Merge pull request #1837 from nickzoic/circuitpython-nickzoic-1800-wiznet-socket
WIP: Circuitpython nickzoic 1800 wiznet socket
This commit is contained in:
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ STATIC mp_int_t _socket_recv_into(mod_network_socket_obj_t *sock, byte *buf, mp_
if (ret == -1) {
return len;
return ret;
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "shared-bindings/digitalio/DigitalInOut.h"
#include "shared-bindings/digitalio/DriveMode.h"
#include "shared-bindings/busio/SPI.h"
#include "shared-bindings/microcontroller/Pin.h"
#include "shared-module/network/__init__.h"
#include "shared-module/wiznet/wiznet5k.h"
@ -50,25 +51,44 @@
//| :class:`WIZNET5K` -- wrapper for Wiznet 5500 Ethernet interface
//| ===============================================================
//| .. class:: WIZNET5K(spi, cs, rst)
//| .. class:: WIZNET5K(spi, cs, rst, dhcp=True)
//| Create a new WIZNET5500 interface using the specified pins
//| :param spi: spi bus to use
//| :param cs: pin to use for Chip Select
//| :param rst: pin to sue for Reset
//| :param ~busio.SPI spi: spi bus to use
//| :param ~microcontroller.Pin cs: pin to use for Chip Select
//| :param ~microcontroller.Pin rst: pin to use for Reset (optional)
//| :param bool dhcp: boolean flag, whether to start DHCP automatically (optional, keyword only, default True)
//| * The reset pin is optional: if supplied it is used to reset the
//| wiznet board before initialization.
//| * The SPI bus will be initialized appropriately by this library.
//| * At present, the WIZNET5K object is a singleton, so only one WizNet
//| interface is supported at a time.
STATIC mp_obj_t wiznet5k_make_new(const mp_obj_type_t *type, size_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
// check arguments
mp_arg_check_num(n_args, kw_args, 3, 3, false);
STATIC mp_obj_t wiznet5k_make_new(const mp_obj_type_t *type, size_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *pos_args, mp_map_t *kw_args) {
enum { ARG_spi, ARG_cs, ARG_rst, ARG_dhcp };
static const mp_arg_t allowed_args[] = {
{ MP_QSTR_rst, MP_ARG_OBJ, { .u_obj = mp_const_none } },
{ MP_QSTR_dhcp, MP_ARG_KW_ONLY | MP_ARG_BOOL, { .u_bool = true } },
mp_arg_val_t args[MP_ARRAY_SIZE(allowed_args)];
mp_arg_parse_all(n_args, pos_args, kw_args, MP_ARRAY_SIZE(allowed_args), allowed_args, args);
// TODO check type of ARG_spi?
assert_pin(args[ARG_cs].u_obj, false);
assert_pin(args[ARG_rst].u_obj, true); // may be NULL
return wiznet5k_create(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
mp_obj_t ret = wiznet5k_create(args[ARG_spi].u_obj, args[ARG_cs].u_obj, args[ARG_rst].u_obj);
if (args[ARG_dhcp].u_bool) wiznet5k_start_dhcp();
return ret;
//| .. attribute:: connected
//| is this device physically connected?
//| (boolean, readonly) is this device physically connected?
STATIC mp_obj_t wiznet5k_connected_get_value(mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -86,7 +106,9 @@ const mp_obj_property_t wiznet5k_connected_obj = {
//| .. attribute:: dhcp
//| is DHCP active on this device? (set to true to activate DHCP, false to turn it off)
//| (boolean, readwrite) is DHCP active on this device?
//| * set to True to activate DHCP, False to turn it off
STATIC mp_obj_t wiznet5k_dhcp_get_value(mp_obj_t self_in) {
@ -99,9 +121,11 @@ STATIC MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_1(wiznet5k_dhcp_get_value_obj, wiznet5k_dhcp_get_
STATIC mp_obj_t wiznet5k_dhcp_set_value(mp_obj_t self_in, mp_obj_t value) {
if (mp_obj_is_true(value)) {
int ret = wiznet5k_start_dhcp();
if (ret) mp_raise_OSError(ret);
} else {
int ret = wiznet5k_stop_dhcp();
if (ret) mp_raise_OSError(ret);
return mp_const_none;
@ -120,6 +144,7 @@ const mp_obj_property_t wiznet5k_dhcp_obj = {
//| (ip_address, subnet_mask, gateway_address, dns_server)
//| Or can be called with the same tuple to set those parameters.
//| Setting ifconfig parameters turns DHCP off, if it was on.
