stmhal, timer: Fix so mode can be a keyword.

This commit is contained in:
Damien George 2014-10-04 15:25:01 +01:00
parent 55f68b3ce8
commit ba0383a8c7

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@ -690,22 +690,22 @@ STATIC MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_1(pyb_timer_deinit_obj, pyb_timer_deinit);
/// timer = pyb.Timer(2, freq=1000)
/// ch2 =, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pyb.Pin.board.X2, pulse_width=210000)
/// ch3 =, pyb.Timer.PWM, pin=pyb.Pin.board.X3, pulse_width=420000)
STATIC const mp_arg_t pyb_timer_channel_args[] = {
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_channel(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *pos_args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
static const mp_arg_t allowed_args[] = {
{ MP_QSTR_mode, MP_ARG_REQUIRED | MP_ARG_INT, {.u_int = 0} },
{ MP_QSTR_callback, MP_ARG_KW_ONLY | MP_ARG_OBJ, {.u_obj = mp_const_none} },
{ MP_QSTR_pin, MP_ARG_KW_ONLY | MP_ARG_OBJ, {.u_obj = mp_const_none} },
{ MP_QSTR_pulse_width, MP_ARG_KW_ONLY | MP_ARG_INT, {.u_int = 0} },
{ MP_QSTR_pulse_width_percent, MP_ARG_KW_ONLY | MP_ARG_OBJ, {.u_obj = mp_const_none} },
{ MP_QSTR_compare, MP_ARG_KW_ONLY | MP_ARG_INT, {.u_int = 0} },
{ MP_QSTR_polarity, MP_ARG_KW_ONLY | MP_ARG_INT, {.u_int = 0xffffffff} },
#define PYB_TIMER_CHANNEL_NUM_ARGS MP_ARRAY_SIZE(pyb_timer_channel_args)
STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_channel(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
pyb_timer_obj_t *self = args[0];
mp_int_t channel = mp_obj_get_int(args[1]);
pyb_timer_obj_t *self = pos_args[0];
mp_int_t channel = mp_obj_get_int(pos_args[1]);
if (channel < 1 || channel > 4) {
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "Invalid channel (%d)", channel));
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "invalid channel (%d)", channel));
pyb_timer_channel_obj_t *chan = self->channel;
@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_channel(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map
// If only the channel number is given return the previously allocated
// channel (or None if no previous channel).
if (n_args == 2) {
if (n_args == 2 && kw_args->used == 0) {
if (chan) {
return chan;
@ -744,18 +744,18 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_channel(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map
// Allocate and initialize a new channel
mp_arg_val_t vals[PYB_TIMER_CHANNEL_NUM_ARGS];
mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 3, args + 3, kw_args, PYB_TIMER_CHANNEL_NUM_ARGS, pyb_timer_channel_args, vals);
mp_arg_val_t args[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(allowed_args)];
mp_arg_parse_all(n_args - 2, pos_args + 2, kw_args, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(allowed_args), allowed_args, args);
chan = m_new_obj(pyb_timer_channel_obj_t);
memset(chan, 0, sizeof(*chan));
chan->base.type = &pyb_timer_channel_type;
chan->timer = self;
chan->channel = channel;
chan->mode = mp_obj_get_int(args[2]);
chan->callback = vals[0].u_obj;
chan->mode = args[0].u_int;
chan->callback = args[1].u_obj;
mp_obj_t pin_obj = vals[1].u_obj;
mp_obj_t pin_obj = args[2].u_obj;
if (pin_obj != mp_const_none) {
if (!MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(pin_obj, &pin_type)) {
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "pin argument needs to be be a Pin type"));
@ -766,13 +766,13 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_channel(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "pin %s doesn't have an af for TIM%d", qstr_str(pin->name), self->tim_id));
// pin.init(mode=AF_PP, af=idx)
const mp_obj_t args[6] = {
const mp_obj_t args2[6] = {
mp_call_method_n_kw(0, 2, args);
mp_call_method_n_kw(0, 2, args2);
// Link the channel to the timer before we turn the channel on.
@ -788,13 +788,13 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_channel(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map
TIM_OC_InitTypeDef oc_config;
oc_config.OCMode = channel_mode_info[chan->mode].oc_mode;
if (vals[3].u_obj != mp_const_none) {
if (args[4].u_obj != mp_const_none) {
// pulse width percent given
uint32_t period = compute_period(self);
oc_config.Pulse = compute_pwm_value_from_percent(period, vals[3].u_obj);
oc_config.Pulse = compute_pwm_value_from_percent(period, args[4].u_obj);
} else {
// use absolute pulse width value (defaults to 0 if nothing given)
oc_config.Pulse = vals[2].u_int;
oc_config.Pulse = args[3].u_int;
oc_config.OCPolarity = TIM_OCPOLARITY_HIGH;
oc_config.OCNPolarity = TIM_OCNPOLARITY_HIGH;
@ -819,8 +819,8 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_channel(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map
TIM_OC_InitTypeDef oc_config;
oc_config.OCMode = channel_mode_info[chan->mode].oc_mode;
oc_config.Pulse = vals[4].u_int;
oc_config.OCPolarity = vals[5].u_int;
oc_config.Pulse = args[5].u_int;
oc_config.OCPolarity = args[6].u_int;
if (oc_config.OCPolarity == 0xffffffff) {
oc_config.OCPolarity = TIM_OCPOLARITY_HIGH;
@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_channel(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map
oc_config.OCNIdleState = TIM_OCNIDLESTATE_SET;
if (!IS_TIM_OC_POLARITY(oc_config.OCPolarity)) {
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "Invalid polarity (%d)", oc_config.OCPolarity));
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "invalid polarity (%d)", oc_config.OCPolarity));
HAL_TIM_OC_ConfigChannel(&self->tim, &oc_config, TIMER_CHANNEL(chan));
if (chan->callback == mp_const_none) {
@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_channel(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map
TIM_IC_InitTypeDef ic_config;
ic_config.ICPolarity = vals[5].u_int;
ic_config.ICPolarity = args[6].u_int;
if (ic_config.ICPolarity == 0xffffffff) {
ic_config.ICPolarity = TIM_ICPOLARITY_RISING;
@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_channel(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map
ic_config.ICFilter = 0;
if (!IS_TIM_IC_POLARITY(ic_config.ICPolarity)) {
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "Invalid polarity (%d)", ic_config.ICPolarity));
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "invalid polarity (%d)", ic_config.ICPolarity));
HAL_TIM_IC_ConfigChannel(&self->tim, &ic_config, TIMER_CHANNEL(chan));
if (chan->callback == mp_const_none) {
@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t pyb_timer_channel(mp_uint_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "Invalid mode (%d)", chan->mode));
nlr_raise(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "invalid mode (%d)", chan->mode));
return chan;