atmel-samd: Add samd21 neopixel support.

Also, fix and enable the status neopixel.

Fixes #264
This commit is contained in:
Scott Shawcroft 2017-10-31 22:23:45 -07:00
parent d023879bea
commit 3177e10e9e
7 changed files with 117 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ bool start_mp(safe_mode_t safe_mode) {
// Wait for connection or character.
bool serial_connected_before_animation = false;
rgb_status_animation_t animation;
prep_rgb_status_animation(&result, found_main, &animation);
prep_rgb_status_animation(&result, found_main, safe_mode, &animation);
while (true) {

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// #define MICROPY_HW_NEOPIXEL (&pin_PB17)
#define MICROPY_HW_NEOPIXEL (&pin_PB17)
#define SPI_FLASH_BAUDRATE (1000000)

View File

@ -29,6 +29,21 @@
#include "shared-bindings/neopixel_write/__init__.h"
#include "tick.h"
#ifdef SAMD51
static inline void delay_cycles(uint8_t cycles) {
uint32_t start = SysTick->VAL;
uint32_t stop = start - cycles;
if (start < cycles) {
stop = 0xffffff + start - cycles;
while (SysTick->VAL > stop) {}
uint64_t next_start_tick_ms = 0;
uint32_t next_start_tick_us = 1000;
void common_hal_neopixel_write(const digitalio_digitalinout_obj_t* digitalinout, uint8_t *pixels, uint32_t numBytes) {
// This is adapted directly from the Adafruit NeoPixel library SAMD21G18A code:
@ -37,11 +52,18 @@ void common_hal_neopixel_write(const digitalio_digitalinout_obj_t* digitalinout,
uint32_t pinMask;
PortGroup* port;
// This must be called while interrupts are on in case we're waiting for a
// future ms tick.
wait_until(next_start_tick_ms, next_start_tick_us);
// Turn off interrupts of any kind during timing-sensitive code.
#ifdef SAMD21
// Make sure the NVM cache is consistently timed.
uint32_t pin = digitalinout->pin->pin;
port = &PORT->Group[GPIO_PORT(pin)]; // Convert GPIO # to port register
@ -56,31 +78,75 @@ void common_hal_neopixel_write(const digitalio_digitalinout_obj_t* digitalinout,
for(;;) {
*set = pinMask;
// This is the time where the line is always high regardless of the bit.
// For the SK6812 its 0.3us +- 0.15us
#ifdef SAMD21
asm("nop; nop;");
#ifdef SAMD51
if(p & bitMask) {
// This is the high delay unique to a one bit.
// For the SK6812 its 0.3us
#ifdef SAMD21
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
#ifdef SAMD51
*clr = pinMask;
} else {
*clr = pinMask;
// This is the low delay unique to a zero bit.
// For the SK6812 its 0.3us
#ifdef SAMD21
asm("nop; nop;");
#ifdef SAMD51
if((bitMask >>= 1) != 0) {
// This is the delay between bits in a byte and is the 1 code low
// level time from the datasheet.
// For the SK6812 its 0.6us +- 0.15us
#ifdef SAMD21
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop; nop;");
#ifdef SAMD51
} else {
if(ptr >= end) break;
p = *ptr++;
bitMask = 0x80;
// This is the delay between bytes. Its similar to the other branch
// in the if statement except its tuned to account for the time the
// above operations take.
// For the SK6812 its 0.6us +- 0.15us
#ifdef SAMD51
#ifdef SAMD21
// Speed up! (But inconsistent timing.)
// ticks_ms may be out of date at this point because we stopped the
// interrupt. We'll risk it anyway.
current_tick(&next_start_tick_ms, &next_start_tick_us);
if (next_start_tick_us < 100) {
next_start_tick_ms += 1;
next_start_tick_us = 100 - next_start_tick_us;
} else {
next_start_tick_us -= 100;
// Turn on interrupts after timing-sensitive code.
// 50us delay to let pixels latch to the data that was just sent.
// This could be optimized to only occur before pixel writes when necessary,
// like in the Arduino library.

View File

@ -66,5 +66,17 @@ void tick_delay(uint32_t us) {
start_ms = ticks_ms;
us_between_ticks = 1000;
while (SysTick->VAL > ((1000 - us) * ticks_per_us)) {}
while (SysTick->VAL > ((us_between_ticks - us) * ticks_per_us)) {}
// us counts down!
void current_tick(uint64_t* ms, uint32_t* us_until_ms) {
uint32_t ticks_per_us = common_hal_mcu_processor_get_frequency() / 1000 / 1000;
*ms = ticks_ms;
*us_until_ms = SysTick->VAL / ticks_per_us;
void wait_until(uint64_t ms, uint32_t us_until_ms) {
uint32_t ticks_per_us = common_hal_mcu_processor_get_frequency() / 1000 / 1000;
while(ticks_ms <= ms && SysTick->VAL / ticks_per_us >= us_until_ms) {}

View File

@ -36,4 +36,9 @@ void tick_init(void);
void tick_delay(uint32_t us);
void current_tick(uint64_t* ms, uint32_t* us_until_ms);
// Do not call this with interrupts disabled because it may be waiting for
// ticks_ms to increment.
void wait_until(uint64_t ms, uint32_t us_until_ms);

