Add more translations

This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Plamauer 2018-08-26 13:36:27 +02:00
parent 7d18d0c1ed
commit b02ac1267a

@ -24,333 +24,337 @@ msgstr "ungültige I2C Schnittstelle"
#: extmod/machine_i2c.c:340 extmod/machine_i2c.c:354 extmod/machine_i2c.c:368 #: extmod/machine_i2c.c:340 extmod/machine_i2c.c:354 extmod/machine_i2c.c:368
#: extmod/machine_i2c.c:392 #: extmod/machine_i2c.c:392
msgid "I2C operation not supported" msgid "I2C operation not supported"
msgstr "" msgstr "I2C-operation nicht unterstützt"
#: extmod/machine_mem.c:45 ports/unix/modmachine.c:53 #: extmod/machine_mem.c:45 ports/unix/modmachine.c:53
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "address %08x is not aligned to %d bytes" msgid "address %08x is not aligned to %d bytes"
msgstr "" msgstr "Addresse %08x ist nicht an %d bytes ausgerichtet"
#: extmod/machine_spi.c:57 #: extmod/machine_spi.c:57
msgid "invalid SPI peripheral" msgid "invalid SPI peripheral"
msgstr "" msgstr "ungültige SPI Schnittstelle"
#: extmod/machine_spi.c:124 #: extmod/machine_spi.c:124
msgid "buffers must be the same length" msgid "buffers must be the same length"
msgstr "" msgstr "Buffer müssen gleich lang sein"
#: extmod/machine_spi.c:207 #: extmod/machine_spi.c:207
msgid "bits must be 8" msgid "bits must be 8"
msgstr "" msgstr "bits müssen 8 sein"
#: extmod/machine_spi.c:210 #: extmod/machine_spi.c:210
msgid "firstbit must be MSB" msgid "firstbit must be MSB"
msgstr "" msgstr "das erste Bit muss MSB sein"
#: extmod/machine_spi.c:215 #: extmod/machine_spi.c:215
msgid "must specify all of sck/mosi/miso" msgid "must specify all of sck/mosi/miso"
msgstr "" msgstr "sck/mosi/miso müssen alle spezifiziert sein"
#: extmod/modframebuf.c:299 #: extmod/modframebuf.c:299
msgid "invalid format" msgid "invalid format"
msgstr "" msgstr "ungültiges Format"
#: extmod/modubinascii.c:38 extmod/moduhashlib.c:102 #: extmod/modubinascii.c:38 extmod/moduhashlib.c:102
msgid "a bytes-like object is required" msgid "a bytes-like object is required"
msgstr "" msgstr "ein Byte-ähnliches Objekt ist erforderlich"
#: extmod/modubinascii.c:90 #: extmod/modubinascii.c:90
msgid "odd-length string" msgid "odd-length string"
msgstr "" msgstr "String mit ungerader Länge"
#: extmod/modubinascii.c:101 #: extmod/modubinascii.c:101
msgid "non-hex digit found" msgid "non-hex digit found"
msgstr "" msgstr "eine nicht-hex zahl wurde gefunden"
#: extmod/modubinascii.c:169 #: extmod/modubinascii.c:169
msgid "incorrect padding" msgid "incorrect padding"
msgstr "" msgstr "falsches padding"
#: extmod/moductypes.c:122 #: extmod/moductypes.c:122
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor" msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "" msgstr "Syntaxfehler in uctypes Definition"
#: extmod/moductypes.c:219 #: extmod/moductypes.c:219
msgid "Cannot unambiguously get sizeof scalar" msgid "Cannot unambiguously get sizeof scalar"
msgstr "" msgstr "sizeof scalar kann nicht eindeutig bestimmt werden"
#: extmod/moductypes.c:397 #: extmod/moductypes.c:397
msgid "struct: no fields" msgid "struct: no fields"
msgstr "" msgstr "struct: keine Felder"
#: extmod/moductypes.c:530 #: extmod/moductypes.c:530
msgid "struct: cannot index" msgid "struct: cannot index"
msgstr "" msgstr "struct: kann nicht indexieren"
#: extmod/moductypes.c:544 #: extmod/moductypes.c:544
msgid "struct: index out of range" msgid "struct: index out of range"
msgstr "" msgstr "struct: index außerhalb gültigen Bereichs"
#: extmod/moduheapq.c:38 #: extmod/moduheapq.c:38
msgid "heap must be a list" msgid "heap must be a list"
msgstr "" msgstr "heap muss eine list sein"
#: extmod/moduheapq.c:86 extmod/modutimeq.c:147 extmod/modutimeq.c:172 #: extmod/moduheapq.c:86 extmod/modutimeq.c:147 extmod/modutimeq.c:172
msgid "empty heap" msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "" msgstr "leerer heap"
#: extmod/modujson.c:281 #: extmod/modujson.c:281
msgid "syntax error in JSON" msgid "syntax error in JSON"
msgstr "" msgstr "Syntaxfehler in JSON"
#: extmod/modure.c:161 #: extmod/modure.c:161
msgid "Splitting with sub-captures" msgid "Splitting with sub-captures"
msgstr "" msgstr "Teilen mit unter-captures"
#: extmod/modure.c:207 #: extmod/modure.c:207
msgid "Error in regex" msgid "Error in regex"
msgstr "" msgstr "Fehler in regex"
#: extmod/modussl_axtls.c:81 #: extmod/modussl_axtls.c:81
msgid "invalid key" msgid "invalid key"
msgstr "" msgstr "ungültiger Schlüssel"
#: extmod/modussl_axtls.c:87 #: extmod/modussl_axtls.c:87
msgid "invalid cert" msgid "invalid cert"
msgstr "" msgstr "ungültiges cert"
#: extmod/modutimeq.c:131 #: extmod/modutimeq.c:131
msgid "queue overflow" msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "" msgstr "Warteschlangenüberlauf"
#: extmod/moduzlib.c:97 #: extmod/moduzlib.c:97
msgid "compression header" msgid "compression header"
msgstr "" msgstr "kompression header"
#: extmod/uos_dupterm.c:120 #: extmod/uos_dupterm.c:120
msgid "invalid dupterm index" msgid "invalid dupterm index"
msgstr "" msgstr "ungültiger dupterm index"
#: extmod/vfs_fat.c:426 py/moduerrno.c:150 #: extmod/vfs_fat.c:426 py/moduerrno.c:150
msgid "Read-only filesystem" msgid "Read-only filesystem"
