.. and write a general 'pin change interrupt' facility to power it
This uses the same quadrature state machine as atmel-samd, nrf, and
rp2040. The 1011 doesn't have a dedicated encoder peripheral, so we
go the pin-change + software route.
tested on metro m7 (green prototype version) with max98357a i2s amplifier and the following test code:
import board
import time
import digitalio
from audiobusio import I2SOut
from audiocore import RawSample
from microcontroller import pin
from ulab import numpy as np
n = np.array(np.sin(np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, 218, endpoint=False)) * 200, dtype=np.int16)
r = RawSample(n, sample_rate=8000, channel_count=2)
def main():
with digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.LED) as l:
value = False
while True:
with I2SOut(pin.GPIO_06, pin.GPIO_07, pin.GPIO_04) as i:
l.value = value = not value
i.play(r, loop=True)
i.play(r, loop=True)
print("PLAY AGAIN")
Only stereo, 16-bit, raw samples were tested; the sample rate is actually fixed
at 48kHz in the core right now. There is more to do, but the basics work.
# Conflicts:
# ports/mimxrt10xx/Makefile
# ports/mimxrt10xx/mpconfigport.mk
* Enable dcache for OCRAM where the VM heap lives.
* Add CIRCUITPY_SWO_TRACE for pushing program counters out over the
SWO pin via the ITM module in the CPU. Exempt some functions from
instrumentation to reduce traffic and allow inlining.
* Place more functions in ITCM to handle errors using code in RAM-only
and speed up CP.
* Use SET and CLEAR registers for digitalio. The SDK does read, mask
and write.
* Switch to 2MiB reserved for CircuitPython code. Up from 1MiB.
* Run USB interrupts during flash erase and write.
* Allow storage writes from CP if the USB drive is disabled.
* Get perf bench tests running on CircuitPython and increase timeouts
so it works when instrumentation is active.
This helps my development scripts work better, and probably also fixes
a problem switching from the circuitpython environment back to arduino.
(specifically, the "1200 baud" serial trick was not rebooting into
the bootloader but was just resetting)
This allows you to list and explore connected USB devices. It
only stubs out the methods to communicate to endpoints. That will
come in a follow up once TinyUSB has it. (It's in progress.)
Related to #5986
This also removes the need to pin share because we don't use the
status LED while user code is running.
The status flashes fallback to the HW_STATUS LED if no RGB LED is
present. Each status has a unique blink pattern as well.
One caveat is the REPL state. In order to not pin share, we set the
RGB color once. PWM and single color will be shutoff immediately but
DotStars and NeoPixels will hold the color until the user overrides
Introduces a way to place CircuitPython code and data into
tightly coupled memory (TCM) which is accessible by the CPU in a
single cycle. It also frees up room in the corresponding cache for
intermittent data. Loading from external flash is slow!
The data cache is also now enabled.
Adds support for the iMX RT 1021 chip. Adds three new boards:
* iMX RT 1020 EVK
* iMX RT 1060 EVK
* Teensy 4.0
Related to #2492, #2472 and #2477. Fixes#2475.