STATIC mp_obj_t wiznet5k_ifconfig(size_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
@ -136,6 +161,7 @@ STATIC mp_obj_t wiznet5k_ifconfig(size_t n_args, const mp_obj_t *args) {
return mp_obj_new_tuple(4, tuple);
} else {
// set
mp_obj_t *items;
mp_obj_get_array_fixed_n(args[1], 4, &items);
netutils_parse_ipv4_addr(items[0], netinfo.ip, NETUTILS_BIG);
@ -178,6 +204,7 @@ const mod_network_nic_type_t mod_network_nic_type_wiznet5k = {
.settimeout = wiznet5k_socket_settimeout,
.ioctl = wiznet5k_socket_ioctl,
.timer_tick = wiznet5k_socket_timer_tick,
.deinit = wiznet5k_socket_deinit,
@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ void network_module_init(void) {
void network_module_deinit(void) {
for (mp_uint_t i = 0; i < MP_STATE_PORT(mod_network_nic_list).len; i++) {
mp_obj_t nic = MP_STATE_PORT(mod_network_nic_list).items[i];
mod_network_nic_type_t *nic_type = (mod_network_nic_type_t*)mp_obj_get_type(nic);
if (nic_type->deinit != NULL) nic_type->deinit(nic);
mp_obj_list_set_len(&MP_STATE_PORT(mod_network_nic_list), 0);
void network_module_background(void) {
@ -93,3 +99,7 @@ void network_module_create_random_mac_address(uint8_t *mac) {
mac[4] = (uint8_t)(rb2 >> 8);
mac[5] = (uint8_t)(rb2);
uint16_t network_module_create_random_source_tcp_port(void) {
return 0xc000 | shared_modules_random_getrandbits(14);
@ -25,11 +25,12 @@
void network_module_create_random_mac_address(uint8_t *mac);
void network_module_create_random_mac_address(uint8_t *mac);
uint16_t network_module_create_random_source_tcp_port(void);
@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ typedef struct _mod_network_nic_type_t {
int (*settimeout)(struct _mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket, mp_uint_t timeout_ms, int *_errno);
int (*ioctl)(struct _mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket, mp_uint_t request, mp_uint_t arg, int *_errno);
void (*timer_tick)(struct _mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket);
void (*deinit)(struct _mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket);
} mod_network_nic_type_t;
typedef struct _mod_network_socket_obj_t {
@ -93,6 +93,16 @@ int wiznet5k_gethostbyname(mp_obj_t nic, const char *name, mp_uint_t len, uint8_
int get_available_socket(wiznet5k_obj_t *wiz) {
for (uint8_t sn = 0; sn < _WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_; sn++) {
if ((wiz->socket_used & (1 << sn)) == 0) {
wiz->socket_used |= (1 << sn);
return sn;
return -1;
int wiznet5k_socket_socket(mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket, int *_errno) {
if (socket->u_param.domain != MOD_NETWORK_AF_INET) {
@ -107,13 +117,7 @@ int wiznet5k_socket_socket(mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket, int *_errno) {
if (socket->u_param.fileno == -1) {
// get first unused socket number
for (mp_uint_t sn = 0; sn < _WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_; sn++) {
if ((wiznet5k_obj.socket_used & (1 << sn)) == 0) {
wiznet5k_obj.socket_used |= (1 << sn);
socket->u_param.fileno = sn;
socket->u_param.fileno = get_available_socket(&wiznet5k_obj);
if (socket->u_param.fileno == -1) {
// too many open sockets
*_errno = MP_EMFILE;
@ -199,8 +203,12 @@ int wiznet5k_socket_accept(mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket, mod_network_socket_
int wiznet5k_socket_connect(mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket, byte *ip, mp_uint_t port, int *_errno) {
uint16_t src_port = network_module_create_random_source_tcp_port();
// make sure same outgoing port number can't be in use by two different sockets.
src_port = (src_port & ~(_WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_ - 1)) | socket->u_param.fileno;
// use "bind" function to open the socket in client mode
if (wiznet5k_socket_bind(socket, ip, 0, _errno) != 0) {
if (wiznet5k_socket_bind(socket, NULL, src_port, _errno) != 0) {
return -1;
@ -318,33 +326,56 @@ int wiznet5k_socket_ioctl(mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket, mp_uint_t request, m
void wiznet5k_socket_timer_tick(mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket) {
if (wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_active) {
if (wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_socket >= 0) {
void wiznet5k_start_dhcp(void) {
int wiznet5k_start_dhcp(void) {
// XXX this should throw an error if DHCP fails
if (!wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_active) {
if (wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_socket < 0) {
// Set up the socket to listen on UDP 68 before calling DHCP_init
DHCP_init(0, dhcp_buf);
wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_active = 1;
wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_socket = get_available_socket(&wiznet5k_obj);
if (wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_socket < 0) return MP_EMFILE;
WIZCHIP_EXPORT(socket)(wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_socket, MOD_NETWORK_SOCK_DGRAM, DHCP_CLIENT_PORT, 0);
DHCP_init(wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_socket, dhcp_buf);
return 0;
void wiznet5k_stop_dhcp(void) {
if (wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_active) {
wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_active = 0;
int wiznet5k_stop_dhcp(void) {
if (wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_socket >= 0) {
wiznet5k_obj.socket_used &= ~(1 << wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_socket);
wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_socket = -1;
return 0;
bool wiznet5k_check_dhcp(void) {
return wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_active;
return wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_socket >= 0;
void wiznet5k_reset(void) {
if ( {
// hardware reset if using RST pin
common_hal_digitalio_digitalinout_set_value(&wiznet5k_obj.rst, 0);
mp_hal_delay_us(10); // datasheet says 2us
common_hal_digitalio_digitalinout_set_value(&wiznet5k_obj.rst, 1);
mp_hal_delay_ms(150); // datasheet says 150ms
} else {
// otherwise, software reset
void wiznet5k_socket_deinit(mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket) {
/// Create and return a WIZNET5K object.