View File

@ -199,12 +199,15 @@ void set_rgb_status_brightness(uint8_t level){
rgb_status_brightness = level;
void prep_rgb_status_animation(const pyexec_result_t* result, bool found_main, rgb_status_animation_t* status) {
void prep_rgb_status_animation(const pyexec_result_t* result,
bool found_main,
safe_mode_t safe_mode,
rgb_status_animation_t* status) {
#if defined(MICROPY_HW_NEOPIXEL) || (defined(MICROPY_HW_APA102_MOSI) && defined(MICROPY_HW_APA102_SCK))
status->pattern_start = ticks_ms;
uint32_t total_exception_cycle = 0;
status->safe_mode = safe_mode;
status->total_exception_cycle = 0;
status->ones = result->exception_line % 10;
status->ones += status->ones > 0 ? 1 : 0;
status->tens = (result->exception_line / 10) % 10;
@ -224,7 +227,7 @@ void prep_rgb_status_animation(const pyexec_result_t* result, bool found_main, r
status->ok = result->return_code != PYEXEC_EXCEPTION;
if (!status->ok) {
status->total_exception_cycle = EXCEPTION_TYPE_LENGTH_MS * 3 + LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * digit_sum + LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * num_places;
status->total_exception_cycle = EXCEPTION_TYPE_LENGTH_MS * 3 + LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * status->digit_sum + LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * num_places;
if (mp_obj_is_subclass_fast(result->exception_type, &mp_type_IndentationError)) {
status->exception_color = INDENTATION_ERROR;
@ -244,11 +247,11 @@ void prep_rgb_status_animation(const pyexec_result_t* result, bool found_main, r
void tick_rgb_status_animation(rgb_status_animation_t* status) {
#if defined(MICROPY_HW_NEOPIXEL) || (defined(MICROPY_HW_APA102_MOSI) && defined(MICROPY_HW_APA102_SCK))
uint32_t tick_diff = ticks_ms - pattern_start;
uint32_t tick_diff = ticks_ms - status->pattern_start;
if (status->ok) {
// All is good. Ramp ALL_DONE up and down.
if (tick_diff > ALL_GOOD_CYCLE_MS) {
pattern_start = ticks_ms;
status->pattern_start = ticks_ms;
tick_diff = 0;
@ -256,14 +259,14 @@ void tick_rgb_status_animation(rgb_status_animation_t* status) {
if (brightness > 255) {
brightness = 511 - brightness;
if (safe_mode == NO_SAFE_MODE) {
if (status->safe_mode == NO_SAFE_MODE) {
new_status_color(color_brightness(ALL_DONE, brightness));
} else {
new_status_color(color_brightness(SAFE_MODE, brightness));
} else {
if (tick_diff > total_exception_cycle) {
pattern_start = ticks_ms;
if (tick_diff > status->total_exception_cycle) {
status->pattern_start = ticks_ms;
tick_diff = 0;
// First flash the file color.
@ -275,34 +278,34 @@ void tick_rgb_status_animation(rgb_status_animation_t* status) {
// Next flash the exception color.
} else if (tick_diff < EXCEPTION_TYPE_LENGTH_MS * 2) {
// Finally flash the line number digits from highest to lowest.
// Zeroes will not produce a flash but can be read by the absence of
// a color from the sequence.
} else if (tick_diff < (EXCEPTION_TYPE_LENGTH_MS * 2 + LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * digit_sum)) {
} else if (tick_diff < (EXCEPTION_TYPE_LENGTH_MS * 2 + LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * status->digit_sum)) {
uint32_t digit_diff = tick_diff - EXCEPTION_TYPE_LENGTH_MS * 2;
} else if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * thousands) {
} else if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * status->thousands) {
if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH) {
} else {
} else if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * (thousands + hundreds)) {
if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * (thousands + 1)) {
} else if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * (status->thousands + status->hundreds)) {
if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * (status->thousands + 1)) {
} else {
} else if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * (thousands + hundreds + tens)) {
if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * (thousands + hundreds + 1)) {
} else if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * (status->thousands + status->hundreds + status->tens)) {
if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * (status->thousands + status->hundreds + 1)) {
} else {
} else {
if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * (thousands + hundreds + tens + 1)) {
if (digit_diff < LINE_NUMBER_TOGGLE_LENGTH * (status->thousands + status->hundreds + status->tens + 1)) {
} else {

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "lib/utils/pyexec.h"
#include "supervisor/port.h"
#include "mpconfigport.h"
#include "rgb_led_colors.h"
@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ typedef struct {
bool ok;
uint32_t pattern_start;
uint32_t total_exception_cycle;
safe_mode_t safe_mode;
uint8_t digit_sum;
uint8_t ones;
uint8_t tens;
uint8_t hundreds;
@ -67,7 +70,10 @@ typedef struct {
bool found_main;
} rgb_status_animation_t;
void prep_rgb_status_animation(const pyexec_result_t* result, bool found_main, rgb_status_animation_t* status);
void prep_rgb_status_animation(const pyexec_result_t* result,
bool found_main,
safe_mode_t safe_mode,
rgb_status_animation_t* status);
void tick_rgb_status_animation(rgb_status_animation_t* status);