#! /usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 microDev # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # GraphQL Query QUERY_COMMITS = """ query ($owner: String!, $name: String!, $pullNumber: Int!, $commitsPerPage: Int!, $beforeCommit: String) { repository(owner: $owner, name: $name) { pullRequest(number: $pullNumber) { commits(last: $commitsPerPage, before: $beforeCommit) { totalCount pageInfo { startCursor hasPreviousPage } nodes { commit { checkSuites(first: 100) { nodes { conclusion workflowRun { workflow { name } } id } totalCount } oid } } } } } } """ QUERY_CHECK_RUNS = """ query ($checkSuiteID: ID!, $afterFailedRun: String, $afterIncompleteRun: String, $includeFailedRuns: Boolean!, $includeIncompleteRuns: Boolean!) { node(id: $checkSuiteID) { ... on CheckSuite { failedRuns: checkRuns( first: 100 after: $afterFailedRun filterBy: {checkType: LATEST, conclusions: [ACTION_REQUIRED, TIMED_OUT, CANCELLED, FAILURE, NEUTRAL, STARTUP_FAILURE]} ) @include(if: $includeFailedRuns) { nodes { name } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } incompleteRuns: checkRuns( first: 100 after: $afterIncompleteRun filterBy: {checkType: LATEST, statuses: [QUEUED, IN_PROGRESS, WAITING, PENDING, REQUESTED]} ) @include(if: $includeIncompleteRuns) { nodes { name } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } } } } """ import os import re import json import requests query_variables_commits = { "owner": "", "name": "", "pullNumber": int(os.environ["PULL"]), "commitsPerPage": 20, "beforeCommit": None, } query_variables_check_runs = { "checkSuiteID": "", "afterFailedRun": None, "afterIncompleteRun": None, "includeFailedRuns": True, "includeIncompleteRuns": True, } headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN']}"} class Query: def __init__(self, query, variables={}, headers={}): self.query = query self.variables = variables self.headers = headers def paginate(self, page_info, name): has_page = page_info["hasNextPage" if name.startswith("after") else "hasPreviousPage"] if has_page: self.variables[name] = page_info[ "endCursor" if name.startswith("after") else "startCursor" ] return has_page def fetch(self): request = requests.post( "https://api.github.com/graphql", json={"query": self.query, "variables": self.variables}, headers=self.headers, ) if request.status_code == 200: return request.json() else: print(request.json()) raise Exception("Query Failed: {}".format(request.status_code)) def set_output(name, value): if "GITHUB_OUTPUT" in os.environ: with open(os.environ["GITHUB_OUTPUT"], "at") as f: print(f"{name}={value}", file=f) else: print(f"Would set GitHub actions output {name} to '{value}'") def get_commit_depth_and_check_suite(query_commits): commit_depth = 0 while True: commits = query_commits.fetch()["data"]["repository"]["pullRequest"]["commits"] if commits["totalCount"] > 0: nodes = commits["nodes"] nodes.reverse() if nodes[0]["commit"]["oid"] == os.environ["EXCLUDE_COMMIT"]: nodes.pop(0) for commit in nodes: commit_depth += 1 commit = commit["commit"] commit_sha = commit["oid"] check_suites = commit["checkSuites"] if check_suites["totalCount"] > 0: for check_suite in check_suites["nodes"]: if check_suite["workflowRun"]["workflow"]["name"] == "Build CI": return [ {"sha": commit_sha, "depth": commit_depth}, check_suite["id"] if check_suite["conclusion"] != "SUCCESS" else None, ] if not query_commits.paginate(commits["pageInfo"], "beforeCommit"): return [None, None] def get_bad_check_runs(query_check_runs): more_pages = True bad_runs_by_matrix = {} run_types = ["failed", "incomplete"] regex_matrix = re.compile(r"^\S+ \/ (build|run) \(\S+\)$") while more_pages: check_runs = query_check_runs.fetch()["data"]["node"] more_pages = False for run_type in run_types: run_type_camel = run_type.capitalize() + "Run" run_type = run_type + "Runs" for check_run in check_runs[run_type]["nodes"]: name = check_run["name"] res_matrix = regex_matrix.search(name) if res_matrix: matrix = name.split(" /", 1)[0] matrix_job = name.split(" (", 1)[1][:-1] bad_runs_by_matrix.setdefault(matrix, []).append(matrix_job) elif name != "scheduler": bad_runs_by_matrix[name] = True else: return {} if query_check_runs.paginate( check_runs[run_type]["pageInfo"], "after" + run_type_camel ): query_check_runs.variables["include" + run_type_camel] = True more_pages = True return bad_runs_by_matrix def set_commit(commit): set_output("commit_sha", commit["sha"]) set_output("commit_depth", commit["depth"]) def main(): query_commits = Query(QUERY_COMMITS, query_variables_commits, headers) query_commits.variables["owner"], query_commits.variables["name"] = os.environ["REPO"].split( "/" ) commit, check_suite = get_commit_depth_and_check_suite(query_commits) if not check_suite: if commit: set_commit(commit) else: print("Abort: No check suite found") quit() query_check_runs = Query(QUERY_CHECK_RUNS, query_variables_check_runs, headers) query_check_runs.variables["checkSuiteID"] = check_suite check_runs = get_bad_check_runs(query_check_runs) if not check_runs: print("Abort: No check runs found") quit() set_commit(commit) set_output("check_runs", json.dumps(check_runs)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()