Merge pull request #407 from dhylands/str-format

Enhance str.format support
This commit is contained in:
Damien George 2014-04-01 10:48:58 +01:00
commit 46330bd9b5
8 changed files with 776 additions and 141 deletions

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "mpconfig.h"

View File

@ -198,6 +198,10 @@ machine_int_t mp_obj_get_int(mp_obj_t arg) {
} else if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(arg, &mp_type_int)) {
return mp_obj_int_get_checked(arg);
} else if (MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(arg, &mp_type_float)) {
return mp_obj_float_get(arg);
} else {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_TypeError, "can't convert %s to int", mp_obj_get_type_str(arg)));

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "obj.h"
#include "runtime0.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "pfenv.h"
typedef struct _mp_obj_str_t {
mp_obj_base_t base;
@ -492,28 +493,389 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t str_strip(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
return mp_obj_new_str(orig_str + first_good_char_pos, stripped_len, false);
// Takes an int arg, but only parses unsigned numbers, and only changes
// *num if at least one digit was parsed.
static int str_to_int(const char *str, int *num) {
const char *s = str;
if (unichar_isdigit(*s)) {
*num = 0;
do {
*num = *num * 10 + (*s - '0');
while (unichar_isdigit(*s));
return s - str;
static bool isalignment(char ch) {
return ch && strchr("<>=^", ch) != NULL;
static bool istype(char ch) {
return ch && strchr("bcdeEfFgGnosxX%", ch) != NULL;
static bool arg_looks_integer(mp_obj_t arg) {
return MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(arg, &mp_type_bool) || MP_OBJ_IS_INT(arg);
static bool arg_looks_numeric(mp_obj_t arg) {
return arg_looks_integer(arg)
|| MP_OBJ_IS_TYPE(arg, &mp_type_float)
mp_obj_t str_format(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
GET_STR_DATA_LEN(args[0], str, len);
int arg_i = 1;
int arg_i = 0;
vstr_t *vstr = vstr_new();
pfenv_t pfenv_vstr; = vstr;
pfenv_vstr.print_strn = pfenv_vstr_add_strn;
for (const byte *top = str + len; str < top; str++) {
if (*str == '{') {
if (*str == '}') {
if (str < top && *str == '{') {
vstr_add_char(vstr, '{');
if (str < top && *str == '}') {
vstr_add_char(vstr, '}');
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "Single '}' encountered in format string"));
if (*str != '{') {
vstr_add_char(vstr, *str);
if (str < top && *str == '{') {
vstr_add_char(vstr, '{');
// replacement_field ::= "{" [field_name] ["!" conversion] [":" format_spec] "}"
vstr_t *field_name = NULL;
char conversion = '\0';
vstr_t *format_spec = NULL;
if (str < top && *str != '}' && *str != '!' && *str != ':') {
field_name = vstr_new();
while (str < top && *str != '}' && *str != '!' && *str != ':') {
vstr_add_char(field_name, *str++);
vstr_add_char(field_name, '\0');
// conversion ::= "r" | "s"
if (str < top && *str == '!') {
if (str < top && (*str == 'r' || *str == 's')) {
conversion = *str++;
} else {
while (str < top && *str != '}') str++;
if (arg_i >= n_args) {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_IndexError, "tuple index out of range"));
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "end of format while looking for conversion specifier"));
if (str < top && *str == ':') {
// {:} is the same as {}, which is the same as {!s}
// This makes a difference when passing in a True or False
// '{}'.format(True) returns 'True'
// '{:d}'.format(True) returns '1'
// So we treat {:} as {} and this later gets treated to be {!s}
if (*str != '}') {
format_spec = vstr_new();
while (str < top && *str != '}') {
vstr_add_char(format_spec, *str++);
// TODO: may be PRINT_REPR depending on formatting code
mp_obj_print_helper((void (*)(void*, const char*, ...))vstr_printf, vstr, args[arg_i], PRINT_STR);
vstr_add_char(format_spec, '\0');
if (str >= top) {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "unmatched '{' in format"));
if (*str != '}') {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "expected ':' after format specifier"));
mp_obj_t arg = mp_const_none;
if (field_name) {
