Update translation files
Updated by "Update PO files to match POT (msgmerge)" hook in Weblate. Translation: CircuitPython/main Translate-URL: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/circuitpython/main/
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -396,10 +396,6 @@ msgstr "'break' diluar loop"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' diluar loop"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr ""
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' membutuhkan setidaknya 2 argumen"
@ -669,11 +665,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer bukan bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Buffer terlalu kecil"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -693,6 +684,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer terlalu pendek untuk %d byte"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1040,10 +1037,6 @@ msgstr "Gagal melepaskan mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Gagal menulis flash internal."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "File sudah ada"
@ -1119,6 +1112,10 @@ msgstr "Grup sudah digunakan"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1775,6 +1772,10 @@ msgstr "Tambahkan module apapun pada filesystem\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Buffer awalan harus ada di heap"
@ -2010,10 +2011,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "Sampel bits_per_sampel tidak cocok dengan mixer"
@ -2606,8 +2603,7 @@ msgstr "ukuran buffer harus sesuai dengan format"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -3893,10 +3889,6 @@ msgstr "parameter harus menjadi register dalam urutan r0 sampai r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4208,7 +4200,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4405,6 +4397,9 @@ msgstr "zi harus berjenis float"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "Zi harus berbentuk (n_section, 2)"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Buffer terlalu kecil"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "File .mpy rusak"
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -397,10 +397,6 @@ msgstr "'break' je volán vně cyklu"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' je volán vně cyklu"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "Objekt 'coroutine' není iterátor"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' vyžaduje nejméně 2 argumenty"
@ -670,11 +666,6 @@ msgstr "Prvky bufferu musí být 4 bajty dlouhé nebo méně"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer není bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Vyrovnávací paměť je příliš malá"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -694,6 +685,12 @@ msgstr "Buffer musí být násobkem 512 bajtů"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer je příliš krátký o %d bajtů"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Buffery musí mít stejnou velikost"
@ -1038,10 +1035,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se zapsat do interní paměti."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "soubor existuje"
@ -1119,6 +1112,10 @@ msgstr "Skupina již byla použita"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1766,6 +1763,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1999,10 +2000,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2593,8 +2590,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -3879,10 +3875,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4194,7 +4186,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4391,6 +4383,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "Objekt 'coroutine' není iterátor"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Vyrovnávací paměť je příliš malá"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Poškozený soubor .mpy"
@ -34,12 +34,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
"Bitte erstellen Sie ein Problem (Issue) für Ihr Programm unter https://"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -407,10 +404,6 @@ msgstr "'break' außerhalb einer Schleife"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' außerhalb einer Schleife"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' Objekt ist kein Iterator"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' erfordert mindestens zwei Argumente"
@ -680,11 +673,6 @@ msgstr "Puffer-Elemente müssen 4 Bytes lang oder kürzer sein"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Der Buffer ist kein Byte-Array."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Der Puffer ist zu klein"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -704,6 +692,12 @@ msgstr "Der Puffer muss ein vielfaches von 512 bytes sein"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Puffer um %d Bytes zu kurz"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Buffers müssen gleiche Größe haben"
@ -1055,10 +1049,6 @@ msgstr "Mutex konnte nicht freigegeben werden. Status: 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Interner Flash konnte nicht geschrieben werden."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr "Hardware hat Fehler festgestellt."
