py/emitnative: Place const objs for native code in separate const table.
This commit changes native code to handle constant objects like bytecode: instead of storing the pointers inside the native code they are now stored in a separate constant table (such pointers include objects like bignum, bytes, and raw code for nested functions). This removes the need for the GC to scan native code for root pointers, and takes a step towards making native code independent of the runtime (eg so it can be compiled offline by mpy-cross). Note that the changes to the struct scope_t did not increase its size: on a 32-bit architecture it is still 48 bytes, and on a 64-bit architecture it decreased from 80 to 72 bytes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ STATIC void close_over_variables_etc(compiler_t *comp, scope_t *this_scope, int
// When creating a function/closure it will take a reference to the current globals
comp->scope_cur->scope_flags |= MP_SCOPE_FLAG_REFGLOBALS;
comp->scope_cur->scope_flags |= MP_SCOPE_FLAG_REFGLOBALS | MP_SCOPE_FLAG_HASCONSTS;
// make closed over variables, if any
@ -2665,6 +2665,9 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t get_const_object(mp_parse_node_struct_t *pns) {
STATIC void compile_const_object(compiler_t *comp, mp_parse_node_struct_t *pns) {
comp->scope_cur->scope_flags |= MP_SCOPE_FLAG_HASCONSTS;
EMIT_ARG(load_const_obj, get_const_object(pns));
@ -2699,6 +2702,9 @@ STATIC void compile_node(compiler_t *comp, mp_parse_node_t pn) {
} else {
EMIT_ARG(load_const_obj, mp_obj_new_int_from_ll(arg));
comp->scope_cur->scope_flags |= MP_SCOPE_FLAG_HASCONSTS;
EMIT_ARG(load_const_small_int, arg);
@ -2717,6 +2723,9 @@ STATIC void compile_node(compiler_t *comp, mp_parse_node_t pn) {
const byte *data = qstr_data(arg, &len);
EMIT_ARG(load_const_obj, mp_obj_new_bytes(data, len));
comp->scope_cur->scope_flags |= MP_SCOPE_FLAG_HASCONSTS;
case MP_PARSE_NODE_TOKEN: default:
if (arg == MP_TOKEN_NEWLINE) {
@ -75,6 +75,10 @@
// Word index of nlr_buf_t.ret_val
#define NLR_BUF_IDX_RET_VAL (1)
// Whether the viper function needs access to fun_obj
#define NEED_FUN_OBJ(emit) ((emit)->scope->exc_stack_size > 0 \
|| ((emit)->scope->scope_flags & (MP_SCOPE_FLAG_REFGLOBALS | MP_SCOPE_FLAG_HASCONSTS)))
// Whether the native/viper function needs to be wrapped in an exception handler
#define NEED_GLOBAL_EXC_HANDLER(emit) ((emit)->scope->exc_stack_size > 0 \
|| ((emit)->scope->scope_flags & MP_SCOPE_FLAG_REFGLOBALS))
@ -198,11 +202,15 @@ struct _emit_t {
exc_stack_entry_t *exc_stack;
int prelude_offset;
int const_table_offset;
int n_state;
int stack_start;
int stack_size;
uint16_t const_table_cur_obj;
uint16_t const_table_num_obj;
uint16_t const_table_cur_raw_code;
uintptr_t *const_table;
bool last_emit_was_return_value;
scope_t *scope;
@ -250,6 +258,8 @@ STATIC void emit_native_start_pass(emit_t *emit, pass_kind_t pass, scope_t *scop
emit->do_viper_types = scope->emit_options == MP_EMIT_OPT_VIPER;