if (arg_i > 0) {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "cannot switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification"));
int index;
if (str_to_int(vstr_str(field_name), &index) != vstr_len(field_name) - 1) {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_KeyError, "attributes not supported yet"));
if (index >= n_args - 1) {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_IndexError, "tuple index out of range"));
arg = args[index + 1];
arg_i = -1;
field_name = NULL;
} else {
if (arg_i < 0) {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "cannot switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering"));
if (arg_i >= n_args - 1) {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_IndexError, "tuple index out of range"));
arg = args[arg_i + 1];
if (!format_spec && !conversion) {
conversion = 's';
if (conversion) {
mp_print_kind_t print_kind;
if (conversion == 's') {
print_kind = PRINT_STR;
} else if (conversion == 'r') {
print_kind = PRINT_REPR;
} else {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg_varg(&mp_type_ValueError, "Unknown conversion specifier %c", conversion));
vstr_t *arg_vstr = vstr_new();
mp_obj_print_helper((void (*)(void*, const char*, ...))vstr_printf, arg_vstr, arg, print_kind);
arg = mp_obj_new_str((const byte *)vstr_str(arg_vstr), vstr_len(arg_vstr), false);
char sign = '\0';
char fill = '\0';
char align = '\0';
int width = -1;
int precision = -1;
char type = '\0';
int flags = 0;
if (format_spec) {
// The format specifier (from
// [[fill]align][sign][#][0][width][,][.precision][type]
// fill ::= <any character>
// align ::= "<" | ">" | "=" | "^"
// sign ::= "+" | "-" | " "
// width ::= integer
// precision ::= integer
// type ::= "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "E" | "f" | "F" | "g" | "G" | "n" | "o" | "s" | "x" | "X" | "%"
const char *s = vstr_str(format_spec);
if (isalignment(*s)) {
align = *s++;
} else if (*s && isalignment(s[1])) {
fill = *s++;
align = *s++;
if (*s == '+' || *s == '-' || *s == ' ') {
if (*s == '+') {
} else if (*s == ' ') {
sign = *s++;
if (*s == '#') {
if (*s == '0') {
if (!align) {
align = '=';
if (!fill) {
fill = '0';
s += str_to_int(s, &width);
if (*s == ',') {
if (*s == '.') {
s += str_to_int(s, &precision);
if (istype(*s)) {
type = *s++;
if (*s) {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_KeyError, "Invalid conversion specification"));
format_spec = NULL;
if (!align) {
if (arg_looks_numeric(arg)) {
align = '>';
} else {
align = '<';
if (!fill) {
fill = ' ';
if (sign) {
if (type == 's') {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "Sign not allowed in string format specifier"));
if (type == 'c') {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "Sign not allowed with integer format specifier 'c'"));
} else {
vstr_add_char(vstr, *str);
sign = '-';
switch (align) {
case '<': flags |= PF_FLAG_LEFT_ADJUST; break;
case '=': flags |= PF_FLAG_PAD_AFTER_SIGN; break;
case '^': flags |= PF_FLAG_CENTER_ADJUST; break;
if (arg_looks_integer(arg)) {
switch (type) {
case 'b':
pfenv_print_int(&pfenv_vstr, mp_obj_get_int(arg), 1, 2, 'a', flags, fill, width);
case 'c':
char ch = mp_obj_get_int(arg);
pfenv_print_strn(&pfenv_vstr, &ch, 1, flags, fill, width);
case '\0': // No explicit format type implies 'd'
case 'n': // I don't think we support locales in uPy so use 'd'
case 'd':
pfenv_print_int(&pfenv_vstr, mp_obj_get_int(arg), 1, 10, 'a', flags, fill, width);
case 'o':
pfenv_print_int(&pfenv_vstr, mp_obj_get_int(arg), 1, 8, 'a', flags, fill, width);
case 'x':
pfenv_print_int(&pfenv_vstr, mp_obj_get_int(arg), 1, 16, 'a', flags, fill, width);
case 'X':
pfenv_print_int(&pfenv_vstr, mp_obj_get_int(arg), 1, 16, 'A', flags, fill, width);
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'f':
case 'F':
case 'g':
case 'G':
case '%':
// The floating point formatters all work with anything that
// looks like an integer
"Unknown format code '%c' for object of type '%s'", type, mp_obj_get_type_str(arg)));
if (arg_looks_numeric(arg)) {
if (!type) {
// Even though the docs say that an unspecified type is the same
// as 'g', there is one subtle difference, when the exponent
// is one less than the precision.
