docs/zephyr: Add quick reference for the Zephyr port.
Includes an introduction to using the Zephyr port on MicroPython. The quickref details examples of how to use each module the port currently supports. The tutorial provides additional details for Zephyr specific modules. Signed-off-by: Julia Hathaway <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ MicroPython documentation and references
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.. _zephyr_general:
General information about the Zephyr port
The Zephyr Project is a Linux Foundation hosted Collaboration Project. It’s an open
source collaborative effort uniting developers and users in building a
small, scalable, real-time operating system (RTOS) optimized for resource-constrained
devices, across multiple architectures.
Multitude of boards
There is a multitude of modules and boards from different sources that are supported
by the Zephyr OS. All boards supported by Zephyr (with standard level of features
support, like UART console) should work with MicroPython (but not all were tested).
The FRDM-K64f board is taken as a reference board for the port for this documentation.
If you have another board, please make sure you have a datasheet, schematics and other
reference materials for your board handy to look up various aspects of your board
For a full list of Zephyr supported boards click `here (external link) <>`_
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.. _zephyr_quickref:
Quick reference for the Zephyr port
Below is a quick reference for the Zephyr port. If it is your first time working with this port please consider reading the following sections first:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Running MicroPython
See the corresponding section of the tutorial: :ref:`intro`.
Delay and timing
Use the :mod:`time <utime>` module::
import time
time.sleep(1) # sleep for 1 second
time.sleep_ms(500) # sleep for 500 milliseconds
time.sleep_us(10) # sleep for 10 microseconds
start = time.ticks_ms() # get millisecond counter
delta = time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), start) # compute time difference
Pins and GPIO
Use the :ref:`machine.Pin <machine.Pin>` class::
from machine import Pin
pin = Pin(("GPIO_1", 21), Pin.IN) # create input pin on GPIO1
print(pin) # print pin port and number
pin.init(Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_UP, value=1) # reinitialize pin
pin.value(1) # set pin to high
pin.value(0) # set pin to low
pin.on() # set pin to high
|||| # set pin to low
pin = Pin(("GPIO_1", 21), Pin.IN) # create input pin on GPIO1
pin = Pin(("GPIO_1", 21), Pin.OUT, value=1) # set pin high on creation
pin = Pin(("GPIO_1", 21), Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # enable internal pull-up resistor
switch = Pin(("GPIO_2", 6), Pin.IN) # create input pin for a switch
switch.irq(lambda t: print("SW2 changed")) # enable an interrupt when switch state is changed
Hardware I2C bus
Hardware I2C is accessed via the :ref:`machine.I2C <machine.I2C>` class::
from machine import I2C
i2c = I2C("I2C_0") # construct an i2c bus
print(i2c) # print device name
i2c.scan() # scan the device for available I2C slaves
i2c.readfrom(0x1D, 4) # read 4 bytes from slave 0x1D
i2c.readfrom_mem(0x1D, 0x0D, 1) # read 1 byte from slave 0x1D at slave memory 0x0D
i2c.writeto(0x1D, b'abcd') # write to slave with address 0x1D
i2c.writeto_mem(0x1D, 0x0D, b'ab') # write to slave 0x1D at slave memory 0x0D
buf = bytearray(8) # create buffer of size 8
i2c.writeto(0x1D, b'abcd') # write buf to slave 0x1D
Hardware SPI bus
Hardware SPI is accessed via the :ref:`machine.SPI <machine.SPI>` class::
from machine import SPI
spi = SPI("SPI_0") # construct a spi bus with default configuration
spi.init(baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, firstbit=SPI.MSB) # set configuration
# equivalently, construct spi bus and set configuration at the same time
spi = SPI("SPI_0", baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, firstbit=SPI.MSB)
print(spi) # print device name and bus configuration
|||| # read 4 bytes on MISO
||||, write=0xF) # read 4 bytes while writing 0xF on MOSI
buf = bytearray(8) # create a buffer of size 8
spi.readinto(buf) # read into the buffer (reads number of bytes equal to the buffer size)
spi.readinto(buf, 0xF) # read into the buffer while writing 0xF on MOSI
spi.write(b'abcd') # write 4 bytes on MOSI
buf = bytearray(4) # create buffer of size 8
spi.write_readinto(b'abcd', buf) # write to MOSI and read from MISO into the buffer
spi.write_readinto(buf, buf) # write buf to MOSI and read back into the buf
Disk Access
Use the :ref:`zephyr.DiskAccess <zephyr.DiskAccess>` class to support filesystem::
