNIX mp_lexer_t *mp_lexer_new_from_fd(qstr filename, int fd, bool close_fd); #endif #endif // __MICROPY_INCLUDED_PY_LEXER_H__