// '{:10.1}'.format(0.0) ==> '0e+00'
// '{:10.1g}'.format(0.0) ==> '0'
// TODO: Figure out how to deal with this.
// A proper solution would involve adding a special flag
// or something to format_float, and create a format_double
// to deal with doubles. In order to fix this when using
// sprintf, we'd need to use the e format and tweak the
// returned result to strip trailing zeros like the g format
// does.
// {:10.3} and {:10.2e} with 1.23e2 both produce 1.23e+02
// but with 1.e2 you get 1e+02 and 1.00e+02
// Stripping the trailing 0's (like g) does would make the
// e format give us the right format.
// CPython sources say:
// Omitted type specifier. Behaves in the same way as repr(x)
// and str(x) if no precision is given, else like 'g', but with
// at least one digit after the decimal point. */
type = 'g';
if (type == 'n') {
type = 'g';
flags |= PF_FLAG_PAD_NAN_INF; // '{:06e}'.format(float('-inf')) should give '-00inf'
switch (type) {
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'f':
case 'F':
case 'g':
case 'G':
pfenv_print_float(&pfenv_vstr, mp_obj_get_float(arg), type, flags, fill, width, precision);
case '%':
pfenv_print_float(&pfenv_vstr, mp_obj_get_float(arg) * 100.0F, 'f', flags, fill, width, precision);
"Unknown format code '%c' for object of type 'float'",
type, mp_obj_get_type_str(arg)));
} else {
if (align == '=') {
nlr_jump(mp_obj_new_exception_msg(&mp_type_ValueError, "'=' alignment not allowed in string format specifier"));
switch (type) {
case '\0':
mp_obj_print_helper((void (*)(void*, const char*, ...))vstr_printf, vstr, arg, PRINT_STR);
case 's':
uint len;
const char *s = mp_obj_str_get_data(arg, &len);
if (precision < 0) {
precision = len;
if (len > precision) {
len = precision;
pfenv_print_strn(&pfenv_vstr, s, len, flags, fill, width);
"Unknown format code '%c' for object of type 'str'",
type, mp_obj_get_type_str(arg)));

py/pfenv.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
///#include "std.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "mpconfig.h"
#include "qstr.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "pfenv.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "formatfloat.h"
#define PF_PAD_SIZE 16
static const char *pad_spaces = " ";
static const char *pad_zeroes = "0000000000000000";
void pfenv_vstr_add_strn(void *data, const char *str, unsigned int len){
vstr_add_strn(data, str, len);
int pfenv_print_strn(const pfenv_t *pfenv, const char *str, unsigned int len, int flags, char fill, int width) {
int left_pad = 0;
int right_pad = 0;
int pad = width - len;
char pad_fill[PF_PAD_SIZE];
const char *pad_chars;
if (!fill || fill == ' ' ) {
pad_chars = pad_spaces;
} else if (fill == '0') {
pad_chars = pad_zeroes;
} else {
memset(pad_fill, fill, PF_PAD_SIZE);
pad_chars = pad_fill;
if (flags & PF_FLAG_CENTER_ADJUST) {
left_pad = pad / 2;
right_pad = pad - left_pad;
} else if (flags & PF_FLAG_LEFT_ADJUST) {
right_pad = pad;
} else {
left_pad = pad;
if (left_pad) {
while (left_pad > 0) {