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Datei existiert"
@ -1138,6 +1128,10 @@ msgstr "Gruppe schon benutzt"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "Hald-Duplex SPI is tnicht implementiert"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1799,6 +1793,10 @@ msgstr "und alle Module im Dateisystem\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Polygone brauchen mindestens 3 Punkte"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Präfix-Puffer muss sich auf dem Heap befinden"
@ -2036,12 +2034,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "Die Länge von rgb_pins muss 6, 12, 18, 24 oder 30 betragen"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
"Die Spannung ist eingebrochen. Stelle sicher, dass genügend Leistung "
"verfügbar ist."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2650,8 +2642,7 @@ msgstr "Die Puffergröße muss zum Format passen"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "Puffersegmente müssen gleich lang sein"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "Puffer zu klein"
@ -3964,10 +3955,6 @@ msgstr "Parameter müssen Register im Bereich von r0 bis r3 sein"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "Pixelkoordinaten außerhalb der Grenzen"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader muss displayio.Palette oder displayio.ColorConverter sein"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "Abfrage der Datei unter Win32 nicht verfügbar"
@ -4279,7 +4266,7 @@ msgstr "Typ '%q' ist kein akzeptierter Basis-Typ"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "Typ ist kein akzeptierter Basis-Typ"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "Typ-Objekt '%q' hat kein Attribut '%q'"
@ -4478,6 +4465,33 @@ msgstr "zi muss eine Gleitkommazahl sein"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi muss die Form (n_section, 2) haben"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Bitte erstellen Sie ein Problem (Issue) für Ihr Programm unter https://"
#~ "github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "'coroutine' Objekt ist kein Iterator"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Der Puffer ist zu klein"
#~ msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgstr "Hardware hat Fehler festgestellt."
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Spannung ist eingebrochen. Stelle sicher, dass genügend Leistung "
#~ "verfügbar ist."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader muss displayio.Palette oder displayio.ColorConverter sein"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Beschädigte .mpy Datei"
@ -38,12 +38,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
"Παρακαλώ δημιουργήστε ένα πρόβλημα στο https://github.com/adafruit/"
"circuitpython/issues με το πρόγραμμά σας."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -408,10 +405,6 @@ msgstr "'break' εκτός επανάληψης"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' εκτός επανάληψης"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' αντικείμενο δεν μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί σαν επαναλήπτης"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' απαιτεί τουλάχιστον 2 παραμέτρους"
@ -681,11 +674,6 @@ msgstr "Στοιχεία του buffer πρέπει να είναι το πολ
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Το buffer δεν είναι ένα bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Πολύ μικρό buffer"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -705,6 +693,12 @@ msgstr "Buffer πρέπει να είναι πολλαπλάσιο των 512 by
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer πολύ μικρό κατα %d bytes"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Τα Buffers πρέπει να είναι του ιδίου μεγέθους"
@ -1057,10 +1051,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr ""
@ -1136,6 +1126,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1782,6 +1776,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -2015,10 +2013,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2609,8 +2603,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -3895,10 +3888,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4210,7 +4199,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4407,6 +4396,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Παρακαλώ δημιουργήστε ένα πρόβλημα στο https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues με το πρόγραμμά σας."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "'coroutine' αντικείμενο δεν μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί σαν επαναλήπτης"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Πολύ μικρό buffer"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Κατεστραμένο .mpy αρχείο"
@ -36,12 +36,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -406,10 +403,6 @@ msgstr "'break' outside loop"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' outside loop"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
@ -679,11 +672,6 @@ msgstr "Buffer elements must be 4 bytes long or less"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer is not a bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Buffer is too small"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -703,6 +691,12 @@ msgstr "Buffer must be a multiple of 512 bytes"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Buffers must be same size"
@ -1047,10 +1041,6 @@ msgstr "Failed to release mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Failed to write internal flash."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr "Fault detected by hardware."
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "File exists"
@ -1127,6 +1117,10 @@ msgstr "Group already used"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1782,6 +1776,10 @@ msgstr "Plus any modules on the filesystem\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
@ -2013,10 +2011,6 @@ msgstr "The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:"
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
@ -2616,8 +2610,7 @@ msgstr "Buffer size must match format"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "Buffer slices must be of equal length"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "Buffer too small"
@ -3907,10 +3900,6 @@ msgstr "parameters must be registers in sequence r0 to r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "poll on file not available on win32"
@ -4222,7 +4211,7 @@ msgstr "type '%q' is not an acceptable base type"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "type is not an acceptable base type"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
@ -4419,6 +4408,30 @@ msgstr "zi must be of float type"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgstr "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Corrupt .mpy file"
@ -37,12 +37,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
msgstr ""
"Por favor describa su problema en https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -408,10 +405,6 @@ msgstr "'break' fuera de un bucle"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' fuera de un bucle"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "el objeto 'coroutine' no es un iterador"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' requiere como mínimo 2 argumentos"
@ -683,11 +676,6 @@ msgstr "Los elementos del buffer deben tener una longitud de 4 bytes o menos"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer no es un bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Buffer es muy pequeño"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -708,6 +696,12 @@ msgstr "El buffer deber ser un múltiplo de 512 bytes"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer muy corto por %d bytes"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Los buffers deben ser del mismo tamaño"
@ -1059,10 +1053,6 @@ msgstr "No se puede liberar el mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Error al escribir el flash interno."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr "Falló detectado por el hardware."
