Merge remote-tracking branch 'adafruit/main' into v1.20-merge
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ rm -fr /workspaces/dosfstools-4.2 /workspaces/dosfstools-4.2.tar.gz
# prepare source-code tree
cd /workspaces/circuitpython/
echo -e "[] fetching submodules"
make fetch-submodules
make fetch-all-submodules
echo -e "[] fetching tags"
git fetch --tags --recurse-submodules=no --shallow-since="2021-07-01" HEAD
@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ runs:
- name: Install IDF tools
if: inputs.port == 'espressif'
run: |
echo "Installing ESP-IDF tools"
$IDF_PATH/tools/ --non-interactive install required
$IDF_PATH/tools/ --non-interactive install cmake
echo "Installing Python environment and packages"
$IDF_PATH/tools/ --non-interactive install-python-env
rm -rf $IDF_TOOLS_PATH/dist
shell: bash
- name: Set environment
@ -63,5 +63,5 @@ jobs:
make -C examples/natmod/uzlib
- name: Test native modules
if: matrix.test == 'all'
run: ./ extmod/{btree*,framebuf*,uheapq*,ure*,uzlib*}.py
run: ./ extmod/{uheapq*,ure*,uzlib*}.py
working-directory: tests
@ -143,10 +143,14 @@
[submodule "ports/espressif/esp-idf"]
path = ports/espressif/esp-idf
url =
branch = release/v4.4-circuitpython
[submodule "ports/espressif/certificates/nina-fw"]
path = lib/certificates/nina-fw
url =
branch = circuitpython-v5.1
[submodule "ports/espressif/esp-protocols"]
path = ports/espressif/esp-protocols
url =
[submodule "ports/espressif/esp-camera"]
path = ports/espressif/esp-camera
url =
branch = circuitpython
[submodule "frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_ST7789"]
path = frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_ST7789
url =
@ -300,10 +304,6 @@
[submodule "frozen/circuitpython_picoed"]
path = frozen/circuitpython_picoed
url =
[submodule "ports/espressif/esp32-camera"]
path = ports/espressif/esp32-camera
url =
branch = circuitpython
[submodule "ports/raspberrypi/lib/cyw43-driver"]
path = ports/raspberrypi/lib/cyw43-driver
url =
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
url =
[submodule "frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Wave"]
path = frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Wave
url =
url =
[submodule "ports/raspberrypi/lib/Pico-PIO-USB"]
path = ports/raspberrypi/lib/Pico-PIO-USB
url =
@ -348,3 +348,6 @@
[submodule "lib/micropython-lib"]
path = lib/micropython-lib
url =
[submodule "lib/certificates"]
path = lib/certificates
url =
@ -133,6 +133,8 @@ Behavior
```` **in the REPL anymore, as the REPL is a fresh vm.** CircuitPython's goal for this
change includes reducing confusion about pins and memory being used.
- After the main code is finished the REPL can be entered by pressing any key.
- If the file ```` exists, it is executed before the REPL Prompt is shown
- In safe mode this functionality is disabled, to ensure the REPL Prompt can always be reached
- Autoreload state will be maintained across reload.
- Adds a safe mode that does not run user code after a hard crash or brown out. This makes it
@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ Behavior
- Re-runs ```` or other main file after file system writes by a workflow. (Disable with
- Autoreload is disabled while the REPL is active.
- ```` may also be named``code.txt``, ````, or ``main.txt``.
- ```` may also be named ``code.txt``, ````, or ``main.txt``.
- ```` may also be named ``boot.txt``.
- ```` may also be named ``safemode.txt``.
@ -266,19 +266,9 @@ rst_epilog = """
# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
# on_rtd is whether we are on
on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True'
if not on_rtd: # only import and set the theme if we're building docs locally
import sphinx_rtd_theme
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path(), '.']
html_theme = 'default'
html_theme_path = ['.']
html_theme_path = ['.']
import sphinx_rtd_theme
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path(), '.']
# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
@ -443,6 +433,7 @@ texinfo_documents = [
# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library.
intersphinx_mapping = {"python": ('', None),
"register": ('', None),
"mcp2515": ('', None),
"typing": ('', None)}
# Adapted from sphinxcontrib-redirects
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 427cc923976229bcb981ca6f218ebe8efd636df6
Subproject commit d17b999f46fd148ac192ad692b8a4639f81add38
@ -84,8 +84,10 @@ shared-bindings/frequencyio/__init__.rst shared-bindings/frequencyio/
shared-bindings/gnss/__init__.rst shared-bindings/gnss/
shared-bindings/i2cperipheral/__init__.rst shared-bindings/i2cperipheral/
shared-bindings/i2csecondary/__init__.rst shared-bindings/i2csecondary/
shared-bindings/i2cslave/I2CSlave.rst shared-bindings/i2cperipheral/#i2cperipheral.I2CPeripheral
shared-bindings/i2cslave/I2CSlaveRequest.rst shared-bindings/i2cperipheral/#i2cperipheral.I2CPeripheralRequest
shared-bindings/i2cslave/I2CSlave.rst shared-bindings/i2cperipheral/#i2ctarget.Target
shared-bindings/i2cslave/I2CSlaveRequest.rst shared-bindings/i2cperipheral/#i2ctarget.I2CTargetRequest
shared-bindings/i2cperipheral/I2CPeripheral.rst shared-bindings/i2ctarget/#i2ctarget.I2CTarget
shared-bindings/i2cperipheral/I2CPeripheralRequest.rst shared-bindings/i2ctarget/#i2ctarget.I2CTargetRequest
shared-bindings/math/__init__.rst shared-bindings/math/
shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.rst shared-bindings/microcontroller/#microcontroller.Pin
shared-bindings/microcontroller/Processor.rst shared-bindings/microcontroller/#microcontroller.Processor
@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
# Derived from code on Eric Holscher's blog, found at:
import re
def render_with_jinja(docname, source):
if'^\s*.. jinja$', source[0], re.M):
return True
return False
def rstjinja(app, docname, source):
Render our pages as a jinja template for fancy templating goodness.
@ -9,12 +16,12 @@ def rstjinja(app, docname, source):
if app.builder.format not in ("html", "latex"):
# we only want our one jinja template to run through this func
if "shared-bindings/support_matrix" not in docname:
# we only want specific files to run through this func
if not render_with_jinja(docname, source):
src = rendered = source[0]
print(f"rendering {docname} as jinja templates")
if app.builder.format == "html":
rendered = app.builder.templates.render_string(
@ -69,28 +69,23 @@ ADDITIONAL_MODULES = {
# always available, so depend on something that's always 1.
"builtins": "CIRCUITPY",
"builtins.pow3": "CIRCUITPY_BUILTINS_POW3",
"os.getenv": "CIRCUITPY_OS_GETENV",
"terminalio": "CIRCUITPY_DISPLAYIO",
"terminalio": "CIRCUITPY_DISPLAYIO",
MODULES_NOT_IN_BINDINGS = [ "binascii", "errno", "json", "re", "ulab" ]
FROZEN_EXCLUDES = ["examples", "docs", "tests", "utils", "", ""]
"""Files and dirs at the root of a frozen directory that should be ignored.
@ -117,7 +112,7 @@ def get_bindings():
bindings_modules = []
for d in get_circuitpython_root_dir().glob("ports/*/bindings"):
bindings_modules.extend( for module in d.iterdir() if d.is_dir())
return shared_bindings_modules + bindings_modules + MODULES_NOT_IN_BINDINGS
return shared_bindings_modules + bindings_modules + MODULES_NOT_IN_BINDINGS + list(ADDITIONAL_MODULES.keys())
def get_board_mapping():
@ -175,9 +170,11 @@ def get_settings_from_makefile(port_dir, board_name):
This means that the effect of all Makefile directives is taken
into account, without having to re-encode the logic that sets them
in this script, something that has proved error-prone
This list must explicitly include any setting queried by tools/
contents =
["make", "-C", port_dir, "-f", "Makefile", f"BOARD={board_name}", "print-CFLAGS", "print-CIRCUITPY_BUILD_EXTENSIONS", "print-FROZEN_MPY_DIRS", "print-SRC_PATTERNS"],
["make", "-C", port_dir, "-f", "Makefile", f"BOARD={board_name}", "print-CFLAGS", "print-CIRCUITPY_BUILD_EXTENSIONS", "print-FROZEN_MPY_DIRS", "print-SRC_PATTERNS", "print-SRC_SUPERVISOR"],
@ -68,12 +68,14 @@ conflicts with user created NUS services.
Read-only characteristic that returns the UTF-8 encoded version string.
## Web
If the keys `CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID` and `CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD` are set in `settings.toml`,
CircuitPython will automatically connect to the given Wi-Fi network on boot and upon reload.
The web workflow is depends on adding Wi-Fi credentials into the `settings.toml` file. The keys are
`CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID` and `CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD`. Once these are defined, CircuitPython will
automatically connect to the network and start the webserver used for the workflow. The webserver
is on port 80 unless overridden by `CIRCUITPY_WEB_API_PORT`. It also enables MDNS. The name
of the board as advertised to the network can be overridden by `CIRCUITPY_WEB_INSTANCE_NAME`.
If `CIRCUITPY_WEB_API_PASSWORD` is also set, the web workflow will also start.
The web workflow will only be enabled if the Wi-Fi connection succeeds upon boot.
The webserver is on port 80 unless overridden by `CIRCUITPY_WEB_API_PORT`. It also enables MDNS.
The name of the board as advertised to the network can be overridden by `CIRCUITPY_WEB_INSTANCE_NAME`.
Here is an example `/settings.toml`:
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ Here is an example `/settings.toml`:
# To enable modifying files from the web. Change this too!
# To enable the the webserver. Change this too!
# Leave the User field blank in the browser.
@ -145,6 +145,11 @@ STATIC const mp_rom_map_elem_t task_queue_locals_dict_table[] = {
{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_push), MP_ROM_PTR(&task_queue_push_obj) },
{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_pop), MP_ROM_PTR(&task_queue_pop_obj) },
{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_remove), MP_ROM_PTR(&task_queue_remove_obj) },
// CIRCUITPYTHON: Remove these in CircuitPython 10.0.0
{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_push_head), MP_ROM_PTR(&task_queue_push_obj) },
{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_push_sorted), MP_ROM_PTR(&task_queue_push_obj) },
{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_pop_head), MP_ROM_PTR(&task_queue_pop_obj) },
STATIC MP_DEFINE_CONST_DICT(task_queue_locals_dict, task_queue_locals_dict_table);
@ -228,6 +233,14 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t task_cancel(mp_obj_t self_in) {
STATIC MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_1(task_cancel_obj, task_cancel);
// CIRCUITPY provides __await__().
STATIC mp_obj_t task_getiter(mp_obj_t self_in, mp_obj_iter_buf_t *iter_buf);
STATIC mp_obj_t task_await(mp_obj_t self_in) {
return task_getiter(self_in, NULL);
STATIC MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_1(task_await_obj, task_await);
STATIC void task_attr(mp_obj_t self_in, qstr attr, mp_obj_t *dest) {
mp_obj_task_t *self = MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(self_in);
if (dest[0] == MP_OBJ_NULL) {
@ -246,6 +259,9 @@ STATIC void task_attr(mp_obj_t self_in, qstr attr, mp_obj_t *dest) {
dest[1] = self_in;
} else if (attr == MP_QSTR_ph_key) {
dest[0] = self->ph_key;
} else if (attr == MP_QSTR___await__) {
dest[0] = MP_OBJ_FROM_PTR(&task_await_obj);
dest[1] = self_in;
} else if (dest[1] != MP_OBJ_NULL) {
// Store
@ -320,6 +336,6 @@ const mp_obj_module_t mp_module_uasyncio = {
.globals = (mp_obj_dict_t *)&mp_module_uasyncio_globals,
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR__uasyncio, mp_module_uasyncio);
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR__asyncio, mp_module_uasyncio);
@ -252,6 +252,6 @@ const mp_obj_module_t mp_module_ubinascii = {
.globals = (mp_obj_dict_t *)&mp_module_binascii_globals,
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_ubinascii, mp_module_ubinascii);
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_binascii, mp_module_ubinascii);
@ -383,6 +383,6 @@ const mp_obj_module_t mp_module_uhashlib = {
.globals = (mp_obj_dict_t *)&mp_module_uhashlib_globals,
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_uhashlib, mp_module_uhashlib);
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_hashlib, mp_module_uhashlib);
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ const mp_obj_module_t mp_module_uheapq = {
.globals = (mp_obj_dict_t *)&mp_module_uheapq_globals,
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_uheapq, mp_module_uheapq);
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_heapq, mp_module_uheapq);
@ -459,6 +459,6 @@ const mp_obj_module_t mp_module_ujson = {
.globals = (mp_obj_dict_t *)&mp_module_ujson_globals,
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_ujson, mp_module_ujson);
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_json, mp_module_ujson);
@ -181,6 +181,6 @@ const mp_obj_module_t mp_module_uos = {
.globals = (mp_obj_dict_t *)&os_module_globals,
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_uos, mp_module_uos);
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_os, mp_module_uos);
#endif // MICROPY_PY_UOS
@ -75,6 +75,6 @@ const mp_obj_module_t mp_module_uplatform = {
.globals = (mp_obj_dict_t *)&modplatform_globals,
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_uplatform, mp_module_uplatform);
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_platform, mp_module_uplatform);
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ const mp_obj_module_t mp_module_urandom = {
.globals = (mp_obj_dict_t *)&mp_module_urandom_globals,
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_urandom, mp_module_urandom);
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_random, mp_module_urandom);
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ const mp_obj_module_t mp_module_ure = {
.globals = (mp_obj_dict_t *)&mp_module_re_globals,
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_ure, mp_module_ure);
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_re, mp_module_ure);
// Source files #include'd here to make sure they're compiled in
@ -170,13 +170,18 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t mod_uzlib_decompress(size_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
decomp->source_limit = (byte *)bufinfo.buf + bufinfo.len;
int st;
bool is_zlib = true;
mp_int_t wbits = 0;
if (n_args > 1 && MP_OBJ_SMALL_INT_VALUE(args[1]) < 0) {
is_zlib = false;
if (n_args > 1) {
wbits = MP_OBJ_SMALL_INT_VALUE(args[1]);
if (is_zlib) {
if (wbits >= 16) {
st = uzlib_gzip_parse_header(decomp);
if (st < 0) {
goto error;
} else if (wbits >= 0) {
st = uzlib_zlib_parse_header(decomp);
if (st < 0) {
goto error;
@ -225,7 +230,7 @@ const mp_obj_module_t mp_module_uzlib = {
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_uzlib, mp_module_uzlib);
MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_zlib, mp_module_uzlib);
// Source files #include'd here to make sure they're compiled in
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 4124dfbdaadce1966f457d7d6c6984e9832999bf
Subproject commit 25e35a8620bfab08ff4ec30bf89667dca0b05fcf
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit cbb33c111f245411370c1e571012472323df3f07
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
We share root certificates with the nina-fw to ensure they both use the same roots.
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit d73fe315cc7f9148a0918490d3b75430c8444bf7
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit ecab2fa75e9d7675785d2b87f29a22f027da8ce5
Subproject commit 98a2da6da4bdbfee8f3ab2334871e8c360dccae3
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit db59494b1b24f7dad26c5c66c85a195a2cf09466
Subproject commit 1fdf29075d4e613eacfa881166015263797db0f6
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -92,13 +92,17 @@ msgstr ""
"%d pin alamat, %d rgb pin dan %d ubin menunjukkan ketinggian %d, bukan %d"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -195,6 +199,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr "%q harus <= %d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr "%q harus >= %d"
@ -396,10 +404,6 @@ msgstr "'break' diluar loop"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' diluar loop"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr ""
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' membutuhkan setidaknya 2 argumen"
@ -450,9 +454,9 @@ msgstr "pow() 3-arg tidak didukung"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Sebuah channel hardware interrupt sedang digunakan"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "ADC2 sedang digunakan oleh WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -461,9 +465,14 @@ msgstr "Alamat harus sepanjang %d byte"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr ""
@ -669,11 +678,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer bukan bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Buffer terlalu kecil"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -693,6 +697,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer terlalu pendek untuk %d byte"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1040,10 +1050,6 @@ msgstr "Gagal melepaskan mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Gagal menulis flash internal."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "File sudah ada"
@ -1119,6 +1125,10 @@ msgstr "Grup sudah digunakan"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1168,10 +1178,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1233,6 +1239,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1387,6 +1394,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr "Harus berupa subclass %q."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr "Harus menyediakan pin MISO atau MOSI"
@ -1775,6 +1786,10 @@ msgstr "Tambahkan module apapun pada filesystem\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Buffer awalan harus ada di heap"
@ -1809,11 +1824,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr "Pull tidak digunakan saat arah output."
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr ""
@ -1982,10 +1992,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr ""
@ -2010,10 +2016,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "Sampel bits_per_sampel tidak cocok dengan mixer"
@ -2154,6 +2156,10 @@ msgstr "String UUID bukan 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'"
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr "Nilai UUID bukan str, int atau byte buffer"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2165,11 +2171,6 @@ msgstr "Tidak dapat mengalokasikan buffer untuk signed conversion"
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr ""
@ -2188,33 +2189,23 @@ msgstr "Tidak dapat menemukan GCLK yang kosong"
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "Tidak dapat memulai parser"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr "Tidak dapat membaca data palet warna"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "Tidak dapat menulis ke nvm."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr ""
@ -2338,20 +2329,10 @@ msgstr "Tegangan baca habis waktu"
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr "PERINGATAN: Nama file kode anda mempunyai dua ekstensi\n"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2366,14 +2347,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -2401,6 +2374,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr ""
@ -2606,8 +2583,7 @@ msgstr "ukuran buffer harus sesuai dengan format"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -2982,7 +2958,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "empty file"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "heap kosong"
@ -3893,10 +3869,6 @@ msgstr "parameter harus menjadi register dalam urutan r0 sampai r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -3938,10 +3910,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "antrian meluap (overflow)"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr ""
@ -4122,10 +4090,7 @@ msgstr "sintaksis error pada JSON"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "sintaksis error pada pendeskripsi uctypes"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr ""
@ -4208,7 +4173,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4232,7 +4197,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr "argumen keyword tidak diharapkan"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "keyword argumen '%q' tidak diharapkan"
@ -4326,10 +4292,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr ""
@ -4389,10 +4351,6 @@ msgstr "jumlah nilai yang salah untuk dibongkar"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr "tipe output salah"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr "xTaskCreate gagal"
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr "zi harus ndarray"
@ -4405,6 +4363,18 @@ msgstr "zi harus berjenis float"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "Zi harus berbentuk (n_section, 2)"
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "ADC2 sedang digunakan oleh WiFi"
#~ msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
#~ msgstr "xTaskCreate gagal"
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "antrian meluap (overflow)"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Buffer terlalu kecil"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "File .mpy rusak"
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -89,13 +89,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -192,6 +196,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr ""
@ -448,8 +456,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
@ -459,9 +467,14 @@ msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr ""
@ -665,11 +678,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -689,6 +697,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1031,10 +1045,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr ""
@ -1095,8 +1105,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Generic Failure"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/displayio/EPaperDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-module/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-module/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
@ -1110,6 +1118,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1159,10 +1171,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1224,6 +1232,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1378,6 +1387,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr ""
@ -1756,6 +1769,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1788,11 +1805,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr ""
@ -1955,10 +1967,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr ""
@ -1983,10 +1991,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2127,6 +2131,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2138,11 +2146,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr ""
@ -2161,33 +2164,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr ""
@ -2309,20 +2302,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2337,14 +2320,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -2372,6 +2347,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr ""
@ -2578,8 +2557,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -2978,10 +2956,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "empty sequence"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/machine_bitstream.c
msgid "encoding"
msgstr ""
#: py/objstr.c
msgid "end of format while looking for conversion specifier"
msgstr ""
@ -3880,10 +3854,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -4013,10 +3983,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "sleep length must be non-negative"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/ulab/code/ndarray.c
msgid "slice step can't be zero"
msgstr ""
#: py/nativeglue.c
msgid "slice unsupported"
msgstr ""
@ -4122,10 +4088,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ticks interval overflow"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr ""
@ -4232,7 +4195,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr ""
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4326,10 +4290,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr ""
@ -4389,10 +4349,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr ""
@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-04 12:55-0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-05-21 00:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Scott Shawcroft <>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-03 15:21+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Vladimír Smitka <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: cs\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.18-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1-dev\n"
#: main.c
msgid ""
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
"Code done running.\n"
msgstr ""
"Program byl dokončen.\n"
"Běh programu byl dokončen.\n"
#: main.c
msgid ""
@ -35,21 +35,28 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
"Prosím, založte issue s vaším programem na"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Press reset to exit safe mode.\n"
msgstr ""
"Stiskněte reset pro ukončení nouzového režimu.\n"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"You are in safe mode because:\n"
msgstr ""
"Jste v bezpečnostním režimu z důvodu:\n"
#: py/obj.c
msgid " File \"%q\""
@ -79,7 +86,7 @@ msgstr "%%c vyžaduje int nebo char"
#: main.c
#, c-format
msgid "%02X"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%02X"
#: shared-module/os/getenv.c
#, c-format
@ -93,13 +100,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "%d adresní pin, %d rgb pin a %d dlaždice indikuje výšku %d, ne %d"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -126,7 +137,7 @@ msgstr "%q: selhání %d"
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q in %q must be of type %q, not %q"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q v %q musí být typu %q, ne %q"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/espulp/ULP.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
@ -153,11 +164,11 @@ msgstr "Inicializace %q selhala"
#: ports/espressif/bindings/espnow/Peer.c shared-bindings/dualbank/__init__.c
msgid "%q is %q"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q je %q"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "%q is read-only for this board"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q je pouze u této desky pouze pro čtení"
#: py/argcheck.c shared-bindings/usb_hid/Device.c
msgid "%q length must be %d"
@ -196,35 +207,40 @@ msgstr "%q musí být 1, pokud %q je True"
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr "%q musí být <= %d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr "%q musí být <= %u"
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr "%q musí být >= %d"
#: shared-bindings/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, fuzzy
msgid "%q must be a bytearray or array of type 'H' or 'B'"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q musí být bytearray nebo pole typu 'H' nebo 'B'"
#: shared-bindings/audiocore/RawSample.c
msgid "%q must be a bytearray or array of type 'h', 'H', 'b', or 'B'"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q musí být bytearray nebo pole typu 'h', 'H', 'b', nebo 'B'"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
msgid "%q must be array of type 'H'"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q musí být pole typu 'H V"
#: shared-module/synthio/__init__.c
msgid "%q must be array of type 'h'"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q musí být pole typu 'h'"
#: ports/raspberrypi/bindings/cyw43/__init__.c py/argcheck.c py/objexcept.c
#: shared-bindings/canio/CAN.c shared-bindings/digitalio/Pull.c
#: shared-module/synthio/Synthesizer.c
msgid "%q must be of type %q or %q, not %q"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q musí být typu %q nebo %q, ne %q"
#: py/argcheck.c py/objstrunicode.c shared-module/synthio/__init__.c
msgid "%q must be of type %q, not %q"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q musí být typu %q, ne %q"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/busio/UART.c
msgid "%q must be power of 2"
@ -245,7 +261,7 @@ msgstr "%q je mimo rozsah"
#: py/objrange.c py/objslice.c shared-bindings/random/__init__.c
msgid "%q step cannot be zero"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q krok nemůže být nula"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
msgid "%q() takes %d positional arguments but %d were given"
@ -257,19 +273,19 @@ msgstr "%q, %q, a %q musí mít všechny shodnou délku"
#: py/objint.c shared-bindings/storage/__init__.c
msgid "%q=%q"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q=%q"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "%q[%u] shifts in more bits than pin count"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q[%u] posouvá dovnitř o více bitů než je počet pinů"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "%q[%u] shifts out more bits than pin count"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q[%u] posouvá ven o více bitů než je počet pinů"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "%q[%u] uses extra pin"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q[%u] používá extra pin"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "%q[%u] waits on input outside of count"
@ -397,10 +413,6 @@ msgstr "'break' je volán vně cyklu"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' je volán vně cyklu"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "Objekt 'coroutine' není iterátor"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' vyžaduje nejméně 2 argumenty"
@ -451,9 +463,9 @@ msgstr "pow() nepodporuje 3 argumenty"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Kanál hardwarového přerušení je již používán"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "WiFi používá ADC2"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr "AP nemohl být spuštěn"
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -462,7 +474,12 @@ msgstr "Adresa musí být %d bajtů dlouhá"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr "Adresní rozsah není povolen"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
@ -504,7 +521,7 @@ msgstr "Všechny kanály jsou používány"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/usb_host/Port.c
msgid "All dma channels in use"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Všechny DMA kanály jsou používány"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
msgid "All event channels in use"
@ -514,7 +531,7 @@ msgstr "Všechny kanály událostí jsou již používány"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/usb_host/Port.c
msgid "All state machines in use"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Všechny stavové automaty jsou používány"
#: ports/atmel-samd/audio_dma.c
msgid "All sync event channels in use"
@ -641,8 +658,9 @@ msgid "Bitmap size and bits per value must match"
msgstr "Velikost bitmapy a počet bitů na hodnotu se musí shodovat"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
#, fuzzy
msgid "Boot device must be first (interface #0)."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Bootovací zařízení musí být první (rozhraní #0)."