msgstr "" msgstr "Schreibgeschützte Dateisystem"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c:48 ports/unix/file.c:50 py/objstringio.c:43 #: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c:48 ports/unix/file.c:50 py/objstringio.c:43
msgid "I/O operation on closed file" msgid "I/O operation on closed file"
msgstr "" msgstr "Lese/Schreibe-operation an geschlossener Datei"
#: lib/embed/abort_.c:8 #: lib/embed/abort_.c:8
msgid "abort() called" msgid "abort() called"
msgstr "" msgstr "abort() wurde aufgerufen"
#: lib/netutils/netutils.c:83 #: lib/netutils/netutils.c:83
msgid "invalid arguments" msgid "invalid arguments"
msgstr "" msgstr "ungültige argumente"
#: lib/utils/pyexec.c:97 py/builtinimport.c:253 #: lib/utils/pyexec.c:97 py/builtinimport.c:253
msgid "script compilation not supported" msgid "script compilation not supported"
msgstr "" msgstr "kompilieren von Skripten ist nicht unterstützt"
#: main.c:143 #: main.c:143
msgid " output:\n" msgid " output:\n"
msgstr "" msgstr " Ausgabe:\n"
#: main.c:157 main.c:230 #: main.c:157 main.c:230
msgid "" msgid ""
"Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to " "Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to "
"disable.\n" "disable.\n"
msgstr "" msgstr "Automatisches Neuladen ist aktiv. Speichere Dateien über USB um sie "
"auszuführen oder verbinde dich mit der REPL um zu deaktivieren.\n"
#: main.c:159 #: main.c:159
msgid "Running in safe mode! Auto-reload is off.\n" msgid "Running in safe mode! Auto-reload is off.\n"
msgstr "" msgstr "Sicherheitsmodus aktiv! Automatisches Neuladen ist deaktiviert.\n"
#: main.c:161 main.c:232 #: main.c:161 main.c:232
msgid "Auto-reload is off.\n" msgid "Auto-reload is off.\n"
msgstr "" msgstr "Automatisches Neuladen ist deaktiviert.\n"
#: main.c:175 #: main.c:175
msgid "Running in safe mode! Not running saved code.\n" msgid "Running in safe mode! Not running saved code.\n"
msgstr "" msgstr "Sicherheitsmodus aktiv! Gespeicherter Code wird nicht ausgeführt\n"
#: main.c:191 #: main.c:191
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n" msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr "" msgstr "WARNUNG: Der Dateiname deines codes hat zwei Dateityperweiterungen\n"
#: main.c:239 #: main.c:239
msgid "You requested starting safe mode by " msgid "You requested starting safe mode by "
msgstr "" msgstr "Du hast das Starten im Sicherheitsmodus ausgelöst durch "
#: main.c:242 #: main.c:242
msgid "To exit, please reset the board without " msgid "To exit, please reset the board without "
msgstr "" msgstr "Zum beenden bitte resete das board ohne "
#: main.c:249 #: main.c:249
msgid "" msgid ""
"You are running in safe mode which means something really bad happened.\n" "You are running in safe mode which means something really bad happened.\n"
msgstr "" msgstr "Sicherheitsmodus aktive, etwas wirklich schlechtes ist passiert.\n"
#: main.c:251 #: main.c:251
msgid "Looks like our core CircuitPython code crashed hard. Whoops!\n" msgid "Looks like our core CircuitPython code crashed hard. Whoops!\n"
msgstr "" msgstr "CircuitPython ist abgestürzt. Ups!"
#: main.c:252 #: main.c:252
msgid "Please file an issue here with the contents of your CIRCUITPY drive:\n" msgid "Please file an issue here with the contents of your CIRCUITPY drive:\n"
msgstr "" msgstr "Bitte erstelle ein issue hier mit dem Inhalt deines CIRCUITPY-speichers:\n"
#: main.c:255 #: main.c:255
msgid "" msgid ""
"The microcontroller's power dipped. Please make sure your power supply " "The microcontroller's power dipped. Please make sure your power supply "
"provides\n" "provides\n"
msgstr "" msgstr "Die Stromversorgung des Mikrocontrollers ist eingebrochen. Stelle sicher,"
"dass deine Stromversorgung\n"
#: main.c:256 #: main.c:256
msgid "" msgid ""
"enough power for the whole circuit and press reset (after ejecting " "enough power for the whole circuit and press reset (after ejecting "
msgstr "" msgstr "genug Strom für den ganzen Schaltkreis liefert und drücke reset (nach dem"
"sicheren Auswerfen von CIRCUITPY.)"
#: main.c:260 #: main.c:260
msgid "Press any key to enter the REPL. Use CTRL-D to reload." msgid "Press any key to enter the REPL. Use CTRL-D to reload."
msgstr "" msgstr "Drücke eine Taste um dich mit der REPL zu verbinden. Drücke Strg-D zum neu"
" laden"
#: main.c:415 #: main.c:415
msgid "soft reboot\n" msgid "soft reboot\n"
msgstr "" msgstr "weicher reboot"
#: ports/atmel-samd/audio_dma.c:285 #: ports/atmel-samd/audio_dma.c:285
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:361 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:361
msgid "All sync event channels in use" msgid "All sync event channels in use"
msgstr "" msgstr "Alle sync event Kanäle werden benutzt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/bindings/samd/Clock.c:135 #: ports/atmel-samd/bindings/samd/Clock.c:135
msgid "calibration is read only" msgid "calibration is read only"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kalibrierung ist Schreibgeschützt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/bindings/samd/Clock.c:137 #: ports/atmel-samd/bindings/samd/Clock.c:137