int p = left_pad;
if (p > PF_PAD_SIZE)
pfenv->print_strn(pfenv->data, pad_chars, p);
left_pad -= p;
pfenv->print_strn(pfenv->data, str, len);
if (right_pad) {
while (right_pad > 0) {
int p = right_pad;
if (p > PF_PAD_SIZE)
pfenv->print_strn(pfenv->data, pad_chars, p);
right_pad -= p;
return len;
// enough room for 32 signed number
#define INT_BUF_SIZE (16)
int pfenv_print_int(const pfenv_t *pfenv, unsigned int x, int sgn, int base, int base_char, int flags, char fill, int width) {
char sign = 0;
if (sgn) {
if ((int)x < 0) {
sign = '-';
x = -x;
} else if (flags & PF_FLAG_SHOW_SIGN) {
sign = '+';
} else if (flags & PF_FLAG_SPACE_SIGN) {
sign = ' ';
char buf[INT_BUF_SIZE];
char *b = buf + INT_BUF_SIZE;
if (x == 0) {
*(--b) = '0';
} else {
do {
int c = x % base;
x /= base;
if (c >= 10) {
c += base_char - 10;
} else {
c += '0';
*(--b) = c;
} while (b > buf && x != 0);
char prefix_char = '\0';
if (flags & PF_FLAG_SHOW_PREFIX) {
if (base == 2) {
prefix_char = base_char + 'b' - 'a';
} else if (base == 8) {
prefix_char = base_char + 'o' - 'a';
} else if (base == 16) {
prefix_char = base_char + 'x' - 'a';
int len = 0;
if (flags & PF_FLAG_PAD_AFTER_SIGN) {
if (sign) {
len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, &sign, 1, flags, fill, 1);
if (prefix_char) {
len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, "0", 1, flags, fill, 1);
len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, &prefix_char, 1, flags, fill, 1);
width -= 2;
} else {
if (prefix_char && b > &buf[1]) {
*(--b) = prefix_char;
*(--b) = '0';
if (sign && b > buf) {
*(--b) = sign;
len += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, b, buf + INT_BUF_SIZE - b, flags, fill, width);
return len;
int pfenv_print_float(const pfenv_t *pfenv, mp_float_t f, char fmt, int flags, char fill, int width, int prec) {
char buf[32];
char sign = '\0';
int chrs = 0;
if (flags & PF_FLAG_SHOW_SIGN) {
sign = '+';
if (flags & PF_FLAG_SPACE_SIGN) {
sign = ' ';
int len;
len = format_float(f, buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, prec, sign);
char fmt_buf[6];
char *fmt_s = fmt_buf;
*fmt_s++ = '%';
if (sign) {
*fmt_s++ = sign;
*fmt_s++ = '.';
*fmt_s++ = '*';
*fmt_s++ = fmt;
*fmt_s = '\0';
len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt_buf, prec, f);
char *s = buf;
if ((flags & PF_FLAG_ADD_PERCENT) && (len + 1) < sizeof(buf)) {
buf[len++] = '%';
buf[len] = '\0';
// buf[0] < '0' returns true if the first character is space, + or -
if ((flags & PF_FLAG_PAD_AFTER_SIGN) && buf[0] < '0') {
// We have a sign character
if (*s <= '9' || (flags & PF_FLAG_PAD_NAN_INF)) {
// We have a number, or we have a inf/nan and PAD_NAN_INF is set
// With '{:06e}'.format(float('-inf')) you get '-00inf'
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, &buf[0], 1, 0, 0, 1);
if (*s > 'A' && (flags & PF_FLAG_PAD_NAN_INF) == 0) {
// We have one of the inf or nan variants, suppress zero fill.
// With printf, if you use: printf("%06e", -inf) then you get " -inf"
// so suppress the zero fill.