emit->stack_start = 0;
emit->stack_size = 0;
emit->const_table_cur_obj = 0;
emit->const_table_cur_raw_code = 0;
emit->last_emit_was_return_value = false;
emit->scope = scope;
@ -317,6 +327,9 @@ STATIC void emit_native_start_pass(emit_t *emit, pass_kind_t pass, scope_t *scop
// Reserve 2 words for function object and old globals
emit->stack_start = 2;
} else if (scope->scope_flags & MP_SCOPE_FLAG_HASCONSTS) {
// Reserve 1 word for function object, to access const table
emit->stack_start = 1;
} else {
emit->stack_start = 0;
@ -334,7 +347,7 @@ STATIC void emit_native_start_pass(emit_t *emit, pass_kind_t pass, scope_t *scop
// Store function object (passed as first arg) to stack if needed
if (NEED_FUN_OBJ(emit)) {
#if N_X86
asm_x86_mov_arg_to_r32(emit->as, 0, REG_ARG_1);
@ -446,6 +459,22 @@ STATIC void emit_native_start_pass(emit_t *emit, pass_kind_t pass, scope_t *scop
emit->local_vtype[id->local_num] = VTYPE_PYOBJ;
if (pass == MP_PASS_EMIT) {
// write argument names as qstr objects
// see comment in corresponding part of emitbc.c about the logic here
for (int i = 0; i < scope->num_pos_args + scope->num_kwonly_args; i++) {
qstr qst = MP_QSTR__star_;
for (int j = 0; j < scope->id_info_len; ++j) {
id_info_t *id = &scope->id_info[j];
if ((id->flags & ID_FLAG_IS_PARAM) && id->local_num == i) {
qst = id->qst;
emit->const_table[i] = (mp_uint_t)MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(qst);
@ -483,24 +512,6 @@ STATIC void emit_native_end_pass(emit_t *emit) {
mp_asm_base_data(&emit->as->base, 1, 255); // end of list sentinel
mp_asm_base_align(&emit->as->base, ASM_WORD_SIZE);
emit->const_table_offset = mp_asm_base_get_code_pos(&emit->as->base);
// write argument names as qstr objects
// see comment in corresponding part of emitbc.c about the logic here
for (int i = 0; i < emit->scope->num_pos_args + emit->scope->num_kwonly_args; i++) {
qstr qst = MP_QSTR__star_;
for (int j = 0; j < emit->scope->id_info_len; ++j) {
id_info_t *id = &emit->scope->id_info[j];
if ((id->flags & ID_FLAG_IS_PARAM) && id->local_num == i) {
qst = id->qst;
mp_asm_base_data(&emit->as->base, ASM_WORD_SIZE, (mp_uint_t)MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(qst));
@ -509,13 +520,25 @@ STATIC void emit_native_end_pass(emit_t *emit) {
assert(emit->stack_size == 0);
assert(emit->exc_stack_size == 0);
// Deal with const table accounting
assert(emit->pass <= MP_PASS_STACK_SIZE || (emit->const_table_num_obj == emit->const_table_cur_obj));
emit->const_table_num_obj = emit->const_table_cur_obj;
if (emit->pass == MP_PASS_CODE_SIZE) {
size_t const_table_alloc = emit->const_table_num_obj + emit->const_table_cur_raw_code;
if (!emit->do_viper_types) {
// Add room for qstr names of arguments
const_table_alloc += emit->scope->num_pos_args + emit->scope->num_kwonly_args;
emit->const_table = m_new(uintptr_t, const_table_alloc);
if (emit->pass == MP_PASS_EMIT) {