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "El archivo ya existe"
@ -1144,6 +1134,10 @@ msgstr "Grupo ya está siendo utilizado"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "SPI Half Duplex no está implementado"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1809,6 +1803,10 @@ msgstr "Además de cualquier módulo en el sistema de archivos\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "El polígono necesita al menos 3 puntos"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "El prefijo del buffer debe estar en el heap"
@ -2045,11 +2043,6 @@ msgstr "La excepción fue la causa directa de la excepción siguiente:"
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "La longitud de rgb_pins debe ser 6, 12, 18, 24, o 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
"La potencia calló. Asegúrese que está suministrando suficiente energía."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "Los bits_per_sample del sample no igualan a los del mixer"
@ -2656,8 +2649,7 @@ msgstr "el tamaño del buffer debe de coincidir con el formato"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "Las secciones del buffer necesitan tener longitud igual"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "buffer demasiado pequeño"
@ -3956,10 +3948,6 @@ msgstr "los parametros deben ser registros en secuencia del r0 al r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "coordenadas del pixel fuera de límites"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader debe ser displayio.Palette o displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "el sondeo del archivo no esta disponible en win32"
@ -4272,7 +4260,7 @@ msgstr "type '%q' no es un tipo de base aceptable"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "type no es un tipo de base aceptable"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "objeto de tipo '%q' no tiene atributo '%q'"
@ -4469,6 +4457,31 @@ msgstr "zi debe ser de tipo flotante"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi debe ser una forma (n_section,2)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Por favor describa su problema en https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "el objeto 'coroutine' no es un iterador"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Buffer es muy pequeño"
#~ msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgstr "Falló detectado por el hardware."
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "La potencia calló. Asegúrese que está suministrando suficiente energía."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr "pixel_shader debe ser displayio.Palette o displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Archivo .mpy corrupto"
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -395,10 +395,6 @@ msgstr "'break' sa labas ng loop"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' sa labas ng loop"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr ""
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' kailangan ng hindi bababa sa 2 argument"
@ -669,11 +665,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -693,6 +684,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1040,10 +1037,6 @@ msgstr "Nabigo sa pagrelease ng mutex, status: 0x%08lX"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Mayroong file"
@ -1119,6 +1112,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1769,6 +1766,10 @@ msgstr "Kasama ang kung ano pang modules na sa filesystem\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -2000,10 +2001,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "Ang bits_per_sample ng sample ay hindi tugma sa mixer"
@ -2597,8 +2594,7 @@ msgstr "aarehas na haba dapat ang buffer slices"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "aarehas na haba dapat ang buffer slices"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "masyadong maliit ang buffer"
@ -3900,10 +3896,6 @@ msgstr "ang mga parameter ay dapat na nagrerehistro sa sequence r0 hanggang r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "wala sa sakop ang address"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader ay dapat displayio.Palette o displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4215,7 +4207,7 @@ msgstr "hindi maari ang type na '%q' para sa base type"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "hindi puede ang type para sa base type"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "type object '%q' ay walang attribute '%q'"
@ -4412,6 +4404,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr "pixel_shader ay dapat displayio.Palette o displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Incompatible .mpy file. Please update all .mpy files. See http://adafru."
#~ "it/mpy-update for more info."
