# Test builtin execfile function using VFS. try: import io, os execfile io.IOBase os.mount except (ImportError, NameError, AttributeError): print("SKIP") raise SystemExit class File(io.IOBase): def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.off = 0 def ioctl(self, request, arg): return 0 def readinto(self, buf): buf[:] = memoryview(self.data)[self.off : self.off + len(buf)] self.off += len(buf) return len(buf) class Filesystem: def __init__(self, files): self.files = files def mount(self, readonly, mkfs): print("mount", readonly, mkfs) def umount(self): print("umount") def open(self, file, mode): print("open", file, mode) if file not in self.files: raise OSError(2) # ENOENT return File(self.files[file]) # First umount any existing mount points the target may have. try: import io, os os.umount("/") except OSError: pass for path in os.listdir("/"): os.umount("/" + path) # Create and mount the VFS object. files = { "/test.py": "print(123)", } fs = Filesystem(files) os.mount(fs, "/test_mnt") # Test execfile with a file that doesn't exist. try: import io, os execfile("/test_mnt/noexist.py") except OSError: print("OSError") # Test execfile with a file that does exist. execfile("/test_mnt/test.py") # Unmount the VFS object. os.umount(fs)