:mod:`pyb` --- functions related to the pyboard =============================================== .. module:: pyb :synopsis: functions related to the pyboard The ``pyb`` module contains specific functions related to the pyboard. Time related functions ---------------------- .. function:: delay(ms) Delay for the given number of milliseconds. .. function:: udelay(us) Delay for the given number of microseconds. .. function:: millis() Returns the number of milliseconds since the board was last reset. The result is always a micropython smallint (31-bit signed number), so after 2^30 milliseconds (about 12.4 days) this will start to return negative numbers. .. function:: micros() Returns the number of microseconds since the board was last reset. The result is always a micropython smallint (31-bit signed number), so after 2^30 microseconds (about 17.8 minutes) this will start to return negative numbers. .. function:: elapsed_millis(start) Returns the number of milliseconds which have elapsed since ``start``. This function takes care of counter wrap, and always returns a positive number. This means it can be used to measure periods upto about 12.4 days. Example:: start = pyb.millis() while pyb.elapsed_millis(start) < 1000: # Perform some operation .. function:: elapsed_micros(start) Returns the number of microseconds which have elapsed since ``start``. This function takes care of counter wrap, and always returns a positive number. This means it can be used to measure periods upto about 17.8 minutes. Example:: start = pyb.micros() while pyb.elapsed_micros(start) < 1000: # Perform some operation pass Reset related functions ----------------------- .. function:: hard_reset() Resets the pyboard in a manner similar to pushing the external RESET button. .. function:: bootloader() Activate the bootloader without BOOT\* pins. Interrupt related functions --------------------------- .. function:: disable_irq() Disable interrupt requests. Returns the previous IRQ state: ``False``/``True`` for disabled/enabled IRQs respectively. This return value can be passed to enable_irq to restore the IRQ to its original state. .. function:: enable_irq(state=True) Enable interrupt requests. If ``state`` is ``True`` (the default value) then IRQs are enabled. If ``state`` is ``False`` then IRQs are disabled. The most common use of this function is to pass it the value returned by ``disable_irq`` to exit a critical section. Power related functions ----------------------- .. function:: freq([sys_freq]) If given no arguments, returns a tuple of clock frequencies: (SYSCLK, HCLK, PCLK1, PCLK2). If given an argument, sets the system frequency to that value in Hz. Eg freq(120000000) gives 120MHz. Note that not all values are supported and the largest supported frequency not greater than the given sys_freq will be selected. .. function:: wfi() Wait for an interrupt. This executies a ``wfi`` instruction which reduces power consumption of the MCU until an interrupt occurs, at which point execution continues. .. function:: standby() .. function:: stop() Miscellaneous functions ----------------------- .. function:: have_cdc() Return True if USB is connected as a serial device, False otherwise. .. function:: hid((buttons, x, y, z)) Takes a 4-tuple (or list) and sends it to the USB host (the PC) to signal a HID mouse-motion event. .. function:: info([dump_alloc_table]) Print out lots of information about the board. .. function:: repl_uart(uart) Get or set the UART object that the REPL is repeated on. .. function:: rng() Return a 30-bit hardware generated random number. .. function:: sync() Sync all file systems. .. function:: unique_id() Returns a string of 12 bytes (96 bits), which is the unique ID for the MCU. Classes ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 pyb.Accel.rst pyb.ADC.rst pyb.CAN.rst pyb.DAC.rst pyb.ExtInt.rst pyb.I2C.rst pyb.LCD.rst pyb.LED.rst pyb.Pin.rst pyb.RTC.rst pyb.Servo.rst pyb.SPI.rst pyb.Switch.rst pyb.Timer.rst pyb.UART.rst pyb.USB_VCP.rst