@ -37,12 +37,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
"Veuillez signaler un problème avec votre programme sur https://github.com/"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -410,10 +407,6 @@ msgstr "'break' dehors d'une boucle"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' dehors d'une boucle"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "L'objet \"coroutine\" n'est pas un itérateur"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' nécessite au moins 2 paramètres"
@ -685,11 +678,6 @@ msgstr "Les éléments du tampon doivent faire 4 octets ou moins"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Le tampon n'est pas un 'bytearray'."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Le tampon est trop petit"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -709,6 +697,12 @@ msgstr "La mémoire tampon doit être un multiple de 512"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Tampon trop court de %d octets"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Les tampons doivent avoir la même taille"
@ -1068,10 +1062,6 @@ msgstr "Impossible de libérer mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Échec de l'écriture vers flash interne."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Le fichier existe"
@ -1154,6 +1144,10 @@ msgstr "Groupe déjà utilisé"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "Le half duplex du SPI n'est pas implémenté"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1819,6 +1813,10 @@ msgstr "Ainsi que tout autres modules présents sur le système de fichiers\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Polygon a besoin d'au moins 3 points"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Le tampon de préfixe doit être sur la pile"
@ -2054,10 +2052,6 @@ msgstr "L'exception précédente est la cause directe de l'exception suivante:"
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "La taille de rgb_pins doit être 6, 12, 18, 24 ou 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr "La puissance a chu. Assurez vous de fournir assez de puissance."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2667,8 +2661,7 @@ msgstr "la taille du tampon doit correspondre au format"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "les tranches de tampon doivent être de longueurs égales"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "tampon trop petit"
@ -3979,11 +3972,6 @@ msgstr "les paramètres doivent être des registres dans la séquence r0 à r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "coordonnées de pixel hors limites"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
"pixel_shader doit être un objet displayio.Palette ou displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "le polling sur un fichier n'est pas disponible sous win32"
@ -4296,7 +4284,7 @@ msgstr "le type '%q' n'est pas un type de base accepté"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "le type n'est pas un type de base accepté"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "l'objet de type '%q' n'a pas d'attribut '%q'"
@ -4493,6 +4481,29 @@ msgstr "zi doit être de type float"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi doit être de forme (n_section, 2)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Veuillez signaler un problème avec votre programme sur https://github.com/"
#~ "adafruit/circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "L'objet \"coroutine\" n'est pas un itérateur"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Le tampon est trop petit"
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr "La puissance a chu. Assurez vous de fournir assez de puissance."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader doit être un objet displayio.Palette ou displayio."
#~ "ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Fichier .mpy corrompu"
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -393,10 +393,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr ""
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr ""
@ -664,11 +660,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -688,6 +679,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1030,10 +1027,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr ""
@ -1109,6 +1102,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1755,6 +1752,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1986,10 +1987,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2580,8 +2577,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -3866,10 +3862,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4181,7 +4173,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -398,10 +398,6 @@ msgstr "'break' fuori del ciclo"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' fuori del ciclo"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "L'oggetto 'coroutine' non è un iteratore"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' richiede almeno 2 argomenti"
@ -673,11 +669,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer non è un array di bites."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Buffer troppo piccolo"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -697,6 +688,12 @@ msgstr "Il buffer deve essere un multiplo di 512 bytes"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer troppo piccolo di %d bytes"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1042,10 +1039,6 @@ msgstr "Impossibile rilasciare il mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "File esistente"
@ -1121,6 +1114,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1776,6 +1773,10 @@ msgstr "Imposssibile rimontare il filesystem"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -2007,10 +2008,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2606,8 +2603,7 @@ msgstr "slice del buffer devono essere della stessa lunghezza"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "slice del buffer devono essere della stessa lunghezza"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "buffer troppo piccolo"
@ -3910,10 +3906,6 @@ msgstr "parametri devono essere i registri in sequenza da a2 a a5"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "indirizzo fuori limite"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader deve essere displayio.Palette o displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4225,7 +4217,7 @@ msgstr "il tipo '%q' non è un tipo di base accettabile"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "il tipo non è un tipo di base accettabile"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "l'oggetto di tipo '%q' non ha l'attributo '%q'"
@ -4422,6 +4414,16 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "L'oggetto 'coroutine' non è un iteratore"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Buffer troppo piccolo"
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader deve essere displayio.Palette o displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Incompatible .mpy file. Please update all .mpy files. See http://adafru."
#~ "it/mpy-update for more info."
