Changes in this new library version are:
- Add L1 HAL at v1.10.3.
- H7_HAL/rcc_ex: Add SPI45 to HAL_RCCEx_GetPeriphCLKFreq.
- L4_HAL/gpio_ex: Add #define for GPIO_AF14_TIM2 on L4P5/L4Q5.
- F4_HAL/i2c: Fix I2C frequency calculation macros.
- L1_HAL/utils: Fix compile error when USE_HAL_DRIVER is defined.
There don't seem to be many changes going from v2.1.2 to v2.1.3 of lwIP.
Mostly they are:
- IPv6 fixes and improvements
- changes to apps and other code that MicroPython doesn't use
- comments and tests
- minor bug fixes
In particular there doesn't look to be any change to the API of any
function used by MicroPython.
Network multi tests pass on PYBD_SF2 and PYBD_SF6. PYBD_SF2, PYBD_SF6 and
PICO_W have unchanged iperf3 performance. Similar results for networking
on the mimxrt port.
Signed-off-by: Damien George <>
Several boards now depend on libraries from micropython-lib. Rather than
expecting micropython-lib to be available as a sibling of the micropython
repo, instead make it a submodule.
Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <>
Changes in this new library version are:
- Update L4 HAL to v1.17.0.
- Add G4 HAL at v1.3.0.
- Add WL HAL at v1.1.0.
- Fix F4 UART and DMA data loss with RX hardware flow control.
- Optimise USB to pass config struct by reference.
- Fix bug in F4 MMC HAL_MMC_Erase function.
- Fix bug setting MMC relative address in F4 and F7 HAL.
Signed-off-by: Damien George <>
We're using the MicroPython fork of NimBLE, which on the
`micropython_1_4_0` branch re-adds support for 64-bit targets and fixes
initialisation of g_msys_pool_list.
Also updates modbluetooth_nimble.c to suit v1.4.
Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <>
This commit moves all first-party code developed for this project from lib/
to shared/, so that lib/ now only contains third-party code.
The following directories are moved as-is from lib to shared:
lib/libc -> shared/libc
lib/memzip -> shared/memzip
lib/netutils -> shared/netutils
lib/timeutils -> shared/timeutils
lib/upytesthelper -> shared/upytesthelper
All files in lib/embed/ have been moved to shared/libc/.
lib/mp-readline has been moved to shared/readline.
lib/utils has been moved to shared/runtime, with the exception of
lib/utils/printf.c which has been moved to shared/libc/printf.c.
Signed-off-by: Damien George <>
Changes are:
- update axTLS from 2.1.3 to 2.1.5
- os_port.h is now provided by the user of the library
- PLATFORM_RNG_U8 can be defined for get_random
- fix -fsanitize=undefined diagnostics
Signed-off-by: Damien George <>
To reduce the number of calls to mp_hal_stdout_tx_strn and improve the
overall throughput of printing data. This implementation is taken from
Signed-off-by: Damien George <>
This commit makes gc_lock_depth have one counter per thread, instead of one
global counter. This makes threads properly independent with respect to
the GC, in particular threads can now independently lock the GC for
themselves without locking it for other threads. It also means a given
thread can run a hard IRQ without temporarily locking the GC for all other
threads and potentially making them have MemoryError exceptions at random
locations (this really only occurs on MCUs with multiple cores and no GIL,
eg on the rp2 port).
The commit also removes protection of the GC lock/unlock functions, which
is no longer needed when the counter is per thread (and this also fixes the
cas where a hard IRQ calling gc_lock() may stall waiting for the mutex).
It also puts the check for `gc_lock_depth > 0` outside the GC mutex in
gc_alloc, gc_realloc and gc_free, to potentially prevent a hard IRQ from
waiting on a mutex if it does attempt to allocate heap memory (and putting
the check outside the GC mutex is now safe now that there is a
gc_lock_depth per thread).
Signed-off-by: Damien George <>
From a version numbering point of view this is a downgrade (2.17.0 ->
2.16.x). However the latest commit for version 2.17.0 is from March 2019
and no further minor release happened after 2.17.0. This version is EOL.
2.16.x though is still actively maintained as a long term release, hence
security and stability fixes are still being backported, including
compatibility with upcoming compiler releases.
