# Test ilistdir filter of . and .. for VfsPosix. try: import os os.VfsPosix except (ImportError, AttributeError): print("SKIP") raise SystemExit def test(testdir): vfs = os.VfsPosix(testdir) dirs = [".a", "..a", "...a", "a.b", "a..b"] for dir in dirs: vfs.mkdir(dir) dirs = [] for entry in vfs.ilistdir("/"): dirs.append(entry[0]) dirs.sort() print(dirs) # We need an empty directory for testing. # Skip the test if it already exists. temp_dir = "vfs_posix_ilistdir_filter_test_dir" try: os.stat(temp_dir) print("SKIP") raise SystemExit except OSError: pass os.mkdir(temp_dir) try: test(temp_dir) finally: # Remove tempdir. for td in os.listdir(temp_dir): os.rmdir("/".join((temp_dir, td))) os.rmdir(temp_dir)