msgid "calibration is out of range" msgid "calibration is out of range"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kalibrierung ist außerhalb der Reichweite"
#: ports/atmel-samd/board_busses.c:39 #: ports/atmel-samd/board_busses.c:39
msgid "No default I2C bus" msgid "No default I2C bus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kein Standard I2C Bus"
#: ports/atmel-samd/board_busses.c:64 #: ports/atmel-samd/board_busses.c:64
msgid "No default SPI bus" msgid "No default SPI bus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kein Standard SPI Bus"
#: ports/atmel-samd/board_busses.c:91 #: ports/atmel-samd/board_busses.c:91
msgid "No default UART bus" msgid "No default UART bus"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kein Standard UART Bus"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c:63 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c:63
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c:39 #: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c:39
msgid "Pin does not have ADC capabilities" msgid "Pin does not have ADC capabilities"
msgstr "" msgstr "Pin hat keine ADC Funktionalität"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c:49 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c:49
msgid "No DAC on chip" msgid "No DAC on chip"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kein DAC vorhanden"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c:56 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c:56
msgid "AnalogOut not supported on given pin" msgid "AnalogOut not supported on given pin"
msgstr "" msgstr "AnalogOut ist an diesem Pin nicht unterstützt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:147 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:147
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:150 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:150
msgid "Invalid bit clock pin" msgid "Invalid bit clock pin"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ungülgites bit clock pin"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:153 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:153
msgid "Bit clock and word select must share a clock unit" msgid "Bit clock and word select must share a clock unit"
msgstr "" msgstr "Bit clock und word select müssen eine clock unit teilen"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:156 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:156
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:130 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:130
msgid "Invalid data pin" msgid "Invalid data pin"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ungültiger data pin"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:169 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:169
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:174 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:174
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:145 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:145
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:150 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:150
msgid "Serializer in use" msgid "Serializer in use"
msgstr "" msgstr "Serilaizer wird benutzt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:230 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:230
msgid "Clock unit in use" msgid "Clock unit in use"
msgstr "" msgstr "Clock unit wird benutzt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:240 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:240
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:172 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:172
msgid "Unable to find free GCLK" msgid "Unable to find free GCLK"
msgstr "" msgstr "Konnte keinen freien GCLK finden"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:254 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:254
msgid "Too many channels in sample." msgid "Too many channels in sample."
msgstr "" msgstr "Zu viele Kanäle im sample"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:305 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:305
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:326 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:326
msgid "No DMA channel found" msgid "No DMA channel found"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kein DMA Kanal gefunden"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:308 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c:308
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:328 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:328
msgid "Unable to allocate buffers for signed conversion" msgid "Unable to allocate buffers for signed conversion"
msgstr "" msgstr "Konnte keine Buffer für Vorzeichenumwandlung allozieren"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:109 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:109
msgid "Invalid clock pin" msgid "Invalid clock pin"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ungültiger clock pin"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:134 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:134
msgid "Only 8 or 16 bit mono with " msgid "Only 8 or 16 bit mono with "
msgstr "" msgstr "Nur 8 oder 16 bit mono mit "
