# upip - Package manager for MicroPython # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Paul Sokolovsky # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 MicroPython & CircuitPython contributors (https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/graphs/contributors) # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import sys import gc import uos as os import uerrno as errno import ujson as json import uzlib import upip_utarfile as tarfile gc.collect() debug = False index_urls = ["https://micropython.org/pi", "https://pypi.org/pypi"] install_path = None cleanup_files = [] gzdict_sz = 16 + 15 file_buf = bytearray(512) class NotFoundError(Exception): pass def op_split(path): if path == "": return ("", "") r = path.rsplit("/", 1) if len(r) == 1: return ("", path) head = r[0] if not head: head = "/" return (head, r[1]) # Expects *file* name def _makedirs(name, mode=0o777): ret = False s = "" comps = name.rstrip("/").split("/")[:-1] if comps[0] == "": s = "/" for c in comps: if s and s[-1] != "/": s += "/" s += c try: os.mkdir(s) ret = True except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST and e.errno != errno.EISDIR: raise e ret = False return ret def save_file(fname, subf): global file_buf with open(fname, "wb") as outf: while True: sz = subf.readinto(file_buf) if not sz: break outf.write(file_buf, sz) def install_tar(f, prefix): meta = {} for info in f: # print(info) fname = info.name try: fname = fname[fname.index("/") + 1 :] except ValueError: fname = "" save = True for p in ("setup.", "PKG-INFO", "README"): # print(fname, p) if fname.startswith(p) or ".egg-info" in fname: if fname.endswith("/requires.txt"): meta["deps"] = f.extractfile(info).read() save = False if debug: print("Skipping", fname) break if save: outfname = prefix + fname if info.type != tarfile.DIRTYPE: if debug: print("Extracting " + outfname) _makedirs(outfname) subf = f.extractfile(info) save_file(outfname, subf) return meta def expandhome(s): if "~/" in s: h = os.getenv("HOME") s = s.replace("~/", h + "/") return s import ussl import usocket warn_ussl = True def url_open(url): global warn_ussl if debug: print(url) proto, _, host, urlpath = url.split("/", 3) try: port = 443 if ":" in host: host, port = host.split(":") port = int(port) ai = usocket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, usocket.SOCK_STREAM) except OSError as e: fatal("Unable to resolve %s (no Internet?)" % host, e) # print("Address infos:", ai) ai = ai[0] s = usocket.socket(ai[0], ai[1], ai[2]) try: # print("Connect address:", addr) s.connect(ai[-1]) if proto == "https:": s = ussl.wrap_socket(s, server_hostname=host) if warn_ussl: print("Warning: %s SSL certificate is not validated" % host) warn_ussl = False # MicroPython rawsocket module supports file interface directly s.write("GET /%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s:%s\r\n\r\n" % (urlpath, host, port)) l = s.readline() protover, status, msg = l.split(None, 2) if status != b"200": if status == b"404" or status == b"301": raise NotFoundError("Package not found") raise ValueError(status) while 1: l = s.readline() if not l: raise ValueError("Unexpected EOF in HTTP headers") if l == b"\r\n": break except Exception as e: s.close() raise e return s def get_pkg_metadata(name): for url in index_urls: try: f = url_open("%s/%s/json" % (url, name)) except NotFoundError: continue try: return json.load(f) finally: f.close() raise NotFoundError("Package not found") def fatal(msg, exc=None): print("Error:", msg) if exc and debug: raise exc sys.exit(1) def install_pkg(pkg_spec, install_path): package = pkg_spec.split("==") data = get_pkg_metadata(package[0]) if len(package) == 1: latest_ver = data["info"]["version"] else: latest_ver = package[1] packages = data["releases"][latest_ver] del data gc.collect() assert len(packages) == 1 package_url = packages[0]["url"] print("Installing %s %s from %s" % (pkg_spec, latest_ver, package_url)) f1 = url_open(package_url) try: f2 = uzlib.DecompIO(f1, gzdict_sz) f3 = tarfile.TarFile(fileobj=f2) meta = install_tar(f3, install_path) finally: f1.close() del f3 del f2 gc.collect() return meta def install(to_install, install_path=None): # Calculate gzip dictionary size to use global gzdict_sz sz = gc.mem_free() + gc.mem_alloc() if sz <= 65536: gzdict_sz = 16 + 12 if install_path is None: install_path = get_install_path() if install_path[-1] != "/": install_path += "/" if not isinstance(to_install, list): to_install = [to_install] print("Installing to: " + install_path) # sets would be perfect here, but don't depend on them installed = [] try: while to_install: if debug: print("Queue:", to_install) pkg_spec = to_install.pop(0) if pkg_spec in installed: continue meta = install_pkg(pkg_spec, install_path) installed.append(pkg_spec) if debug: print(meta) deps = meta.get("deps", "").rstrip() if deps: deps = deps.decode("utf-8").split("\n") to_install.extend(deps) except Exception as e: print( "Error installing '{}': {}, packages may be partially installed".format(pkg_spec, e), file=sys.stderr, ) def get_install_path(): global install_path if install_path is None: # sys.path[0] is current module's path install_path = sys.path[1] if install_path == ".frozen": install_path = sys.path[2] install_path = expandhome(install_path) return install_path def cleanup(): for fname in cleanup_files: try: os.unlink(fname) except OSError: print("Warning: Cannot delete " + fname) def help(): print( """\ upip - Simple PyPI package manager for MicroPython Usage: micropython -m upip install [-p ] ... | -r import upip; upip.install(package_or_list, []) If isn't given, packages will be installed to sys.path[1], or sys.path[2] if the former is .frozen (path can be set from MICROPYPATH environment variable if supported).""" ) print("Default install path:", get_install_path()) print( """\ Note: only MicroPython packages (usually, named micropython-*) are supported for installation, upip does not support arbitrary code in setup.py. """ ) def main(): global debug global index_urls global install_path install_path = None if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] == "-h" or sys.argv[1] == "--help": help() return if sys.argv[1] != "install": fatal("Only 'install' command supported") to_install = [] i = 2 while i < len(sys.argv) and sys.argv[i][0] == "-": opt = sys.argv[i] i += 1 if opt == "-h" or opt == "--help": help() return elif opt == "-p": install_path = sys.argv[i] i += 1 elif opt == "-r": list_file = sys.argv[i] i += 1 with open(list_file) as f: while True: l = f.readline() if not l: break if l[0] == "#": continue to_install.append(l.rstrip()) elif opt == "-i": index_urls = [sys.argv[i]] i += 1 elif opt == "--debug": debug = True else: fatal("Unknown/unsupported option: " + opt) to_install.extend(sys.argv[i:]) if not to_install: help() return install(to_install) if not debug: cleanup() if __name__ == "__main__": main()