""" network server test for the CC3200 based boards. """ import os import network mch = os.uname().machine if not "LaunchPad" in mch and not "WiPy" in mch: raise Exception("Board not supported!") server = network.Server() print(server.timeout() == 300) print(server.isrunning() == True) server.deinit() print(server.isrunning() == False) server.init(login=("test-user", "test-password"), timeout=60) print(server.isrunning() == True) print(server.timeout() == 60) server.deinit() print(server.isrunning() == False) server.init() print(server.isrunning() == True) try: server.init(1) except: print("Exception") try: server.init(0, login=("0000000000011111111111222222222222333333", "abc")) except: print("Exception") try: server.timeout(1) except: print("Exception")