Originally, .methods was used for methods in a ROM class, and
locals_dict for methods in a user-created class. That distinction is
unnecessary, and we can use locals_dict for ROM classes now that we have
ROMable maps.
This removes an entry in the bloated mp_obj_type_t struct, saving a word
for each ROM object and each RAM object. ROM objects that have a
methods table (now a locals_dict) need an extra word in total (removed
the methods pointer (1 word), no longer need the sentinel (2 words), but
now need an mp_obj_dict_t wrapper (4 words)). But RAM objects save a
word because they never used the methods entry.
Overall the ROM usage is down by a few hundred bytes, and RAM usage is
down 1 word per user-defined type/class.
There is less code (no need to check 2 tables), and now consistent with
the way ROM modules have their tables initialised.
Efficiency is very close to equivaluent.