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:167 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/PDMIn.c:167
msgid "sampling rate out of range" msgid "sampling rate out of range"
msgstr "" msgstr "Abtastrate außerhalb der Reichweite"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:69 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:69
msgid "DAC already in use" msgid "DAC already in use"
msgstr "" msgstr "DAC wird schon benutzt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:73 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:73
msgid "Right channel unsupported" msgid "Right channel unsupported"
msgstr "" msgstr "Rechter Kanal wird nicht unterstützt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:76 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:76
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:116 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:116
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/touchio/TouchIn.c:65 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/touchio/TouchIn.c:65
msgid "Invalid pin" msgid "Invalid pin"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ungültiger Pin"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:84 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:84
msgid "Invalid pin for left channel" msgid "Invalid pin for left channel"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ungültiger Pin für linken Kanal"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:88 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:88
msgid "Invalid pin for right channel" msgid "Invalid pin for right channel"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ungültiger Pin für rechten Kanal"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:91 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:91
msgid "Cannot output both channels on the same pin" msgid "Cannot output both channels on the same pin"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kann nicht beite Kanäle auf dem gleichen Pin ausgeben"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:173 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:173
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:186 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:186
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseOut.c:110 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseOut.c:110
msgid "All timers in use" msgid "All timers in use"
msgstr "" msgstr "Alle timer werden benutzt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:215 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c:215
msgid "All event channels in use" msgid "All event channels in use"
msgstr "" msgstr "Alle event Kanälre werden benutzt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/I2C.c:71 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/I2C.c:71
msgid "Not enough pins available" msgid "Not enough pins available"
msgstr "" msgstr "Nicht genug Pins vorhanden"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/I2C.c:78 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/I2C.c:78
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/SPI.c:132 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/SPI.c:132
@ -358,170 +362,170 @@ msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/i2cslave/I2CSlave.c:45 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/i2cslave/I2CSlave.c:45
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/busio/I2C.c:58 #: ports/nrf/common-hal/busio/I2C.c:58
msgid "Invalid pins" msgid "Invalid pins"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ungültige Pins"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/I2C.c:101 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/I2C.c:101
msgid "SDA or SCL needs a pull up" msgid "SDA or SCL needs a pull up"
msgstr "" msgstr "SDA oder SCL brauchen pull up"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/I2C.c:121 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/I2C.c:121
msgid "Unsupported baudrate" msgid "Unsupported baudrate"
msgstr "" msgstr "Baudrate wird nicht unterstütz"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c:66 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c:66
msgid "bytes > 8 bits not supported" msgid "bytes > 8 bits not supported"
msgstr "" msgstr "bytes mit merh als 8 bits werden nicht unterstützt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c:72 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c:72
msgid "tx and rx cannot both be None" msgid "tx and rx cannot both be None"
msgstr "" msgstr "tx und rx können nicht beide None sein"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c:139 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c:139
msgid "Failed to allocate RX buffer" msgid "Failed to allocate RX buffer"
msgstr "" msgstr "Konnte keinen RX Buffer allozieren"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c:147 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c:147
msgid "Could not initialize UART" msgid "Could not initialize UART"
msgstr "" msgstr "Konnte UART nicht initialisieren"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c:234 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c:234
