# test that we can generate a traceback without allocating import micropython import sys try: import uio except ImportError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit # preallocate exception instance with some room for a traceback global_exc = StopIteration() try: raise global_exc except: pass def test(): micropython.heap_lock() global global_exc global_exc.__traceback__ = None try: raise global_exc except StopIteration: print('StopIteration') micropython.heap_unlock() # call test() with heap allocation disabled test() # print the exception that was raised buf = uio.StringIO() sys.print_exception(global_exc, buf) for l in buf.getvalue().split("\n"): # uPy on pyboard prints <stdin> as file, so remove filename. if l.startswith(" File "): l = l.split('"') print(l[0], l[2]) else: print(l)