fill = ' ';
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, s, len, flags, fill, width);
return chrs;

py/pfenv.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#define PF_FLAG_LEFT_ADJUST (0x001)
#define PF_FLAG_SHOW_SIGN (0x002)
#define PF_FLAG_SPACE_SIGN (0x004)
#define PF_FLAG_NO_TRAILZ (0x008)
#define PF_FLAG_SHOW_PREFIX (0x010)
#define PF_FLAG_SHOW_COMMA (0x020)
#define PF_FLAG_PAD_AFTER_SIGN (0x040)
#define PF_FLAG_CENTER_ADJUST (0x080)
#define PF_FLAG_ADD_PERCENT (0x100)
#define PF_FLAG_PAD_NAN_INF (0x200)
typedef struct _pfenv_t {
void *data;
void (*print_strn)(void *, const char *str, unsigned int len);
} pfenv_t;
void pfenv_vstr_add_strn(void *data, const char *str, unsigned int len);
int pfenv_print_strn(const pfenv_t *pfenv, const char *str, unsigned int len, int flags, char fill, int width);
int pfenv_print_int(const pfenv_t *pfenv, unsigned int x, int sgn, int base, int base_char, int flags, char fill, int width);
int pfenv_print_float(const pfenv_t *pfenv, mp_float_t f, char fmt, int flags, char fill, int width, int prec);

View File

@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ PY_O_BASENAME = \
showbc.o \
repl.o \
intdivmod.o \
pfenv.o \
# prepend the build destination prefix to the py object files
PY_O = $(addprefix $(PY_BUILD)/, $(PY_O_BASENAME))

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "mpconfig.h"
#include "qstr.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "pfenv.h"
#if 0
#include "lcd.h"
@ -18,89 +19,6 @@
#include "formatfloat.h"
#define PF_FLAG_LEFT_ADJUST (0x01)
#define PF_FLAG_SHOW_SIGN (0x02)
#define PF_FLAG_SPACE_SIGN (0x04)
#define PF_FLAG_NO_TRAILZ (0x08)
#define PF_FLAG_ZERO_PAD (0x10)
// tricky; we compute pad string by: pad_chars + (flags & PF_FLAG_ZERO_PAD)
static const char *pad_chars = " 0000000000000000";
typedef struct _pfenv_t {
void *data;
void (*print_strn)(void *, const char *str, unsigned int len);
} pfenv_t;
static void print_str_dummy(void *data, const char *str, unsigned int len) {
const pfenv_t pfenv_dummy = {0, print_str_dummy};
static int pfenv_print_strn(const pfenv_t *pfenv, const char *str, unsigned int len, int flags, int width) {
int pad = width - len;
if (pad > 0 && (flags & PF_FLAG_LEFT_ADJUST) == 0) {
while (pad > 0) {
int p = pad;
if (p > PF_PAD_SIZE)
pfenv->print_strn(pfenv->data, pad_chars + (flags & PF_FLAG_ZERO_PAD), p);
pad -= p;
pfenv->print_strn(pfenv->data, str, len);
while (pad > 0) {
int p = pad;
if (p > PF_PAD_SIZE)
pfenv->print_strn(pfenv->data, pad_chars, p);
pad -= p;
return len;
// enough room for 32 signed number
#define INT_BUF_SIZE (12)
static int pfenv_print_int(const pfenv_t *pfenv, unsigned int x, int sgn, int base, int base_char, int flags, int width) {
char sign = 0;
if (sgn) {
if ((int)x < 0) {
sign = '-';
x = -x;
} else if (flags & PF_FLAG_SHOW_SIGN) {
sign = '+';
} else if (flags & PF_FLAG_SPACE_SIGN) {
sign = ' ';
char buf[INT_BUF_SIZE];
char *b = buf + INT_BUF_SIZE;
if (x == 0) {
*(--b) = '0';
} else {
do {
int c = x % base;
x /= base;
if (c >= 10) {
c += base_char - 10;
} else {
c += '0';
*(--b) = c;
} while (b > buf && x != 0);
if (b > buf && sign != 0) {
*(--b) = sign;
return pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, b, buf + INT_BUF_SIZE - b, flags, width);
void pfenv_prints(const pfenv_t *pfenv, const char *str) {
pfenv->print_strn(pfenv->data, str, strlen(str));
@ -129,13 +47,16 @@ int pfenv_printf(const pfenv_t *pfenv, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
// parse flags, if they exist
int flags = 0;
char fill = ' ';
while (*fmt != '\0') {
if (*fmt == '-') flags |= PF_FLAG_LEFT_ADJUST;
else if (*fmt == '+') flags |= PF_FLAG_SHOW_SIGN;
else if (*fmt == ' ') flags |= PF_FLAG_SPACE_SIGN;
else if (*fmt == '!') flags |= PF_FLAG_NO_TRAILZ;
else if (*fmt == '0') flags |= PF_FLAG_ZERO_PAD;
else break;
else if (*fmt == '0') {
fill = '0';
} else break;
@ -177,15 +98,15 @@ int pfenv_printf(const pfenv_t *pfenv, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
switch (*fmt) {
case 'b':
if (va_arg(args, int)) {
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, "true", 4, flags, width);
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, "true", 4, flags, fill, width);
} else {
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, "false", 5, flags, width);
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, "false", 5, flags, fill, width);
case 'c':
char str = va_arg(args, int);
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, &str, 1, flags, width);
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, &str, 1, flags, fill, width);
case 's':
@ -195,25 +116,25 @@ int pfenv_printf(const pfenv_t *pfenv, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
if (prec < 0) {
prec = strlen(str);
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, str, prec, flags, width);
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, str, prec, flags, fill, width);
} else {
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, "(null)", 6, flags, width);
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, "(null)", 6, flags, fill, width);
case 'u':
chrs += pfenv_print_int(pfenv, va_arg(args, int), 0, 10, 'a', flags, width);
chrs += pfenv_print_int(pfenv, va_arg(args, int), 0, 10, 'a', flags, fill, width);
case 'd':
chrs += pfenv_print_int(pfenv, va_arg(args, int), 1, 10, 'a', flags, width);
chrs += pfenv_print_int(pfenv, va_arg(args, int), 1, 10, 'a', flags, fill, width);
case 'x':
case 'p': // ?
