Allows to create socket objects that support TCP and UDP in server and
client mode. Interface is very close to standard Python socket class,
except bind and accept do not work the same (due to hardware not
supporting them in the usual way).
Not compiled by default. To compile this module, use:
Top-level lib directory is for standard C libraries that we want to
provide our own versions of (for efficiency and stand-alone reasons).
It currently has libm in it for math functions.
Also add atanf and atan2f, which addresses issue #837.
SysTick IRQ now increases millisecond counter directly (ie without
calling HAL_IncTick). Provide our own version of HAL_Delay that does a
wfi while waiting. This more than halves power consumption when running
a loop containing a pyb.delay call. It used to be like this, but new
version of HAL library regressed this feature.
I also removed trailing spaces from modpyb.c which affected a couple
of lines technically not part of this patch.
Tested using:
which eventually fails due to wraparound issues (I could fix the test to compensate
but didn't bother)
These functions are generally 1 machine instruction, and are used in
critical code, so makes sense to have them inline.
Also leave these functions uninverted (ie 0 means enable, 1 means
disable) and provide macro constants if you really need to distinguish
the states. This makes for smaller code as well (combined with
Applied to teensy port as well.
Because (for Thumb) a function pointer has the LSB set, pointers to
dynamic functions in RAM (eg native, viper or asm functions) were not
being traced by the GC. This patch is a comprehensive fix for this.
Addresses issue #820.
It's still "safe" because no scripts are run. Remove the SD card if you
want to access the internal flash filesystem. Addresses issue #616.
Also: remove obsolete pyb.source_dir setting, and reset pyb.main and
pyb.usb_mode settings on soft-reset.
Converts generted pins to use qstrs instead of string pointers.
This patch also adds the following functions:
dir(pyb.Pin.board) and dir(pyb.Pin.cpu) also produce useful results.
pyb.Pin now takes kw args.
pyb.Pin.__str__ now prints more useful information about the pin
I found the following functions in my to be useful:
def pins():
for pin_name in dir(pyb.Pin.board):
pin = pyb.Pin(pin_name)
print('{:10s} {:s}'.format(pin_name, str(pin)))
def af():
for pin_name in dir(pyb.Pin.board):
pin = pyb.Pin(pin_name)
print('{:10s} {:s}'.format(pin_name, str(pin.af_list())))