more tweaks
This commit is contained in:
@ -322,6 +322,9 @@ int socketpool_socket_send(socketpool_socket_obj_t *self, const uint8_t *buf, ui
if (sent < 0) {
if (errno == ECONNRESET || errno == ENOTCONN) {
self->connected = false;
return -errno;
@ -26,6 +26,11 @@
#include <string.h>
#include "extmod/vfs.h"
#include "extmod/vfs_fat.h"
#include "py/mpstate.h"
#include "shared-bindings/wifi/Radio.h"
#include "supervisor/shared/translate/translate.h"
#include "supervisor/shared/web_workflow/web_workflow.h"
@ -180,6 +185,8 @@ void supervisor_start_web_workflow(void) {
// - JSON list of MDNS results
// GET /cp/version.json
// - JSON version info
// GET /cp/serial.txt
// - Most recent 1k of serial output.
// GET /
// - Super basic editor
// GET /ws/circuitpython
@ -188,6 +195,44 @@ void supervisor_start_web_workflow(void) {
static void _send_chunk(socketpool_socket_obj_t *socket, const char *chunk) {
char encoded_len[sizeof(size_t) * 2 + 1];
int len = snprintf(encoded_len, sizeof(encoded_len), "%X", strlen(chunk));
int sent = socketpool_socket_send(socket, (const uint8_t *)encoded_len, len);
if (sent < len) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "short send %d %d", sent, len);
sent = socketpool_socket_send(socket, (const uint8_t *)"\r\n", 2);
if (sent < 2) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "short send %d %d", sent, 2);
sent = socketpool_socket_send(socket, (const uint8_t *)chunk, strlen(chunk));
if (sent < (int)strlen(chunk)) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "short send %d %d", sent, strlen(chunk));
sent = socketpool_socket_send(socket, (const uint8_t *)"\r\n", 2);
if (sent < 2) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "short send %d %d", sent, 2);
static void _send_str(socketpool_socket_obj_t *socket, const char *str) {
int sent = socketpool_socket_send(socket, (const uint8_t *)str, strlen(str));
if (sent < (int)strlen(str)) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "short send %d %d", sent, strlen(str));
static bool _endswith(const char *str, const char *suffix) {
if (str == NULL || suffix == NULL) {
return false;
if (strlen(suffix) > strlen(str)) {
return false;
return strcmp(str + (strlen(str) - strlen(suffix)), suffix) == 0;
static void _process_request(socketpool_socket_obj_t *socket, _request *request) {
bool more = true;
bool error = false;
@ -284,7 +329,9 @@ static void _process_request(socketpool_socket_obj_t *socket, _request *request)
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "BODY %c", c);
request->done = true;
request->state = STATE_METHOD;
more = false;
@ -312,6 +359,117 @@ static void _process_request(socketpool_socket_obj_t *socket, _request *request)
const char *two_lines = "\r\n\r\n";
sent += socketpool_socket_send(socket, (const uint8_t *)two_lines, strlen(two_lines));
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "sent %d %d", sent, err);
} else if (memcmp(request->path, "/fs/", 4) == 0) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "filesystem %s %s", request->method, request->path + 3);
const char *path = request->path + 3;
size_t pathlen = strlen(path);
FATFS *fs = &((fs_user_mount_t *)MP_STATE_VM(vfs_mount_table)->obj)->fatfs;
// Trailing / is a directory.
if (path[pathlen - 1] == '/') {
if (strcmp(request->method, "GET") == 0) {
FF_DIR dir;
FRESULT res = f_opendir(fs, &dir, path);
if (res != FR_OK) {
// TODO: Send 404
const char *ok_response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"
"Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
socketpool_socket_send(socket, (const uint8_t *)ok_response, strlen(ok_response));
_send_chunk(socket, "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>");
_send_chunk(socket, path);
_send_chunk(socket, "</title><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"></head><body><h1>");
_send_chunk(socket, path);
_send_chunk(socket, "</h1><pre>");
if (strlen(path) > 1) {
_send_chunk(socket, "🗀\t<a href=\"..\">..</a><br/>");
FILINFO file_info;
char *fn = file_info.fname;
res = f_readdir(&dir, &file_info);
while (res == FR_OK && fn[0] != 0) {
// uint64_t truncated_time = timeutils_mktime(1980 + (file_info.fdate >> 9),
// (file_info.fdate >> 5) & 0xf,
// file_info.fdate & 0x1f,
// file_info.ftime >> 11,
// (file_info.ftime >> 5) & 0x1f,
// (file_info.ftime & 0x1f) * 2) * 1000000000ULL;
// entry->truncated_time = truncated_time;
// if ((file_info.fattrib & AM_DIR) != 0) {
// entry->flags = 1; // Directory
// entry->file_size = 0;
// } else {
// entry->flags = 0;
// entry->file_size = file_info.fsize;
// }
// _send_chunk(socket, "<li>");
if ((file_info.fattrib & AM_DIR) != 0) {
_send_chunk(socket, "🗀\t");
} else if (_endswith(path, ".txt") || _endswith(path, ".py")) {
_send_chunk(socket, "🖹\t");
} else {
_send_chunk(socket, "⭳\t");
_send_chunk(socket, "<a href=\"");
_send_chunk(socket, request->path);
_send_chunk(socket, file_info.fname);
if ((file_info.fattrib & AM_DIR) != 0) {
_send_chunk(socket, "/");
_send_chunk(socket, "\">");
_send_chunk(socket, file_info.fname);
_send_chunk(socket, "</a><a>✏️</a><a>🗑️</a><br/>");
res = f_readdir(&dir, &file_info);
_send_chunk(socket, "</pre>Upload:<input type=\"file\" multiple></body></html>");
_send_chunk(socket, "");
} else { // Dealing with a file.
if (strcmp(request->method, "GET") == 0) {
FIL active_file;
FRESULT result = f_open(fs, &active_file, path, FA_READ);
if (result != FR_OK) {
// TODO: 404
uint32_t total_length = f_size(&active_file);
char encoded_len[10];
snprintf(encoded_len, sizeof(encoded_len), "%d", total_length);
_send_str(socket, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: ");
_send_str(socket, encoded_len);
_send_str(socket, "\r\n");
if (_endswith(path, ".txt") || _endswith(path, ".py")) {
_send_str(socket, "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n");
} else {
_send_str(socket, "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n");
_send_str(socket, "\r\n");
uint32_t total_read = 0;
while (total_read < total_length) {
uint8_t data_buffer[64];
size_t quantity_read;
f_read(&active_file, data_buffer, 64, &quantity_read);
total_read += quantity_read;
uint32_t send_offset = 0;
while (send_offset < quantity_read) {
int sent = socketpool_socket_send(socket, data_buffer + send_offset, quantity_read - send_offset);
if (sent < 0) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "file send error %d", sent);
send_offset += sent;
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "file return done");
} else {
const char *ok_response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 11\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nHello World";
int sent = socketpool_socket_send(socket, (const uint8_t *)ok_response, strlen(ok_response));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user