@ -354,9 +385,8 @@ mp_obj_t wiznet5k_create(mp_obj_t spi_in, mp_obj_t cs_in, mp_obj_t rst_in) {
wiznet5k_obj.base.type = (mp_obj_type_t*)&mod_network_nic_type_wiznet5k;
wiznet5k_obj.cris_state = 0;
wiznet5k_obj.spi = MP_OBJ_TO_PTR(spi_in);
common_hal_digitalio_digitalinout_construct(&wiznet5k_obj.cs, cs_in);
common_hal_digitalio_digitalinout_construct(&wiznet5k_obj.rst, rst_in);
wiznet5k_obj.socket_used = 0;
wiznet5k_obj.dhcp_socket = -1;
/*!< SPI configuration */
// XXX probably should check if the provided SPI is already configured, and
@ -369,13 +399,11 @@ mp_obj_t wiznet5k_create(mp_obj_t spi_in, mp_obj_t cs_in, mp_obj_t rst_in) {
8 // 8 BITS
common_hal_digitalio_digitalinout_construct(&wiznet5k_obj.cs, cs_in);
common_hal_digitalio_digitalinout_switch_to_output(&wiznet5k_obj.cs, 1, DRIVE_MODE_PUSH_PULL);
common_hal_digitalio_digitalinout_switch_to_output(&wiznet5k_obj.rst, 1, DRIVE_MODE_PUSH_PULL);
common_hal_digitalio_digitalinout_set_value(&wiznet5k_obj.rst, 0);
mp_hal_delay_us(10); // datasheet says 2us
common_hal_digitalio_digitalinout_set_value(&wiznet5k_obj.rst, 1);
mp_hal_delay_ms(160); // datasheet says 150ms
if (rst_in) common_hal_digitalio_digitalinout_construct(&wiznet5k_obj.rst, rst_in);
reg_wizchip_cris_cbfunc(wiz_cris_enter, wiz_cris_exit);
reg_wizchip_cs_cbfunc(wiz_cs_select, wiz_cs_deselect);
@ -394,8 +422,6 @@ mp_obj_t wiznet5k_create(mp_obj_t spi_in, mp_obj_t cs_in, mp_obj_t rst_in) {
// seems we need a small delay after init
// register with network module
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ typedef struct _wiznet5k_obj_t {
digitalio_digitalinout_obj_t cs;
digitalio_digitalinout_obj_t rst;
uint8_t socket_used;
bool dhcp_active;
int8_t dhcp_socket; // -1 for DHCP not in use
} wiznet5k_obj_t;
int wiznet5k_gethostbyname(mp_obj_t nic, const char *name, mp_uint_t len, uint8_t *out_ip);
@ -57,11 +57,12 @@ int wiznet5k_socket_setsockopt(mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket, mp_uint_t level
int wiznet5k_socket_settimeout(mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket, mp_uint_t timeout_ms, int *_errno);
int wiznet5k_socket_ioctl(mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket, mp_uint_t request, mp_uint_t arg, int *_errno);
void wiznet5k_socket_timer_tick(mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket);
void wiznet5k_socket_deinit(mod_network_socket_obj_t *socket);
mp_obj_t wiznet5k_socket_disconnect(mp_obj_t self_in);
mp_obj_t wiznet5k_create(mp_obj_t spi_in, mp_obj_t cs_in, mp_obj_t rst_in);
void wiznet5k_start_dhcp(void);
void wiznet5k_stop_dhcp(void);
int wiznet5k_start_dhcp(void);
int wiznet5k_stop_dhcp(void);
bool wiznet5k_check_dhcp(void);
extern const mod_network_nic_type_t mod_network_nic_type_wiznet5k;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user