chrs += pfenv_print_int(pfenv, va_arg(args, int), 0, 16, 'a', flags, width);
chrs += pfenv_print_int(pfenv, va_arg(args, int), 0, 16, 'a', flags, fill, width);
case 'X':
case 'P': // ?
chrs += pfenv_print_int(pfenv, va_arg(args, int), 0, 16, 'A', flags, width);
chrs += pfenv_print_int(pfenv, va_arg(args, int), 0, 16, 'A', flags, fill, width);
case 'e':
@ -223,33 +144,18 @@ int pfenv_printf(const pfenv_t *pfenv, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
case 'g':
case 'G':
char buf[32];
char sign = '\0';
if (flags & PF_FLAG_SHOW_SIGN) {
sign = '+';
if (flags & PF_FLAG_SPACE_SIGN) {
sign = ' ';
float f = va_arg(args, double);
int len = format_float(f, buf, sizeof(buf), *fmt, prec, sign);
char *s = buf;
// buf[0] < '0' returns true if the first character is space, + or -
// buf[1] < '9' matches a digit, and doesn't match when we get back +nan or +inf
if (buf[0] < '0' && buf[1] <= '9' && (flags & PF_FLAG_ZERO_PAD)) {
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, &buf[0], 1, 0, 1);
if (*s < '0' || *s >= '9') {
// For inf or nan, we don't want to zero pad.
flags &= ~PF_FLAG_ZERO_PAD;
chrs += pfenv_print_strn(pfenv, s, len, flags, width);
mp_float_t f = va_arg(args, double);
chrs += pfenv_print_float(pfenv, f, *fmt, flags, fill, width, prec);
// Currently pfenv_print_float uses snprintf, so if you want
// to use pfenv_print_float with doubles then you'll need
// fix it to not use snprintf first. Otherwise you'll have
// inifinite recursion.
#error Calling pfenv_print_float with double not supported from within printf
@ -338,7 +244,7 @@ void strn_print_strn(void *data, const char *str, unsigned int len) {
strn_pfenv->cur += len;
strn_pfenv->remain -= len;
int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
strn_pfenv_t strn_pfenv;
strn_pfenv.cur = str;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,138 @@
print("{}-{}".format(1, [4, 5]))
print("{0}-{1}".format(1, [4, 5]))
#print("{1}-{0}".format(1, [4, 5]))
def test(fmt, *args):
print('{:8s}'.format(fmt) + '>' + fmt.format(*args) + '<')
test("{}-{}", 1, [4, 5])
test("{0}-{1}", 1, [4, 5])
test("{1}-{0}", 1, [4, 5])
test("{:x}", 1)
test("{!r}", 2)
test("{1}-{0}", 1, [4, 5])
test("{:x}", 0x10)
test("{!r}", "foo")
test("{!s}", "foo")
def test_fmt(conv, fill, alignment, sign, prefix, width, precision, type, arg):
fmt = '{'
if conv:
fmt += '!'
fmt += conv
fmt += ':'
if alignment:
fmt += fill
fmt += alignment
fmt += sign
fmt += prefix
fmt += width
if precision:
fmt += '.'
fmt += precision
fmt += type
fmt += '}'
test(fmt, arg)
if fill == '0' and alignment == '=':
fmt = '{:'
fmt += sign
fmt += prefix
fmt += width
if precision:
fmt += '.'