import os
from zephyr import DiskAccess
block_dev = DiskAccess('SDHC') # create a block device object for an SD card
os.VfsFat.mkfs(block_dev) # create FAT filesystem object using the disk storage block
os.mount(block_dev, '/sd') # mount the filesystem at the SD card subdirectory
# with the filesystem mounted, files can be manipulated as normal
with open('/sd/hello.txt','w') as f: # open a new file in the directory
f.write('Hello world') # write to the file
print(open('/sd/hello.txt').read()) # print contents of the file
Flash Area
Use the :ref:`zephyr.FlashArea <zephyr.FlashArea>` class to support filesystem::
import os
from zephyr import FlashArea
block_dev = FlashArea(4, 4096) # creates a block device object in the frdm-k64f flash scratch partition
os.VfsLfs2.mkfs(block_dev) # create filesystem in lfs2 format using the flash block device
os.mount(block_dev, '/flash') # mount the filesystem at the flash subdirectory
# with the filesystem mounted, files can be manipulated as normal
with open('/flash/hello.txt','w') as f: # open a new file in the directory
f.write('Hello world') # write to the file
print(open('/flash/hello.txt').read()) # print contents of the file
Use the :ref:`zsensor.Sensor <zsensor.Sensor>` class to access sensor data::
import zsensor
from zsensor import Sensor
accel = Sensor("FXOX8700") # create sensor object for the accelerometer
accel.measure() # obtain a measurement reading from the accelerometer
# each of these prints the value taken by measure()
accel.float(zsensor.ACCEL_X) # print measurement value for accelerometer X-axis sensor channel as float
accel.millis(zsensor.ACCEL_Y) # print measurement value for accelerometer Y-axis sensor channel in millionths
accel.micro(zsensor.ACCEL_Z) # print measurement value for accelerometer Z-axis sensor channel in thousandths
|||| # print measurement integer value only for accelerometer X-axis sensor channel
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.. _zephyr_tutorial:
MicroPython tutorial for the Zephyr port
This tutorial is intended to get you started with the Zephyr port.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
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.. _intro_zephyr:
Getting started with MicroPython on the Zephyr port
Let’s get started!
To use the MicroPython Zephyr port, you will need a Zephyr supported board (for a list of acceptable
boards see :ref:`zephyr_general`).
Powering up
If your board has a USB connector on it then most likely it is powered
through this when connected to your PC. Otherwise you will need to power
it directly. Please refer to the documentation for your board for
further details.
Getting and deploying the firmware
The first step you will need to do is either clone the `MicroPython repository <>`_
or download it from the `MicroPython downloads page <>`_. If you are an end user of MicroPython,
it is recommended to start with the stable firmware builds. If you would like to work on development, you may follow the daily
builds on git.
Next, follow the Zephyr port readme document (``ports/zephyr/``) to build and run the application on your board.
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.. _pins_zephyr:
Use :ref:`machine.Pin <machine.Pin>` to control I/O pins.
For Zephyr, pins are initialized using a tuple of port and pin number ``(\"GPIO_x\", pin#)``
for the ``id`` value. For example to initialize a pin for the red LED on a FRDM-k64 board::
LED = Pin(("GPIO_1", 22), Pin.OUT)
Reference your board's datasheet or Zephyr documentation for pin numbers, see below for more examples.
.. list-table:: Pin Formatting
:header-rows: 1
* - Board
- Pin
- Format
* - frdm_k64f
- Red LED = PTB22
- ("GPIO_1", 22)
* - 96b_carbon
- LED1 = PD2
- ("GPIOD", 2)
* - mimxrt685_evk_cm33
- Green LED = PIO0_14
- ("GPIO0", 14)
The Zephyr port also supports interrupt handling for Pins using `machine.Pin.irq() <machine.Pin.irq>`.
To respond to Pin change IRQs run::
from machine import Pin
SW2 = Pin(("GPIO_2", 6), Pin.IN) # create Pin object for switch 2
SW3 = Pin(("GPIO_0", 4), Pin.IN) # create Pin object for switch 3
SW2.irq(lambda t: print("SW2 changed")) # print message when SW2 state is changed (triggers change IRQ)
SW3.irq(lambda t: print("SW3 changed")) # print message when SW3 state is changed (triggers change IRQ)
while True: # wait
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Getting a MicroPython REPL prompt
REPL stands for Read Evaluate Print Loop, and is the name given to the
interactive MicroPython prompt that you can access on your board through
Zephyr. It is recommended to use REPL to test out your code and run commands.