This was added a long time ago in 75abee206d1a575aa98a486d043c94d64df432c1
when USB host support was added to the stm (now stm32) port, and when this
pyexec code was actually part of the stm port. It's unlikely to work as
intended anymore. If it is needed in the future then generic hook macros
can be added in pyexec.
This library is a small and easy-to-use cryptographic library which is well
suited to embedded systems.
Signed-off-by: Damien George <>
Background: the friendly/normal REPL is intended for human use whereas the
raw REPL is for computer use/automation. Raw REPL is used for things like The normal REPL has built-in flow control
because it echos back the characters. That's not so with raw REPL and flow
control is just implemented by rate limiting the amount of data that goes
in. Currently it's fixed at 256 byte chunks every 10ms. This is sometimes
too fast for slow MCUs or systems with small stdin buffers. It's also too
slow for a lot of higher-end MCUs, ie it could be a lot faster.
This commit adds a new raw REPL mode which includes flow control: the
device will echo back a character after a certain number of bytes are sent
to the host, and the host can use this to regulate the data going out to
the device. The amount of characters is controlled by the device and sent
to the host before communication starts. This flow control allows getting
the maximum speed out of a serial link, regardless of the link or the
device at the other end.
Also, this new raw REPL mode parses and compiles the incoming data as it
comes in. It does this by creating a "stdin reader" object which is then
passed to the lexer. The lexer requests bytes from this "stdin reader"
which retrieves bytes from the host, and does flow control. What this
means is that no memory is used to store the script (in the existing raw
REPL mode the device needs a big buffer to read in the script before it can
pass it on to the lexer/parser/compiler). The only memory needed on the
device is enough to parse and compile.
Finally, it would be possible to extend this new raw REPL to allow bytecode
(.mpy files) to be sent as well as text mode scripts (but that's not done
in this commit).
Some results follow. The test was to send a large 33k script that contains
mostly comments and then prints out the heap, run via
On PYBD-SF6, prior to this PR:
$ ./
stack: 524 out of 23552
GC: total: 392192, used: 34464, free: 357728
No. of 1-blocks: 12, 2-blocks: 2, max blk sz: 2075, max free sz: 22345
GC memory layout; from 2001a3f0:
00000: h=hhhh=======================================hhBShShh==h=======h
00400: =====hh=B........h==h===========================================
00800: ================================================================
00c00: ================================================================
01000: ================================================================
01400: ================================================================
01800: ================================================================
01c00: ================================================================
02000: ================================================================
02400: ================================================================
02800: ================================================================
02c00: ================================================================
03000: ================================================================
03400: ================================================================
03800: ================================================================
03c00: ================================================================
04000: ================================================================
04400: ================================================================
04800: ================================================================
04c00: ================================================================
05000: ================================================================
05400: ================================================================
05800: ================================================================
05c00: ================================================================
06000: ================================================================
06400: ================================================================
06800: ================================================================
06c00: ================================================================
07000: ================================================================
07400: ================================================================
07800: ================================================================
07c00: ================================================================
08000: ================================================================
08400: ===============================================.....h==.........
(349 lines all free)
(the big blob of used memory is the large script).
Same but with this PR:
$ ./
stack: 524 out of 23552
GC: total: 392192, used: 1296, free: 390896
No. of 1-blocks: 12, 2-blocks: 3, max blk sz: 40, max free sz: 24420
GC memory layout; from 2001a3f0:
00000: h=hhhh=======================================hhBShShh==h=======h
00400: =====hh=h=B......h==.....h==....................................
(381 lines all free)
The only thing in RAM is the compiled script (and some other unrelated
Time to download before this PR: 1438ms, data rate: 230,799 bits/sec.
Time to download with this PR: 119ms, data rate: 2,788,991 bits/sec.
So it's more than 10 times faster, and uses significantly less RAM.
Results are similar on other boards. On an stm32 board that connects via
UART only at 115200 baud, the data rate goes from 80kbit/sec to
113kbit/sec, so gets close to saturating the UART link without loss of
The new raw REPL mode also supports a single ctrl-C to break out of this
flow-control mode, so that a ctrl-C can always get back to a known state.
It's also backwards compatible with the original raw REPL mode, which is
still supported with the same sequence of commands. The new raw REPL
mode is activated by ctrl-E, which gives an error on devices that do not
support the new mode.
Signed-off-by: Damien George <>