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -400,10 +400,6 @@ msgstr "ループ外でのbreak"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "ループ外でのcontinue"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' オブジェクトはイテレータではありません"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data'には少なくとも2つの引数が必要"
@ -673,11 +669,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "バッファがbytearrayではありません"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "バッファが小さすぎます"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -697,6 +688,12 @@ msgstr "バッファは512の倍数でなければなりません"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "バッファが %d バイト足りません"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1041,10 +1038,6 @@ msgstr "ミューテックスの開放に失敗。エラー 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "内部フラッシュ書き込みに失敗"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "ファイルが存在します"
@ -1120,6 +1113,10 @@ msgstr "グループはすでに使われています"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1768,6 +1765,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "ポリゴンには少なくとも3つの点が必要"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Prefixバッファはヒープ上になければなりません"
@ -2000,10 +2001,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "サンプルのbits_per_sampleがミキサーのそれと一致しません"
@ -2595,8 +2592,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "バッファのスライスは同じ長さでなければなりません"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -3886,12 +3882,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4203,7 +4193,7 @@ msgstr "型'%q'はベース型として使えません"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "この型はベース型にできません"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4400,6 +4390,17 @@ msgstr "ziはfloat値でなければなりません"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "'coroutine' オブジェクトはイテレータではありません"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "バッファが小さすぎます"
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shaderはdisplayio.Paletteかdisplayio.ColorConverterのどちらかでなけ"
#~ "ればなりません"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "破損した .mpy ファイル"
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -394,10 +394,6 @@ msgstr "'break' 는 루프 외부에 있습니다"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' 는 루프 외부에 있습니다"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr ""
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' 에는 >=2 개의 독립변수가 필요합니다"
@ -667,11 +663,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -691,6 +682,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1033,10 +1030,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr ""
@ -1112,6 +1105,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1758,6 +1755,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1989,10 +1990,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2584,8 +2581,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -3870,10 +3866,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4185,7 +4177,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -393,10 +393,6 @@ msgstr "'break' buiten de loop"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' buiten de loop"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' object is geen iterator"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' vereist op zijn minst 2 argumenten"
@ -666,11 +662,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer is geen bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Buffer is te klein"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -690,6 +681,12 @@ msgstr "Buffer moet een veelvoud van 512 bytes zijn"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer is %d bytes te klein"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1035,10 +1032,6 @@ msgstr "Mislukt mutex los te laten, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Schrijven naar interne flash mislukt."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Bestand bestaat"
@ -1115,6 +1108,10 @@ msgstr "Groep al gebruikt"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1772,6 +1769,10 @@ msgstr "En iedere module in het bestandssysteem\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Polygon heeft op zijn minst 3 punten nodig"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Prefix buffer moet op de heap zijn"
@ -2005,10 +2006,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "De lengte van rgb_pins moet 6, 12, 18, 24 of 30 zijn"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "De sample's bits_per_sample komen niet overeen met die van de mixer"
@ -2605,8 +2602,7 @@ msgstr "grootte van de buffer moet overeenkomen met het formaat"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "buffer slices moeten van gelijke grootte zijn"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "buffer te klein"
@ -3898,10 +3894,6 @@ msgstr "parameters moeten registers zijn in de volgorde r0 tot r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "pixel coördinaten buiten bereik"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader moet displayio.Palette of displayio.ColorConverter zijn"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4213,7 +4205,7 @@ msgstr "type '%q' is geen aanvaardbaar basistype"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "type is geen aanvaardbaar basistype"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "objecttype '%q' heeft geen attribuut '%q'"
@ -4410,6 +4402,16 @@ msgstr "zi moet van type float zijn"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi moet vorm (n_section, 2) hebben"
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "'coroutine' object is geen iterator"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Buffer is te klein"
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader moet displayio.Palette of displayio.ColorConverter zijn"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Corrupt .mpy bestand"