REPL over the serial port
The REPL is available on a UART serial peripheral specified for the board by
the ``zephyr,console`` devicetree node. The baudrate of the REPL is 115200.
If your board has a USB-serial convertor on it then you should be able to access
the REPL directly from your PC.
To access the prompt over USB-serial you will need to use a terminal emulator
program. For a Linux or Mac machine, open a terminal and run::
screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200
You can also try ``picocom`` or ``minicom`` instead of screen. You may have to use
``/dev/ttyACM1`` or a higher number for ``ttyACM``. Additional permissions
may be necessary to access this device (eg group ``uucp`` or ``dialout``, or use sudo).
For Windows, get a terminal software, such as puTTY and connect via a serial session
using the proper COM port.
Using the REPL
With your serial program open (PuTTY, screen, picocom, etc) you may see a
blank screen with a flashing cursor. Press Enter (or reset the board) and
you should be presented with the following text::
*** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.6.0-rc1-416-g3056c5ec30ad ***
MicroPython v2.6.0-rc1-416-g3056c5ec30 on 2021-06-24; zephyr-frdm_k64f with mk64f12
Type "help()" for more information.
Now you can try running MicroPython code directly on your board.
Anything you type at the prompt, indicated by ``>>>``, will be executed after you press
the Enter key. If there is an error with the text that you enter then an error
message is printed.
Start by typing the following at the prompt to make sure it is working::
>>> print("hello world!")
hello world!
If you already know some python you can now try some basic commands here. For
>>> 1 + 2
>>> 1 / 2
>>> 3 * 'Zephyr'
If your board has an LED, you can blink it using the following code::
>>>import time
>>>from machine import Pin
>>>LED = Pin(("GPIO_1", 21), Pin.OUT)
>>>while True:
... LED.value(1)
... time.sleep(0.5)
... LED.value(0)
... time.sleep(0.5)
The above code uses an LED location for a FRDM-K64F board (port B, pin 21;
following Zephyr conventions ports are identified by "GPIO_x", where *x*
starts from 0). You will need to adjust it for another board using the board's
reference materials.
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.. _storage_zephyr:
Filesystems and Storage
Storage modules support virtual filesystem with FAT and littlefs formats, backed by either
Zephyr DiskAccess or FlashArea (flash map) APIs depending on which the board supports.
See `uos Filesystem Mounting <>`_.
Disk Access
The :ref:`zephyr.DiskAccess <zephyr.DiskAccess>` class can be used to access storage devices, such as SD cards.
This class uses `Zephyr Disk Access API <>`_ and
implements the `uos.AbstractBlockDev` protocol.
For use with SD card controllers, SD cards must be present at boot & not removed; they will
be auto detected and initialized by filesystem at boot. Use the disk driver interface and a
file system to access SD cards via disk access (see below).
Example usage of FatFS with an SD card on the mimxrt1050_evk board::
import os
from zephyr import DiskAccess
bdev = zephyr.DiskAccess('SDHC') # create block device object using DiskAccess
os.VfsFat.mkfs(bdev) # create FAT filesystem object using the disk storage block
os.mount(bdev, '/sd') # mount the filesystem at the SD card subdirectory
with open('/sd/hello.txt','w') as f: # open a new file in the directory
f.write('Hello world') # write to the file
print(open('/sd/hello.txt').read()) # print contents of the file
Flash Area
The :ref:`zephyr.FlashArea <zephyr.FlashArea>` class can be used to implement a low-level storage system or
customize filesystem configurations. To store persistent data on the device, using a higher-level filesystem
API is recommended (see below).
This class uses `Zephyr Flash map API <>`_ and
implements the `uos.AbstractBlockDev` protocol.
Example usage with the internal flash on the reel_board or the rv32m1_vega_ri5cy board::
import os
from zephyr import FlashArea
bdev = FlashArea(FlashArea.STORAGE, 4096) # create block device object using FlashArea
os.VfsLfs2.mkfs(bdev) # create Little filesystem object using the flash area block
os.mount(bdev, '/flash') # mount the filesystem at the flash storage subdirectory
with open('/flash/hello.txt','w') as f: # open a new file in the directory
f.write('Hello world') # write to the file
print(open('/flash/hello.txt').read()) # print contents of the file
For boards such as the frdm_k64f in which the MicroPython application spills into the default flash storage
partition, use the scratch partition by replacing ``FlashArea.STORAGE`` with the integer value 4.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user