msgid "No RX pin" msgid "No RX pin"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kein RX Pin"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c:284 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c:284
msgid "No TX pin" msgid "No TX pin"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kein TX Pin"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/digitalio/DigitalInOut.c:168 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/digitalio/DigitalInOut.c:168
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/digitalio/DigitalInOut.c:158 #: ports/nrf/common-hal/digitalio/DigitalInOut.c:158
msgid "Cannot get pull while in output mode" msgid "Cannot get pull while in output mode"
msgstr "" msgstr "Pull up im Ausgabemodus nicht möglich"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/__init__.c:74 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/__init__.c:74
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/microcontroller/__init__.c:64 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/microcontroller/__init__.c:64
msgid "Cannot reset into bootloader because no bootloader is present." msgid "Cannot reset into bootloader because no bootloader is present."
msgstr "" msgstr "Reset zum bootloader nicht möglich da bootloader nicht vorhanden"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:120 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:120
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:366 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:366
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:227 #: ports/nrf/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:227
msgid "Invalid PWM frequency" msgid "Invalid PWM frequency"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ungültige PWM Frequenz"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:184 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:184
msgid "All timers for this pin are in use" msgid "All timers for this pin are in use"
msgstr "" msgstr "Alle timer für diesen Pin werden benutzt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:110 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:110
msgid "No hardware support on pin" msgid "No hardware support on pin"
msgstr "" msgstr "Keine Hardwareunterstützung an diesem Pin"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:113 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:113
msgid "EXTINT channel already in use" msgid "EXTINT channel already in use"
msgstr "" msgstr "EXTINT Kanal wird benutzt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:118 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:118
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:86 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:86
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "Failed to allocate RX buffer of %d bytes" msgid "Failed to allocate RX buffer of %d bytes"
msgstr "" msgstr "Konnte keine RX Buffer mit %d allozieren"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:203 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:203
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:151 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:151
msgid "pop from an empty PulseIn" msgid "pop from an empty PulseIn"
msgstr "" msgstr "pop von einem leeren PulseIn"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:235 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:235
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:182 py/obj.c:420 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PulseIn.c:182 py/obj.c:420
msgid "index out of range" msgid "index out of range"
msgstr "" msgstr "index außerhalb der Reichweite"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseOut.c:178 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/pulseio/PulseOut.c:178
msgid "Another send is already active" msgid "Another send is already active"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ein anderer Sendevorgang ist schon aktiv"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/rotaryio/IncrementalEncoder.c:38 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/rotaryio/IncrementalEncoder.c:38
msgid "Both pins must support hardware interrupts" msgid "Both pins must support hardware interrupts"
msgstr "" msgstr "Beide pins müssen Hardware Interrupts unterstützen"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/rotaryio/IncrementalEncoder.c:46 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/rotaryio/IncrementalEncoder.c:46
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use" msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ein Hardware Interrupt Kanal wird schon benutzt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c:101 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c:101
msgid "calibration value out of range +/-127" msgid "calibration value out of range +/-127"
msgstr "" msgstr "Kalibrierwert nicht im Bereich von +/-127"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/storage/__init__.c:48 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/storage/__init__.c:48
msgid "Cannot remount '/' when USB is active." msgid "Cannot remount '/' when USB is active."
