tools/ Clean up syntax, update comments and docstrings.
Some parts of code have been aligned to increase readability. In general '' instead of "" were used wherever possible to keep the same convention for entire file. Import inspect line has been moved to the top according to hints reported by pep8 tools. A few extra spaces were removed, a few missing spaces were added. Comments have been updated, mostly in "read_dfu_file" function. Some other comments have been capitalized and/or slightly updated. A few docstrings were fixed as well. No real code changes intended.
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import collections
import inspect
import re
import struct
import sys
@ -67,7 +68,6 @@ __DFU_INTERFACE = 0
# Python 3 deprecated getargspec in favour of getfullargspec, but
# Python 2 doesn't have the latter, so detect which one to use
import inspect
getargspec = getattr(inspect, 'getfullargspec', inspect.getargspec)
if 'length' in getargspec(usb.util.get_string).args:
@ -82,9 +82,17 @@ else:
def find_dfu_cfg_descr(descr):
if len(descr) == 9 and descr[0] == 9 and descr[1] == _DFU_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE:
nt = collections.namedtuple('CfgDescr',
['bLength', 'bDescriptorType', 'bmAttributes',
'wDetachTimeOut', 'wTransferSize', 'bcdDFUVersion'])
nt = collections.namedtuple(
return nt(*struct.unpack('<BBBHHH', bytearray(descr)))
return None
@ -96,7 +104,7 @@ def init():
if not devices:
raise ValueError('No DFU device found')
if len(devices) > 1:
raise ValueError("Multiple DFU devices found")
raise ValueError('Multiple DFU devices found')
__dev = devices[0]
@ -141,57 +149,56 @@ def get_status():
"""Get the status of the last operation."""
stat = __dev.ctrl_transfer(0xA1, __DFU_GETSTATUS, 0, __DFU_INTERFACE,
6, 20000)
# print (__DFU_STAT[stat[4]], stat)
return stat[4]
def mass_erase():
"""Performs a MASS erase (i.e. erases the entire device."""
"""Performs a MASS erase (i.e. erases the entire device)."""
# Send DNLOAD with first byte=0x41
__dev.ctrl_transfer(0x21, __DFU_DNLOAD, 0, __DFU_INTERFACE,
"\x41", __TIMEOUT)
'\x41', __TIMEOUT)
# Execute last command
if get_status() != __DFU_STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_BUSY:
raise Exception("DFU: erase failed")
raise Exception('DFU: erase failed')
# Check command state
if get_status() != __DFU_STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_IDLE:
raise Exception("DFU: erase failed")
raise Exception('DFU: erase failed')
def page_erase(addr):
"""Erases a single page."""
if __verbose:
print("Erasing page: 0x%x..." % (addr))
print('Erasing page: 0x%x...' % (addr))
# Send DNLOAD with first byte=0x41 and page address
buf = struct.pack("<BI", 0x41, addr)
buf = struct.pack('<BI', 0x41, addr)
__dev.ctrl_transfer(0x21, __DFU_DNLOAD, 0, __DFU_INTERFACE, buf, __TIMEOUT)
# Execute last command
if get_status() != __DFU_STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_BUSY:
raise Exception("DFU: erase failed")
raise Exception('DFU: erase failed')
# Check command state
if get_status() != __DFU_STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_IDLE:
raise Exception("DFU: erase failed")
raise Exception('DFU: erase failed')
def set_address(addr):
"""Sets the address for the next operation."""
# Send DNLOAD with first byte=0x21 and page address
buf = struct.pack("<BI", 0x21, addr)
buf = struct.pack('<BI', 0x21, addr)
__dev.ctrl_transfer(0x21, __DFU_DNLOAD, 0, __DFU_INTERFACE, buf, __TIMEOUT)
# Execute last command
if get_status() != __DFU_STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_BUSY:
raise Exception("DFU: set address failed")
raise Exception('DFU: set address failed')
# Check command state
if get_status() != __DFU_STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_IDLE:
raise Exception("DFU: set address failed")
raise Exception('DFU: set address failed')
def write_memory(addr, buf, progress=None, progress_addr=0, progress_size=0):
@ -206,28 +213,28 @@ def write_memory(addr, buf, progress=None, progress_addr=0, progress_size=0):
while xfer_bytes < xfer_total:
if __verbose and xfer_count % 512 == 0:
print ("Addr 0x%x %dKBs/%dKBs..." % (xfer_base + xfer_bytes,
xfer_bytes // 1024,
xfer_total // 1024))
print('Addr 0x%x %dKBs/%dKBs...' % (xfer_base + xfer_bytes,
xfer_bytes // 1024,
xfer_total // 1024))
if progress and xfer_count % 2 == 0:
progress(progress_addr, xfer_base + xfer_bytes - progress_addr,
# Set mem write address
set_address(xfer_base + xfer_bytes)
# Send DNLOAD with fw data
chunk = min(__cfg_descr.wTransferSize, xfer_total-xfer_bytes)
chunk = min(__cfg_descr.wTransferSize, xfer_total - xfer_bytes)
__dev.ctrl_transfer(0x21, __DFU_DNLOAD, 2, __DFU_INTERFACE,
buf[xfer_bytes:xfer_bytes + chunk], __TIMEOUT)
# Execute last command
if get_status() != __DFU_STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_BUSY:
raise Exception("DFU: write memory failed")
raise Exception('DFU: write memory failed')
# Check command state
if get_status() != __DFU_STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_IDLE:
raise Exception("DFU: write memory failed")
raise Exception('DFU: write memory failed')
xfer_count += 1
xfer_bytes += chunk
@ -241,27 +248,26 @@ def write_page(buf, xfer_offset):
xfer_base = 0x08000000
# Set mem write address
set_address(xfer_base + xfer_offset)
# Send DNLOAD with fw data
__dev.ctrl_transfer(0x21, __DFU_DNLOAD, 2, __DFU_INTERFACE, buf, __TIMEOUT)
# Execute last command
if get_status() != __DFU_STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_BUSY:
raise Exception("DFU: write memory failed")
raise Exception('DFU: write memory failed')
# Check command state
if get_status() != __DFU_STATE_DFU_DOWNLOAD_IDLE:
raise Exception("DFU: write memory failed")
raise Exception('DFU: write memory failed')
if __verbose:
print ("Write: 0x%x " % (xfer_base + xfer_offset))
print('Write: 0x%x ' % (xfer_base + xfer_offset))
def exit_dfu():
"""Exit DFU mode, and start running the program."""
