cc3200: Make more robust.

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Campora 2015-07-05 22:31:50 +02:00
parent fa655ce196
commit 76e52b5daf

View File

@ -25,26 +25,43 @@ def print_exception(e):
print ('Exception: {}, on line {}'.format(e, sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))
def ftp_directory_exists(ftpobj, directory_name):
filelist = []
for f in filelist:
if f.split()[-1] == directory_name:
return True
return False
def transfer_file(args):
with FTP(args.ip, timeout=10) as ftp:
with FTP(args.ip, timeout=20) as ftp:
print ('FTP connection established')
if '230' in ftp.login(args.user, args.password):
print ('Login successful')
if '250' in ftp.cwd('/flash/sys'):
print ("Entered '/flash/sys' directory")
with open(args.file, "rb") as fwfile:
print ('Firmware image found, initiating transfer...')
if '226' in ftp.storbinary("STOR " + 'mcuimg.bin', fwfile, 512):
print ('File transfer complete')
return True
if '250' in ftp.cwd('/flash'):
if not ftp_directory_exists(ftp, 'sys'):
print ('/flash/sys directory does not exist')
if not '550' in ftp.mkd('sys'):
print ('/flash/sys directory created')
print ('Error: file transfer failed')
print ('Error: cannot create /flash/sys directory')
return False
if '250' in ftp.cwd('sys'):
print ("Entered '/flash/sys' directory")
with open(args.file, "rb") as fwfile:
print ('Firmware image found, initiating transfer...')
if '226' in ftp.storbinary("STOR " + 'mcuimg.bin', fwfile, 512):
print ('File transfer complete')
return True
print ('Error: file transfer failed')
print ('Error: cannot enter /flash/sys directory')
print ('Error: cannot enter /flash/sys directory')
print ('Error: cannot enter /flash directory')
print ('Error: ftp login failed')
@ -97,12 +114,12 @@ def verify_update(args):
firmware_tag = ''
def find_tag (tag):
nonlocal success, firmware_tag
if tag in firmware_tag:
success = True
print("Verification passed")
return True
print("Error: verification failed, the git tag doesn't match")
return False
# Specify a longer time out value here because the board has just been
@ -114,14 +131,14 @@ def verify_update(args):
tag_file_path = args.file.rstrip('mcuimg.bin') + 'genhdr/mpversion.h'
if args.tag is not None:
find_tag(bytes(args.tag, 'ascii'))
success = find_tag(bytes(args.tag, 'ascii'))
with open(tag_file_path) as tag_file:
for line in tag_file:
bline = bytes(line, 'ascii')
if b'MICROPY_GIT_HASH' in bline:
bline = bline.lstrip(b'#define MICROPY_GIT_HASH ').replace(b'"', b'').replace(b'\r', b'').replace(b'\n', b'')
success = find_tag(bline)
except Exception as e: