improve docstrings based on my best sleuthing

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Epler 2022-08-09 11:41:31 -05:00
parent ec839d6f90
commit 5a85b8ab95

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@ -65,6 +65,18 @@
//| This driver requires that the ``CIRCUITPY_RESERVED_PSRAM`` in ``/.env`` be large enough to hold the camera frambuffer(s). Generally, boards with built-in cameras will have a default setting that is large enough. If the constructor raises a MemoryError, this probably indicates the setting is too small and should be increased.
//| Not all supported sensors have all
//| of the properties listed below. For instance, the
//| OV5640 supports `denoise`, but the
//| OV2640 does not. The underlying esp32-camera
//| library does not provide a reliable API to check
//| which settings are supported. CircuitPython makes
//| a best effort to determine when an unsupported
//| property is set and will raise an exception in
//| that case.
//| :param data_pins: The 8 data data_pins used for image data transfer from the camera module, least significant bit first
//| :param pixel_clock: The pixel clock output from the camera module
//| :param vsync: The vertical sync pulse output from the camera module
@ -230,7 +242,7 @@ STATIC MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_VAR_BETWEEN(esp32_camera_camera_take_obj, 1, 2, e
//| grab_mode: Optional[GrabMode] = None,
//| framebuffer_count: Optional[int] = None,
//| ) -> None:
//| """Set the frame size and pixel format
//| """Change multiple related camera settings simultaneously
//| Because these settings interact in complex ways, and take longer than
//| the other properties to set, they are set together in a single function call.
@ -304,7 +316,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETTER(esp32_camera_camera_frame_size_obj,
//| contrast: int
//| """Access the contrast property of the camera sensor"""
//| """The sensor contrast. Positive values increase contrast, negative values lower it. The total range is device-specific but is often from -2 to +2 inclusive."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_contrast(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -326,7 +338,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_contrast_obj,
//| brightness: int
//| """Access the brightness property of the camera sensor"""
//| """The sensor brightness. Positive values increase brightness, negative values lower it. The total range is device-specific but is often from -2 to +2 inclusive."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_brightness(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -348,7 +360,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_brightness_obj,
//| saturation: int
//| """Access the saturation property of the camera sensor"""
//| """The sensor saturation. Positive values increase saturation (more vibrant colors), negative values lower it (more muted colors). The total range is device-specific but the value is often from -2 to +2 inclusive."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_saturation(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -370,7 +382,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_saturation_obj,
//| sharpness: int
//| """Access the sharpness property of the camera sensor"""
//| """The sensor sharpness. Positive values increase sharpness (more defined edges), negative values lower it (softer edges). The total range is device-specific but the value is often from -2 to +2 inclusive."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_sharpness(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -392,7 +404,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_sharpness_obj,
//| denoise: int
//| """Access the denoise property of the camera sensor"""
//| """The sensor 'denoise' setting. Any camera sensor has inherent 'noise', especially in low brightness environments. Software algorithms can decrease noise at the expense of fine detail. A larger value increases the amount of software noise removal. The total range is device-specific but the value is often from 0 to 10."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_denoise(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -414,7 +426,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_denoise_obj,
//| gain_ceiling: GainCeiling
//| """Access the gain ceiling property of the camera sensor"""
//| """The sensor 'gain ceiling' setting. "Gain" is an analog multiplier applied to the raw sensor data. The 'ceiling' is the maximum gain value that the sensor will use. A higher gain means that the sensor has a greater response to light, but also makes sensor noise more visible."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_gain_ceiling(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -436,7 +448,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_gain_ceiling_obj,
//| quality: int
//| """Access the quality property of the camera sensor"""
//| """The 'quality' setting when capturing JPEG images. This is similar to the quality setting when exporting a jpeg image from photo editing software. Typical values range from 5 to 40, with higher numbers leading to larger image sizes and better overall image quality. However, when the quality is set to a high number, the total size of the JPEG data can exceed the size of an internal buffer, causing image capture to fail."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_quality(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -458,7 +470,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_quality_obj,
//| colorbar: bool
//| """Access the colorbar property of the camera sensor"""
//| """When `True`, a test pattern image is captured and the real sensor data is not used."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_colorbar(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -480,7 +492,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_colorbar_obj,
