With docs and a multi-test using TCP server/client.
This method is a MicroPython extension, although there is discussion of
adding it to CPython: https://bugs.python.org/issue41305
Signed-off-by: Mike Teachman <mike.teachman@gmail.com>
This fixes error: cast to smaller integer type 'int' from 'pthread_t'.
pthread_t is defined as long, not as int.
Signed-off-by: Pavol Rusnak <pavol@rusnak.io>
The rtc_set_datetime() from pico-sdk will validate the values in the
datetime_t structure and refuse to set the time if they aren't valid. It
makes sense to raise an exception if this happens instead of failing
silently which might be confusing (as an example, see:
The supplied value for microseconds in datetime() will be treated as a
starting value for the reported microseconds. Due to internal processing
in setting the time, there is an offset about 1 ms.
This change moves the datetime tuple format back to the one used by all the
other ports:
(year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute, second, microsecond)
Weekday is a number between 0 and 6, with 0 assigned to Monday. It has to
be provided when setting the RTC with datetime(), but will be ignored on
entry and calculated when needed.
The weekday() method was removed, since that is now again a part of the
datetime tuple.
The now() method was updated so it continues to return a tuple that matches
CPython's datetime module.
Initial support for machine.RTC on rp2 port. It only supports datetime()
method and nothing else. The method gets/returns a tuple of 8 items, just
like esp32 port, for example, but the usec parameter is ignored as the RP2
RTC only works up to seconds precision.
The Pico RTC isn't very useful as the time is lost during reset and there
seems to be no way to easily power up just the RTC clock with a low current
voltage, but still there seems to be use-cases for that, see issues #6831,
and a Thonny issue #1592. It was also requested for inclusion on v1.15
roadmap on #6832.
Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Adamski <k@japko.eu>
Changes introduced are:
- the application offset is now loaded from the partition table instead of
being hard-coded to 0x10000
- maximum size of all sections is computed using the partition table
- an error is generated if any section overflows its allocated space
- remaining bytes are printed for each section
Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
`idf.py monitor` connects to the debug UART and shows the messages. In
contrast to a traditional terminal program, it also has the limited
ability to transform hex addresses into file & line number information,
especially for debug builds.
This requires the elf file be copied to a specific place.
It was possible for _only_ a low allocation to be performed.
In this case, `high_head` is NULL, and the comparison
`MP_STATE_VM(first_embedded_allocation) < high_head` would fail.
Closes: #4871
* Don't include a full path from the build system
* Rename all packages to "foo-stubs"
* Don't install stubs for standard packages like "os"
After this, I can `python setup.py install --user` to install the stubs
to my local environment, and successfully check code against the stubs,
such as
/$ mypy -c 'import busio; b: busio.I2C; b.readfrom_into(0x30, b"")'
<string>:1: error: Argument 2 to "readfrom_into" of "I2C" has incompatible type "bytes"; expected "Union[bytearray, memoryview, array[Any], ndarray, RGBMatrix]"
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
The structure of a wheel built with `python setup.py bdist_wheel` looks
more like lxml-stubs, as well.
Archive: dist/circuitpython_stubs-7.0.0a3.dev28+g124c7b785-py3-none-any.whl
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
30705 2021-06-10 13:50 _bleio-stubs/__init__.pyi…
Finally, by eliminating `site.getsitepackages()`, this **may** fix
the doc building problem on readthedocs.