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -395,10 +395,6 @@ msgstr "'break' poza pętlą"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' poza pętlą"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr ""
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' wymaga 2 lub więcej argumentów"
@ -668,11 +664,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Bufor jest za mały"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -692,6 +683,12 @@ msgstr "Bufor musi być wielokrotnością 512 bajtów"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Bufor za krótki o %d bajtów"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1036,10 +1033,6 @@ msgstr "Nie udało się zwolnić blokady, błąd 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Nie udało się zapisać wewnętrznej pamięci flash."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Plik istnieje"
@ -1115,6 +1108,10 @@ msgstr "Grupa już używana"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1761,6 +1758,10 @@ msgstr "Oraz moduły w systemie plików\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Wielokąt musi mieć co najmniej 3 punkty"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1992,10 +1993,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "Wartość bits_per_sample nie pasuje do miksera"
@ -2586,8 +2583,7 @@ msgstr "wielkość bufora musi pasować do formatu"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "fragmenty bufora muszą mieć tę samą długość"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "zbyt mały bufor"
@ -3873,11 +3869,6 @@ msgstr "parametry muszą być rejestrami w kolejności r0 do r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "współrzędne piksela poza zakresem"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
"pixel_shader musi być typu displayio.Palette lub dispalyio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4189,7 +4180,7 @@ msgstr "typ '%q' nie może być bazowy"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "typ nie może być bazowy"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "typ '%q' nie ma atrybutu '%q'"
@ -4386,6 +4377,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Bufor jest za mały"
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader musi być typu displayio.Palette lub dispalyio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Uszkodzony plik .mpy"
@ -35,12 +35,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
"Relate o problema com seu programa em https://github.com/adafruit/"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -410,10 +407,6 @@ msgstr "'break' fora do loop"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' fora do loop"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "O objeto 'corrotina' não é um iterador"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' exige pelo menos 2 argumentos"
@ -685,11 +678,6 @@ msgstr "Os elementos do buffer devem ter 4 bytes de comprimento ou menos"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "O buffer não é um bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "O buffer é muito pequeno"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -709,6 +697,12 @@ msgstr "O buffer deve ser um múltiplo de 512 bytes"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "O buffer é muito curto em %d bytes"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Os buffers devem ter o mesmo tamanho"
@ -1058,10 +1052,6 @@ msgstr "Houve uma falha ao liberar o mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Falha ao gravar o flash interno."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr "Falha detectada pelo hardware."
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Arquivo já existe"
@ -1141,6 +1131,10 @@ msgstr "O grupo já está em uso"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "O SPI half duplex ainda não está implementado"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1807,6 +1801,10 @@ msgstr "Além de quaisquer módulos no sistema de arquivos\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "O Polígono precisa de pelo menos 3 pontos"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -2044,11 +2042,6 @@ msgstr "A exceção acima foi a causa direta da seguinte exceção:"
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "O comprimento dos rgb_pins devem ser 6, 12, 18, 24, ou 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
"A alimentação foi reduzida. Certifique-se de fornecer energia suficiente."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "A amostragem bits_per_sample não coincide com a do mixer"
@ -2657,8 +2650,7 @@ msgstr "o tamanho do buffer deve coincidir com o formato"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "as fatias do buffer devem ter o mesmo comprimento"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "o buffer é muito pequeno"
@ -3965,10 +3957,6 @@ msgstr "os parâmetros devem ser registradores na sequência r0 até r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "as coordenadas do pixel estão fora dos limites"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "o pixel_shader deve ser displayio.Palette ou displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "a sondagem no arquivo não está disponível no win32"
@ -4280,7 +4268,7 @@ msgstr "o tipo '%q' não é um tipo base aceitável"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "tipo não é um tipo base aceitável"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "o objeto tipo '%q' não possuí atributo '%q'"
@ -4477,6 +4465,32 @@ msgstr "zi deve ser de um tipo float"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi deve estar na forma (n_section, 2)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Relate o problema com seu programa em https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "O objeto 'corrotina' não é um iterador"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "O buffer é muito pequeno"
#~ msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgstr "Falha detectada pelo hardware."