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c
msgid "Both RX and TX required for flow control"
@ -670,11 +688,6 @@ msgstr "Prvky bufferu musí být 4 bajty dlouhé nebo méně"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer není bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Vyrovnávací paměť je příliš malá"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -694,6 +707,12 @@ msgstr "Buffer musí být násobkem 512 bajtů"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer je příliš krátký o %d bajtů"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr "Buffer příliš malý"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Buffery musí mít stejnou velikost"
@ -720,7 +739,7 @@ msgstr "Disk CIRCUITPY nelze nalézt nebo vytvořit."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/espidf/__init__.c
msgid "CRC or checksum was invalid"
msgstr ""
msgstr "CRC nebo kontrolní součet byl neplatný"
#: py/objtype.c
msgid "Call super().__init__() before accessing native object."
@ -798,7 +817,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/socketpool/Socket.c
msgid "Cannot set socket options"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nelze nastavit možnosti socketu"
#: shared-bindings/digitalio/DigitalInOut.c
msgid "Cannot set value when direction is input."
@ -819,11 +838,11 @@ msgstr "Nelze měnit frekvenci časovače, který je již používán"
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/pin/PinAlarm.c
msgid "Cannot wake on pin edge, only level"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nelze probudit hranou na pinu, pouze úrovní"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/alarm/pin/PinAlarm.c
msgid "Cannot wake on pin edge. Only level."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nelze probudit hranou na pinu. Pouze úrovní."
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/CharacteristicBuffer.c
msgid "CharacteristicBuffer writing not provided"
@ -858,7 +877,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/neopixel_write/__init__.c
msgid "Could not retrieve clock"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nelze načíst hodiny"
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Could not set address"
@ -932,7 +951,7 @@ msgstr "Otočení displeje musí být po 90 stupních"
#: main.c
msgid "Done"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hotovo"
#: shared-bindings/digitalio/DigitalInOut.c
msgid "Drive mode not used when direction is input."
@ -940,7 +959,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: py/obj.c
msgid "During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Při zpracování uvedené výjimky nastala další výjimka:"
#: shared-bindings/aesio/aes.c
msgid "ECB only operates on 16 bytes at a time"
@ -1038,10 +1057,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se zapsat do interní paměti."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "soubor existuje"
@ -1119,6 +1134,10 @@ msgstr "Skupina již byla použita"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1168,10 +1187,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1233,6 +1248,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1387,6 +1403,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr "Musí být podtřída %q."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr "Musí poskytnout pin MISO nebo MOSI"
@ -1766,6 +1786,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1800,11 +1824,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr ""
@ -1971,10 +1990,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr ""
@ -1999,10 +2014,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2143,6 +2154,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2154,11 +2169,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr ""
@ -2177,33 +2187,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr ""
@ -2325,20 +2325,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2353,14 +2343,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -2388,6 +2370,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr ""
@ -2593,8 +2579,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -2969,7 +2954,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "empty file"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr ""
@ -3879,10 +3864,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -3924,10 +3905,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr ""
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr ""
@ -4108,10 +4085,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr ""
@ -4194,7 +4168,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4218,7 +4192,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr ""
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4312,10 +4287,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr ""
@ -4375,10 +4346,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr ""
@ -4391,6 +4358,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "WiFi používá ADC2"
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "Objekt 'coroutine' není iterátor"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Vyrovnávací paměť je příliš malá"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Poškozený soubor .mpy"
@ -34,12 +34,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
"Bitte erstellen Sie ein Problem (Issue) für Ihr Programm unter https://"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -101,13 +98,17 @@ msgstr ""
"nicht %d"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -204,6 +205,10 @@ msgstr "%q muss 1 sein, wenn %q wahr ist"
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr "%q muss <= %d sein"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr "%q muss >= %d sein"
@ -407,10 +412,6 @@ msgstr "'break' außerhalb einer Schleife"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' außerhalb einer Schleife"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' Objekt ist kein Iterator"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' erfordert mindestens zwei Argumente"
@ -461,9 +462,9 @@ msgstr "3-arg pow() wird nicht unterstützt"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Ein Hardware Interrupt Kanal wird schon benutzt"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "ADC2 wird vom WiFi benutzt"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -472,9 +473,14 @@ msgstr "Die Adresse muss %d Bytes lang sein"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr "Adressbereich nicht erlaubt"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr "Alle CAN-Schnittstellen sind in Benutzung"
@ -680,11 +686,6 @@ msgstr "Puffer-Elemente müssen 4 Bytes lang oder kürzer sein"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Der Buffer ist kein Byte-Array."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Der Puffer ist zu klein"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -704,6 +705,12 @@ msgstr "Der Puffer muss ein vielfaches von 512 bytes sein"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Puffer um %d Bytes zu kurz"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Buffers müssen gleiche Größe haben"
@ -1055,10 +1062,6 @@ msgstr "Mutex konnte nicht freigegeben werden. Status: 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Interner Flash konnte nicht geschrieben werden."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr "Hardware hat Fehler festgestellt."
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Datei existiert"
@ -1138,6 +1141,10 @@ msgstr "Gruppe schon benutzt"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "Hald-Duplex SPI is tnicht implementiert"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1192,10 +1199,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Anfänglicher Pin-Zustand steht im Widerspruch mit dem anfänglichen out-"
"Zustand des Pins"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr "Initialisierung aufgrund von Speichermangel fehlgeschlagen"
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1257,6 +1260,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr "Ungültiger %q"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1412,6 +1416,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr "Muss eine %q Unterklasse sein."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr "Muss MISO- oder MOSI-Pin bereitstellen"
@ -1799,6 +1807,10 @@ msgstr "und alle Module im Dateisystem\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Polygone brauchen mindestens 3 Punkte"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Präfix-Puffer muss sich auf dem Heap befinden"
@ -1834,11 +1846,6 @@ msgstr "Programm zu lang"
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr "Pull wird nicht verwendet, wenn die Richtung output ist."
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr "RAISE-Modus ist nicht implementiert"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr "RISE_AND_FALL ist auf diesem Chip nicht verfügbar"
@ -2005,10 +2012,6 @@ msgstr "Stereo links muss sich auf PWM-Kanal A befinden"
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr "Stereo rechts muss sich auf PWM-Kanal B befinden"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr "Das Stoppen des AP wird nicht unterstützt."
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr "Gib entweder monotonic_time oder epoch_time an"
@ -2036,12 +2039,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "Die Länge von rgb_pins muss 6, 12, 18, 24 oder 30 betragen"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
"Die Spannung ist eingebrochen. Stelle sicher, dass genügend Leistung "
"verfügbar ist."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2186,6 +2183,10 @@ msgstr "UUID string ist nicht 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'"
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr "Der UUID-Wert ist kein str-, int- oder Byte-Puffer"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2197,11 +2198,6 @@ msgstr "Konnte keine Buffer für Vorzeichenumwandlung allozieren"
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr "Keine Allokation auf dem Heap möglich."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "ADC-DMA-Controller konnte nicht konfiguriert werden, Fehlercode: %d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr "Lock kann nicht erzeugt werden"
@ -2220,33 +2216,23 @@ msgstr "Konnte keinen freien GCLK finden"
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "Parser konnte nicht gestartet werden"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "ADC-DMA-Controller konnte nicht initialisiert werden, Fehlercode: %d"
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr "Konnte Farbpalettendaten nicht lesen"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "ADC-DMA-Controller konnte nicht gestartet werden, Fehlercode: %d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr "mDNS-Abfrage kann nicht gestartet werden"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr "An die Adresse kann nicht geschrieben werden."
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "Schreiben in nvm nicht möglich."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr "Schreiben in sleep_memory nicht möglich."
@ -2373,24 +2359,12 @@ msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr ""
"WARNUNG: Der Dateiname deines Programms hat zwei Dateityperweiterungen\n"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
"WatchDogTimer kann nicht deinitialisiert werden, wenn der Modus auf RESET "
"gesetzt ist"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr "WatchDogTimer läuft aktuell nicht"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
"WatchDogTimer.mode kann nicht geändert werden, nachdem er auf WatchDogMode."
"RESET gesetzt wurde"
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2410,14 +2384,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr "Wi-Fi: "
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr "Das Wifi ist im Accesspoint-Modus."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr "Das Wifi ist im Station-Modus."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr "WLAN ist nicht aktiviert"
@ -2445,6 +2411,10 @@ msgstr "Beide Knöpfe wurden beim Starten gedrückt."
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr "Knopf A wurde beim Starten gedrückt."
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr "Der BOOT-Knopf wurde beim Starten gedrückt"
@ -2650,8 +2620,7 @@ msgstr "Die Puffergröße muss zum Format passen"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "Puffersegmente müssen gleich lang sein"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "Puffer zu klein"
@ -3038,7 +3007,7 @@ msgstr "leer"
msgid "empty file"
msgstr "Leere Datei"
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "leerer heap"
@ -3964,10 +3933,6 @@ msgstr "Parameter müssen Register im Bereich von r0 bis r3 sein"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "Pixelkoordinaten außerhalb der Grenzen"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader muss displayio.Palette oder displayio.ColorConverter sein"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "Abfrage der Datei unter Win32 nicht verfügbar"
@ -4009,10 +3974,6 @@ msgstr "pow() mit 3 Argumenten erfordert ganze Zahlen"
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr "Pull-Masken kollidieren mit Richtungsmasken"
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "Warteschlangenüberlauf"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr "unformatierte F-Strings werden nicht unterstützt"
@ -4193,10 +4154,7 @@ msgstr "Syntaxfehler in JSON"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "Syntaxfehler in uctypes Deskriptor"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr "Das Zeitlimit hat den maximal zulässigen Wert überschritten"
@ -4279,7 +4237,7 @@ msgstr "Typ '%q' ist kein akzeptierter Basis-Typ"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "Typ ist kein akzeptierter Basis-Typ"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "Typ-Objekt '%q' hat kein Attribut '%q'"
@ -4305,7 +4263,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr "unerwartetes Schlüsselwort-Argument"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "unerwartetes Schlüsselwort-Argument '%q'"
@ -4399,10 +4358,6 @@ msgstr "Wert muss in %d Byte(s) passen"
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr "Wert außerhalb des Zielbereiches"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr "watchdog nicht initialisiert"
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr "Breite muss größer als 0 sein"
@ -4462,10 +4417,6 @@ msgstr "falsche Anzahl zu entpackender Werte"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr "Falscher Ausgabetyp"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr "xTaskCreate fehlgeschlagen"
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr "zi muss ein ndarray sein"
@ -4478,6 +4429,84 @@ msgstr "zi muss eine Gleitkommazahl sein"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi muss die Form (n_section, 2) haben"
#~ msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
#~ msgstr "Initialisierung aufgrund von Speichermangel fehlgeschlagen"
#~ msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
#~ msgstr "RAISE-Modus ist nicht implementiert"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
#~ msgstr "WatchDogTimer läuft aktuell nicht"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "WatchDogTimer.mode kann nicht geändert werden, nachdem er auf "
#~ "WatchDogMode.RESET gesetzt wurde"
#~ msgid "watchdog not initialized"
#~ msgstr "watchdog nicht initialisiert"
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "ADC2 wird vom WiFi benutzt"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "ADC-DMA-Controller konnte nicht konfiguriert werden, Fehlercode: %d"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "ADC-DMA-Controller konnte nicht initialisiert werden, Fehlercode: %d"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "ADC-DMA-Controller konnte nicht gestartet werden, Fehlercode: %d"
#~ msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
#~ msgstr "xTaskCreate fehlgeschlagen"
#~ msgid "Unable to write to address."
#~ msgstr "An die Adresse kann nicht geschrieben werden."
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "Warteschlangenüberlauf"
#~ msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
#~ msgstr "Das Stoppen des AP wird nicht unterstützt."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
#~ msgstr "Das Wifi ist im Accesspoint-Modus."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
#~ msgstr "Das Wifi ist im Station-Modus."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Bitte erstellen Sie ein Problem (Issue) für Ihr Programm unter https://"
#~ ""
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "'coroutine' Objekt ist kein Iterator"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Der Puffer ist zu klein"
#~ msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgstr "Hardware hat Fehler festgestellt."
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Die Spannung ist eingebrochen. Stelle sicher, dass genügend Leistung "
#~ "verfügbar ist."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader muss displayio.Palette oder displayio.ColorConverter sein"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Beschädigte .mpy Datei"
@ -38,12 +38,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
"Παρακαλώ δημιουργήστε ένα πρόβλημα στο"
"circuitpython/issues με το πρόγραμμά σας."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -104,13 +101,17 @@ msgstr ""
"%d pin διεύθυνσης, %d rgb ping και %d πλακίδια αναδεικνύουν ύψος %d, όχι %d"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -207,6 +208,10 @@ msgstr "%q πρέπει να είναι 1 όταν %q είναι True"
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr "%q πρέπει να είναι <= %d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr "%q πρέπει να είναι >= %d"
@ -408,10 +413,6 @@ msgstr "'break' εκτός επανάληψης"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' εκτός επανάληψης"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' αντικείμενο δεν μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί σαν επαναλήπτης"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' απαιτεί τουλάχιστον 2 παραμέτρους"
@ -462,9 +463,9 @@ msgstr "pow() με 3 παραμέτρους δεν υποστηρίζεται"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Ένα κανάλι interrupt υλικού είναι ήδη σε χρήση"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "Το ADC2 χρησιμοποιείται απο το WIFI"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -473,9 +474,14 @@ msgstr "Η διεύθυνση πρέπει να είναι %d bytes μεγάλη
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr "Όλα τα περιφεριακά CAN είναι σε χρήση"
@ -681,11 +687,6 @@ msgstr "Στοιχεία του buffer πρέπει να είναι το πολ
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Το buffer δεν είναι ένα bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Πολύ μικρό buffer"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -705,6 +706,12 @@ msgstr "Buffer πρέπει να είναι πολλαπλάσιο των 512 by
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer πολύ μικρό κατα %d bytes"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Τα Buffers πρέπει να είναι του ιδίου μεγέθους"
@ -1057,10 +1064,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr ""
@ -1136,6 +1139,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1185,10 +1192,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1250,6 +1253,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1404,6 +1408,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr ""
@ -1782,6 +1790,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1816,11 +1828,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr ""
@ -1987,10 +1994,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr ""
@ -2015,10 +2018,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2159,6 +2158,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2170,11 +2173,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr ""
@ -2193,33 +2191,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr ""
@ -2341,20 +2329,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2369,14 +2347,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -2404,6 +2374,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr ""
@ -2609,8 +2583,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -2985,7 +2958,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "empty file"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr ""
@ -3895,10 +3868,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -3940,10 +3909,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr ""
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr ""
@ -4124,10 +4089,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr ""
@ -4210,7 +4172,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4234,7 +4196,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr ""
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4328,10 +4291,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr ""
@ -4391,10 +4350,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr ""
@ -4407,6 +4362,25 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "Το ADC2 χρησιμοποιείται απο το WIFI"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Παρακαλώ δημιουργήστε ένα πρόβλημα στο"
#~ "circuitpython/issues με το πρόγραμμά σας."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "'coroutine' αντικείμενο δεν μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί σαν επαναλήπτης"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Πολύ μικρό buffer"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Κατεστραμένο .mpy αρχείο"
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-14 01:48+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-05 03:10+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Andi Chandler <>\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: en_GB\n"
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.0-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1-dev\n"
#: main.c
msgid ""
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -102,13 +102,17 @@ msgstr ""
"%d address pins, %d rgb pins and %d tiles indicate a height of %d, not %d"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -205,6 +209,10 @@ msgstr "%q must be 1 when %q is True"
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr "%q must be <= %d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr "%q must be <= %u"
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr "%q must be >= %d"
@ -406,10 +414,6 @@ msgstr "'break' outside loop"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' outside loop"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
@ -436,7 +440,7 @@ msgstr "'yield' outside function"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "* arg after **"
msgstr ""
msgstr "* arg after **"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "*x must be assignment target"
@ -460,9 +464,9 @@ msgstr "3-arg pow() not supported"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr "AP could not be started"
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -471,9 +475,14 @@ msgstr "Address must be %d bytes long"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr "Address range not allowed"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr "Address range wraps around"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr "All CAN peripherals are in use"
@ -679,11 +688,6 @@ msgstr "Buffer elements must be 4 bytes long or less"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer is not a bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Buffer is too small"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -703,6 +707,12 @@ msgstr "Buffer must be a multiple of 512 bytes"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr "Buffer too small"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Buffers must be same size"
@ -1047,10 +1057,6 @@ msgstr "Failed to release mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Failed to write internal flash."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr "Fault detected by hardware."
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "File exists"
@ -1127,6 +1133,10 @@ msgstr "Group already used"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1177,10 +1187,6 @@ msgstr "Initial set pin direction conflicts with initial out pin direction"
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr "Initialisation failed due to lack of memory"
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1242,6 +1248,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr "Invalid %q"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1396,6 +1403,10 @@ msgstr "Missing jmp_pin. %q[%u] jumps on pin"
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr "Must be a %q subclass."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
@ -1782,6 +1793,10 @@ msgstr "Plus any modules on the filesystem\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
@ -1814,11 +1829,6 @@ msgstr "Program too long"
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr "Pull not used when direction is output."
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr "RAISE mode is not implemented"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
@ -1985,10 +1995,6 @@ msgstr "Stereo left must be on PWM channel A"
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr "Stopping AP is not supported."
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
@ -2013,10 +2019,6 @@ msgstr "The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:"
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
@ -2159,6 +2161,10 @@ msgstr "UUID string not 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'"
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2170,11 +2176,6 @@ msgstr "Unable to allocate buffers for signed conversion"
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr "Unable to allocate the heap."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr "Unable to create lock"
@ -2193,33 +2194,23 @@ msgstr "Unable to find free GCLK"
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "Unable to init parser"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "Unable to initialise ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr "Unable to read colour palette data"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr "Unable to start mDNS query"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr "Unable to write to address."
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "Unable to write to nvm."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr "Unable to write to read-only memory"
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
@ -2343,20 +2334,10 @@ msgstr "Voltage read timed out"
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialised once mode is set to RESET"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2376,14 +2357,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr "Wi-Fi: "
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr "Wifi is in access point mode."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr "Wifi is in station mode."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr "Wifi is not enabled"
@ -2411,6 +2384,10 @@ msgstr "You pressed both buttons at start up."
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr "You pressed button A at start up."