//| whitebal: bool
//| """Access the whitebal property of the camera sensor"""
//| """When `True`, the camera attempts to automatically control white balance. When `False`, the `wb_mode` setting is used instead."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_whitebal(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -502,7 +514,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_whitebal_obj,
//| gain_ctrl: bool
//| """Access the gain_ctrl property of the camera sensor"""
//| """When `True`, the camera attempts to automatically control the sensor gain, up to the value in the `gain_ceiling` property. When `False`, the `agc_gain` setting is used instead."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_gain_ctrl(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -524,7 +536,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_gain_ctrl_obj,
//| exposure_ctrl: bool
//| """Access the exposure_ctrl property of the camera sensor"""
//| """When `True` the camera attempts to automatically control the exposure. When `False`, the `aec_value` setting is used instead."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_exposure_ctrl(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -546,7 +558,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_exposure_ctrl_obj,
//| hmirror: bool
//| """Access the hmirror property of the camera sensor"""
//| """When `true` the camera image is mirrored left-to-right"""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_hmirror(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -568,7 +580,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_hmirror_obj,
//| vflip: bool
//| """Access the vflip property of the camera sensor"""
//| """When `True` the camera image is flipped top-to-bottom"""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_vflip(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -590,7 +602,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_vflip_obj,
//| aec2: bool
//| """Access the aec2 property of the camera sensor"""
//| """When `True` the sensor's "night mode" is enabled, extending the range of automatic gain control."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_aec2(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -634,7 +646,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_awb_gain_obj,
//| agc_gain: int
//| """Access the agc_gain property of the camera sensor"""
//| """Access the gain level of the sensor. Higher values produce brighter images. Typical settings range from 0 to 30. """
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_agc_gain(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -656,7 +668,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_agc_gain_obj,
//| aec_value: int
//| """Access the aec_value property of the camera sensor"""
//| """Access the exposure value of the camera. Higher values produce brighter images. Typical settings range from 0 to 1200."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_aec_value(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -678,7 +690,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_aec_value_obj,
//| special_effect: int
//| """Access the special_effect property of the camera sensor"""
//| """Enable a "special effect". Zero is no special effect. On OV5640, special effects range from 0 to 6 inclusive and select various color modes."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_special_effect(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -700,7 +712,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_special_effect_obj,
//| wb_mode: int
//| """Access the wb_mode property of the camera sensor"""
//| """The white balance mode. 0 is automatic white balance. Typical values range from 0 to 4 inclusive."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_wb_mode(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -722,7 +734,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_wb_mode_obj,
//| ae_level: int
//| """Access the ae_level property of the camera sensor"""
//| """The exposure offset for automatic exposure. Typical values range from -2 to +2."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_ae_level(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -744,7 +756,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_ae_level_obj,
//| dcw: bool
//| """Access the dcw property of the camera sensor"""
//| """When `True` an advanced white balance mode is selected."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_dcw(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -766,7 +778,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_dcw_obj,
//| bpc: bool
//| """Access the bpc property of the camera sensor"""
//| """When `True`, "black point compensation" is enabled. This can make black parts of the image darker."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_bpc(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -788,7 +800,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_bpc_obj,
//| wpc: bool
//| """Access the wpc property of the camera sensor"""
//| """When `True`, "white point compensation" is enabled. This can make white parts of the image whiter."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_wpc(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -810,7 +822,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_wpc_obj,
//| raw_gma: bool
//| """Access the raw_gma property of the camera sensor"""
//| """When `True`, raw gamma mode is enabled."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_raw_gma(const mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -832,7 +844,7 @@ MP_PROPERTY_GETSET(esp32_camera_camera_raw_gma_obj,
//| lenc: bool
//| """Access the lenc property of the camera sensor"""
//| """Enable "lens correction". This can help compensate for light fall-off at the edge of the sensor area."""
STATIC mp_obj_t esp32_camera_camera_get_lenc(const mp_obj_t self_in) {