docs/library/machine.Pin: Update Pin docs to align with new HW API.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,16 +3,44 @@
class Pin -- control I/O pins
A pin is the basic object to control I/O pins (also known as GPIO -
general-purpose input/output). It has methods to set
the mode of the pin (input, output, etc) and methods to get and set the
digital logic level. For analog control of a pin, see the ADC class.
A pin object is used to control I/O pins (also known as GPIO - general-purpose
input/output). Pin objects are commonly associated with a physical pin that can
drive an output voltage and read input voltages. The pin class has methods to set the mode of
the pin (IN, OUT, etc) and methods to get and set the digital logic level.
For analog control of a pin, see the :class:`ADC` class.
Usage Model:
A pin object is constructed by using an identifier which unambiguously
specifies a certain I/O pin. The allowed forms of the identifier and the
physical pin that the identifier maps to are port-specific. Possibilities
for the identifier are an integer, a string or a tuple with port and pin
Usage Model::
from machine import Pin
# create an output pin on pin #0
p0 = Pin(0, Pin.OUT)
# set the value low then high
# create an input pin on pin #2, with a pull up resistor
p2 = Pin(2, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
# read and print the pin value
# reconfigure pin #0 in input mode
# configure an irq callback
p0.irq(lambda p:print(p))
.. only:: port_wipy
Board pins are identified by their string id::
On the WiPy board the pins are identified by their string id::
from machine import Pin
g = machine.Pin('GP9', mode=Pin.OUT, pull=None, drive=Pin.MED_POWER, alt=-1)
@ -40,174 +68,224 @@ Usage Model:
All pin objects go through the pin mapper to come up with one of the
gpio pins.
.. only:: port_esp8266
For the ``drive`` parameter the strengths are:
- ``Pin.LOW_POWER`` - 2mA drive capability.
- ``Pin.MED_POWER`` - 4mA drive capability.
- ``Pin.HIGH_POWER`` - 6mA drive capability.
from machine import Pin
For the ``alt`` parameter please refer to the pinout and alternate functions
table at <>`_
for the specific alternate functions that each pin supports.
# create an output pin on GPIO0
p0 = Pin(0, Pin.OUT)
For interrupts, the ``priority`` can take values in the range 1-7. And the
``wake`` parameter has the following properties:
# create an input pin on GPIO2
p2 = Pin(2, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
- If ``wake_from=machine.Sleep.ACTIVE`` any pin can wake the board.
- If ``wake_from=machine.Sleep.SUSPENDED`` pins ``GP2``, ``GP4``, ``GP10``,
``GP11``, GP17`` or ``GP24`` can wake the board. Note that only 1
of this pins can be enabled as a wake source at the same time, so, only
the last enabled pin as a ``machine.Sleep.SUSPENDED`` wake source will have effect.
- If ``wake_from=machine.Sleep.SUSPENDED`` pins ``GP2``, ``GP4``, ``GP10``,
``GP11``, ``GP17`` and ``GP24`` can wake the board. In this case all of the
6 pins can be enabled as a ``machine.Sleep.HIBERNATE`` wake source at the same time.
.. class:: Pin(id, ...)
.. class:: Pin(id, mode=-1, pull=-1, \*, value, drive, alt)
Create a new Pin object associated with the id. If additional arguments are given,
they are used to initialise the pin. See :meth:`Pin.init`.
Access the pin peripheral (GPIO pin) associated with the given ``id``. If
additional arguments are given in the constructor then they are used to initialise
the pin. Any settings that are not specified will remain in their previous state.
The arguments are:
- ``id`` is mandatory and can be an arbitrary object. Among possible value
types are: int (an internal Pin identifier), str (a Pin name), and tuple
(pair of [port, pin]).
- ``mode`` specifies the pin mode, which can be one of:
- ``Pin.IN`` - Pin is configured for input. If viewed as an output the pin
is in high-impedance state.
- ``Pin.OUT`` - Pin is configured for (normal) output.