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
@ -2534,7 +2511,7 @@ msgstr "array/bytes required on right side"
#: py/asmxtensa.c
msgid "asm overflow"
msgstr ""
msgstr "asm overflow"
#: extmod/ulab/code/numpy/numerical.c
msgid "attempt to get (arg)min/(arg)max of empty sequence"
@ -2616,8 +2593,7 @@ msgstr "Buffer size must match format"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "Buffer slices must be of equal length"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "Buffer too small"
@ -2627,7 +2603,7 @@ msgstr "Buffer too small for requested bytes"
#: py/emitbc.c
msgid "bytecode overflow"
msgstr ""
msgstr "bytecode overflow"
#: py/objarray.c
msgid "bytes length not a multiple of item size"
@ -2686,7 +2662,7 @@ msgstr "can't convert %s to complex"
#: py/obj.c
#, c-format
msgid "can't convert %s to float"
msgstr ""
msgstr "can't convert %s to float"
#: py/objstr.c
msgid "can't convert '%q' object to %q implicitly"
@ -2702,7 +2678,7 @@ msgstr "can't convert to complex"
#: py/obj.c
msgid "can't convert to float"
msgstr ""
msgstr "can't convert to float"
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "can't convert to int"
@ -2786,7 +2762,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c
msgid "can't wait"
msgstr ""
msgstr "can't wait"
#: extmod/ulab/code/ndarray.c
msgid "cannot assign new shape"
@ -2995,7 +2971,7 @@ msgstr "empty"
msgid "empty file"
msgstr "empty file"
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "empty heap"
@ -3224,11 +3200,11 @@ msgstr "import * not at module level"
#: py/persistentcode.c
msgid "incompatible .mpy arch"
msgstr ""
msgstr "incompatible .mpy arch"
#: py/persistentcode.c
msgid "incompatible .mpy file"
msgstr ""
msgstr "incompatible .mpy file"
#: py/objstr.c
msgid "incomplete format"
@ -3692,7 +3668,7 @@ msgstr "not a 128-bit UUID"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "not a constant"
msgstr ""
msgstr "not a constant"
#: py/objstr.c
msgid "not all arguments converted during string formatting"
@ -3907,10 +3883,6 @@ msgstr "parameters must be registers in sequence r0 to r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "poll on file not available on win32"
@ -3934,11 +3906,11 @@ msgstr "port must be >= 0"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "positional arg after **"
msgstr ""
msgstr "positional arg after **"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "positional arg after keyword arg"
msgstr ""
msgstr "positional arg after keyword arg"
#: py/objint_mpz.c
msgid "pow() 3rd argument cannot be 0"
@ -3952,10 +3924,6 @@ msgstr "pow() with 3 arguments requires integers"
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "queue overflow"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr "raw f-strings are not supported"
@ -4136,10 +4104,7 @@ msgstr "syntax error in JSON"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
@ -4169,7 +4134,7 @@ msgstr "tobytes can be invoked for dense arrays only"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "too many args"
msgstr ""
msgstr "too many args"
#: extmod/ulab/code/ndarray.c extmod/ulab/code/numpy/create.c
msgid "too many dimensions"
@ -4222,7 +4187,7 @@ msgstr "type '%q' is not an acceptable base type"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "type is not an acceptable base type"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
@ -4246,7 +4211,8 @@ msgstr "unexpected indent"
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr "unexpected keyword argument"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
@ -4340,10 +4306,6 @@ msgstr "value must fit in %d byte(s)"
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr "value out of range of target"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr "WatchDog not initialised"
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr "width must be greater than zero"
@ -4403,10 +4365,6 @@ msgstr "wrong number of values to unpack"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr "wrong output type"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr "xTaskCreate failed"
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr "zi must be an ndarray"
@ -4419,6 +4377,78 @@ msgstr "zi must be of float type"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
#~ msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
#~ msgstr "Initialisation failed due to lack of memory"
#~ msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
#~ msgstr "RAISE mode is not implemented"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
#~ msgstr "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
#~ msgstr "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
#~ msgid "watchdog not initialized"
#~ msgstr "WatchDog not initialised"
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "Unable to initialise ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
#~ msgstr "xTaskCreate failed"
#~ msgid "Unable to write to address."
#~ msgstr "Unable to write to address."
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "queue overflow"
#~ msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
#~ msgstr "Stopping AP is not supported."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
#~ msgstr "Wifi is in access point mode."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
#~ msgstr "Wifi is in station mode."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgstr "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Corrupt .mpy file"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-04 12:55-0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-06 17:45+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-24 22:46+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Pablo Martinez Bernal <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: es\n"
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.0-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.0\n"
#: main.c
msgid ""
@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
"Por favor describa su problema en"
"Por favor abre una issue con tu programa en"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -104,13 +104,17 @@ msgstr ""
"no de %d"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -207,6 +211,10 @@ msgstr "%q debe ser 1 cuando %q es True"
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr "%q debe ser <= %d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr "%q debe ser >= %d"
@ -272,19 +280,19 @@ msgstr "%q=%q"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "%q[%u] shifts in more bits than pin count"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q[%u] lee mas bits que la cantidad de pines"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "%q[%u] shifts out more bits than pin count"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q[%u] escribe mas bits que la cantidad de pines"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "%q[%u] uses extra pin"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q[%u] usa un pin extra"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "%q[%u] waits on input outside of count"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q[%u] espera entrada fuera del contador"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/espidf/__init__.c
#, c-format
@ -408,10 +416,6 @@ msgstr "'break' fuera de un bucle"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' fuera de un bucle"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "el objeto 'coroutine' no es un iterador"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' requiere como mínimo 2 argumentos"
@ -438,7 +442,7 @@ msgstr "'yield' fuera de una función"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "* arg after **"
msgstr ""
msgstr "* argumento tras **"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "*x must be assignment target"
@ -462,9 +466,9 @@ msgstr "pow() con 3 argumentos no soportado"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Un canal de interrupción por hardware ya está en uso"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "ADC2 está siendo usado por WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -473,9 +477,14 @@ msgstr "La dirección debe tener %d bytes de longitud"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr "Rango de dirección no permitido"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr "Todos los periféricos CAN están en uso"
@ -683,11 +692,6 @@ msgstr "Los elementos del buffer deben tener una longitud de 4 bytes o menos"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer no es un bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Buffer es muy pequeño"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -708,6 +712,12 @@ msgstr "El buffer deber ser un múltiplo de 512 bytes"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer muy corto por %d bytes"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr "Buffer demasiado pequeño"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Los buffers deben ser del mismo tamaño"
@ -1059,10 +1069,6 @@ msgstr "No se puede liberar el mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Error al escribir el flash interno."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr "Falló detectado por el hardware."
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "El archivo ya existe"
@ -1144,6 +1150,10 @@ msgstr "Grupo ya está siendo utilizado"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "SPI Half Duplex no está implementado"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr "Fallo grave: error de acceso a memoria o de instrucción."
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1199,10 +1209,6 @@ msgstr ""
"El estado inicial del pin de configuración esta en conflicto con el estado "
"inicial de salida del pin"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr "Inicializacion fallida por falta de memoria"
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1266,6 +1272,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr "%q inválido"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1390,36 +1397,40 @@ msgstr "Inconsistencia en el flag de recambio"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing first_in_pin. %q[%u] reads pin(s)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Falta first_in_pin. %q[%u] lee pin(es)"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing first_in_pin. %q[%u] shifts in from pin(s)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Falta first_in_pin. %q[%u] mueve desde pin(es)"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing first_in_pin. %q[%u] waits based on pin"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Falta first_in_pin. %q[%u] espera basado en un pin"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing first_out_pin. %q[%u] shifts out to pin(s)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Falta first_out_pin. %q[%u] mueve hacia pin(es)"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing first_out_pin. %q[%u] writes pin(s)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Falta first_out_pin. %q[%u] escribe en pin(es)"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing first_set_pin. %q[%u] sets pin(s)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Falta first_set_pin. %q[%u] configura pin(es)"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing jmp_pin. %q[%u] jumps on pin"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Falta jmp_pin. %q[%u] salta en pin"
#: shared-bindings/busio/UART.c shared-bindings/displayio/Group.c
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr "Debe de ser una subclase de %q."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr "Debe proporcionar un pin MISO o MOSI"
@ -1809,6 +1820,11 @@ msgstr "Además de cualquier módulo en el sistema de archivos\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "El polígono necesita al menos 3 puntos"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
"Falta de potencia. Asegura que estás suministrando suficiente potencia."
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "El prefijo del buffer debe estar en el heap"
@ -1844,11 +1860,6 @@ msgstr "El programa es demasiado grande"
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr "Pull no se usa cuando la dirección es output."
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr "El modo RAISE no esta implementado"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr "RISE_AND_FALL no esta disponible para este chip"
@ -2016,10 +2027,6 @@ msgstr "Estéreo izquierdo debe estar en el canal PWM A"
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr "Estéreo derecho debe estar en el canal PWM B"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr "Parar el AP no esta soportado."
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr "Suministre monotonic_time o epoch_time"
@ -2045,11 +2052,6 @@ msgstr "La excepción fue la causa directa de la excepción siguiente:"
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "La longitud de rgb_pins debe ser 6, 12, 18, 24, o 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
"La potencia calló. Asegúrese que está suministrando suficiente energía."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "Los bits_per_sample del sample no igualan a los del mixer"
@ -2195,6 +2197,10 @@ msgstr "UUID string no es 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'"
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr "UUID valor no es un str, int o byte buffer"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2206,11 +2212,6 @@ msgstr "No se pudieron asignar buffers para la conversión con signo"
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr "Imposible de asignar el heap."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "Imposible de configurar el controlador ADC DMA , código de error:%d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr "No se puede crear bloqueo"
@ -2229,34 +2230,23 @@ msgstr "No se pudo encontrar un GCLK libre"
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "Incapaz de inicializar el parser"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
"No es posible de inicializar el controlador ADC DMA, código de error:%d"
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr "No se pudo leer los datos de la paleta de colores"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "Imposible de iniciar el controlador ADC DMA, código de error:%d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr "Imposible de incializar una consulta mDNS"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr "Imposible de escribir en esa dirección."
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "Imposible escribir en nvm."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr "Imposible de escribir en sleep_memory."
@ -2380,23 +2370,11 @@ msgstr "Tiempo de espera agotado para lectura de voltaje"
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr "ADVERTENCIA: El nombre de archivo de tu código tiene dos extensiones\n"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
"WatchDogTimer no se puede desinicializar luego de definirse en modo RESET"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr "WatchDogTimer no se está ejecutando en este momento"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
"WatchDogTimer.mode no se puede modificar luego de configurar WatchDogMode."
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2416,14 +2394,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr "Wi-Fi: "
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr "Wifi est en modo de access point."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr "Wifi esta en modo station."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr "Wifi no esta activado"
@ -2451,6 +2421,10 @@ msgstr "Usted presionó ambos botones al iniciar."
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr "Usted presionó el botón A al iniciar."
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr "Usted presionó el botón BOOT al iniciar"
@ -2574,7 +2548,7 @@ msgstr "array/bytes requeridos en el lado derecho"
#: py/asmxtensa.c
msgid "asm overflow"
msgstr ""
msgstr "desborde de asm"
#: extmod/ulab/code/numpy/numerical.c
msgid "attempt to get (arg)min/(arg)max of empty sequence"
@ -2656,8 +2630,7 @@ msgstr "el tamaño del buffer debe de coincidir con el formato"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "Las secciones del buffer necesitan tener longitud igual"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "buffer demasiado pequeño"
@ -2667,7 +2640,7 @@ msgstr "búfer muy pequeño para los bytes solicitados"
#: py/emitbc.c
msgid "bytecode overflow"
msgstr ""
msgstr "desborde de bytecode"
#: py/objarray.c
msgid "bytes length not a multiple of item size"
@ -2829,7 +2802,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c
msgid "can't wait"
msgstr ""
msgstr "no se puede esperar"
#: extmod/ulab/code/ndarray.c
msgid "cannot assign new shape"
@ -3039,7 +3012,7 @@ msgstr "vacío"
msgid "empty file"
msgstr "archivo vacio"
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "heap vacío"
@ -3268,7 +3241,7 @@ msgstr "import * no a nivel de módulo"
#: py/persistentcode.c
msgid "incompatible .mpy arch"
msgstr ""
msgstr "arquitectura de .mpy incompatible"
#: py/persistentcode.c
msgid "incompatible .mpy file"
@ -3740,7 +3713,7 @@ msgstr "no es 128-bit UUID"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "not a constant"
msgstr ""
msgstr "no es una constante"
#: py/objstr.c
msgid "not all arguments converted during string formatting"
@ -3956,10 +3929,6 @@ msgstr "los parametros deben ser registros en secuencia del r0 al r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "coordenadas del pixel fuera de límites"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader debe ser displayio.Palette o displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "el sondeo del archivo no esta disponible en win32"
@ -3983,11 +3952,11 @@ msgstr "port debe ser be >= 0"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "positional arg after **"
msgstr ""
msgstr "argumento posicional tras **"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "positional arg after keyword arg"
msgstr ""
msgstr "argumento posicional tras argumento con nombre"
#: py/objint_mpz.c
msgid "pow() 3rd argument cannot be 0"
@ -4001,10 +3970,6 @@ msgstr "pow() con 3 argumentos requiere enteros"
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr "máscara de pull en conflicto con máscara de dirección"
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "desbordamiento de cola(queue)"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr "raw f-strings no esta soportadas"
@ -4185,10 +4150,7 @@ msgstr "error de sintaxis en JSON"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "error de sintaxis en el descriptor uctypes"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr ""
"la duración de tiempo de espera ha excedido la capacidad máxima del valor"
@ -4219,7 +4181,7 @@ msgstr "tobytes solo pueden ser invocados por arrays densos"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "too many args"
msgstr ""
msgstr "demasiados argumentos"
#: extmod/ulab/code/ndarray.c extmod/ulab/code/numpy/create.c
msgid "too many dimensions"
@ -4272,7 +4234,7 @@ msgstr "type '%q' no es un tipo de base aceptable"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "type no es un tipo de base aceptable"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "objeto de tipo '%q' no tiene atributo '%q'"
@ -4296,7 +4258,8 @@ msgstr "sangría inesperada"
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr "argumento por palabra clave inesperado"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "argumento por palabra clave inesperado '%q'"
@ -4390,10 +4353,6 @@ msgstr "el valor debe caber en %d byte(s)"
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr "valor fuera de alcance al blanco"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr "watchdog no inicializado"
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr "el ancho debe ser mayor que cero"
@ -4453,10 +4412,6 @@ msgstr "numero erroneo de valores a descomprimir"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr "tipo de salida incorrecta"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr "fallo en xTaskCreate"
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr "zi debe ser un ndarray"
@ -4469,6 +4424,82 @@ msgstr "zi debe ser de tipo flotante"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi debe ser una forma (n_section,2)"
#~ msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
#~ msgstr "Inicializacion fallida por falta de memoria"
#~ msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
#~ msgstr "El modo RAISE no esta implementado"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
#~ msgstr "WatchDogTimer no se está ejecutando en este momento"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "WatchDogTimer.mode no se puede modificar luego de configurar WatchDogMode."
#~ "RESET"
#~ msgid "watchdog not initialized"
#~ msgstr "watchdog no inicializado"
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "ADC2 está siendo usado por WiFi"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "Imposible de configurar el controlador ADC DMA , código de error:%d"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "No es posible de inicializar el controlador ADC DMA, código de error:%d"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "Imposible de iniciar el controlador ADC DMA, código de error:%d"
#~ msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
#~ msgstr "fallo en xTaskCreate"
#~ msgid "Unable to write to address."
#~ msgstr "Imposible de escribir en esa dirección."
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "desbordamiento de cola(queue)"
#~ msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
#~ msgstr "Parar el AP no esta soportado."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
#~ msgstr "Wifi est en modo de access point."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
#~ msgstr "Wifi esta en modo station."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Por favor describa su problema en"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "el objeto 'coroutine' no es un iterador"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Buffer es muy pequeño"
#~ msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgstr "Falló detectado por el hardware."
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "La potencia calló. Asegúrese que está suministrando suficiente energía."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr "pixel_shader debe ser displayio.Palette o displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Archivo .mpy corrupto"
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -90,13 +90,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -193,6 +197,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr ""
@ -395,10 +403,6 @@ msgstr "'break' sa labas ng loop"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' sa labas ng loop"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr ""
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' kailangan ng hindi bababa sa 2 argument"
@ -449,8 +453,8 @@ msgstr "3-arg pow() hindi suportado"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Isang channel ng hardware interrupt ay ginagamit na"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
@ -460,9 +464,14 @@ msgstr "ang palette ay dapat 32 bytes ang haba"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr ""
@ -669,11 +678,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -693,6 +697,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1040,10 +1050,6 @@ msgstr "Nabigo sa pagrelease ng mutex, status: 0x%08lX"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Mayroong file"
@ -1119,6 +1125,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1168,10 +1178,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1233,6 +1239,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1387,6 +1394,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr ""
@ -1769,6 +1780,10 @@ msgstr "Kasama ang kung ano pang modules na sa filesystem\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1801,11 +1816,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr "Pull hindi ginagamit kapag ang direksyon ay output."
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr ""
@ -1972,10 +1982,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr ""
@ -2000,10 +2006,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "Ang bits_per_sample ng sample ay hindi tugma sa mixer"
@ -2144,6 +2146,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2155,11 +2161,6 @@ msgstr "Hindi ma-allocate ang buffers para sa naka-sign na conversion"
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr ""
@ -2178,33 +2179,23 @@ msgstr "Hindi mahanap ang libreng GCLK"
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "Hindi ma-init ang parser"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "Hindi ma i-sulat sa NVM."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr ""
@ -2328,20 +2319,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr "BABALA: Ang pangalan ng file ay may dalawang extension\n"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2356,14 +2337,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -2391,6 +2364,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr ""
@ -2597,8 +2574,7 @@ msgstr "aarehas na haba dapat ang buffer slices"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "aarehas na haba dapat ang buffer slices"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "masyadong maliit ang buffer"
@ -2983,7 +2959,7 @@ msgstr "walang laman"
msgid "empty file"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "walang laman ang heap"
@ -3900,10 +3876,6 @@ msgstr "ang mga parameter ay dapat na nagrerehistro sa sequence r0 hanggang r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "wala sa sakop ang address"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader ay dapat displayio.Palette o displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -3945,10 +3917,6 @@ msgstr "pow() na may 3 argumento kailangan ng integers"
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "puno na ang pila (overflow)"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr ""
@ -4129,10 +4097,7 @@ msgstr "sintaks error sa JSON"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "may pagkakamali sa sintaks sa uctypes descriptor"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr ""
@ -4215,7 +4180,7 @@ msgstr "hindi maari ang type na '%q' para sa base type"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "hindi puede ang type para sa base type"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "type object '%q' ay walang attribute '%q'"
@ -4239,7 +4204,8 @@ msgstr "hindi inaasahang indent"
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr "hindi inaasahang argumento ng keyword"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "hindi inaasahang argumento ng keyword na '%q'"
@ -4333,10 +4299,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr ""
@ -4396,10 +4358,6 @@ msgstr "maling number ng value na i-unpack"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr ""
@ -4412,6 +4370,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "puno na ang pila (overflow)"
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr "pixel_shader ay dapat displayio.Palette o displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Incompatible .mpy file. Please update all .mpy files. See http://adafru."
#~ "it/mpy-update for more info."
@ -37,12 +37,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
"Veuillez signaler un problème avec votre programme sur"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -104,13 +101,17 @@ msgstr ""
"%d, et non %d"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -207,6 +208,10 @@ msgstr "%q doit être 1 quand %q est True"
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr "%q doit être <= %d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr "%q doit être >= %d"
@ -410,10 +415,6 @@ msgstr "'break' dehors d'une boucle"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' dehors d'une boucle"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "L'objet \"coroutine\" n'est pas un itérateur"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' nécessite au moins 2 paramètres"
@ -464,9 +465,9 @@ msgstr "pow() non supporté avec 3 paramètres"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Un canal d'interruptions matériel est déjà utilisé"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "ADC2 est utilisé pars le Wifi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -475,9 +476,14 @@ msgstr "L'adresse doit être longue de %d octets"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr "Plage d'adresses non autorisée"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr "Tous les périphériques CAN sont utilisés"
@ -685,11 +691,6 @@ msgstr "Les éléments du tampon doivent faire 4 octets ou moins"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Le tampon n'est pas un 'bytearray'."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Le tampon est trop petit"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -709,6 +710,12 @@ msgstr "La mémoire tampon doit être un multiple de 512"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Tampon trop court de %d octets"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Les tampons doivent avoir la même taille"
@ -1068,10 +1075,6 @@ msgstr "Impossible de libérer mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Échec de l'écriture vers flash interne."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Le fichier existe"
@ -1154,6 +1157,10 @@ msgstr "Groupe déjà utilisé"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "Le half duplex du SPI n'est pas implémenté"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1206,10 +1213,6 @@ msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr ""
"État initial de \"set pin\" est en conflit avec l'état initial de \"out pin\""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr "Échec d'initialisation par manque de mémoire"
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1274,6 +1277,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr "%q invalide"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1429,6 +1433,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr "Doit être une sous-classe de %q."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr "Doit fournir une broche MISO ou MOSI"
@ -1819,6 +1827,10 @@ msgstr "Ainsi que tout autres modules présents sur le système de fichiers\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Polygon a besoin d'au moins 3 points"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Le tampon de préfixe doit être sur la pile"
@ -1855,11 +1867,6 @@ msgstr "Programme trop long"
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr "Le tirage 'pull' n'est pas utilisé quand la direction est 'output'."
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr "Mode RAISE n'est pas implémenté"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr "RISE_AND_FALL n'est pas disponible sur cette puce"
@ -2026,10 +2033,6 @@ msgstr "Canal stéréo gauche doit être sur le canal PWM A"
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr "Canal stéréo droit doit être sur le canal PWM B"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr "Stopper n'est pas supporté."
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr "Fournissez l'un de monotonic_time ou epoch_time"
@ -2054,10 +2057,6 @@ msgstr "L'exception précédente est la cause directe de l'exception suivante:"
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "La taille de rgb_pins doit être 6, 12, 18, 24 ou 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr "La puissance a chu. Assurez vous de fournir assez de puissance."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2205,6 +2204,10 @@ msgstr ""
"La valeur de l'UUID n'est pas une chaîne de caractères, un chiffre entier ou "
"un tampon d'octets"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2216,11 +2219,6 @@ msgstr "Impossible d'allouer des tampons pour une conversion signée"
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr "Impossible d'allouer le tas."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr "Impossible de créer un verrou ('lock')"
@ -2239,33 +2237,23 @@ msgstr "Impossible de trouver un GCLK libre"
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "Impossible d'initialiser le parser"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr "Impossible de lire les données de la palette de couleurs"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr "Impossible de lancer la requête mDNS"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr "L'écriture a échoué."
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "Écriture impossible vers nvm."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr "Écriture impossible vers sleep_memory."