fmt += precision
fmt += type
fmt += '}'
test(fmt, arg)
int_nums = (-1234, -123, -12, -1, 0, 1, 12, 123, 1234, True, False)
int_nums2 = (-12, -1, 0, 1, 12, True, False)
if True:
for type in ('', 'b', 'd', 'o', 'x', 'X'):
for width in ('', '1', '3', '5', '7'):
for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '=', '^'):
for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'):
for sign in ('', '+', '-', ' '):
for prefix in ('', '#'):
for num in int_nums:
test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, prefix, width, '', type, num)
if True:
for width in ('', '1', '2'):
for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '^'):
for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'):
test_fmt('', fill, alignment, '', '', width, '', 'c', 48)
if True:
for conv in ('', 'r', 's'):
for width in ('', '1', '4', '10'):
for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '^'):
for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'):
for str in ('', 'a', 'bcd', 'This is a test with a longer string'):
test_fmt(conv, fill, alignment, '', '', width, '', 's', str)
eg_nums = (0.0, -0.0, 0.1, 1.234, 12.3459, 1.23456789, 123456789.0, -0.0,
-0.1, -1.234, -12.3459, 1e4, 1e-4, 1e5, 1e-5, 1e6, 1e-6, 1e10,
1e37, -1e37, 1e-37, -1e-37,
1.23456e8, 1.23456e7, 1.23456e6, 1.23456e5, 1.23456e4, 1.23456e3, 1.23456e2, 1.23456e1, 1.23456e0,
1.23456e-1, 1.23456e-2, 1.23456e-3, 1.23456e-4, 1.23456e-5, 1.23456e-6, 1.23456e-7, 1.23456e-8,
-1.23456e8, -1.23456e7, -1.23456e6, -1.23456e5, -1.23456e4, -1.23456e3, -1.23456e2, -1.23456e1, -1.23456e0,
-1.23456e-1, -1.23456e-2, -1.23456e-3, -1.23456e-4, -1.23456e-5, -1.23456e-6, -1.23456e-7, -1.23456e-8)
if True:
for type in ('e', 'E', 'g', 'G', 'n'):
for width in ('', '4', '6', '8', '10'):
for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '=', '^'):
for fill in ('', '@', '0', ' '):
for sign in ('', '+', '-', ' '):
for prec in ('', '1', '3', '6'):
for num in eg_nums:
test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, '', width, prec, type, num)
# Note: We use 1.23459 rather than 1.2345 because '{:3f}'.format(1.2345)
# rounds differently than print("%.3f", 1.2345);
f_nums = (0.0, -0.0, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10.0,
0.0012, 0.0123, 0.1234, 1.23459, 12.3456,
-0.0001, -0.001, -0.01, -0.1, -1.0, -10.0,
-0.0012, -0.0123, -0.1234, -1.23459, -12.3456)
if True:
for type in ('f', 'F'):
for width in ('', '4', '6', '8', '10'):
for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '=', '^'):
for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'):
for sign in ('', '+', '-', ' '):
# An empty precision defaults to 6, but when uPy is
# configured to use a float, we can only use a
# precision of 6 with numbers less than 10 and still
# get results that compare to CPython (which uses
# long doubles).
for prec in ('1', '2', '3'):
for num in f_nums:
test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, '', width, prec, type, num)
for num in int_nums2:
test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, '', width, '', type, num)
pct_nums1 = (0.1, 0.58, 0.99, -0.1, -0.58, -0.99)
pct_nums2 = (True, False, 1, 0, -1)
if True:
type = '%'
for width in ('', '4', '6', '8', '10'):
for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '=', '^'):
for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'):
for sign in ('', '+', '-', ' '):
# An empty precision defaults to 6, but when uPy is
# configured to use a float, we can only use a
# precision of 6 with numbers less than 10 and still
# get results that compare to CPython (which uses
# long doubles).
for prec in ('1', '2', '3'):
for num in pct_nums1:
test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, '', width, prec, type, num)
for num in pct_nums2:
test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, '', width, '', type, num)
# We don't currently test a type of '' with floats (see the detailed comment
# in objstr.c)
# TODO Add tests for erroneous format strings.