msgstr "" msgstr "Kann '/' nicht remounten when USB aktiv ist"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/touchio/TouchIn.c:75 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/touchio/TouchIn.c:75
msgid "No free GCLKs" msgid "No free GCLKs"
msgstr "" msgstr "Keine freien GCLKs"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/usb_hid/Device.c:78 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/usb_hid/Device.c:78
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/usb_hid/Device.c:45 #: ports/nrf/common-hal/usb_hid/Device.c:45
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "Buffer incorrect size. Should be %d bytes." msgid "Buffer incorrect size. Should be %d bytes."
msgstr "" msgstr "Buffergröße falsch, sollte %d bytes sein."
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/usb_hid/Device.c:82 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/usb_hid/Device.c:82
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/usb_hid/Device.c:53 #: ports/nrf/common-hal/usb_hid/Device.c:53
msgid "USB Busy" msgid "USB Busy"
msgstr "" msgstr "USB beschäftigt"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/usb_hid/Device.c:82 #: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/usb_hid/Device.c:82
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/usb_hid/Device.c:59 #: ports/nrf/common-hal/usb_hid/Device.c:59
msgid "USB Error" msgid "USB Error"
msgstr "" msgstr "USB Fehler"
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c:43 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c:43
msgid "Pin %q does not have ADC capabilities" msgid "Pin %q does not have ADC capabilities"
msgstr "" msgstr "Pin %q hat keine ADC Funktion"
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c:39 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c:39
msgid "No hardware support for analog out." msgid "No hardware support for analog out."
msgstr "" msgstr "Keine Hardwareunterstützung für analog out"
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/busio/SPI.c:72 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/busio/SPI.c:72
msgid "Pins not valid for SPI" msgid "Pins not valid for SPI"
msgstr "" msgstr "Pins nicht gültig für SPI"
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/busio/UART.c:45 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/busio/UART.c:45
msgid "Only tx supported on UART1 (GPIO2)." msgid "Only tx supported on UART1 (GPIO2)."
msgstr "" msgstr "UART1 (GPIO2) unterstützt nur tx"
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/busio/UART.c:67 ports/esp8266/machine_uart.c:108 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/busio/UART.c:67 ports/esp8266/machine_uart.c:108
msgid "invalid data bits" msgid "invalid data bits"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ungültige Datenbits"
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/busio/UART.c:91 ports/esp8266/machine_uart.c:144 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/busio/UART.c:91 ports/esp8266/machine_uart.c:144
msgid "invalid stop bits" msgid "invalid stop bits"
msgstr "" msgstr "Ungültige Stopbits"
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/digitalio/DigitalInOut.c:200 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/digitalio/DigitalInOut.c:200
msgid "ESP8266 does not support pull down." msgid "ESP8266 does not support pull down."
msgstr "" msgstr "ESP8266 unterstützt pull down nicht"
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/digitalio/DigitalInOut.c:210 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/digitalio/DigitalInOut.c:210
msgid "GPIO16 does not support pull up." msgid "GPIO16 does not support pull up."
msgstr "" msgstr "GPIO16 unterstützt pull up nicht"
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/microcontroller/__init__.c:66 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/microcontroller/__init__.c:66
msgid "ESP8226 does not support safe mode." msgid "ESP8226 does not support safe mode."
msgstr "" msgstr "ESP8226 hat keinen Sicherheitsmodus"
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:54 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:54
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:113 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:113
#, c-format #, c-format
msgid "Maximum PWM frequency is %dhz." msgid "Maximum PWM frequency is %dhz."
msgstr "" msgstr "Maximale PWM Frequenz ist %dHz"
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:57 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:57
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:116 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:116
msgid "Minimum PWM frequency is 1hz." msgid "Minimum PWM frequency is 1hz."
msgstr "" msgstr "Minimale PWM Frequenz ist %dHz"
#: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:68 #: ports/esp8266/common-hal/pulseio/PWMOut.c:68
#, c-format #, c-format