@ -2390,24 +2378,12 @@ msgstr "La lecture de la tension a expiré"
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr "ATTENTION : le nom de fichier de votre code a deux extensions\n"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
"WatchDogTimer ne peut pas être dés-initialisé une fois que le mode est réglé "
"sur RESET"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr "WatchDogTimer n'est pas en cours d'exécution"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
"WatchDogTimer.mode ne peut pas être changé une fois réglé à WatchDogMode."
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2427,14 +2403,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr "Wi-Fi : "
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr "Wifi en mode point d'accès."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr "Wifi en mode station."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr "Le wifi n'est pas activé"
@ -2462,6 +2430,10 @@ msgstr "Vous avez appuyé les deux boutons au démarrage."
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr "Vous avez appuyé le bouton A au démarrage."
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr "Vous avez appuyé le bouton BOOT au démarrage"
@ -2667,8 +2639,7 @@ msgstr "la taille du tampon doit correspondre au format"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "les tranches de tampon doivent être de longueurs égales"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "tampon trop petit"
@ -3056,7 +3027,7 @@ msgstr "vide"
msgid "empty file"
msgstr "fichier vide"
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "tas vide"
@ -3979,11 +3950,6 @@ msgstr "les paramètres doivent être des registres dans la séquence r0 à r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "coordonnées de pixel hors limites"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
"pixel_shader doit être un objet displayio.Palette ou displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "le polling sur un fichier n'est pas disponible sous win32"
@ -4025,10 +3991,6 @@ msgstr "pow() avec 3 arguments nécessite des entiers"
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr "masque pull est en conflit avec les masques de direction"
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "dépassement de file"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr "les f-strings bruts ne sont pas supportées"
@ -4210,10 +4172,7 @@ msgstr "erreur de syntaxe JSON"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "erreur de syntaxe dans le descripteur d'uctypes"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr "le délai d'expiration a dépassé la valeur maximale prise en charge"
@ -4296,7 +4255,7 @@ msgstr "le type '%q' n'est pas un type de base accepté"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "le type n'est pas un type de base accepté"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "l'objet de type '%q' n'a pas d'attribut '%q'"
@ -4320,7 +4279,8 @@ msgstr "indentation inattendue"
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr "paramètre nommé inattendu"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "paramètre nommé '%q' inattendu"
@ -4414,10 +4374,6 @@ msgstr "la valeur doit tenir dans %d octet(s)"
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr "valeur hors de porté de la cible"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr "chien de garde (watchdog) non initialisé"
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr "width doit être plus que zero"
@ -4477,10 +4433,6 @@ msgstr "mauvais nombre de valeurs à dégrouper"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr "type de sortie incorrect"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr "Échec de xTaskCreate"
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr "zi doit être un ndarray"
@ -4493,6 +4445,67 @@ msgstr "zi doit être de type float"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi doit être de forme (n_section, 2)"
#~ msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
#~ msgstr "Échec d'initialisation par manque de mémoire"
#~ msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
#~ msgstr "Mode RAISE n'est pas implémenté"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
#~ msgstr "WatchDogTimer n'est pas en cours d'exécution"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "WatchDogTimer.mode ne peut pas être changé une fois réglé à WatchDogMode."
#~ "RESET"
#~ msgid "watchdog not initialized"
#~ msgstr "chien de garde (watchdog) non initialisé"
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "ADC2 est utilisé pars le Wifi"
#~ msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
#~ msgstr "Échec de xTaskCreate"
#~ msgid "Unable to write to address."
#~ msgstr "L'écriture a échoué."
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "dépassement de file"
#~ msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
#~ msgstr "Stopper n'est pas supporté."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
#~ msgstr "Wifi en mode point d'accès."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
#~ msgstr "Wifi en mode station."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Veuillez signaler un problème avec votre programme sur"
#~ "adafruit/circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "L'objet \"coroutine\" n'est pas un itérateur"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Le tampon est trop petit"
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr "La puissance a chu. Assurez vous de fournir assez de puissance."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader doit être un objet displayio.Palette ou displayio."
#~ "ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Fichier .mpy corrompu"
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -89,13 +89,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -192,6 +196,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr ""
@ -393,10 +401,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr ""
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr ""
@ -447,8 +451,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
@ -458,9 +462,14 @@ msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr ""
@ -664,11 +673,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -688,6 +692,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1030,10 +1040,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr ""
@ -1109,6 +1115,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1158,10 +1168,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1223,6 +1229,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1377,6 +1384,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr ""
@ -1755,6 +1766,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1787,11 +1802,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr ""
@ -1958,10 +1968,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr ""
@ -1986,10 +1992,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2130,6 +2132,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2141,11 +2147,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr ""
@ -2164,33 +2165,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr ""
@ -2312,20 +2303,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2340,14 +2321,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -2375,6 +2348,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr ""
@ -2580,8 +2557,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -2956,7 +2932,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "empty file"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr ""
@ -3866,10 +3842,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -3911,10 +3883,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr ""
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr ""
@ -4095,10 +4063,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr ""
@ -4181,7 +4146,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4205,7 +4170,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr ""
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4299,10 +4265,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr ""
@ -4362,10 +4324,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr ""
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -93,13 +93,17 @@ msgstr ""
"%d pin indirizzo, %d pin rgb e %d tessere indicano l'altezza di %d, non %d"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -196,6 +200,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr ""
@ -398,10 +406,6 @@ msgstr "'break' fuori del ciclo"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' fuori del ciclo"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "L'oggetto 'coroutine' non è un iteratore"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' richiede almeno 2 argomenti"
@ -452,9 +456,9 @@ msgstr "pow() con tre argmomenti non supportata"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Un canale di interruzione hardware è già in uso"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "ADC2 sta usando il WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -463,9 +467,14 @@ msgstr "L'indirizzo deve essere lungo %d byte"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr "Tutte le periferiche CAN sono in uso"
@ -673,11 +682,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer non è un array di bites."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Buffer troppo piccolo"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -697,6 +701,12 @@ msgstr "Il buffer deve essere un multiplo di 512 bytes"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer troppo piccolo di %d bytes"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1042,10 +1052,6 @@ msgstr "Impossibile rilasciare il mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "File esistente"
@ -1121,6 +1127,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1170,10 +1180,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1235,6 +1241,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1390,6 +1397,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr ""
@ -1776,6 +1787,10 @@ msgstr "Imposssibile rimontare il filesystem"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1808,11 +1823,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr ""
@ -1979,10 +1989,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr ""
@ -2007,10 +2013,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2151,6 +2153,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2162,11 +2168,6 @@ msgstr "Ipossibilitato ad allocare buffer per la conversione con segno"
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr ""
@ -2185,33 +2186,23 @@ msgstr "Impossibile trovare un GCLK libero"
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "Inizilizzazione del parser non possibile"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "Imposibile scrivere su nvm."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr ""
@ -2335,20 +2326,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr "ATTENZIONE: Il nome del sorgente ha due estensioni\n"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2363,14 +2344,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -2398,6 +2371,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr ""
@ -2606,8 +2583,7 @@ msgstr "slice del buffer devono essere della stessa lunghezza"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "slice del buffer devono essere della stessa lunghezza"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "buffer troppo piccolo"
@ -2988,7 +2964,7 @@ msgstr "vuoto"
msgid "empty file"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "heap vuoto"
@ -3910,10 +3886,6 @@ msgstr "parametri devono essere i registri in sequenza da a2 a a5"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "indirizzo fuori limite"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader deve essere displayio.Palette o displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -3955,10 +3927,6 @@ msgstr "pow() con 3 argomenti richiede interi"
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "overflow della coda"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr ""
@ -4139,10 +4107,7 @@ msgstr "errore di sintassi nel JSON"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "errore di sintassi nel descrittore uctypes"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr ""
@ -4225,7 +4190,7 @@ msgstr "il tipo '%q' non è un tipo di base accettabile"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "il tipo non è un tipo di base accettabile"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "l'oggetto di tipo '%q' non ha l'attributo '%q'"
@ -4249,7 +4214,8 @@ msgstr "indentazione inaspettata"
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr "argomento nominato inaspettato"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "argomento nominato '%q' inaspettato"
@ -4343,10 +4309,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr ""
@ -4406,10 +4368,6 @@ msgstr "numero di valori da scompattare non corretto"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr ""
@ -4422,6 +4380,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "ADC2 sta usando il WiFi"
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "overflow della coda"
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "L'oggetto 'coroutine' non è un iteratore"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Buffer troppo piccolo"
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader deve essere displayio.Palette o displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Incompatible .mpy file. Please update all .mpy files. See http://adafru."
#~ "it/mpy-update for more info."
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -95,13 +95,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "%dアドレスピン、%dRGBピン、%dタイルは%dの高さを指示する。%dではない。"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -199,6 +203,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr ""
@ -400,10 +408,6 @@ msgstr "ループ外でのbreak"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "ループ外でのcontinue"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' オブジェクトはイテレータではありません"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data'には少なくとも2つの引数が必要"
@ -454,8 +458,8 @@ msgstr "引数3つのpow()は非対応"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "ハードウェア割り込みチャネルは使用中"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
@ -465,9 +469,14 @@ msgstr "アドレスは、%dバイト長でなければなりません"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr "全てのCAN周辺機器が使用中"
@ -673,11 +682,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "バッファがbytearrayではありません"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "バッファが小さすぎます"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -697,6 +701,12 @@ msgstr "バッファは512の倍数でなければなりません"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "バッファが %d バイト足りません"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1041,10 +1051,6 @@ msgstr "ミューテックスの開放に失敗。エラー 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "内部フラッシュ書き込みに失敗"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "ファイルが存在します"
@ -1120,6 +1126,10 @@ msgstr "グループはすでに使われています"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1169,10 +1179,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1234,6 +1240,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr "不正な %q"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1388,6 +1395,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr "%q のサブクラスでなければなりません"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr "MISOピンまたはMOSIピンが必要"
@ -1768,6 +1779,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "ポリゴンには少なくとも3つの点が必要"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Prefixバッファはヒープ上になければなりません"
@ -1801,11 +1816,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr "方向がoutputのときpullは使われません"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr ""
@ -1972,10 +1982,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr ""
@ -2000,10 +2006,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "サンプルのbits_per_sampleがミキサーのそれと一致しません"
@ -2145,6 +2147,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr "UUIDの値がstr, int, bufferのいずれでもありません"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2156,11 +2162,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr ""
@ -2179,33 +2180,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "パーザを初期化できません"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr "カラーパレットデータを読み込めません"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "nvmに書き込みできません"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr ""
@ -2327,20 +2318,10 @@ msgstr "電圧読み取りがタイムアウト"
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr "WatchDogTimerは現在動作していません"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr "WatchDogTimer.modeはいったんWatchDogMode.RESETに設定すると変更不可"
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2355,14 +2336,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -2390,6 +2363,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr ""
@ -2595,8 +2572,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "バッファのスライスは同じ長さでなければなりません"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -2975,7 +2951,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "empty file"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr ""
@ -3886,12 +3862,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -3933,10 +3903,6 @@ msgstr "pow()の第3引数には整数が必要"
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "キューがオーバーフローしました"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr ""
@ -4117,10 +4083,7 @@ msgstr "JSONに構文エラーがあります"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "uctypedディスクリプタの構文エラー"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr "タイムアウト長は対応する最大値を超えています"
@ -4203,7 +4166,7 @@ msgstr "型'%q'はベース型として使えません"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "この型はベース型にできません"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4227,7 +4190,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr ""
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "キーワード引数'%q'は使えません"
@ -4321,10 +4285,6 @@ msgstr "値は%dバイトに収まらなければなりません"
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr ""
@ -4384,10 +4344,6 @@ msgstr "アンパックする値の個数が不正です"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr "ziはndarrayでなければなりません"
@ -4400,6 +4356,26 @@ msgstr "ziはfloat値でなければなりません"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
#~ msgstr "WatchDogTimerは現在動作していません"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
#~ msgstr "WatchDogTimer.modeはいったんWatchDogMode.RESETに設定すると変更不可"
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "キューがオーバーフローしました"
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "'coroutine' オブジェクトはイテレータではありません"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "バッファが小さすぎます"
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shaderはdisplayio.Paletteかdisplayio.ColorConverterのどちらかでなけ"
#~ "ればなりません"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "破損した .mpy ファイル"
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -90,13 +90,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -193,6 +197,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr ""
@ -394,10 +402,6 @@ msgstr "'break' 는 루프 외부에 있습니다"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' 는 루프 외부에 있습니다"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr ""
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' 에는 >=2 개의 독립변수가 필요합니다"
@ -448,8 +452,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
@ -459,9 +463,14 @@ msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr ""
@ -667,11 +676,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -691,6 +695,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1033,10 +1043,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr ""
@ -1112,6 +1118,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1161,10 +1171,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1226,6 +1232,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1380,6 +1387,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr ""
@ -1758,6 +1769,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1790,11 +1805,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr ""
@ -1961,10 +1971,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr ""
@ -1989,10 +1995,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2134,6 +2136,10 @@ msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr ""
"UUID값이 문자열(str), 정수(int) 또는 바이트버퍼가(byte buffer) 아닙니다"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2145,11 +2151,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr ""
@ -2168,33 +2169,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "파서를 초기화(init) 할 수 없습니다"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr ""
@ -2316,20 +2307,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2344,14 +2325,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -2379,6 +2352,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr ""
@ -2584,8 +2561,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -2960,7 +2936,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "empty file"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr ""
@ -3870,10 +3846,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -3915,10 +3887,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr ""
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr ""
@ -4099,10 +4067,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr ""
@ -4185,7 +4150,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4209,7 +4174,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr ""
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4303,10 +4269,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr ""
@ -4366,10 +4328,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr ""
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -89,13 +89,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -192,6 +196,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr ""
@ -393,10 +401,6 @@ msgstr "'break' buiten de loop"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' buiten de loop"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' object is geen iterator"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' vereist op zijn minst 2 argumenten"
@ -447,9 +451,9 @@ msgstr "3-arg pow() niet ondersteund"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Een hardware interrupt kanaal is al in gebruik"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "ADC2 wordt gebruikt door WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -458,9 +462,14 @@ msgstr "Adres moet %d bytes lang zijn"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr "Alle CAN-peripherals zijn in gebruik"
@ -666,11 +675,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer is geen bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Buffer is te klein"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -690,6 +694,12 @@ msgstr "Buffer moet een veelvoud van 512 bytes zijn"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer is %d bytes te klein"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1035,10 +1045,6 @@ msgstr "Mislukt mutex los te laten, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Schrijven naar interne flash mislukt."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Bestand bestaat"
@ -1115,6 +1121,10 @@ msgstr "Groep al gebruikt"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1164,10 +1174,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr "De initialisatie is mislukt vanwege een gebrek aan geheugen"
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1229,6 +1235,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr "Ongeldige %q"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1383,6 +1390,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr "%q moet een subklasse zijn."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr "MISO of MOSI moeten worden gegeven"
@ -1772,6 +1783,10 @@ msgstr "En iedere module in het bestandssysteem\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Polygon heeft op zijn minst 3 punten nodig"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Prefix buffer moet op de heap zijn"
@ -1806,11 +1821,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr "Pull niet gebruikt wanneer de richting output is."
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr ""
@ -1977,10 +1987,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr "Geef monotonic_time of epoch_time"
@ -2005,10 +2011,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "De lengte van rgb_pins moet 6, 12, 18, 24 of 30 zijn"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "De sample's bits_per_sample komen niet overeen met die van de mixer"
@ -2149,6 +2151,10 @@ msgstr "UUID string is niet 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'"
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr "UUID waarde is geen str, int, of byte buffer"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2160,11 +2166,6 @@ msgstr "Niet in staat buffers voor gesigneerde conversie te alloceren"
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr "Kan vergrendeling niet maken"
@ -2183,33 +2184,23 @@ msgstr "Niet in staat een vrije GCLK te vinden"
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "Niet in staat om de parser te initialiseren"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr "Niet in staat kleurenpalet data te lezen"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "Niet in staat om naar nvm te schrijven."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr "Kan niet naar sleep_memory schrijven."
@ -2333,24 +2324,12 @@ msgstr "Voltage lees time-out"
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr "WAARSCHUWING: De bestandsnaam van de code heeft twee extensies\n"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
"WatchDogTimer kan niet worden gedeïnitialiseerd zodra de modus in ingesteld "
"op RESET"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr "WatchDogTimer is momenteel niet actief"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
"WatchDogTimer.mode kan niet worden gewijzigd zodra de modus is ingesteld op "
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2365,14 +2344,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -2400,6 +2371,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr ""
@ -2605,8 +2580,7 @@ msgstr "grootte van de buffer moet overeenkomen met het formaat"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "buffer slices moeten van gelijke grootte zijn"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "buffer te klein"
@ -2984,7 +2958,7 @@ msgstr "leeg"
msgid "empty file"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "lege heap"
@ -3898,10 +3872,6 @@ msgstr "parameters moeten registers zijn in de volgorde r0 tot r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "pixel coördinaten buiten bereik"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader moet displayio.Palette of displayio.ColorConverter zijn"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -3943,10 +3913,6 @@ msgstr "pow() met 3 argumenten vereist integers"
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "wachtrij overloop"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr ""
@ -4127,10 +4093,7 @@ msgstr "syntaxisfout in JSON"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "syntaxisfout in uctypes aanduiding"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr "time-outduur is groter dan de ondersteunde maximale waarde"
@ -4213,7 +4176,7 @@ msgstr "type '%q' is geen aanvaardbaar basistype"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "type is geen aanvaardbaar basistype"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "objecttype '%q' heeft geen attribuut '%q'"
@ -4237,7 +4200,8 @@ msgstr "onverwachte inspringing"
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr "onverwacht trefwoordargument"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "onverwacht trefwoordargument '%q'"
@ -4331,10 +4295,6 @@ msgstr "waarde moet in %d byte(s) passen"
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr "watchdog niet geïnitialiseerd"
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr "breedte moet groter dan nul zijn"
@ -4394,10 +4354,6 @@ msgstr "verkeerd aantal waarden om uit te pakken"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr "onjuist uitvoer type"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr "zi moet een ndarray zijn"
@ -4410,6 +4366,36 @@ msgstr "zi moet van type float zijn"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi moet vorm (n_section, 2) hebben"
#~ msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
#~ msgstr "De initialisatie is mislukt vanwege een gebrek aan geheugen"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
#~ msgstr "WatchDogTimer is momenteel niet actief"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "WatchDogTimer.mode kan niet worden gewijzigd zodra de modus is ingesteld "
#~ "op WatchDogMode.RESET"
#~ msgid "watchdog not initialized"
#~ msgstr "watchdog niet geïnitialiseerd"
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "ADC2 wordt gebruikt door WiFi"
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "wachtrij overloop"
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "'coroutine' object is geen iterator"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Buffer is te klein"
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader moet displayio.Palette of displayio.ColorConverter zijn"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Corrupt .mpy bestand"
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -91,13 +91,17 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -194,6 +198,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr ""
@ -395,10 +403,6 @@ msgstr "'break' poza pętlą"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' poza pętlą"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr ""
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' wymaga 2 lub więcej argumentów"
@ -449,9 +453,9 @@ msgstr "3-argumentowy pow() jest niewspierany"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Kanał przerwań sprzętowych w użyciu"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "ADC2 jest używany przez WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -460,9 +464,14 @@ msgstr "Adres musi mieć %d bajtów"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr ""
@ -668,11 +677,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr ""
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Bufor jest za mały"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -692,6 +696,12 @@ msgstr "Bufor musi być wielokrotnością 512 bajtów"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Bufor za krótki o %d bajtów"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr ""
@ -1036,10 +1046,6 @@ msgstr "Nie udało się zwolnić blokady, błąd 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Nie udało się zapisać wewnętrznej pamięci flash."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Plik istnieje"
@ -1115,6 +1121,10 @@ msgstr "Grupa już używana"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1164,10 +1174,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr "Inicjalizacja nie powiodła się z powodu braku pamięci"
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1229,6 +1235,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowe %q"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1383,6 +1390,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr "Należy podać pin MISO lub MOSI"
@ -1761,6 +1772,10 @@ msgstr "Oraz moduły w systemie plików\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Wielokąt musi mieć co najmniej 3 punkty"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1793,11 +1808,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr "Podciągnięcie nieużywane w trybie wyjścia."