void *f = mp_asm_base_get_code(&emit->as->base);
mp_uint_t f_len = mp_asm_base_get_code_size(&emit->as->base);
emit->do_viper_types ? MP_CODE_NATIVE_VIPER : MP_CODE_NATIVE_PY,
f, f_len, (mp_uint_t*)((byte*)f + emit->const_table_offset),
f, f_len, emit->const_table,
emit->scope->num_pos_args, emit->scope->scope_flags, 0);
@ -767,13 +790,6 @@ STATIC void emit_call_with_imm_arg(emit_t *emit, mp_fun_kind_t fun_kind, mp_int_
ASM_CALL_IND(emit->as, mp_fun_table[fun_kind], fun_kind);
// the first arg is stored in the code aligned on a mp_uint_t boundary
STATIC void emit_call_with_imm_arg_aligned(emit_t *emit, mp_fun_kind_t fun_kind, mp_int_t arg_val, int arg_reg) {
ASM_MOV_REG_ALIGNED_IMM(emit->as, arg_reg, arg_val);
ASM_CALL_IND(emit->as, mp_fun_table[fun_kind], fun_kind);
STATIC void emit_call_with_2_imm_args(emit_t *emit, mp_fun_kind_t fun_kind, mp_int_t arg_val1, int arg_reg1, mp_int_t arg_val2, int arg_reg2) {
ASM_MOV_REG_IMM(emit->as, arg_reg1, arg_val1);
@ -781,15 +797,6 @@ STATIC void emit_call_with_2_imm_args(emit_t *emit, mp_fun_kind_t fun_kind, mp_i
ASM_CALL_IND(emit->as, mp_fun_table[fun_kind], fun_kind);
// the first arg is stored in the code aligned on a mp_uint_t boundary
STATIC void emit_call_with_3_imm_args_and_first_aligned(emit_t *emit, mp_fun_kind_t fun_kind, mp_int_t arg_val1, int arg_reg1, mp_int_t arg_val2, int arg_reg2, mp_int_t arg_val3, int arg_reg3) {
ASM_MOV_REG_ALIGNED_IMM(emit->as, arg_reg1, arg_val1);
ASM_MOV_REG_IMM(emit->as, arg_reg2, arg_val2);
ASM_MOV_REG_IMM(emit->as, arg_reg3, arg_val3);
ASM_CALL_IND(emit->as, mp_fun_table[fun_kind], fun_kind);
// vtype of all n_pop objects is VTYPE_PYOBJ
// Will convert any items that are not VTYPE_PYOBJ to this type and put them back on the stack.
// If any conversions of non-immediate values are needed, then it uses REG_ARG_1, REG_ARG_2 and REG_RET.
@ -911,6 +918,29 @@ STATIC exc_stack_entry_t *emit_native_pop_exc_stack(emit_t *emit) {
return e;
STATIC void emit_load_reg_with_ptr(emit_t *emit, int reg, uintptr_t ptr, size_t table_off) {
if (!emit->do_viper_types) {
// Skip qstr names of arguments
table_off += emit->scope->num_pos_args + emit->scope->num_kwonly_args;
if (emit->pass == MP_PASS_EMIT) {
emit->const_table[table_off] = ptr;
ASM_LOAD_REG_REG_OFFSET(emit->as, REG_TEMP0, REG_TEMP0, offsetof(mp_obj_fun_bc_t, const_table) / sizeof(uintptr_t));
ASM_LOAD_REG_REG_OFFSET(emit->as, reg, REG_TEMP0, table_off);
STATIC void emit_load_reg_with_object(emit_t *emit, int reg, mp_obj_t obj) {
size_t table_off = emit->const_table_cur_obj++;
emit_load_reg_with_ptr(emit, reg, (uintptr_t)obj, table_off);
STATIC void emit_load_reg_with_raw_code(emit_t *emit, int reg, mp_raw_code_t *rc) {
size_t table_off = emit->const_table_num_obj + emit->const_table_cur_raw_code++;
emit_load_reg_with_ptr(emit, reg, (uintptr_t)rc, table_off);
STATIC void emit_native_label_assign(emit_t *emit, mp_uint_t l) {
DEBUG_printf("label_assign(" UINT_FMT ")\n", l);