- ``Pin.OPEN_DRAIN`` - Pin is configured for open-drain output. Open-drain
output works in the following way: if the output value is set to 0 the pin
is active at a low level; if the output value is 1 the pin is in a high-impedance
state. Not all ports implement this mode, or some might only on certain pins.
- ``Pin.ALT`` - Pin is configured to perform an alternative function, which is
port specific. For a pin configured in such a way any other Pin methods
(except :meth:`Pin.init`) are not applicable (calling them will lead to undefined,
or a hardware-specific, result). Not all ports implement this mode.
- ``Pin.ALT_OPEN_DRAIN`` - The Same as ``Pin.ALT``, but the pin is configured as
open-drain. Not all ports implement this mode.
- ``pull`` specifies if the pin has a (weak) pull resistor attached, and can be
one of:
- ``None`` - No pull up or down resistor.
- ``Pin.PULL_UP`` - Pull up resistor enabled.
- ``Pin.PULL_DOWN`` - Pull down resistor enabled.
- ``value`` is valid only for Pin.OUT and Pin.OPEN_DRAIN modes and specifies initial
output pin value if given, otherwise the state of the pin peripheral remains
- ``drive`` specifies the output power of the pin and can be one of: ``Pin.LOW_POWER``,
``Pin.MED_POWER`` or ``Pin.HIGH_POWER``. The actual current driving capabilities
are port dependent. Not all ports implement this argument.
- ``alt`` specifies an alternate function for the pin and the values it can take are
port dependent. This argument is valid only for ``Pin.ALT`` and ``Pin.ALT_OPEN_DRAIN``
modes. It may be used when a pin supports more than one alternate function. If only
one pin alternate function is supported the this argument is not required. Not all
ports implement this argument.
As specified above, the Pin class allows to set an alternate function for a particular
pin, but it does not specify any further operations on such a pin. Pins configured in
alternate-function mode are usually not used as GPIO but are instead driven by other
hardware peripherals. The only operation supported on such a pin is re-initialising,
by calling the constructor or :meth:`Pin.init` method. If a pin that is configured in
alternate-function mode is re-initialised with ``Pin.IN``, ``Pin.OUT``, or
``Pin.OPEN_DRAIN``, the alternate function will be removed from the pin.
.. only:: port_wipy
.. method:: Pin.init(mode=-1, pull=-1, \*, value, drive, alt)
.. method:: Pin.init(mode, pull, \*, drive, alt)
Initialise the pin:
Re-initialise the pin using the given parameters. Only those arguments that
are specified will be set. The rest of the pin peripheral state will remain
unchanged. See the constructor documentation for details of the arguments.
- ``mode`` can be one of:
Returns ``None``.
- ``Pin.IN`` - input pin.
- ``Pin.OUT`` - output pin in push-pull mode.
- ``Pin.OPEN_DRAIN`` - output pin in open-drain mode.
- ``Pin.ALT`` - pin mapped to an alternate function.
- ``Pin.ALT_OPEN_DRAIN`` - pin mapped to an alternate function in open-drain mode.
.. method:: Pin.value([x])
- ``pull`` can be one of:
This method allows to set and get the value of the pin, depending on whether
the argument ``x`` is supplied or not.
- ``None`` - no pull up or down resistor.
- ``Pin.PULL_UP`` - pull up resistor enabled.
- ``Pin.PULL_DOWN`` - pull down resistor enabled.
If the argument is omitted then this method gets the digital logic level of
the pin, returning 0 or 1 corresponding to low and high voltage signals
respectively. The behaviour of this method depends on the mode of the pin:
- ``drive`` can be one of:
- ``Pin.IN`` - The method returns the actual input value currently present
on the pin.
- ``Pin.OUT`` - The behaviour and return value of the method is undefined.
- ``Pin.OPEN_DRAIN`` - If the pin is in state '0' then the behaviour and
return value of the method is undefined. Otherwise, if the pin is in
state '1', the method returns the actual input value currently present
on the pin.