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr ""
@ -1964,10 +1974,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr ""
@ -1992,10 +1998,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "Wartość bits_per_sample nie pasuje do miksera"
@ -2136,6 +2138,10 @@ msgstr "UUID inny, niż `xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'"
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr "UUID nie jest typu str, int lub bytes"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2147,11 +2153,6 @@ msgstr "Nie udała się alokacja buforów do konwersji ze znakiem"
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr ""
@ -2170,33 +2171,23 @@ msgstr "Brak wolnego GCLK"
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "Błąd ustawienia parsera"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr "Nie można odczytać danych palety"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "Błąd zapisu do NVM."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr ""
@ -2318,20 +2309,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr "UWAGA: Nazwa pliku ma dwa rozszerzenia\n"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2346,14 +2327,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -2381,6 +2354,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr ""
@ -2586,8 +2563,7 @@ msgstr "wielkość bufora musi pasować do formatu"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "fragmenty bufora muszą mieć tę samą długość"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "zbyt mały bufor"
@ -2963,7 +2939,7 @@ msgstr "puste"
msgid "empty file"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "pusta sterta"
@ -3873,11 +3849,6 @@ msgstr "parametry muszą być rejestrami w kolejności r0 do r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "współrzędne piksela poza zakresem"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
"pixel_shader musi być typu displayio.Palette lub dispalyio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -3919,10 +3890,6 @@ msgstr "trzyargumentowe pow() wymaga liczb całkowitych"
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "przepełnienie kolejki"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr ""
@ -4103,10 +4070,7 @@ msgstr "błąd składni w JSON"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "błąd składni w deskryptorze uctypes"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr ""
@ -4189,7 +4153,7 @@ msgstr "typ '%q' nie może być bazowy"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "typ nie może być bazowy"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "typ '%q' nie ma atrybutu '%q'"
@ -4213,7 +4177,8 @@ msgstr "złe wcięcie"
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr "zły argument nazwany"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "zły argument nazwany '%q'"
@ -4307,10 +4272,6 @@ msgstr "wartość musi mieścić się w %d bajtach"
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr "szerokość musi być większa niż zero"
@ -4370,10 +4331,6 @@ msgstr "zła liczba wartości do rozpakowania"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr "nieprawidłowy typ wyjścia"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr ""
@ -4386,6 +4343,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
#~ msgstr "Inicjalizacja nie powiodła się z powodu braku pamięci"
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "ADC2 jest używany przez WiFi"
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "przepełnienie kolejki"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Bufor jest za mały"
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader musi być typu displayio.Palette lub dispalyio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Uszkodzony plik .mpy"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-04 12:55-0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-10 23:51+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-05 03:10+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Wellington Terumi Uemura <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.0-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1-dev\n"
#: main.c
msgid ""
@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
"Relate o problema com seu programa em"
"Registre um problema com o seu programa em"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -102,13 +102,17 @@ msgstr ""
"não %d"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -205,6 +209,10 @@ msgstr "%q deve ser 1 quando %q for verdadeiro"
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr "%q deve ser <= %d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr "%q deve ser <= %u"
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr "o %q deve ser >= %d"
@ -410,10 +418,6 @@ msgstr "'break' fora do loop"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' fora do loop"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "O objeto 'corrotina' não é um iterador"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' exige pelo menos 2 argumentos"
@ -440,7 +444,7 @@ msgstr "função externa 'yield'"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "* arg after **"
msgstr ""
msgstr "* arg após **"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "*x must be assignment target"
@ -464,9 +468,9 @@ msgstr "3-arg pow() não compatível"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Um canal de interrupção de hardware já está em uso"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "O ADC2 está sendo usado pelo WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr "Não foi possível iniciar o AP"
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -475,9 +479,14 @@ msgstr "O endereço deve ter %d bytes de comprimento"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr "Intervalo de endereços não permitido"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr "O intervalo de endereços envolve"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr "Todos os periféricos CAN estão em uso"
@ -685,11 +694,6 @@ msgstr "Os elementos do buffer devem ter 4 bytes de comprimento ou menos"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "O buffer não é um bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "O buffer é muito pequeno"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -709,6 +713,12 @@ msgstr "O buffer deve ser um múltiplo de 512 bytes"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "O buffer é muito curto em %d bytes"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr "Buffer pequeno demais"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Os buffers devem ter o mesmo tamanho"
@ -1058,10 +1068,6 @@ msgstr "Houve uma falha ao liberar o mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Falha ao gravar o flash interno."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr "Falha detectada pelo hardware."
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Arquivo já existe"
@ -1141,6 +1147,10 @@ msgstr "O grupo já está em uso"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "O SPI half duplex ainda não está implementado"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr "Falha grave: acesso à memória ou erro de instrução."
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1196,10 +1206,6 @@ msgstr ""
"A definição do estado inicial do pino está em conflito com estado do inicial "
"do pino"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr "A inicialização falhou devido à falta de memória"
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1263,6 +1269,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr "%q Inválido"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1417,6 +1424,10 @@ msgstr "Falta jmp_pin. %q[%u] jumper no pino"
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr "Deve ser uma subclasse %q."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr "É preciso fornecer os pinos RGB 5/6/5"
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr "Deve informar os pinos MISO ou MOSI"
@ -1807,6 +1818,11 @@ msgstr "Além de quaisquer módulos no sistema de arquivos\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "O Polígono precisa de pelo menos 3 pontos"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
"Falta de energia. Certifique-se que está fornecendo energia suficiente."
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1844,11 +1860,6 @@ msgstr "Programa muito longo"
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr "O Pull não foi usado quando a direção for gerada."
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr "O modo RAISE não foi implementado"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr "RISE_AND_FALL não está disponível neste chip"
@ -2015,10 +2026,6 @@ msgstr "O estéreo à esquerda deve estar no canal PWM A"
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr "O estéreo à direita deve estar no canal PWM B"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr "Não há suporte para a interrupção do AP."
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr "Forneça um de monotonic_time ou de epoch_time"
@ -2044,11 +2051,6 @@ msgstr "A exceção acima foi a causa direta da seguinte exceção:"
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "O comprimento dos rgb_pins devem ser 6, 12, 18, 24, ou 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
"A alimentação foi reduzida. Certifique-se de fornecer energia suficiente."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "A amostragem bits_per_sample não coincide com a do mixer"
@ -2196,6 +2198,10 @@ msgstr "A cadeia de caracteres UUID não 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'"
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr "O valor UUID não é um buffer str, int ou byte"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr "Não foi possível acessar o registro IO não solicitado"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2207,11 +2213,6 @@ msgstr "Não é possível alocar buffers para conversão assinada"
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr "Não é possível alocar a área de alocação dinâmica de variáveis."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "Não foi possível configurar o controlador ADC DMA, ErrorCode:%d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr "Não é possível criar um lock"
@ -2230,33 +2231,23 @@ msgstr "Não é possível encontrar GCLK livre"
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "Não foi possível iniciar o analisador"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "Não foi possível inicializar o controlador ADC DMA, ErrorCode:%d"
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr "Não foi possível ler os dados da paleta de cores"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "Não foi possível iniciar o controlador ADC DMA, ErrorCode:%d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr "Não é possível iniciar a consulta mDNS"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr "Não é possível gravar no endereço."
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "Não é possível gravar no nvm."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr "Não foi possível escrever na memória de somente leitura"
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr "Não foi possível escrever no sleep_memory."
@ -2380,24 +2371,12 @@ msgstr "O tempo limite de leitura da tensão expirou"
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr "AVISO: Seu arquivo de código tem duas extensões\n"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
"O WatchDogTimer não pode ser não-inicializado uma vez que o modo é definido "
"como RESET"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr "O WatchDogTimer não está em execução"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
"O WatchDogTimer.mode não pode ser alterado uma vez definido para "
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2417,14 +2396,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr "Wi-Fi: "
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr "O Wi-Fi está em modo de ponto de acesso."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr "O Wi-Fi está em modo estação."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr "O Wi-Fi não está ativado"
@ -2452,6 +2423,10 @@ msgstr "Você pressionou os dois botões durante a inicialização."
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr "Você pressionou o botão A na inicialização."
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr "Você pressionou o botão DOWN na inicialização."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr "Você pressionou o botão BOOT na inicialização"
@ -2575,7 +2550,7 @@ msgstr "matriz/bytes são necessários no lado direito"
#: py/asmxtensa.c
msgid "asm overflow"
msgstr ""
msgstr "estouro asm"
#: extmod/ulab/code/numpy/numerical.c
msgid "attempt to get (arg)min/(arg)max of empty sequence"
@ -2657,8 +2632,7 @@ msgstr "o tamanho do buffer deve coincidir com o formato"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "as fatias do buffer devem ter o mesmo comprimento"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "o buffer é muito pequeno"
@ -2668,7 +2642,7 @@ msgstr "o buffer é pequeno demais para os bytes requisitados"
#: py/emitbc.c
msgid "bytecode overflow"
msgstr ""
msgstr "estouro bytecode"
#: py/objarray.c
msgid "bytes length not a multiple of item size"
@ -2829,7 +2803,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c
msgid "can't wait"
msgstr ""
msgstr "não vejo a hora"
#: extmod/ulab/code/ndarray.c
msgid "cannot assign new shape"
@ -3042,7 +3016,7 @@ msgstr "vazio"
msgid "empty file"
msgstr "arquivo vazio"
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "a área de alocação dinâmica de variáveis (heap) está vazia"
@ -3271,7 +3245,7 @@ msgstr "importação * não está no nível do módulo"
#: py/persistentcode.c
msgid "incompatible .mpy arch"
msgstr ""
msgstr "é incompatível com arquivo .mpy"
#: py/persistentcode.c
msgid "incompatible .mpy file"
@ -3745,7 +3719,7 @@ msgstr "não é um UUID com 128 bits"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "not a constant"
msgstr ""
msgstr "não é uma constante"
#: py/objstr.c
msgid "not all arguments converted during string formatting"
@ -3965,10 +3939,6 @@ msgstr "os parâmetros devem ser registradores na sequência r0 até r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "as coordenadas do pixel estão fora dos limites"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "o pixel_shader deve ser displayio.Palette ou displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "a sondagem no arquivo não está disponível no win32"
@ -3992,11 +3962,11 @@ msgstr "a porta deve ser > = 0"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "positional arg after **"
msgstr ""
msgstr "arg posicional após **"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "positional arg after keyword arg"
msgstr ""
msgstr "arg posicional após o arg de palavra-chave"
#: py/objint_mpz.c
msgid "pow() 3rd argument cannot be 0"
@ -4010,10 +3980,6 @@ msgstr "o pow() com 3 argumentos requer números inteiros"
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr "puxe as máscaras em conflito com as máscaras de direção"
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "estouro de fila"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr "os f-strings brutos não são suportados"
@ -4194,10 +4160,7 @@ msgstr "erro de sintaxe no JSON"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "houve um erro de sintaxe no descritor uctypes"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr "a duração do tempo limite excedeu o valor máximo suportado"
@ -4227,7 +4190,7 @@ msgstr "os tobytes podem ser invocados apenas nas matrizes densas"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "too many args"
msgstr ""
msgstr "args demais"
#: extmod/ulab/code/ndarray.c extmod/ulab/code/numpy/create.c
msgid "too many dimensions"
@ -4280,7 +4243,7 @@ msgstr "o tipo '%q' não é um tipo base aceitável"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "tipo não é um tipo base aceitável"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "o objeto tipo '%q' não possuí atributo '%q'"
@ -4304,7 +4267,8 @@ msgstr "recuo inesperado"
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr "argumento inesperado da palavra-chave"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "argumento inesperado da palavra-chave '%q'"
@ -4398,10 +4362,6 @@ msgstr "o valor deve caber em %d byte(s)"
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr "valor fora do alcance do alvo"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr "o watchdog não foi inicializado"
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr "a largura deve ser maior que zero"
@ -4461,10 +4421,6 @@ msgstr "quantidade incorreta dos valores para descompressão"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr "tipo da saída incorreta"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr "o xTaskCreate falhou"
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr "zi deve ser um ndarray"
@ -4477,6 +4433,82 @@ msgstr "zi deve ser de um tipo float"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi deve estar na forma (n_section, 2)"
#~ msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
#~ msgstr "A inicialização falhou devido à falta de memória"
#~ msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
#~ msgstr "O modo RAISE não foi implementado"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
#~ msgstr "O WatchDogTimer não está em execução"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "O WatchDogTimer.mode não pode ser alterado uma vez definido para "
#~ "WatchDogMode.RESET"
#~ msgid "watchdog not initialized"
#~ msgstr "o watchdog não foi inicializado"
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "O ADC2 está sendo usado pelo WiFi"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "Não foi possível configurar o controlador ADC DMA, ErrorCode:%d"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "Não foi possível inicializar o controlador ADC DMA, ErrorCode:%d"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "Não foi possível iniciar o controlador ADC DMA, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
#~ msgstr "o xTaskCreate falhou"
#~ msgid "Unable to write to address."
#~ msgstr "Não é possível gravar no endereço."
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "estouro de fila"
#~ msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
#~ msgstr "Não há suporte para a interrupção do AP."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
#~ msgstr "O Wi-Fi está em modo de ponto de acesso."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
#~ msgstr "O Wi-Fi está em modo estação."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Relate o problema com seu programa em"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "O objeto 'corrotina' não é um iterador"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "O buffer é muito pequeno"
#~ msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgstr "Falha detectada pelo hardware."
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "A alimentação foi reduzida. Certifique-se de fornecer energia suficiente."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "o pixel_shader deve ser displayio.Palette ou displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Arquivo .mpy corrompido"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-04 12:55-0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-10 23:51+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-03 15:21+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jonny Bergdahl <>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: sv\n"
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.0-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.1-dev\n"
#: main.c
msgid ""
@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
"Skicka in ett ärende med ditt program till"
"Skapa ett ärende med ditt program på"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -101,13 +101,17 @@ msgstr ""
"%d adresspinnar, %d rgb-pinnar och %d brickor anger en höjd på %d, inte %d"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -204,6 +208,10 @@ msgstr "%q måste vara 1 när %q är sann"
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr "%q måste vara <= %d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr "%q måste vara <= %u"
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr "%q måste vara >= %d"
@ -407,10 +415,6 @@ msgstr "'break' utanför loop"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' utanför loop"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "objektet 'coroutine\" är inte en iterator"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' kräver minst 2 argument"
@ -437,7 +441,7 @@ msgstr "'yield' utanför funktion"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "* arg after **"
msgstr ""
msgstr "* arg efter **"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "*x must be assignment target"
@ -461,9 +465,9 @@ msgstr "3-arguments pow() stöds inte"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "En kanal för hårdvaruavbrott används redan"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "ADC2 används av WiFi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr "Kunde inte starta AP"
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -472,9 +476,14 @@ msgstr "Adressen måste vara %d byte lång"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr "Adressintervallet är inte tillåtet"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr "Adressintervall ger överflödesfel"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr "All CAN-kringutrustning används"
@ -680,11 +689,6 @@ msgstr "Buffertelement måste vara fyra byte långa eller mindre"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffert är inte en bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Bufferten är för liten"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -704,6 +708,12 @@ msgstr "Bufferten måste vara en multipel av 512 byte"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffert är %d bytes för kort"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr "Buffert för liten"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Buffertarna måste ha samma storlek"
@ -1051,10 +1061,6 @@ msgstr "Det gick inte att frigöra mutex, fel 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Det gick inte att skriva till intern flash."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr "Fel upptäckt av hårdvara."
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Filen finns redan"
@ -1132,6 +1138,10 @@ msgstr "Grupp används redan"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "Halvduplex SPI är inte implementerat"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr "Hårt fel: minnesåtkomst eller instruktionsfel."
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1183,10 +1193,6 @@ msgstr ""
"Initial inställning av pinntillstånd är i konflikt med initialt "
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr "Initieringen misslyckades på grund av minnesbrist"
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1248,6 +1254,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr "Ogiltig %q"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1403,6 +1410,10 @@ msgstr "Saknad jmp_pin. %q[%u] hoppar på pin"
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr "Måste vara en %q-subklass."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr "Måset ange 5/6/5 RGB-pinnar"
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr "Måste ange MISO- eller MOSI-pinne"
@ -1791,6 +1802,10 @@ msgstr "Plus eventuella moduler i filsystemet\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Polygonen behöver minst 3 punkter"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr "Spänningen sjönk. Se till att du ger tillräckligt med ström."
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Prefixbufferten måste finnas på heap"
@ -1825,11 +1840,6 @@ msgstr "Programmet är för långt"
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr "Pull används inte när riktningen är output."
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr "RAISE-läge är inte implementerat"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr "RISE_AND_FALL är inte tillgängligt på detta chip"
@ -1996,10 +2006,6 @@ msgstr "Vänster stereokanal måste använda PWM kanal A"
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr "Höger stereokanal måste använda PWM kanal B"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr "Stoppa AP stöds inte."
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr "Ange en av monotonic_time eller epoch_time"
@ -2024,10 +2030,6 @@ msgstr "Ovanstående undantag var den direkta orsaken till följande undantag:"
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "Längden på rgb_pins vara 6, 12, 18, 24 eller 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr "Spänningen sjönk. Se till att du ger tillräckligt med ström."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "Samplingens bits_per_sample matchar inte mixerns"
@ -2170,6 +2172,10 @@ msgstr "UUID-sträng inte \"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx\""
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr "UUID-värdet är inte str, int eller byte-buffert"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr "Kan inte komma åt ojusterat IO-register"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2181,11 +2187,6 @@ msgstr "Det går inte att allokera buffert för signerad konvertering"
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr "Kan inte allokera heap."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "Kan inte konfigurera ADC DMA controller, Felkod:%d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr "Kan inte skapa lås"
@ -2204,33 +2205,23 @@ msgstr "Det gick inte att hitta ledig GCLK"
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "Kan inte initiera tolken"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "Kan inte inititiera ADC DMA-controller, Felkod:%d"
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr "Det går inte att läsa färgpalettdata"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "Kan inte starta ADC DMA controller, Felkod:%d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr "Det gick inte att starta mDNS-frågan"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr "Det går inte att skriva till adress."
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "Det gick inte att skriva till nvm."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr "Kan inte skriva till skrivskyddat minne"
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr "Det gick inte att skriva till sleep_memory."
@ -2354,21 +2345,10 @@ msgstr "Avläsning av spänning tog för lång tid"
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr "VARNING: Ditt filnamn för kod har två tillägg\n"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr "WatchDogTimer kan inte avinitialiseras när läget är inställt på RESET"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr "WatchDogTimer körs för närvarande inte"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
"WatchDogTimer.mode kan inte ändras när den är inställd på WatchDogMode.RESET"
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2388,14 +2368,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr "Wi-Fi: "
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr "WiFi är i accesspunktläge."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr "WiFi är i stationsläge."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr "WiFi är inte aktiverat"
@ -2423,6 +2395,10 @@ msgstr "Du tryckte ner båda knapparna vid start."
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr "Du tryckte ner knapp A vid start."
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr "Du tryckte ner knapp NER vid start."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr "Du tryckte ner BOOT-knappen vid start"
@ -2546,7 +2522,7 @@ msgstr "array/bytes krävs på höger sida"
#: py/asmxtensa.c
msgid "asm overflow"
msgstr ""
msgstr "asm overflow"
#: extmod/ulab/code/numpy/numerical.c
msgid "attempt to get (arg)min/(arg)max of empty sequence"
@ -2628,8 +2604,7 @@ msgstr "buffertstorleken måste matcha formatet"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "buffertsegmenten måste vara lika långa"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "buffert för liten"
@ -2639,7 +2614,7 @@ msgstr "buffert för liten för begärd längd"
#: py/emitbc.c
msgid "bytecode overflow"
msgstr ""
msgstr "bytecode overflow"
#: py/objarray.c
msgid "bytes length not a multiple of item size"
@ -2798,7 +2773,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c
msgid "can't wait"
msgstr ""
msgstr "kan inte vänta"
#: extmod/ulab/code/ndarray.c
msgid "cannot assign new shape"
@ -3009,7 +2984,7 @@ msgstr "tom"
msgid "empty file"
msgstr "tom fil"
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "tom heap"
@ -3238,7 +3213,7 @@ msgstr "import * inte på modulnivå"
#: py/persistentcode.c
msgid "incompatible .mpy arch"
msgstr ""
msgstr "inkompatibel .mpy-arkitektur"
#: py/persistentcode.c
msgid "incompatible .mpy file"
@ -3709,7 +3684,7 @@ msgstr "inte en 128-bitars UUID"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "not a constant"
msgstr ""
msgstr "inte en konstant"
#: py/objstr.c
msgid "not all arguments converted during string formatting"
@ -3924,11 +3899,6 @@ msgstr "parametrarna måste registreras i följd r0-r3"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "pixelkoordinater utanför gränserna"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
"pixel_shader måste vara displayio.Palette eller displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "filbevakning är inte tillgänglig på win32"
@ -3952,11 +3922,11 @@ msgstr "port måste vara >= 0"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "positional arg after **"
msgstr ""
msgstr "positionsargument efter **"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "positional arg after keyword arg"
msgstr ""
msgstr "positionsargument efter nyckelord arg"
#: py/objint_mpz.c
msgid "pow() 3rd argument cannot be 0"
@ -3970,10 +3940,6 @@ msgstr "pow() med 3 argument kräver heltal"
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr "pull-mask är i konflikt med riktnings-mask"
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "köstorlek överskreds"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr "råa f-strängar stöds inte"
@ -4154,10 +4120,7 @@ msgstr "syntaxfel i JSON"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "syntaxfel i uctypes deskriptor"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr "timeout-längd överskred det maximala värde som stöds"
@ -4187,7 +4150,7 @@ msgstr "tobyte kan enbart anropas för täta matriser"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "too many args"
msgstr ""
msgstr "för mpnga argument"
#: extmod/ulab/code/ndarray.c extmod/ulab/code/numpy/create.c
msgid "too many dimensions"
@ -4240,7 +4203,7 @@ msgstr "typ '%q' är inte en acceptabel bastyp"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "typ är inte en acceptabel bastyp"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "typobjektet '%q' har inget attribut '%q'"
@ -4264,7 +4227,8 @@ msgstr "oväntat indrag"
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr "oväntat nyckelordsargument"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "oväntat nyckelordsargument '%q'"
@ -4358,10 +4322,6 @@ msgstr "värdet måste passa i %d byte(s)"
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr "värde utanför målintervall"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr "watchdog är inte initierad"
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr "width måste vara större än noll"
@ -4421,10 +4381,6 @@ msgstr "fel antal värden för att packa upp"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr "fel utdatatyp"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr "xTaskCreate misslyckades"
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr "zi måste vara en ndarray"
@ -4437,6 +4393,81 @@ msgstr "zi måste vara av typ float"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi måste vara i formen (n_section, 2)"
#~ msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
#~ msgstr "Initieringen misslyckades på grund av minnesbrist"
#~ msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
#~ msgstr "RAISE-läge är inte implementerat"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
#~ msgstr "WatchDogTimer körs för närvarande inte"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "WatchDogTimer.mode kan inte ändras när den är inställd på WatchDogMode."
#~ "RESET"
#~ msgid "watchdog not initialized"
#~ msgstr "watchdog är inte initierad"
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "ADC2 används av WiFi"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "Kan inte konfigurera ADC DMA controller, Felkod:%d"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "Kan inte inititiera ADC DMA-controller, Felkod:%d"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "Kan inte starta ADC DMA controller, Felkod:%d"
#~ msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
#~ msgstr "xTaskCreate misslyckades"
#~ msgid "Unable to write to address."
#~ msgstr "Det går inte att skriva till adress."
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "köstorlek överskreds"
#~ msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
#~ msgstr "Stoppa AP stöds inte."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
#~ msgstr "WiFi är i accesspunktläge."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
#~ msgstr "WiFi är i stationsläge."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Skicka in ett ärende med ditt program till"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "objektet 'coroutine\" är inte en iterator"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Bufferten är för liten"
#~ msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgstr "Fel upptäckt av hårdvara."