@ -1157,7 +1187,7 @@ STATIC void emit_native_load_const_str(emit_t *emit, qstr qst) {
STATIC void emit_native_load_const_obj(emit_t *emit, mp_obj_t obj) {
need_reg_single(emit, REG_RET, 0);
ASM_MOV_REG_ALIGNED_IMM(emit->as, REG_RET, (mp_uint_t)obj);
emit_load_reg_with_object(emit, REG_RET, obj);
emit_post_push_reg(emit, VTYPE_PYOBJ, REG_RET);
@ -2330,14 +2360,18 @@ STATIC void emit_native_make_function(emit_t *emit, scope_t *scope, mp_uint_t n_
// call runtime, with type info for args, or don't support dict/default params, or only support Python objects for them
if (n_pos_defaults == 0 && n_kw_defaults == 0) {
emit_call_with_3_imm_args_and_first_aligned(emit, MP_F_MAKE_FUNCTION_FROM_RAW_CODE, (mp_uint_t)scope->raw_code, REG_ARG_1, (mp_uint_t)MP_OBJ_NULL, REG_ARG_2, (mp_uint_t)MP_OBJ_NULL, REG_ARG_3);
ASM_MOV_REG_IMM(emit->as, REG_ARG_2, (mp_uint_t)MP_OBJ_NULL);
ASM_MOV_REG_IMM(emit->as, REG_ARG_3, (mp_uint_t)MP_OBJ_NULL);
} else {
vtype_kind_t vtype_def_tuple, vtype_def_dict;
emit_pre_pop_reg_reg(emit, &vtype_def_dict, REG_ARG_3, &vtype_def_tuple, REG_ARG_2);
assert(vtype_def_tuple == VTYPE_PYOBJ);
assert(vtype_def_dict == VTYPE_PYOBJ);
emit_call_with_imm_arg_aligned(emit, MP_F_MAKE_FUNCTION_FROM_RAW_CODE, (mp_uint_t)scope->raw_code, REG_ARG_1);
emit_load_reg_with_raw_code(emit, REG_ARG_1, scope->raw_code);
emit_post_push_reg(emit, VTYPE_PYOBJ, REG_RET);
@ -2350,7 +2384,7 @@ STATIC void emit_native_make_closure(emit_t *emit, scope_t *scope, mp_uint_t n_c
emit_get_stack_pointer_to_reg_for_pop(emit, REG_ARG_3, n_closed_over + 2);
ASM_MOV_REG_IMM(emit->as, REG_ARG_2, 0x100 | n_closed_over);
ASM_MOV_REG_ALIGNED_IMM(emit->as, REG_ARG_1, (mp_uint_t)scope->raw_code);
emit_load_reg_with_raw_code(emit, REG_ARG_1, scope->raw_code);
emit_post_push_reg(emit, VTYPE_PYOBJ, REG_RET);
@ -26,13 +26,15 @@
// These must fit in 8 bits; see scope.h
// The first four must fit in 8 bits, see emitbc.c
// The remaining must fit in 16 bits, see scope.h
#define MP_SCOPE_FLAG_VARARGS (0x01)
#define MP_SCOPE_FLAG_REFGLOBALS (0x10) // used only if native emitter enabled
#define MP_SCOPE_FLAG_VIPERRET_POS (5) // top 3 bits used for viper return type
#define MP_SCOPE_FLAG_HASCONSTS (0x20) // used only if native emitter enabled
#define MP_SCOPE_FLAG_VIPERRET_POS (6) // 3 bits used for viper return type
// types for native (viper) function signature
#define MP_NATIVE_TYPE_OBJ (0x00)
@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ typedef struct _scope_t {
struct _scope_t *parent;
struct _scope_t *next;
mp_parse_node_t pn;
mp_raw_code_t *raw_code;
uint16_t source_file; // a qstr
uint16_t simple_name; // a qstr
mp_raw_code_t *raw_code;
uint8_t scope_flags; // see runtime0.h
uint8_t emit_options; // see emitglue.h
uint16_t scope_flags; // see runtime0.h
uint16_t emit_options; // see emitglue.h
uint16_t num_pos_args;
uint16_t num_kwonly_args;
uint16_t num_def_pos_args;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user