- ``Pin.LOW_POWER`` - 2mA drive capability.
- ``Pin.MED_POWER`` - 4mA drive capability.
- ``Pin.HIGH_POWER`` - 6mA drive capability.
If the argument is supplied then this method sets the digital logic level of
the pin. The argument ``x`` can be anything that converts to a boolean.
If it converts to ``True``, the pin is set to state '1', otherwise it is set
to state '0'. The behaviour of this method depends on the mode of the pin:
- ``alt`` is the number of the alternate function. Please refer to the
`pinout and alternate functions table. <>`_
for the specific alternate functions that each pin supports.
- ``Pin.IN`` - The value is stored in the output buffer for the pin. The
pin state does not change, it remains in the high-impedance state. The
stored value will become active on the pin as soon as it is changed to
``Pin.OUT`` or ``Pin.OPEN_DRAIN`` mode.
- ``Pin.OUT`` - The output buffer is set to the given value immediately.
- ``Pin.OPEN_DRAIN`` - If the value is '0' the pin is set to a low voltage
state. Otherwise the pin is set to high-impedance state.
Returns: ``None``.
When setting the value this method returns ``None``.
.. method::
.. method:: Pin.out_value()
Get the pin id.
Return the value stored in the output buffer of a pin, regardless of its mode.
.. only:: port_esp8266
Not all ports implement this method.
.. method:: Pin.init(mode, pull=None, \*, value)
.. method:: Pin.__call__([x])
Initialise the pin:
Pin objects are callable. The call method provides a (fast) shortcut to set
and get the value of the pin. It is equivalent to Pin.value([x]).
See :meth:`Pin.value` for more details.
- `mode` can be one of:
.. method:: Pin.toggle()
- ``Pin.IN`` - input pin.
- ``Pin.OUT`` - output pin in push-pull mode.
Toggle the output value of the pin. Equivalent to ``pin.value(not pin.out_value())``.
Returns ``None``.
- `pull` can be one of:
Not all ports implement this method.
- ``None`` - no pull up or down resistor.
- ``Pin.PULL_UP`` - pull up resistor enabled.
Availability: WiPy.
- if `value` is given then it is the output value to set the pin
if it is in output mode.
.. method::
.. method:: Pin.value([value])
Get the pin identifier. This may return the ``id`` as specified in the
constructor. Or it may return a canonical software-specific pin id.
Get or set the digital logic level of the pin:
.. method:: Pin.mode([mode])
- With no argument, return 0 or 1 depending on the logic level of the pin.
- With ``value`` given, set the logic level of the pin. ``value`` can be
anything that converts to a boolean. If it converts to ``True``, the pin
is set high, otherwise it is set low.
Get or set the pin mode.
See the constructor documentation for details of the ``mode`` argument.
.. method:: Pin.__call__([value])
.. method:: Pin.pull([pull])
Pin objects are callable. The call method provides a (fast) shortcut to set and get the value of the pin.
See :func:`Pin.value` for more details.
Get or set the pin pull state.
See the constructor documentation for details of the ``pull`` argument.
.. method:: Pin.alt_list()
.. method::[drive])
Returns a list of the alternate functions supported by the pin. List items are
a tuple of the form: ``('ALT_FUN_NAME', ALT_FUN_INDEX)``
Get or set the pin drive strength.
See the constructor documentation for details of the ``drive`` argument.
Availability: WiPy.
Not all ports implement this method.
Availability: WiPy.
.. method:: Pin.irq(handler=None, trigger=(Pin.IRQ_FALLING | Pin.IRQ_RISING), \*, priority=1, wake=None)
Configure an interrupt handler to be called when the trigger source of the
pin is active. If the pin mode is ``Pin.IN`` then the trigger source is
the external value on the pin. If the pin mode is ``Pin.OUT`` then the
trigger source is the output buffer of the pin. Otherwise, if the pin mode
is ``Pin.OPEN_DRAIN`` then the trigger source is the output buffer for
state '0' and the external pin value for state '1'.