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr "Spänningen sjönk. Se till att du ger tillräckligt med ström."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader måste vara displayio.Palette eller displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Skadad .mpy-fil"
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
@ -97,13 +97,17 @@ msgstr ""
"gösterir, %d'nin değil"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -200,6 +204,10 @@ msgstr "%q 1 olmalı, %q True olduğu zaman"
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr "%q <= %d olmalıdır"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr "%q >= %d olmalıdır"
@ -402,10 +410,6 @@ msgstr "döngü dışında 'break'"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "döngü dışında 'continue'"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' nesnesi bir iteratör değildir"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' en az 2 argümana ihtiyaç duyar"
@ -456,9 +460,9 @@ msgstr "3-argümanlı pow() desteklenmemektedir"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Bir donanım kesme kanalı halihazırda kullanılmaktadır"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "ADC2, WiFi tarafından kullanılmaktadır"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -467,9 +471,14 @@ msgstr "Adres %d byte uzunluğunda olmalıdır"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr "Tüm CAN çevre birimleri kullanımda"
@ -675,11 +684,6 @@ msgstr "Buffer elementleri 4 bit olmak zorunda"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Buffer bir bytearray değil."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Arabellek çok küçük"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -699,6 +703,12 @@ msgstr "Buffer 512 bitin katı olmalı"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Buffer bitten %d daha az"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "Arabellek boyutları aynı olmalı"
@ -1042,10 +1052,6 @@ msgstr "Muteks serbest bırakılamadı, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Dahili flaş yazılamadı."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr ""
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Dosya var"
@ -1125,6 +1131,10 @@ msgstr "Grup zaten kullanılıyor"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1174,10 +1184,6 @@ msgstr "İlk pin yönü, ilk çıkış pin yönüyle çakışıyor"
msgid "Initial set pin state conflicts with initial out pin state"
msgstr "İlk pinin durumu, ilk çıkış pininin durumu ile çakışıyor"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr "Bellek yetersizliği nedeniyle başlatma başarısız oldu"
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1239,6 +1245,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr "Geçersiz %q"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1394,6 +1401,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr ""
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr ""
@ -1772,6 +1783,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr ""
@ -1807,11 +1822,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr ""
@ -1978,10 +1988,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr ""
@ -2006,10 +2012,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr ""
@ -2150,6 +2152,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2161,11 +2167,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr ""
@ -2184,33 +2185,23 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr ""
@ -2332,20 +2323,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2360,14 +2341,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr ""
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -2395,6 +2368,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr ""
@ -2600,8 +2577,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr ""
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr ""
@ -2976,7 +2952,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "empty file"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr ""
@ -3886,10 +3862,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr ""
@ -3931,10 +3903,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr ""
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr ""
@ -4115,10 +4083,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr ""
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr ""
@ -4201,7 +4166,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr ""
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4225,7 +4190,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr ""
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr ""
@ -4319,10 +4285,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr ""
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr ""
@ -4382,10 +4344,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr ""
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr ""
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr ""
@ -4398,6 +4356,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
#~ msgstr "Bellek yetersizliği nedeniyle başlatma başarısız oldu"
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "ADC2, WiFi tarafından kullanılmaktadır"
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "'coroutine' nesnesi bir iteratör değildir"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Arabellek çok küçük"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "Bozuk .mpy dosyası"
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: circuitpython-cn\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-04 12:55-0600\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-07 14:52+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-09-13 17:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: hexthat <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese Hanyu Pinyin\n"
"Language: zh_Latn_pinyin\n"
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.0-dev\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.0.1-dev\n"
#: main.c
msgid ""
@ -37,12 +37,11 @@ msgstr ""
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
"Please file an issue with your program at"
"Please file an issue with your program at"
msgstr ""
"qǐng zài tí jiāo nín de "
"chéng xù wèn tí."
"qǐngzài tíjiāo nínde chéngxù wèntí."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid ""
@ -104,13 +103,17 @@ msgstr ""
"bù shì %d"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/cxd56/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/nrf/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c ports/nrf/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/analogio/AnalogOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c ports/stm/common-hal/alarm/__init__.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/canio/Listener.c ports/stm/common-hal/rtc/RTC.c
#: shared-bindings/audiobusio/I2SOut.c shared-bindings/audiobusio/PDMIn.c
@ -207,6 +210,10 @@ msgstr "sāng %q wèi True shí, %q bìxū wèi 1"
msgid "%q must be <= %d"
msgstr "%q bìxū <= %d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "%q must be <= %u"
msgstr ""
#: py/argcheck.c
msgid "%q must be >= %d"
msgstr "%q bìxū >= %d"
@ -273,19 +280,19 @@ msgstr "%q=%q"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "%q[%u] shifts in more bits than pin count"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q[%u] piānyí de wèishù duōyú yǐnjiǎo shù"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "%q[%u] shifts out more bits than pin count"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q[%u] yíchū de wèishù duōyú yǐnjiǎo shù"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "%q[%u] uses extra pin"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q[%u] shǐyòng éwài de yǐnjiǎo"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "%q[%u] waits on input outside of count"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%q[%u] děngdài jìshù zhīwài de shūrù"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/espidf/__init__.c
#, c-format
@ -409,10 +416,6 @@ msgstr "'break' wèiyú xúnhuán zhīwài"
msgid "'continue' outside loop"
msgstr "'continue' wèiyú xúnhuán zhīwài"
#: py/objgenerator.c
msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
msgstr "'coroutine' duìxiàng búshì yígè diédàiqì"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "'data' requires at least 2 arguments"
msgstr "'data' xūyào zhìshǎo 2 gè cānshù"
@ -439,7 +442,7 @@ msgstr "'yield' wèiyú hánshù zhīwài"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "* arg after **"
msgstr ""
msgstr "* cānshùhòu **"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "*x must be assignment target"
@ -463,9 +466,9 @@ msgstr "bù zhī chí 3-arg pow()"
msgid "A hardware interrupt channel is already in use"
msgstr "Yìngjiàn zhōngduàn tōngdào yǐ zài shǐyòng zhōng"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogio/AnalogIn.c
msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
msgstr "ADC2 zhèngzài bèi WiFi shǐ yòng"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "AP could not be started"
msgstr "wúfǎ qǐdòng AP"
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Address.c shared-bindings/ipaddress/IPv4Address.c
#, c-format
@ -474,9 +477,14 @@ msgstr "dìzhǐ chángdù bìxū shì %d zìjié"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range not allowed"
msgstr "bù yǔn xǔ de dì zhǐ fàn wéi"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Address range wraps around"
msgstr "dìzhǐ fànwéi huánrào"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/canio/CAN.c
msgid "All CAN peripherals are in use"
msgstr "suǒyǒu CAN wàishè dōu zài shǐyòng zhōng"
@ -682,11 +690,6 @@ msgstr "huǎnchōngqū de yuánsù bìxū wéi 4 zìjié cháng huò gèngshǎo"
msgid "Buffer is not a bytearray."
msgstr "Huǎnchōng qū bùshì bytearray."
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
msgid "Buffer is too small"
msgstr "Huǎnchōng qū tài xiǎo"
#: ports/stm/common-hal/audiopwmio/PWMAudioOut.c
#, c-format
msgid "Buffer length %d too big. It must be less than %d"
@ -706,6 +709,12 @@ msgstr "Huǎnchōngqū bìxū shì 512 zìjié de bèishù"
msgid "Buffer too short by %d bytes"
msgstr "Huǎnchōngqū tàiduǎn , mùqián zhǐyǒu %d zìjié"
#: ports/cxd56/common-hal/camera/Camera.c shared-bindings/displayio/Display.c
#: shared-bindings/framebufferio/FramebufferDisplay.c
#: shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "Buffer too small"
msgstr "huǎnchōngqū tàixiǎo"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/imagecapture/ParallelImageCapture.c
msgid "Buffers must be same size"
msgstr "huǎnchōng qū bìxū dàxiǎo xiāngtóng"
@ -1053,10 +1062,6 @@ msgstr "Wúfǎ shìfàng mutex, err 0x%04x"
msgid "Failed to write internal flash."
msgstr "Wúfǎ xiě rù nèibù shǎncún."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
msgstr "yìng jiàn jiǎn cè dào gù zhàng."
#: py/moduerrno.c
msgid "File exists"
msgstr "Wénjiàn cúnzài"
@ -1136,6 +1141,10 @@ msgstr "Jítuán yǐjīng shǐyòngguò"
msgid "Half duplex SPI is not implemented"
msgstr "wèi shí xiàn bàn shuāng gōng SPI"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Hard fault: memory access or instruction error."
msgstr "yìng gùzhàng: nèicún fǎngwèn huò zhǐlìng cuòwù."
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/UART.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
#: ports/stm/common-hal/busio/SPI.c ports/stm/common-hal/busio/UART.c
@ -1189,10 +1198,6 @@ msgstr ""
"chū shǐ shè zhì yǐn jiǎo zhuàng tài yǔ chū shǐ chū yǐn jiǎo zhuàng tài chōng "
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
msgstr "yóu yú nèi cún bù zú, chū shǐ huà shī bài"
#: shared-bindings/bitops/__init__.c
#, c-format
msgid "Input buffer length (%d) must be a multiple of the strand count (%d)"
@ -1255,6 +1260,7 @@ msgid "Invalid %q"
msgstr "wú xiào %q"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.c
#: shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.c
msgid "Invalid %q pin"
@ -1379,36 +1385,40 @@ msgstr "jiāohuàn biāozhì bù pǐpèi"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing first_in_pin. %q[%u] reads pin(s)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "quēshǎo first_in_pin. %q[%u] dúqǔ yǐnjiǎo"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing first_in_pin. %q[%u] shifts in from pin(s)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "quēshǎo first_in_pin. %q[%u] cóng yǐnjiǎo yírù"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing first_in_pin. %q[%u] waits based on pin"
msgstr ""
msgstr "quēshǎo first_in_pin. %q[%u] jīyú yǐnjiǎo děngdài"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing first_out_pin. %q[%u] shifts out to pin(s)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "quēshǎo first_out_pin. %q[%u] yí chūdào yǐnjiǎo"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing first_out_pin. %q[%u] writes pin(s)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "quēshǎo first_out_pin. %q[%u] xiěrù yǐnjiǎo"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing first_set_pin. %q[%u] sets pin(s)"
msgstr ""
msgstr "quēshǎo first_set_pin. %q[%u] shèzhì yǐnjiǎo"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/rp2pio/StateMachine.c
msgid "Missing jmp_pin. %q[%u] jumps on pin"
msgstr ""
msgstr "quēshǎo jmp_pin. %q[%u] tiàodào yǐn jiǎoshàng"
#: shared-bindings/busio/UART.c shared-bindings/displayio/Group.c
msgid "Must be a %q subclass."
msgstr "Bìxū shì %q zi lèi."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/dotclockframebuffer/DotClockFramebuffer.c
msgid "Must provide 5/6/5 RGB pins"
msgstr "bìxū tígòng 5/6/5RGB yǐnjiǎo"
#: ports/mimxrt10xx/common-hal/busio/SPI.c shared-bindings/busio/SPI.c
msgid "Must provide MISO or MOSI pin"
msgstr "Bìxū tígōng MISO huò MOSI yǐn jiǎo"
@ -1795,6 +1805,10 @@ msgstr "Zài wénjiàn xìtǒng shàng tiānjiā rènhé mókuài\n"
msgid "Polygon needs at least 3 points"
msgstr "Duōbiānxíng zhìshǎo xūyào 3 diǎn"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "Power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr "gōnglǜ xiàjiàng. quèbǎo nín tígòng zúgòu de diànlì."
#: shared-bindings/_bleio/Adapter.c
msgid "Prefix buffer must be on the heap"
msgstr "Qiánzhuì huǎnchōng qū bìxū zài duī shàng"
@ -1829,11 +1843,6 @@ msgstr "chéng xù tài cháng"
msgid "Pull not used when direction is output."
msgstr "Fāngxiàng shūchū shí Pull méiyǒu shǐyòng."
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
msgstr "wèi shí xiàn tí shēng mó shì"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/countio/Counter.c
msgid "RISE_AND_FALL not available on this chip"
msgstr "RISE_AND_FALL zài cǐ xīn piàn shàng bù kě yòng"
@ -2000,10 +2009,6 @@ msgstr "lì tǐ shēng zuǒ bì xū shì zài PWM tōng dào A"
msgid "Stereo right must be on PWM channel B"
msgstr "lì tǐ shēng yòu cè bì xū zài PWM tōng dào B shàng"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
msgstr "bù zhī chí tíng zhǐ AP."
#: shared-bindings/alarm/time/TimeAlarm.c
msgid "Supply one of monotonic_time or epoch_time"
msgstr "tí gòng qí zhōng yī monotonic_time huò epoch_time"
@ -2028,10 +2033,6 @@ msgstr "shàng shù yì cháng shì yǐ xià yì cháng de zhí jiē yuán yīn:
msgid "The length of rgb_pins must be 6, 12, 18, 24, or 30"
msgstr "Rgb_pins de chángdù bìxū wèi 6,12,18,24 huò 30"
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
msgstr "lì liàng xià jiàng le. què bǎo nín tí gòng zú gòu de diàn lì."
#: shared-module/audiomixer/MixerVoice.c
msgid "The sample's bits_per_sample does not match the mixer's"
msgstr "Yàngběn de bits_per_sample yǔ hǔn yīn qì bù pǐpèi"
@ -2174,6 +2175,10 @@ msgstr "UUID Zìfú chuàn bùshì 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'"
msgid "UUID value is not str, int or byte buffer"
msgstr "UUID zhí bùshì str,int huò zì jié huǎnchōng qū"
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to access unaligned IO register"
msgstr "wúfǎ fǎngwèn wèi duìqí de IO jìcúnqì"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/audioio/AudioOut.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/audiobusio/I2SOut.c
@ -2185,11 +2190,6 @@ msgstr "Wúfǎ fēnpèi huǎnchōng qū yòng yú qiānmíng zhuǎnhuàn"
msgid "Unable to allocate the heap."
msgstr "wú fǎ fēn pèi duī."
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "wú fǎ pèi zhì ADC DMA kòng zhì qì, cuò wù dài mǎ:%d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/busio/I2C.c
msgid "Unable to create lock"
msgstr "Wúfǎ chuàngjiàn suǒ"
@ -2208,33 +2208,23 @@ msgstr "Wúfǎ zhǎodào miǎnfèi de GCLK"
msgid "Unable to init parser"
msgstr "Wúfǎ chūshǐhuà jiěxī qì"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "wú fǎ chū shǐ huà ADC DMA kòng zhì qì, cuò wù dài mǎ:%d"
#: shared-module/displayio/OnDiskBitmap.c
msgid "Unable to read color palette data"
msgstr "Wúfǎ dúqǔ tiáosèbǎn shùjù"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/analogbufio/BufferedIn.c
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
msgstr "wú fǎ qǐ dòng ADC DMA kòng zhì qì, cuò wù dài mǎ:%d"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/mdns/Server.c
msgid "Unable to start mDNS query"
msgstr "wú fǎ qǐ dòng mDNS chá xún"
#: shared-bindings/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to address."
msgstr "Wú fǎ xiě rù dì zhǐ."
#: shared-bindings/nvm/ByteArray.c
msgid "Unable to write to nvm."
msgstr "Wúfǎ xiě rù nvm."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/memorymap/AddressRange.c
msgid "Unable to write to read-only memory"
msgstr "wúfǎ xiěrù zhǐdú nèicún"
#: shared-bindings/alarm/SleepMemory.c
msgid "Unable to write to sleep_memory."
msgstr "wú fǎ xiě rù sleep_memory."
@ -2358,21 +2348,10 @@ msgstr "Diànyā dòu qǔ chāoshí"
msgid "WARNING: Your code filename has two extensions\n"
msgstr "Jǐnggào: Nǐ de dàimǎ wénjiàn míng yǒu liǎng gè kuòzhǎn míng\n"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"
msgstr "Yīdàn jiāng móshì shèzhì wèi RESET, jiù wúfǎ chūshǐhuà WatchDog Timer"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
msgstr "WatchDogTimer dāngqián wèi yùnxíng"
#: shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
msgstr ""
"Yīdàn shèzhì wèi WatchDogMode.RESET, zé bùnéng gēnggǎi WatchDogTimer.Mode"
#: py/builtinhelp.c
#, c-format
msgid ""
@ -2392,14 +2371,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wi-Fi: "
msgstr "Wi-Fi: "
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
msgstr "Wú xiàn wǎng luò chǔ yú jiē rù diǎn mó shì."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
msgstr "Wú xiàn wǎng luò chǔ yú gōng zuò zhàn mó shì."
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/wifi/Radio.c
msgid "Wifi is not enabled"
msgstr "wú xiàn wǎng luò wèi qǐ yòng"
@ -2427,6 +2398,10 @@ msgstr "nín zài qǐ dòng shí àn xià le liǎng gè àn niǔ."
msgid "You pressed button A at start up."
msgstr "nín zài qǐ dòng shí àn xià le àn niǔ A."
#: ports/espressif/boards/m5stack_m5paper/mpconfigboard.h
msgid "You pressed button DOWN at start up."
msgstr "Nínzài qǐdòngshí ànxià le ànniǔ."
#: supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c
msgid "You pressed the BOOT button at start up"
msgstr "nín zài qǐ dòng shí àn xià le qǐ dòng àn niǔ"
@ -2550,7 +2525,7 @@ msgstr "yòu cè xūyào shùzǔ/zì jié"
#: py/asmxtensa.c
msgid "asm overflow"
msgstr ""
msgstr "gètǐ hé xiǎoxíng cāngkù guǎnlǐjú yìchū"
#: extmod/ulab/code/numpy/numerical.c
msgid "attempt to get (arg)min/(arg)max of empty sequence"
@ -2632,8 +2607,7 @@ msgstr "huǎnchōng qū dàxiǎo bìxū pǐpèi géshì"
msgid "buffer slices must be of equal length"
msgstr "huǎnchōng qū qiēpiàn bìxū chángdù xiāngděng"
#: py/modstruct.c shared-bindings/struct/__init__.c
#: shared-module/struct/__init__.c
#: py/modstruct.c shared-module/struct/__init__.c
msgid "buffer too small"
msgstr "huǎnchōng qū tài xiǎo"
@ -2643,7 +2617,7 @@ msgstr "huǎn chōng qū tài xiǎo, duì yú qǐng qiú de zì jié"
#: py/emitbc.c
msgid "bytecode overflow"
msgstr ""
msgstr "zìjiémǎ yìchū"
#: py/objarray.c
msgid "bytes length not a multiple of item size"
@ -2800,7 +2774,7 @@ msgstr "wúfǎ cóng shǒudòng zìduàn guīgé qiēhuàn dào zìdòng zìduà
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c
msgid "can't wait"
msgstr ""
msgstr "děngbùjí"
#: extmod/ulab/code/ndarray.c
msgid "cannot assign new shape"
@ -3014,7 +2988,7 @@ msgstr "kòngxián"
msgid "empty file"
msgstr "kōng de wénjiàn"
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c extmod/modutimeq.c
#: extmod/moduasyncio.c extmod/moduheapq.c
msgid "empty heap"
msgstr "kōng yīn yīnxiào"
@ -3243,7 +3217,7 @@ msgstr "dǎo rù * bú zài mó kuài jí bié"
#: py/persistentcode.c
msgid "incompatible .mpy arch"
msgstr ""
msgstr "bù jiānróng de .mpy gǒngmén"
#: py/persistentcode.c
msgid "incompatible .mpy file"
@ -3712,7 +3686,7 @@ msgstr "bùshì 128 wèi UUID"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "not a constant"
msgstr ""
msgstr "búshì chángshù"
#: py/objstr.c
msgid "not all arguments converted during string formatting"
@ -3927,10 +3901,6 @@ msgstr "cānshù bìxū shì xùliè r0 zhì r3 de dēngjì qì"
msgid "pixel coordinates out of bounds"
msgstr "xiàngsù zuòbiāo chāochū biānjiè"
#: shared-bindings/displayio/TileGrid.c shared-bindings/vectorio/VectorShape.c
msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
msgstr "pixel_shader bìxū shì displayio.Palette huò displayio.ColorConverter"
#: extmod/vfs_posix_file.c
msgid "poll on file not available on win32"
msgstr "zài win32 shàng bù tí gōng wén jiàn tóu piào"
@ -3954,11 +3924,11 @@ msgstr "duān kǒu bì xū wéi >= 0"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "positional arg after **"
msgstr ""
msgstr "** zhīhòu de wèizhì cānshù"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "positional arg after keyword arg"
msgstr ""
msgstr "guānjiànzì cānshù hòude wèizhì cānshù"
#: py/objint_mpz.c
msgid "pow() 3rd argument cannot be 0"
@ -3972,10 +3942,6 @@ msgstr "pow() yǒu 3 cānshù xūyào zhěngshù"
msgid "pull masks conflict with direction masks"
msgstr "lā kǒu zhào yǔ fāng xiàng miàn mó chōng tū"
#: extmod/modutimeq.c
msgid "queue overflow"
msgstr "duìliè yìchū"
#: py/parse.c
msgid "raw f-strings are not supported"
msgstr "bù zhī chí yuán shǐ f-strings"
@ -4159,10 +4125,7 @@ msgstr "JSON yǔfǎ cuòwù"
msgid "syntax error in uctypes descriptor"
msgstr "uctypes miáoshù fú zhōng de yǔfǎ cuòwù"
#: ports/atmel-samd/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/nrf/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
#: ports/raspberrypi/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"
msgstr "chāoshí shíjiān chāoguò zuìdà zhīchí zhí"
@ -4192,7 +4155,7 @@ msgstr "tobytes zhǐ néng duì mì jí shù zǔ diào yòng"
#: py/compile.c
msgid "too many args"
msgstr ""
msgstr "cānshù tàiduō"
#: extmod/ulab/code/ndarray.c extmod/ulab/code/numpy/create.c
msgid "too many dimensions"
@ -4245,7 +4208,7 @@ msgstr "lèixíng '%q' bùshì kě jiēshòu de jīchǔ lèixíng"
msgid "type is not an acceptable base type"
msgstr "lèixíng bùshì kě jiēshòu de jīchǔ lèixíng"
#: py/objgenerator.c py/runtime.c
#: py/runtime.c
msgid "type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'"
msgstr "lèixíng duìxiàng '%q' méiyǒu shǔxìng '%q'"
@ -4269,7 +4232,8 @@ msgstr "wèi yùliào de suō jìn"
msgid "unexpected keyword argument"
msgstr "yìwài de guānjiàn cí cānshù"
#: py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
#: py/argcheck.c py/bc.c py/objnamedtuple.c
#: shared-bindings/traceback/__init__.c
msgid "unexpected keyword argument '%q'"
msgstr "yìwài de guānjiàn cí cānshù '%q'"
@ -4363,10 +4327,6 @@ msgstr "Zhí bìxū fúhé %d zì jié"
msgid "value out of range of target"
msgstr "zhí fàn wéi wài de mù biāo"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.c
msgid "watchdog not initialized"
msgstr "wèi chū shǐ huà jiān shì qì"
#: shared-bindings/is31fl3741/FrameBuffer.c
msgid "width must be greater than zero"
msgstr "kuāndù bìxū dàyú líng"
@ -4426,10 +4386,6 @@ msgstr "wúfǎ jiě bāo de zhí shù"
msgid "wrong output type"
msgstr "cuòwù de shūchū lèixíng"
#: ports/espressif/common-hal/audiobusio/__init__.c
msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
msgstr "xTaskCreate shī bài"
#: extmod/ulab/code/scipy/signal/signal.c
msgid "zi must be an ndarray"
msgstr "zi bìxū shì ndarray"
@ -4442,6 +4398,80 @@ msgstr "zi bìxū wèi fú diǎn xíng"
msgid "zi must be of shape (n_section, 2)"
msgstr "zi bìxū jùyǒu xíngzhuàng (n_section,2)"
#~ msgid "Initialization failed due to lack of memory"
#~ msgstr "yóu yú nèi cún bù zú, chū shǐ huà shī bài"
#~ msgid "RAISE mode is not implemented"
#~ msgstr "wèi shí xiàn tí shēng mó shì"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer is not currently running"
#~ msgstr "WatchDogTimer dāngqián wèi yùnxíng"
#~ msgid "WatchDogTimer.mode cannot be changed once set to WatchDogMode.RESET"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Yīdàn shèzhì wèi WatchDogMode.RESET, zé bùnéng gēnggǎi WatchDogTimer.Mode"
#~ msgid "watchdog not initialized"
#~ msgstr "wèi chū shǐ huà jiān shì qì"
#~ msgid "ADC2 is being used by WiFi"
#~ msgstr "ADC2 zhèngzài bèi WiFi shǐ yòng"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to configure ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "wú fǎ pèi zhì ADC DMA kòng zhì qì, cuò wù dài mǎ:%d"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to initialize ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "wú fǎ chū shǐ huà ADC DMA kòng zhì qì, cuò wù dài mǎ:%d"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Unable to start ADC DMA controller, ErrorCode:%d"
#~ msgstr "wú fǎ qǐ dòng ADC DMA kòng zhì qì, cuò wù dài mǎ:%d"
#~ msgid "xTaskCreate failed"
#~ msgstr "xTaskCreate shī bài"
#~ msgid "Unable to write to address."