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "A alimentação foi reduzida. Certifique-se de fornecer energia suficiente."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "o pixel_shader deve ser displayio.Palette ou displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Arquivo .mpy corrompido"
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -400,10 +400,6 @@ msgstr "'break' вне цикла"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' вне цикла"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "Объект 'coroutine' не является итератором"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' требует как минимум 2 аргумента"
@ -677,11 +673,6 @@ msgstr "Элементы буфера должны иметь длину не б
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Буфер не является байтовым массивом (bytearray)."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Буфер слишком мал"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -701,6 +692,12 @@ msgstr "Буфер должен быть кратен 512"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Буфер слишком короткий на %d байт"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Буферы должны быть одинакового размера"
@ -1059,10 +1056,6 @@ msgstr "Не удалось освободить mutex, ошибка 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Не удалось записать внутреннюю флэш-память."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Файл существует"
@ -1146,6 +1139,10 @@ msgstr "Группа уже используется"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "Полудуплексный SPI не реализован"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1808,6 +1805,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -2041,10 +2042,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "Длина rgb_pins должна быть 6, 12, 18, 24 или 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2637,8 +2634,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -3923,10 +3919,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4238,7 +4230,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4435,6 +4427,12 @@ msgstr "zi должно быть типа float"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi должен иметь форму (n_section, 2)"
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "Объект 'coroutine' не является итератором"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Буфер слишком мал"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Файл .mpy поврежден"
@ -35,12 +35,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
"Skicka in ett ärende med ditt program till https://github.com/adafruit/"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -407,10 +404,6 @@ msgstr "'break' utanför loop"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' utanför loop"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "objektet 'coroutine\" är inte en iterator"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' kräver minst 2 argument"
@ -680,11 +673,6 @@ msgstr "Buffertelement måste vara fyra byte långa eller mindre"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffert är inte en bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Bufferten är för liten"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -704,6 +692,12 @@ msgstr "Bufferten måste vara en multipel av 512 byte"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffert är %d bytes för kort"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Buffertarna måste ha samma storlek"
@ -1051,10 +1045,6 @@ msgstr "Det gick inte att frigöra mutex, fel 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Det gick inte att skriva till intern flash."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr "Fel upptäckt av hårdvara."
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Filen finns redan"
@ -1132,6 +1122,10 @@ msgstr "Grupp används redan"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "Halvduplex SPI är inte implementerat"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1791,6 +1785,10 @@ msgstr "Plus eventuella moduler i filsystemet\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Polygonen behöver minst 3 punkter"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Prefixbufferten måste finnas på heap"
@ -2024,10 +2022,6 @@ msgstr "Ovanstående undantag var den direkta orsaken till följande undantag:"
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "Längden på rgb_pins vara 6, 12, 18, 24 eller 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr "Spänningen sjönk. Se till att du ger tillräckligt med ström."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "Samplingens bits_per_sample matchar inte mixerns"
@ -2628,8 +2622,7 @@ msgstr "buffertstorleken måste matcha formatet"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "buffertsegmenten måste vara lika långa"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "buffert för liten"
@ -3924,11 +3917,6 @@ msgstr "parametrarna måste registreras i följd r0-r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "pixelkoordinater utanför gränserna"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
"pixel_shader måste vara displayio.Palette eller displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "filbevakning är inte tillgänglig på win32"
@ -4240,7 +4228,7 @@ msgstr "typ '%q' är inte en acceptabel bastyp"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "typ är inte en acceptabel bastyp"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "typobjektet '%q' har inget attribut '%q'"
@ -4437,6 +4425,31 @@ msgstr "zi måste vara av typ float"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi måste vara i formen (n_section, 2)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Skicka in ett ärende med ditt program till https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "objektet 'coroutine\" är inte en iterator"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Bufferten är för liten"
#~ msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgstr "Fel upptäckt av hårdvara."