The arguments are:
- ``handler`` is an optional function to be called when the interrupt
- ``trigger`` configures the event which can generate an interrupt.
Possible values are:
- ``Pin.IRQ_FALLING`` interrupt on falling edge.
- ``Pin.IRQ_RISING`` interrupt on rising edge.
- ``Pin.IRQ_LOW_LEVEL`` interrupt on low level.
- ``Pin.IRQ_HIGH_LEVEL`` interrupt on high level.
These values can be OR'ed together to trigger on multiple events.
- ``priority`` sets the priority level of the interrupt. The values it
can take are port-specific, but higher values always represent higher
- ``wake`` selects the power mode in which this interrupt can wake up the
system. It can be ``machine.IDLE``, ``machine.SLEEP`` or ``machine.DEEPSLEEP``.
These values can also be OR'ed together to make a pin generate interrupts in
more than one power mode.
This method returns a callback object.
.. only:: port_wipy
.. method:: Pin.toggle()
.. method:: Pin.alt_list()
Toggle the value of the pin.
Returns a list of the alternate functions supported by the pin. List items are
a tuple of the form: ``('ALT_FUN_NAME', ALT_FUN_INDEX)``
.. method:: Pin.mode([mode])
Availability: WiPy.
Get or set the pin mode.
.. method:: Pin.pull([pull])
Get or set the pin pull.
.. method::[drive])
Get or set the pin drive strength.
.. method:: Pin.irq(\*, trigger, priority=1, handler=None, wake=None)
Create a callback to be triggered when the input level at the pin changes.
- ``trigger`` configures the pin level which can generate an interrupt. Possible values are:
- ``Pin.IRQ_FALLING`` interrupt on falling edge.
- ``Pin.IRQ_RISING`` interrupt on rising edge.
- ``Pin.IRQ_LOW_LEVEL`` interrupt on low level.
- ``Pin.IRQ_HIGH_LEVEL`` interrupt on high level.
The values can be *ORed* together, for instance mode=Pin.IRQ_FALLING | Pin.IRQ_RISING
- ``priority`` level of the interrupt. Can take values in the range 1-7.
Higher values represent higher priorities.
- ``handler`` is an optional function to be called when new characters arrive.
- ``wakes`` selects the power mode in which this interrupt can wake up the
board. Please note:
- If ``wake_from=machine.Sleep.ACTIVE`` any pin can wake the board.
- If ``wake_from=machine.Sleep.SUSPENDED`` pins ``GP2``, ``GP4``, ``GP10``,
``GP11``, GP17`` or ``GP24`` can wake the board. Note that only 1
of this pins can be enabled as a wake source at the same time, so, only
the last enabled pin as a ``machine.Sleep.SUSPENDED`` wake source will have effect.
- If ``wake_from=machine.Sleep.SUSPENDED`` pins ``GP2``, ``GP4``, ``GP10``,
``GP11``, ``GP17`` and ``GP24`` can wake the board. In this case all of the
6 pins can be enabled as a ``machine.Sleep.HIBERNATE`` wake source at the same time.
- Values can be ORed to make a pin generate interrupts in more than one power
Returns a callback object.
.. only:: port_esp8266
.. method:: Pin.irq(\*, trigger, handler=None)
Create a callback to be triggered when the input level at the pin changes.
- ``trigger`` configures the pin level which can generate an interrupt. Possible values are:
- ``Pin.IRQ_FALLING`` interrupt on falling edge.
- ``Pin.IRQ_RISING`` interrupt on rising edge.
The values can be OR'ed together to trigger on multiple events.
- ``handler`` is an optional function to be called when the interrupt triggers.
Returns a callback object.
@ -239,7 +317,8 @@ not all constants are available on all ports.
.. data:: Pin.PULL_UP
Selects the whether there is a pull up/down resistor.
Selects whether there is a pull up/down resistor. Use the value
``None`` for no pull.
.. data:: Pin.LOW_POWER
Reference in New Issue
Block a user