#~ msgstr "Wú fǎ xiě rù dì zhǐ."
#~ msgid "queue overflow"
#~ msgstr "duìliè yìchū"
#~ msgid "Stopping AP is not supported."
#~ msgstr "bù zhī chí tíng zhǐ AP."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in access point mode."
#~ msgstr "Wú xiàn wǎng luò chǔ yú jiē rù diǎn mó shì."
#~ msgid "Wifi is in station mode."
#~ msgstr "Wú xiàn wǎng luò chǔ yú gōng zuò zhàn mó shì."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Please file an issue with your program at"
#~ "circuitpython/issues."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "qǐng zài tí jiāo nín de "
#~ "chéng xù wèn tí."
#~ msgid "'coroutine' object is not an iterator"
#~ msgstr "'coroutine' duìxiàng búshì yígè diédàiqì"
#~ msgid "Buffer is too small"
#~ msgstr "Huǎnchōng qū tài xiǎo"
#~ msgid "Fault detected by hardware."
#~ msgstr "yìng jiàn jiǎn cè dào gù zhàng."
#~ msgid "The power dipped. Make sure you are providing enough power."
#~ msgstr "lì liàng xià jiàng le. què bǎo nín tí gòng zú gòu de diàn lì."
#~ msgid "pixel_shader must be displayio.Palette or displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "pixel_shader bìxū shì displayio.Palette huò displayio.ColorConverter"
#~ msgid "Corrupt .mpy file"
#~ msgstr "sǔnhuài de .mpy wénjiàn"
@ -218,6 +218,10 @@ STATIC void stop_mp(void) {
// Set the qstr pool back to the const pools. The heap allocated ones will
// be overwritten.
@ -240,6 +244,12 @@ void supervisor_execution_status(void) {
pyexec_result_t *pyexec_result(void) {
return &_exec_result;
// Look for the first file that exists in the list of filenames, using mp_import_stat().
// Return its index. If no file found, return -1.
STATIC const char *first_existing_file_in_list(const char *const *filenames, size_t n_filenames) {
@ -933,6 +943,11 @@ STATIC int run_repl(safe_mode_t safe_mode) {
if (get_safe_mode() == SAFE_MODE_NONE) {
const char *const filenames[] = { "" };
(void)maybe_run_list(filenames, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(filenames));
// Set the status LED to the REPL color before running the REPL. For
// NeoPixels and DotStars this will be sticky but for PWM or single LED it
// won't. This simplifies pin sharing because they won't be in use when
@ -1036,6 +1051,10 @@ int __attribute__((used)) main(void) {
// We maybe can't initialize the heap until here, because on espressif port we need to be able to check for reserved psram in settings.toml
// (but it's OK if this is a no-op due to the heap being initialized in port_init())
// Record which alarm woke us up, if any.
// common_hal_alarm_record_wake_alarm() should return a static, non-heap object
@ -1165,6 +1184,13 @@ void gc_collect(void) {
MP_WEAK void port_gc_collect() {
// A port may initialize the heap in port_init but if it cannot (for instance
// in espressif it must be done after CIRCUITPY is mounted) then it must provde
// an implementation of this function.
MP_WEAK safe_mode_t port_heap_init(safe_mode_t safe_mode_in) {
return safe_mode_in;
void NORETURN nlr_jump_fail(void *val) {
while (true) {
@ -1173,7 +1199,9 @@ void NORETURN nlr_jump_fail(void *val) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
static void NORETURN __fatal_error(const char *msg) {
while (true) {
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_CIRCUITPY_COMMON:.c=.o))
OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_S:.s=.o))
OBJ += $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_MOD:.c=.o))
SRC_QSTR += $(HEADER_BUILD)/sdiodata.h
$(HEADER_BUILD)/sdiodata.h: tools/ | $(HEADER_BUILD)
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $< > $@
@ -97,7 +97,10 @@ void i2sout_reset(void) {
// Caller validates that pins are free.
void common_hal_audiobusio_i2sout_construct(audiobusio_i2sout_obj_t *self,
const mcu_pin_obj_t *bit_clock, const mcu_pin_obj_t *word_select,
const mcu_pin_obj_t *data, bool left_justified) {
const mcu_pin_obj_t *data, const mcu_pin_obj_t *main_clock, bool left_justified) {
if (main_clock != NULL) {
mp_raise_NotImplementedError_varg(translate("%q"), MP_QSTR_main_clock);
uint8_t serializer = 0xff;
uint8_t bc_clock_unit = 0xff;
uint8_t ws_clock_unit = 0xff;
@ -30,62 +30,71 @@
#include "shared-bindings/watchdog/__init__.h"
#include "shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.h"
#include "shared-bindings/microcontroller/__init__.h"
#include "common-hal/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.h"
#include "component/wdt.h"
#define SYNC_CTRL_WRITE while (WDT->SYNCBUSY.reg) {}
static void watchdog_disable(void) {
// disable watchdog
WDT->CTRLA.reg = 0;
static void watchdog_enable(watchdog_watchdogtimer_obj_t *self) {
// disable watchdog for config
int wdt_cycles = (int)(self->timeout * 1024);
if (wdt_cycles < 8) {
wdt_cycles = 8;
// ceil(log2(n)) = 32 - __builtin_clz(n - 1) when n > 1 (if int is 32 bits)
int log2_wdt_cycles = (sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT) - __builtin_clz(wdt_cycles - 1);
int setting = log2_wdt_cycles - 3; // CYC8_Val is 0
OSC32KCTRL->OSCULP32K.bit.EN1K = 1; // Enable out 1K (for WDT)
WDT->INTENCLR.reg = WDT_INTENCLR_EW; // Disable early warning interrupt
WDT->CONFIG.bit.PER = setting; // Set period for chip reset
WDT->CTRLA.bit.WEN = 0; // Disable window mode
common_hal_watchdog_feed(self); // Clear watchdog interval
WDT->CTRLA.bit.ENABLE = 1; // Start watchdog now!
void common_hal_watchdog_feed(watchdog_watchdogtimer_obj_t *self) {
void common_hal_watchdog_deinit(watchdog_watchdogtimer_obj_t *self) {
if (self->mode == WATCHDOGMODE_RESET) {
mp_raise_RuntimeError(translate("WatchDogTimer cannot be deinitialized once mode is set to RESET"));
} else {
if (self->mode == WATCHDOGMODE_NONE) {
mp_float_t common_hal_watchdog_get_timeout(watchdog_watchdogtimer_obj_t *self) {
return self->timeout;
STATIC void setup_wdt(watchdog_watchdogtimer_obj_t *self, int setting) {
OSC32KCTRL->OSCULP32K.bit.EN1K = 1; // Enable out 1K (for WDT)
// disable watchdog for config
WDT->CTRLA.reg = 0;
while (WDT->SYNCBUSY.reg) { // Sync CTRL write
WDT->INTENCLR.reg = WDT_INTENCLR_EW; // Disable early warning interrupt
WDT->CONFIG.bit.PER = setting; // Set period for chip reset
WDT->CTRLA.bit.WEN = 0; // Disable window mode
while (WDT->SYNCBUSY.reg) { // Sync CTRL write
common_hal_watchdog_feed(self); // Clear watchdog interval
WDT->CTRLA.bit.ENABLE = 1; // Start watchdog now!
while (WDT->SYNCBUSY.reg) {
void common_hal_watchdog_set_timeout(watchdog_watchdogtimer_obj_t *self, mp_float_t new_timeout) {
int wdt_cycles = (int)(new_timeout * 1024);
if (wdt_cycles < 8) {
wdt_cycles = 8;
if (!(self->timeout < new_timeout || self->timeout > new_timeout)) {
if (wdt_cycles > 16384) {
mp_raise_ValueError(translate("timeout duration exceeded the maximum supported value"));
// ceil(log2(n)) = 32 - __builtin_clz(n - 1) when n > 1 (if int is 32 bits)
int log2_wdt_cycles = (sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT) - __builtin_clz(wdt_cycles - 1);
int setting = log2_wdt_cycles - 3; // CYC8_Val is 0
float timeout = (8 << setting) / 1024.f;
mp_arg_validate_int_max(new_timeout, 16, MP_QSTR_timeout);
self->timeout = new_timeout;
if (self->mode == WATCHDOGMODE_RESET) {
setup_wdt(self, setting);
self->timeout = timeout;
watchdog_watchdogmode_t common_hal_watchdog_get_mode(watchdog_watchdogtimer_obj_t *self) {
@ -93,13 +102,23 @@ watchdog_watchdogmode_t common_hal_watchdog_get_mode(watchdog_watchdogtimer_obj_
void common_hal_watchdog_set_mode(watchdog_watchdogtimer_obj_t *self, watchdog_watchdogmode_t new_mode) {
if (self->mode != new_mode) {
if (new_mode == WATCHDOGMODE_RAISE) {
mp_raise_NotImplementedError(translate("RAISE mode is not implemented"));
} else if (new_mode == WATCHDOGMODE_NONE) {
self->mode = new_mode;
common_hal_watchdog_set_timeout(self, self->timeout);
if (self->mode == new_mode) {
switch (new_mode) {
self->mode = new_mode;
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
#include "py/obj.h"
#include "shared-module/watchdog/__init__.h"
#include "shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogMode.h"
#include "shared-bindings/watchdog/WatchDogTimer.h"
@ -37,7 +40,4 @@ struct _watchdog_watchdogtimer_obj_t {
watchdog_watchdogmode_t mode;
// This needs to be called in order to disable the watchdog
// void watchdog_reset(void);
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ CIRCUITPY_RE ?= 0
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ CIRCUITPY_SAFEMODE_PY ?= 0
# We don't have room for the fonts for terminalio for certain languages,
# so turn off terminalio, and if it's off and displayio is on,
@ -388,13 +388,16 @@ void reset_port(void) {
@ -406,14 +409,18 @@ void reset_port(void) {
@ -423,6 +430,10 @@ void reset_port(void) {
@ -171,4 +171,13 @@ $(BUILD)/ $(BUILD)/kernel$(SUFFIX).img
$(Q)zip $@ $(BUILD)/circuitpython-disk.img
$(Q)rm $(BUILD)/circuitpython-disk.img
.PHONY: $(BUILD)/rpiboot rpiboot
rpiboot: $(BUILD)/rpiboot
$(BUILD)/rpiboot: $(BUILD)/kernel$(SUFFIX).img
mkdir -vp $@
cp -vf $(BUILD)/kernel$(SUFFIX).img $@/
cp -vfr config.txt firmware/bootcode.bin firmware/fixup* firmware/start* firmware/*.dtb $@/
#sed -i -e "s/BOOT_UART=0/BOOT_UART=1/" $@/bootcode.bin $@/bootcode.bin
echo uart_2ndstage=1 >> $@/config.txt
include $(TOP)/py/
@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ enable_jtag_gpio=1
# hdmi_group=1
# hdmi_mode=16
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit d3a6b50a21e7dd49ba4bfa0374da3407594caa50
Subproject commit ec1043800fc987f7067fc07615193439843695d6
@ -124,30 +124,18 @@ void reset_cpu(void) {
bool port_has_fixed_stack(void) {
#ifdef __aarch64__
return true;
return false;
// From the linker script
extern uint32_t __bss_end;
extern uint32_t _ld_ram_end;
uint32_t *port_stack_get_limit(void) {
#ifdef __aarch64__
return (uint32_t *)0x4;
return &__bss_end;
uint32_t *port_stack_get_top(void) {
#ifdef __aarch64__
return (uint32_t *)0x80000;
return &_ld_ram_end;
return (uint32_t *)0x100000;
uint32_t *port_heap_get_bottom(void) {
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ size_t common_hal_camera_take_picture(camera_obj_t *self, uint8_t *buffer, size_
mp_raise_ValueError(translate("Size not supported"));
if (!camera_check_buffer_length(width, height, format, len)) {
mp_raise_ValueError(translate("Buffer is too small"));
mp_raise_ValueError(translate("Buffer too small"));
if (!camera_check_format(format)) {
mp_raise_ValueError(translate("Format not supported"));
@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
# The following five lines of boilerplate have to be in your project's
# CMakeLists in this exact order for cmake to work correctly
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
# The component list here determines what options we get in menuconfig and what the ninja file
# can build.
set(COMPONENTS esptool_py soc driver log main esp-tls mbedtls mdns esp_event esp_adc_cal esp_netif esp_wifi lwip ulp wpa_supplicant freertos bt usb)
message("Including esp32-camera")
set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS "esp32-camera")
list(APPEND COMPONENTS "esp32-camera")
# The component list here determines what options we get in menuconfig and what the ninja file can build.
set(COMPONENTS bt driver esp-tls esp_adc_cal esp_event esp_netif esp_psram esp_wifi esptool_py freertos log lwip main mbedtls mdns soc ulp usb wpa_supplicant esp-camera esp_lcd)
set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS "esp-protocols/components/mdns" "esp-camera")
@ -27,11 +27,23 @@ include ../../py/
ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32c3)
CROSS_COMPILE = riscv32-esp-elf-
else ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32c6)
CROSS_COMPILE = riscv32-esp-elf-
else ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32h2)
CROSS_COMPILE = riscv32-esp-elf-
ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32s3)
BT_IDF_TARGET = esp32c3
@ -51,39 +63,56 @@ INC += \
-isystem esp-idf \
-isystem esp-idf/components/app_update/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bootloader_support/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bt/include/$(IDF_TARGET)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bootloader_support/bootloader_flash/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bt/include/$(BT_IDF_TARGET)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bt/host/nimble/esp-hci/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bt/host/nimble/nimble/nimble/controller/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bt/host/nimble/nimble/nimble/host/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bt/host/nimble/nimble/nimble/host/services/gap/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bt/host/nimble/nimble/nimble/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bt/host/nimble/nimble/nimble/host/util/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bt/host/nimble/nimble/nimble/transport/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bt/host/nimble/nimble/porting/nimble/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bt/host/nimble/nimble/porting/npl/freertos/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/bt/host/nimble/port/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/deprecated \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/dac/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/gpio/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/i2c/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/i2s/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/$(IDF_TARGET)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/ledc/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/spi/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/temperature_sensor/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/touch_sensor/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/touch_sensor/$(IDF_TARGET)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/driver/twai/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/efuse/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/efuse/$(IDF_TARGET)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/$(IDF_TARGET)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_adc_cal/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_adc/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_adc/$(IDF_TARGET)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_app_format/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_common/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_event/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_hw_support/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_hw_support/include/soc \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_ipc/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_netif/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_partition/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_pm/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_psram/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_ringbuf/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_rom/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_system/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_timer/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/esp_wifi/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/freertos/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/freertos/include/freertos \
-isystem esp-idf/components/freertos/include/esp_additions \
-isystem esp-idf/components/freertos/include/esp_additions/freertos \
-isystem esp-idf/components/freertos/port/$(IDF_TARGET_ARCH)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/freertos/esp_additions/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/freertos/esp_additions/include/freertos \
-isystem esp-idf/components/freertos/esp_additions/arch/$(IDF_TARGET_ARCH)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/freertos/FreeRTOS-Kernel/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/freertos/FreeRTOS-Kernel/include/freertos \
-isystem esp-idf/components/freertos/FreeRTOS-Kernel/portable/$(IDF_TARGET_ARCH)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/hal/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/hal/$(IDF_TARGET)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/hal/platform_port/include \
@ -91,7 +120,9 @@ INC += \
-isystem esp-idf/components/log/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/lwip/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/lwip/lwip/src/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/lwip/port/esp32/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/lwip/port/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/lwip/port/esp32xx/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/lwip/port/freertos/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/mbedtls/esp_crt_bundle/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/mbedtls/mbedtls/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/mbedtls/port/include \
@ -100,13 +131,13 @@ INC += \
-isystem esp-idf/components/soc/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/soc/$(IDF_TARGET)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/spi_flash/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/ulp/ulp_fsm/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/ulp/ulp_riscv/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/ulp/ulp_common/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/ulp/ulp_common/include/$(IDF_TARGET) \
-isystem esp-idf/components/$(IDF_TARGET_ARCH)/include \
-isystem esp-idf/components/$(IDF_TARGET_ARCH)/$(IDF_TARGET)/include
# See
ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32c3)
CFLAGS += -include "esp32c3_fix.h"
-isystem esp-idf/components/$(IDF_TARGET_ARCH)/$(IDF_TARGET)/include \
-isystem esp-protocols/components/mdns/include
@ -131,7 +162,7 @@ ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1)