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr "Spänningen sjönk. Se till att du ger tillräckligt med ström."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader måste vara displayio.Palette eller displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Skadad .mpy-fil"
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -402,10 +402,6 @@ msgstr "döngü dışında 'break'"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "döngü dışında 'continue'"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' nesnesi bir iteratör değildir"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' en az 2 argümana ihtiyaç duyar"
@ -675,11 +671,6 @@ msgstr "Buffer elementleri 4 bit olmak zorunda"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer bir bytearray değil."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Arabellek çok küçük"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -699,6 +690,12 @@ msgstr "Buffer 512 bitin katı olmalı"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer bitten %d daha az"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Arabellek boyutları aynı olmalı"
@ -1042,10 +1039,6 @@ msgstr "Muteks serbest bırakılamadı, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Dahili flaş yazılamadı."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Dosya var"
@ -1125,6 +1118,10 @@ msgstr "Grup zaten kullanılıyor"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1772,6 +1769,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -2006,10 +2007,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2600,8 +2597,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -3886,10 +3882,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4201,7 +4193,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4398,6 +4390,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "'coroutine' nesnesi bir iteratör değildir"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Arabellek çok küçük"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Bozuk .mpy dosyası"
@ -37,12 +37,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
"Please file an issue with your program at github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/"
msgstr ""
"qǐng zài https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/issues tí jiāo nín de "
"chéng xù wèn tí."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -409,10 +406,6 @@ msgstr "'break' wèiyú xúnhuán zhīwài"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' wèiyú xúnhuán zhīwài"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' duìxiàng búshì yígè diédàiqì"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' xūyào zhìshǎo 2 gè cānshù"
@ -682,11 +675,6 @@ msgstr "huǎnchōngqū de yuánsù bìxū wéi 4 zìjié cháng huò gèngshǎo"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Huǎnchōng qū bùshì bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Huǎnchōng qū tài xiǎo"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -706,6 +694,12 @@ msgstr "Huǎnchōngqū bìxū shì 512 zìjié de bèishù"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Huǎnchōngqū tàiduǎn , mùqián zhǐyǒu %d zìjié"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "huǎnchōng qū bìxū dàxiǎo xiāngtóng"
@ -1053,10 +1047,6 @@ msgstr "Wúfǎ shìfàng mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Wúfǎ xiě rù nèibù shǎncún."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr "yìng jiàn jiǎn cè dào gù zhàng."
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Wénjiàn cúnzài"
@ -1136,6 +1126,10 @@ msgstr "Jítuán yǐjīng shǐyòngguò"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "wèi shí xiàn bàn shuāng gōng SPI"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1795,6 +1789,10 @@ msgstr "Zài wénjiàn xìtǒng shàng tiānjiā rènhé mókuài\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Duōbiānxíng zhìshǎo xūyào 3 diǎn"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Qiánzhuì huǎnchōng qū bìxū zài duī shàng"
@ -2028,10 +2026,6 @@ msgstr "shàng shù yì cháng shì yǐ xià yì cháng de zhí jiē yuán yīn:
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "Rgb_pins de chángdù bìxū wèi 6,12,18,24 huò 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr "lì liàng xià jiàng le. què bǎo nín tí gòng zú gòu de diàn lì."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "Yàngběn de bits_per_sample yǔ hǔn yīn qì bù pǐpèi"
@ -2632,8 +2626,7 @@ msgstr "huǎnchōng qū dàxiǎo bìxū pǐpèi géshì"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "huǎnchōng qū qiēpiàn bìxū chángdù xiāngděng"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "huǎnchōng qū tài xiǎo"
@ -3927,10 +3920,6 @@ msgstr "cānshù bìxū shì xùliè r0 zhì r3 de dēngjì qì"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "xiàngsù zuòbiāo chāochū biānjiè"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader bìxū shì displayio.Palette huò displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "zài win32 shàng bù tí gōng wén jiàn tóu piào"
@ -4245,7 +4234,7 @@ msgstr "lèixíng '%q' bùshì kě jiēshòu de jīchǔ lèixíng"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "lèixíng bùshì kě jiēshòu de jīchǔ lèixíng"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "lèixíng duìxiàng '%q' méiyǒu shǔxìng '%q'"
@ -4442,6 +4431,31 @@ msgstr "zi bìxū wèi fú diǎn xíng"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi bìxū jùyǒu xíngzhuàng (n_section,2)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at https://github.com/adafruit/"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "qǐng zài https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpython/issues tí jiāo nín de "
#~ "chéng xù wèn tí."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "'coroutine' duìxiàng búshì yígè diédàiqì"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Huǎnchōng qū tài xiǎo"
#~ msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgstr "yìng jiàn jiǎn cè dào gù zhàng."
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr "lì liàng xià jiàng le. què bǎo nín tí gòng zú gòu de diàn lì."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader bìxū shì displayio.Palette huò displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "sǔnhuài de .mpy wénjiàn"
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