# set jump address
# Set jump address
# Send DNLOAD with 0 length to exit DFU
@ -271,7 +277,7 @@ def exit_dfu():
# Execute last command
if get_status() != __DFU_STATE_DFU_MANIFEST:
print("Failed to reset device")
print('Failed to reset device')
# Release device
@ -288,6 +294,7 @@ def consume(fmt, data, names):
"""Parses the struct defined by `fmt` from `data`, stores the parsed fields
into a named tuple using `names`. Returns the named tuple, and the data
with the struct stripped off."""
size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
return named(struct.unpack(fmt, data[:size]), names), data[size:]
@ -306,14 +313,14 @@ def read_dfu_file(filename):
"""Reads a DFU file, and parses the individual elements from the file.
Returns an array of elements. Each element is a dictionary with the
following keys:
num - The element index
num - The element index.
address - The address that the element data should be written to.
size - The size of the element ddata.
size - The size of the element data.
data - The element data.
If an error occurs while parsing the file, then None is returned.
print("File: {}".format(filename))
print('File: {}'.format(filename))
with open(filename, 'rb') as fin:
data =
crc = compute_crc(data[:-4])
@ -322,25 +329,25 @@ def read_dfu_file(filename):
# Decode the DFU Prefix
# <5sBIB
# < little endian
# < little endian Endianness
# 5s char[5] signature "DfuSe"
# B uint8_t version 1
# I uint32_t size Size of the DFU file (not including suffix)
# I uint32_t size Size of the DFU file (without suffix)
# B uint8_t targets Number of targets
dfu_prefix, data = consume('<5sBIB', data,
'signature version size targets')
print (" %(signature)s v%(version)d, image size: %(size)d, "
"targets: %(targets)d" % dfu_prefix)
print(' %(signature)s v%(version)d, image size: %(size)d, '
'targets: %(targets)d' % dfu_prefix)
for target_idx in range(dfu_prefix['targets']):
# Decode the Image Prefix
# <6sBI255s2I
# < little endian
# < little endian Endianness
# 6s char[6] signature "Target"
# B uint8_t altsetting
# I uint32_t named bool indicating if a name was used
# 255s char[255] name name of the target
# I uint32_t size size of image (not incl prefix)
# I uint32_t named Bool indicating if a name was used
# 255s char[255] name Name of the target
# I uint32_t size Size of image (without prefix)
# I uint32_t elements Number of elements in the image
img_prefix, data = consume('<6sBI255s2I', data,
'signature altsetting named name '
@ -355,12 +362,15 @@ def read_dfu_file(filename):
% img_prefix)
target_size = img_prefix['size']
target_data, data = data[:target_size], data[target_size:]
target_data = data[:target_size]
data = data[target_size:]
for elem_idx in range(img_prefix['elements']):
# Decode target prefix
# < little endian
# I uint32_t element address
# I uint32_t element size
# <2I
# < little endian Endianness
# I uint32_t element Address
# I uint32_t element Size
elem_prefix, target_data = consume('<2I', target_data, 'addr size')
elem_prefix['num'] = elem_idx
print(' %(num)d, address: 0x%(addr)08x, size: %(size)d'
@ -372,27 +382,29 @@ def read_dfu_file(filename):
if len(target_data):
print("target %d PARSE ERROR" % target_idx)
print('target %d PARSE ERROR' % target_idx)
# Decode DFU Suffix
# < little endian
# H uint16_t device Firmware version
# <4H3sBI
# < little endian Endianness
# H uint16_t device Firmware version
# H uint16_t product
# H uint16_t vendor
# H uint16_t dfu 0x11a (DFU file format version)
# 3s char[3] ufd 'UFD'
# B uint8_t len 16
# I uint32_t crc32
# H uint16_t dfu 0x11a (DFU file format version)
# 3s char[3] ufd "UFD"
# B uint8_t len 16
# I uint32_t crc32 Checksum
dfu_suffix = named(struct.unpack('<4H3sBI', data[:16]),
'device product vendor dfu ufd len crc')
print (' usb: %(vendor)04x:%(product)04x, device: 0x%(device)04x, '
'dfu: 0x%(dfu)04x, %(ufd)s, %(len)d, 0x%(crc)08x' % dfu_suffix)
print(' usb: %(vendor)04x:%(product)04x, device: 0x%(device)04x, '
'dfu: 0x%(dfu)04x, %(ufd)s, %(len)d, 0x%(crc)08x' % dfu_suffix)
if crc != dfu_suffix['crc']:
print("CRC ERROR: computed crc32 is 0x%08x" % crc)
print('CRC ERROR: computed crc32 is 0x%08x' % crc)
data = data[16:]
if data:
print("PARSE ERROR")
print('PARSE ERROR')
return elements
@ -411,11 +423,12 @@ class FilterDFU(object):
def get_dfu_devices(*args, **kwargs):
"""Returns a list of USB device which are currently in DFU mode.