# You may want to enable these flags to make setting breakpoints easier.
# CFLAGS += -fno-inline -fno-ipa-sra
# RISC-V is larger than xtensa
# Use -Os for RISC-V when it overflows
ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET_ARCH),riscv)
@ -146,10 +177,16 @@ CFLAGS += $(OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS)
CFLAGS += $(INC) -Werror -Wall -std=gnu11 -Wl,--gc-sections $(BASE_CFLAGS) $(C_DEFS) $(CFLAGS_MOD) $(COPT) -Werror=missing-prototypes
# Most current ESPs have nano versions of newlib in ROM so we use them.
ifneq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32c6)
CFLAGS += --specs=nano.specs
LDFLAGS += -T$(IDF_TARGET).rom.newlib-nano.ld
ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET_ARCH),xtensa)
CFLAGS += -mlongcalls
else ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET_ARCH),riscv)
CFLAGS += -march=rv32imc
CFLAGS += -march=rv32imac_zicsr_zifencei
LDFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -Wl,-nostdlib -Wl,-Map=$ -Wl,-cref -Wl,--undefined=uxTopUsedPriority
@ -164,7 +201,6 @@ LDFLAGS += \
-T$(IDF_TARGET).rom.ld \
-T$(IDF_TARGET).rom.api.ld \
-T$(IDF_TARGET).rom.libgcc.ld \
-T$(IDF_TARGET).rom.newlib-nano.ld \
-Wl,-Bstatic \
-Wl,--no-warn-mismatch \
-Wl,--build-id=none \
@ -180,6 +216,20 @@ LDFLAGS += \
-Tesp32c3.rom.newlib.ld \
-Tesp32c3.rom.version.ld \
else ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32c6)
-Tesp32c6.rom.phy.ld \
-Tesp32c6.rom.pp.ld \
-Tesp32c6.rom.net80211.ld \
-Tesp32c6.rom.newlib.ld \
-Tesp32c6.rom.coexist.ld \
-Tesp32c6.rom.heap.ld \
else ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32h2)
-Tesp32h2.rom.heap.ld \
-Tesp32h2.rom.newlib.ld \
else ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32s2)
-T$(IDF_TARGET).rom.newlib-data.ld \
@ -194,7 +244,7 @@ endif
LIBS := -lgcc -lc -lstdc++
# Use toolchain libm if we're not using our own.
ifneq ($(INTERNAL_LIBM),1)
LIBS += -lm
@ -232,22 +282,19 @@ SRC_C += \
peripherals/timer.c \
ifneq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32c3)
SRC_C += \
peripherals/pcnt.c \
ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32s2)
SRC_C += \
SRC_C += $(wildcard common-hal/espidf/*.c)
SRC_C += supervisor/usb_serial_jtag.c
ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32c3)
SRC_C += \
SRC_C += peripherals/pcnt.c
$(BUILD)/i2s_lcd_esp32s2_driver.o: CFLAGS += -Wno-sign-compare
SRC_C += peripherals/touch.c
ifneq ($(CIRCUITPY_USB),0)
SRC_C += lib/tinyusb/src/portable/espressif/esp32sx/dcd_esp32sx.c
@ -257,13 +304,18 @@ ifneq ($(CIRCUITPY_BLEIO),0)
SRC_C += common-hal/_bleio/ble_events.c
CFLAGS += -isystem esp-idf/components/esp_lcd/include
CFLAGS += -isystem esp-idf/components/esp_lcd/interface
$(wildcard common-hal/espcamera/*.c) \
$(wildcard bindings/espcamera/*.c)
CFLAGS += -isystem esp32-camera/driver/include
CFLAGS += -isystem esp32-camera/conversions/include
CFLAGS += -isystem esp-camera/driver/include
CFLAGS += -isystem esp-camera/conversions/include
@ -285,8 +337,6 @@ SRC_ULP := \
$(wildcard common-hal/espulp/*.c) \
$(wildcard bindings/espulp/*.c)
CFLAGS += -isystem esp-idf/components/ulp/include
CFLAGS += -isystem esp-idf/components/ulp/ulp_riscv/include
@ -329,16 +379,26 @@ $(BUILD)/esp-idf:
TARGET_SDKCONFIG = esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-$(IDF_TARGET).defaults
FLASH_SDKCONFIG ?= esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-$(CIRCUITPY_ESP_FLASH_SIZE)-no-ota-no-uf2.defaults
FLASH_SIZE_SDKCONFIG ?= esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-flash-$(CIRCUITPY_ESP_FLASH_SIZE)-no-ota-no-uf2.defaults
ifeq ($(UF2_BOOTLOADER), 1)
FLASH_SDKCONFIG ?= esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-$(CIRCUITPY_ESP_FLASH_SIZE).defaults
FLASH_SIZE_SDKCONFIG ?= esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-flash-$(CIRCUITPY_ESP_FLASH_SIZE).defaults
FLASH_SDKCONFIG ?= esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-$(CIRCUITPY_ESP_FLASH_SIZE)-no-uf2.defaults
FLASH_SIZE_SDKCONFIG ?= esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-flash-$(CIRCUITPY_ESP_FLASH_SIZE)-no-uf2.defaults
FLASH_MODE_SDKCONFIG ?= esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-flash-$(CIRCUITPY_ESP_FLASH_MODE).defaults
FLASH_SPEED_SDKCONFIG ?= esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-flash-$(CIRCUITPY_ESP_FLASH_FREQ).defaults
PSRAM_SDKCONFIG = esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-psram.defaults
PSRAM_SIZE_SDKCONFIG = esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-psram-$(CIRCUITPY_ESP_PSRAM_SIZE).defaults
PSRAM_MODE_SDKCONFIG = esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-psram-$(CIRCUITPY_ESP_PSRAM_MODE).defaults
PSRAM_SPEED_SDKCONFIG = esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-psram-$(CIRCUITPY_ESP_PSRAM_FREQ).defaults
ifeq ($(DEBUG), 1)
DEBUG_SDKCONFIG = esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-debug.defaults
@ -346,16 +406,16 @@ else
DEBUG_SDKCONFIG = esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-opt.defaults
SDKCONFIGS := esp-idf-config/sdkconfig.defaults;$(DEBUG_SDKCONFIG);$(FLASH_SDKCONFIG);$(TARGET_SDKCONFIG);boards/$(BOARD)/sdkconfig
ifneq ($(CIRCUITPY_BLEIO),0)
SDKCONFIGS := esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-ble.defaults;$(SDKCONFIGS)
# create the config headers
.PHONY: do-sdkconfig
do-sdkconfig: $(BUILD)/esp-idf/config/sdkconfig.h
$(BUILD)/genhdr/qstr.i.last: $(BUILD)/esp-idf/config/sdkconfig.h
$(BUILD)/esp-idf/config/sdkconfig.h: boards/$(BOARD)/sdkconfig CMakeLists.txt | $(BUILD)/esp-idf
QSTR_GLOBAL_REQUIREMENTS += $(BUILD)/esp-idf/config/sdkconfig.h
$(BUILD)/esp-idf/config/sdkconfig.h: boards/$(BOARD)/sdkconfig boards/$(BOARD)/ CMakeLists.txt | $(BUILD)/esp-idf
# build a lib
# Adding -d explain -j 1 -v to the ninja line will output debug info
@ -374,28 +434,60 @@ $(BUILD)/esp-idf/partition_table/partition-table.bin: $(BUILD)/esp-idf/config/sd
# run menuconfig and then remove standard settings
menuconfig: $(BUILD)/esp-idf/config $(BUILD)/esp-idf/config/sdkconfig.h
$(Q)ninja -C $(BUILD)/esp-idf menuconfig
# Newer versions of the idf will have save-defconfig that will only include non-default values.
# We should use that when available. For now, we sort out everything.
python tools/ --board=$(BOARD) --debug=$(DEBUG)
# qstr builds include headers so we need to make sure they are up to date
$(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.split: | $(BUILD)/esp-idf/config/sdkconfig.h
update-all-sdkconfigs: $(BUILD)/esp-idf/config/sdkconfig.h
python tools/ --update_all --board=$(BOARD) --debug=$(DEBUG)
BINARY_WIFI_BLOBS = libcoexist.a libcore.a libespnow.a libmesh.a libnet80211.a libpp.a libsmartconfig.a libwapi.a
BINARY_BLOBS = esp-idf/components/esp_phy/lib/$(IDF_TARGET)/libphy.a $(addprefix esp-idf/components/esp_wifi/lib/$(IDF_TARGET)/, $(BINARY_WIFI_BLOBS))
update-board-sdkconfig: $(BUILD)/esp-idf/config/sdkconfig.h
python tools/ --board=$(BOARD) --debug=$(DEBUG)
BINARY_WIFI_BLOBS = libcore.a libespnow.a libmesh.a libnet80211.a libpp.a libsmartconfig.a libwapi.a
BINARY_BLOBS = esp-idf/components/esp_phy/lib/$(IDF_TARGET)/libphy.a
ifneq ($(CIRCUITPY_WIFI),0)
BINARY_BLOBS += esp-idf/components/esp_coex/lib/$(IDF_TARGET)/libcoexist.a $(addprefix esp-idf/components/esp_wifi/lib/$(IDF_TARGET)/, $(BINARY_WIFI_BLOBS))
ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32)
BINARY_BLOBS += esp-idf/components/esp_phy/lib/$(IDF_TARGET)/librtc.a
ESP_IDF_COMPONENTS_LINK = $(IDF_TARGET_ARCH) app_update bootloader_support driver efuse esp_adc_cal esp_common esp_event esp_hw_support esp_ipc esp_netif esp_pm esp_phy esp_ringbuf esp_rom esp_system esp_timer esp-tls esp_wifi freertos hal heap log lwip mbedtls mdns newlib nvs_flash pthread soc spi_flash vfs wpa_supplicant
ESP_IDF_COMPONENTS_LINK = $(IDF_TARGET_ARCH) app_update bootloader_support driver efuse esp_adc esp_app_format esp_common esp_event esp_hw_support esp_mm esp_partition esp_phy esp_pm esp_ringbuf esp_rom esp_system esp_timer freertos hal heap log newlib nvs_flash pthread soc spi_flash vfs
ifneq ($(CIRCUITPY_WIFI),0)
ESP_IDF_COMPONENTS_LINK += esp_coex esp_netif esp-tls esp_wifi lwip mbedtls mdns wpa_supplicant
ifneq ($(CIRCUITPY_BLEIO),0)
BLE_IMPL_esp32 := esp32
BLE_IMPL_esp32s3 := esp32c3
BLE_IMPL_esp32c2 := libble
BLE_IMPL_esp32c3 := esp32c3
BLE_IMPL_esp32c6 := libble
BLE_IMPL_esp32h2 := libble
ifeq ($(BLE_IMPL),esp32)
BINARY_BLOBS += esp-idf/components/bt/controller/lib_esp32/$(IDF_TARGET)/libbtdm_app.a
ifeq ($(BLE_IMPL),esp32c3)
BINARY_BLOBS += esp-idf/components/esp_phy/lib/$(IDF_TARGET)/libbtbb.a \
ifeq ($(BLE_IMPL),libble)
BINARY_BLOBS += esp-idf/components/esp_phy/lib/$(IDF_TARGET)/libbtbb.a \
ESP_IDF_COMPONENTS_EXPANDED = $(foreach component, $(ESP_IDF_COMPONENTS_LINK), $(BUILD)/esp-idf/esp-idf/$(component)/lib$(component).a)
@ -408,16 +500,21 @@ ESP_IDF_COMPONENTS_EXPANDED += esp-idf/components/xtensa/$(IDF_TARGET)/libxt_hal
ESP_IDF_COMPONENTS_EXPANDED += $(BUILD)/esp-idf/esp-idf/esp32-camera/libesp32-camera.a
ESP_IDF_COMPONENTS_EXPANDED += $(BUILD)/esp-idf/esp-idf/esp-camera/libesp-camera.a
ifneq ($(VALID_BOARD),)
# From esp-idf/components/bootloader/Kconfig.projbuild
# BOOTLOADER_OFFSET is determined by chip type, based on the ROM bootloader, and is not changeable.
ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32)
else ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32h2)
else ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32c3)
else ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32c6)
else ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32s3)
else ifeq ($(IDF_TARGET),esp32s2)
@ -435,9 +532,26 @@ IDF_CMAKE_TARGETS = \
ESP_AUTOGEN_LD = $(BUILD)/esp-idf/esp-idf/$(IDF_TARGET)/$(IDF_TARGET)_out.ld $(BUILD)/esp-idf/esp-idf/$(IDF_TARGET)/ld/$(IDF_TARGET).project.ld
# Map the flash's run mode to flashing mode (only dual is supported by the early bootloaders).
# Most modes can flash with dio
# Cap the flash speed to 80m.
ESPTOOL_FLAGS ?= --before=default_reset --after=no_reset --baud 921600
@ -455,7 +569,7 @@ esp-idf-stamp: $(BUILD)/esp-idf/config/sdkconfig.h
$(BUILD)/firmware.elf: $(OBJ) | esp-idf-stamp $(IDF_CMAKE_TARGETS)
$(Q)$(CC) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ -Wl,--start-group $(ESP_IDF_COMPONENTS_EXPANDED) $(BINARY_BLOBS) $(MBEDTLS_COMPONENTS_LINK_EXPANDED) $(BUILD)/esp-idf/esp-idf/newlib/libnewlib.a -Wl,--end-group -u newlib_include_pthread_impl -u ld_include_highint_hdl -Wl,--start-group $(LIBS) -Wl,--end-group $(BUILD)/esp-idf/esp-idf/pthread/libpthread.a -u __cxx_fatal_exception
$(Q)$(CC) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $^ -Wl,--start-group $(ESP_IDF_COMPONENTS_EXPANDED) $(BINARY_BLOBS) $(MBEDTLS_COMPONENTS_LINK_EXPANDED) $(LIBS) -Wl,--end-group -u newlib_include_pthread_impl -u ld_include_highint_hdl -u __cxx_fatal_exception
$(BUILD)/circuitpython-firmware.bin: $(BUILD)/firmware.elf | tools/
$(STEPECHO) "Create $@"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Support Status:
.. csv-table::
:header: SoC, Status
ESP, "beta"
ESP32, "beta"
ESP32-C3, "beta"
ESP32-S2, "stable"
ESP32-S3, "beta"
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
#include "py/mpconfig.h"
#include "py/obj.h"
#include "common-hal/espidf/__init__.h"
extern const mp_obj_type_t mp_type_espidf_IDFError;
extern const mp_obj_type_t mp_type_espidf_MemoryError;
@ -79,11 +79,13 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t espnow_peer_make_new(const mp_obj_type_t *type, size_t n_args, s
self->peer_info.ifidx = (wifi_interface_t)mp_arg_validate_int_range(args[ARG_interface].u_int, 0, 1, MP_QSTR_interface);
self->peer_info.encrypt = args[ARG_encrypted].u_bool;
self->lmk_set = false;
const mp_obj_t lmk = args[ARG_lmk].u_obj;
if (lmk != mp_const_none) {
self->lmk_set = true;
memcpy(self->peer_info.lmk, common_hal_espnow_get_bytes_len(lmk, ESP_NOW_KEY_LEN), ESP_NOW_KEY_LEN);
} else if (self->peer_info.encrypt && !self->peer_info.lmk) {
} else if (self->peer_info.encrypt) {
mp_raise_ValueError_varg(translate("%q is %q"), MP_QSTR_lmk, MP_QSTR_None);
@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t espnow_peer_set_encrypted(const mp_obj_t self_in, const mp_obj_t
self->peer_info.encrypt = mp_obj_is_true(value);
if (!self->peer_info.lmk) {
if (!self->lmk_set) {
mp_raise_ValueError_varg(translate("%q is %q"), MP_QSTR_lmk, MP_QSTR_None);
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
typedef struct {
mp_obj_base_t base;
esp_now_peer_info_t peer_info;
bool lmk_set;
} espnow_peer_obj_t;
const mp_obj_type_t espnow_peer_type;
extern const mp_obj_type_t espnow_peer_type;
@ -36,5 +36,3 @@
// For entering safe mode
@ -6,3 +6,7 @@ IDF_TARGET = esp32c3
@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
# chip is ESP32-C3 FH4
# Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
# Component config
# end of LWIP
# end of Component config
# end of Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ static void io_expander_backlight_init(void) {
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, AW9523_REG_SOFTRESET, true);
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, 0, true);
i2c_master_cmd_begin(i2c_num, cmd, 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS);
i2c_master_cmd_begin(i2c_num, cmd, 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create();
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ static void io_expander_backlight_init(void) {
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, AW9523_DEFAULT_CONFIG >> 8, true);
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, AW9523_DEFAULT_CONFIG & 0xff, true);
i2c_master_cmd_begin(i2c_num, cmd, 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS);
i2c_master_cmd_begin(i2c_num, cmd, 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create();
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ static void io_expander_backlight_init(void) {
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, AW9523_DEFAULT_OUTPUT >> 8, true);
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, AW9523_DEFAULT_OUTPUT & 0xff, true);
i2c_master_cmd_begin(i2c_num, cmd, 1000 / portTICK_RATE_MS);
i2c_master_cmd_begin(i2c_num, cmd, 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
@ -5,9 +5,13 @@ USB_MANUFACTURER = "Adafruit"
IDF_TARGET = esp32s3
FLASH_SDKCONFIG = esp-idf-config/sdkconfig-4MB-1ota.defaults
@ -19,3 +23,5 @@ CIRCUITPY_ONEWIREIO = 0
@ -1,62 +1,22 @@
# Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
# Component config
# ESP32S3-Specific
# SPI RAM config
# PSRAM Clock and CS IO for ESP32S3
# end of PSRAM Clock and CS IO for ESP32S3
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_80M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_26M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_20M is not set
# end of SPI RAM config
# end of ESP32S3-Specific
# end of LWIP
# CONFIG_OV7670_SUPPORT is not set
# CONFIG_NT99141_SUPPORT is not set
# CONFIG_OV2640_SUPPORT is not set
# CONFIG_GC2145_SUPPORT is not set
# CONFIG_GC032A_SUPPORT is not set
# CONFIG_GC0308_SUPPORT is not set
# CONFIG_BF3005_SUPPORT is not set
# CONFIG_BF20A6_SUPPORT is not set
# CONFIG_SC101IOT_SUPPORT is not set
# CONFIG_SC030IOT_SUPPORT is not set
# Camera configuration
# CONFIG_OV7725_SUPPORT is not set
# CONFIG_OV3660_SUPPORT is not set
# end of Camera configuration
# end of Component config
# end of Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#include "supervisor/board.h"
#include "mpconfigboard.h"
#include "shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.h"
#include "components/driver/include/driver/gpio.h"
#include "components/driver/gpio/include/driver/gpio.h"
#include "components/hal/include/hal/gpio_hal.h"
#include "common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.h"
@ -6,3 +6,7 @@ IDF_TARGET = esp32
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# SPI RAM config
# Uncomment (remove ###) to send ESP_LOG output to TX/RX pins
### #
### # ESP System Settings
### #
### # CONFIG_ESP_CONSOLE_NONE is not set
### # end of ESP System Settings
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#include "supervisor/board.h"
#include "mpconfigboard.h"
#include "shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.h"
#include "components/driver/include/driver/gpio.h"
#include "components/driver/gpio/include/driver/gpio.h"
#include "components/hal/include/hal/gpio_hal.h"
#include "common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.h"
@ -8,3 +8,7 @@ IDF_TARGET = esp32s2
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
# Component config
# ESP32S2-specific
# SPI RAM config
# PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32S2
# end of PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32S2
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_80M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_26M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_20M is not set
# end of SPI RAM config
# end of ESP32S2-specific
# end of LWIP
# end of Component config
@ -9,3 +9,7 @@ IDF_TARGET = esp32s2
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# SPI RAM config
# end of SPI RAM config
# PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32S2
# end of PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32S2
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_80M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_26M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_20M is not set
# end of LWIP
@ -9,3 +9,7 @@ IDF_TARGET = esp32s2
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# SPI RAM config
# end of SPI RAM config
# PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32S2
# end of PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32S2
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_80M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_26M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_20M is not set
# end of LWIP
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#include "supervisor/board.h"
#include "mpconfigboard.h"
#include "shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.h"
#include "components/driver/include/driver/gpio.h"
#include "components/driver/gpio/include/driver/gpio.h"
#include "components/hal/include/hal/gpio_hal.h"
#include "common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.h"
@ -5,8 +5,13 @@ USB_MANUFACTURER = "Adafruit"
IDF_TARGET = esp32s3
@ -1,43 +1,9 @@
# Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
# Component config
# ESP32S3-Specific
# SPI RAM config
# PSRAM Clock and CS IO for ESP32S3
# end of PSRAM Clock and CS IO for ESP32S3
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_120M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_40M is not set
# end of SPI RAM config
# end of ESP32S3-Specific
@ -45,3 +11,5 @@ CONFIG_LWIP_LOCAL_HOSTNAME="espressif-esp32s3"
# end of LWIP
# end of Component config
# end of Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#include "supervisor/board.h"
#include "mpconfigboard.h"
#include "shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.h"
#include "components/driver/include/driver/gpio.h"
#include "components/driver/gpio/include/driver/gpio.h"
#include "components/hal/include/hal/gpio_hal.h"
#include "common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.h"
@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
# Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
# Component config
# end of LWIP
# end of Component config
# end of Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
@ -7,7 +7,13 @@ USB_MANUFACTURER = "Adafruit"
IDF_TARGET = esp32s3
@ -1,43 +1,9 @@
# Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
# Component config
# ESP32S3-Specific
# SPI RAM config
# PSRAM Clock and CS IO for ESP32S3
# end of PSRAM Clock and CS IO for ESP32S3
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_120M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_40M is not set
# end of SPI RAM config
# end of ESP32S3-Specific
@ -45,3 +11,5 @@ CONFIG_LWIP_LOCAL_HOSTNAME="espressif-esp32s3"
# end of LWIP
# end of Component config
# end of Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
@ -7,7 +7,12 @@ USB_MANUFACTURER = "Adafruit"
IDF_TARGET = esp32s3
@ -1,43 +1,9 @@
# Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
# Component config
# ESP32S3-Specific
# SPI RAM config
# PSRAM Clock and CS IO for ESP32S3
# end of PSRAM Clock and CS IO for ESP32S3
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_120M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_40M is not set
# end of SPI RAM config
# end of ESP32S3-Specific
@ -45,3 +11,5 @@ CONFIG_LWIP_LOCAL_HOSTNAME="espressif-esp32s3"
# end of LWIP
# end of Component config
# end of Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# Uncomment (remove ###) to send ESP_LOG output to TX/RX pins
### #
### # ESP System Settings
### #
### # end of ESP System Settings
@ -50,12 +50,6 @@ uint8_t display_init_sequence[] = {
void board_init(void) {
// Debug UART
#ifdef DEBUG
#endif /* DEBUG */
displayio_fourwire_obj_t *bus = &allocate_display_bus()->fourwire_bus;
busio_spi_obj_t *spi = &bus->inline_bus;
common_hal_busio_spi_construct(spi, &pin_GPIO36, &pin_GPIO35, NULL, false);
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ CIRCUITPY_ESP_FLASH_SIZE = 4MB
# Include these Python libraries in firmware.
FROZEN_MPY_DIRS += $(TOP)/frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_PortalBase
FROZEN_MPY_DIRS += $(TOP)/frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_FakeRequests
FROZEN_MPY_DIRS += $(TOP)/frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Requests
FROZEN_MPY_DIRS += $(TOP)/frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_NeoPixel
FROZEN_MPY_DIRS += $(TOP)/frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Display_Text
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ STATIC const mp_rom_map_elem_t board_module_globals_table[] = {
{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_I2C), MP_ROM_PTR(&board_i2c_obj) },
{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_STEMMA_I2C), MP_ROM_PTR(&board_i2c_obj) },
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# SPI RAM config
# end of SPI RAM config
# PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32S2
# end of PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32S2
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_80M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_26M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_20M is not set
# end of LWIP
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# Uncomment (remove ###) to send ESP_LOG output to TX/RX pins
### #
### # ESP System Settings
### #
### # end of ESP System Settings
@ -114,12 +114,6 @@ const uint8_t refresh_sequence[] = {
void board_init(void) {
// Debug UART
#ifdef DEBUG
#endif /* DEBUG */
displayio_fourwire_obj_t *bus = &allocate_display_bus()->fourwire_bus;
busio_spi_obj_t *spi = &bus->inline_bus;
common_hal_busio_spi_construct(spi, &pin_GPIO36, &pin_GPIO35, NULL, false);
@ -18,3 +18,7 @@ FROZEN_MPY_DIRS += $(TOP)/frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Requests
FROZEN_MPY_DIRS += $(TOP)/frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_NeoPixel
FROZEN_MPY_DIRS += $(TOP)/frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Display_Text
FROZEN_MPY_DIRS += $(TOP)/frozen/Adafruit_CircuitPython_LIS3DH
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# SPI RAM config
# end of SPI RAM config
# PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32S2
# end of PSRAM clock and cs IO for ESP32S2
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_80M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_26M is not set
# CONFIG_SPIRAM_SPEED_20M is not set
# end of LWIP
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#include "supervisor/board.h"
#include "mpconfigboard.h"
#include "shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.h"
#include "components/driver/include/driver/gpio.h"
#include "components/driver/gpio/include/driver/gpio.h"
#include "components/hal/include/hal/gpio_hal.h"
#include "common-hal/microcontroller/Pin.h"
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