# Test uctypes array, load and store, with array size > 1 try: import uctypes except ImportError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit N = 5 for endian in ("NATIVE", "LITTLE_ENDIAN", "BIG_ENDIAN"): for type_ in ("INT8", "UINT8", "INT16", "UINT16", "INT32", "UINT32", "INT64", "UINT64"): desc = {"arr": (uctypes.ARRAY | 0, getattr(uctypes, type_) | N)} sz = uctypes.sizeof(desc) data = bytearray(sz) s = uctypes.struct(uctypes.addressof(data), desc, getattr(uctypes, endian)) for i in range(N): try: s.arr[i] = i - 2 except OverflowError: print("OverflowError") print(endian, type_, sz, *(s.arr[i] for i in range(N)))