Additional filters (like idProduct and idVendor) can be passed in to
refine the search.
"""Returns a list of USB devices which are currently in DFU mode.
Additional filters (like idProduct and idVendor) can be passed in
to refine the search.
# convert to list for compatibility with newer pyusb
# Convert to list for compatibility with newer PyUSB
return list(usb.core.find(*args, find_all=True,
custom_match=FilterDFU(), **kwargs))
@ -423,12 +436,13 @@ def get_dfu_devices(*args, **kwargs):
def get_memory_layout(device):
"""Returns an array which identifies the memory layout. Each entry
of the array will contain a dictionary with the following keys:
addr - Address of this memory segment
addr - Address of this memory segment.
last_addr - Last address contained within the memory segment.
size - size of the segment, in bytes
num_pages - number of pages in the segment
page_size - size of each page, in bytes
size - Size of the segment, in bytes.
num_pages - Number of pages in the segment.
page_size - Size of each page, in bytes.
cfg = device[0]
intf = cfg[(0, 0)]
mem_layout_str = get_string(device, intf.iInterface)
@ -450,7 +464,7 @@ def get_memory_layout(device):
size = num_pages * page_size
last_addr = addr + size - 1
result.append(named((addr, last_addr, size, num_pages, page_size),
"addr last_addr size num_pages page_size"))
'addr last_addr size num_pages page_size'))
addr += size
return result
@ -459,16 +473,16 @@ def list_dfu_devices(*args, **kwargs):
"""Prints a lits of devices detected in DFU mode."""
devices = get_dfu_devices(*args, **kwargs)
if not devices:
print("No DFU capable devices found")
print('No DFU capable devices found')
for device in devices:
print("Bus {} Device {:03d}: ID {:04x}:{:04x}"
print('Bus {} Device {:03d}: ID {:04x}:{:04x}'
.format(device.bus, device.address,
device.idVendor, device.idProduct))
layout = get_memory_layout(device)
print("Memory Layout")
print('Memory Layout')
for entry in layout:
print(" 0x{:x} {:2d} pages of {:3d}K bytes"
print(' 0x{:x} {:2d} pages of {:3d}K bytes'
.format(entry['addr'], entry['num_pages'],
entry['page_size'] // 1024))
@ -514,15 +528,15 @@ def cli_progress(addr, offset, size):
"""Prints a progress report suitable for use on the command line."""
width = 25
done = offset * width // size
print("\r0x{:08x} {:7d} [{}{}] {:3d}% "
print('\r0x{:08x} {:7d} [{}{}] {:3d}% '
.format(addr, size, '=' * done, ' ' * (width - done),
offset * 100 // size), end="")
offset * 100 // size), end='')
except OSError:
pass # Ignore Windows CLI "WinError 87" on Python 3.6
pass # Ignore Windows CLI "WinError 87" on Python 3.6
if offset == size:
def main():
@ -530,29 +544,28 @@ def main():
global __verbose
# Parse CMD args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='DFU Python Util')
#parser.add_argument("path", help="file path")
"-l", "--list",
help="list available DFU devices",
'-l', '--list',
help='list available DFU devices',
"-m", "--mass-erase",
help="mass erase device",
'-m', '--mass-erase',
help='mass erase device',
"-u", "--upload",
help="read file from DFU device",
'-u', '--upload',
help='read file from DFU device',
"-v", "--verbose",
help="increase output verbosity",
'-v', '--verbose',
help='increase output verbosity',
args = parser.parse_args()
@ -566,21 +579,21 @@ def main():
if args.mass_erase:
print ("Mass erase...")
print('Mass erase...')
if args.path:
elements = read_dfu_file(args.path)
if not elements:
print("Writing memory...")
print('Writing memory...')
write_elements(elements, args.mass_erase, progress=cli_progress)
print("Exiting DFU...")
print('Exiting DFU...')
print("No command specified")
print('No command specified')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user