Featuring the nRF52840 SoC from Nordic Semiconductor, the [SparkFun MicroMod nRF52840 Processor](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/16984) offers a powerful combination of ARM Cortex-M4 CPU and 2.4 GHz Bluetooth transceiver in the MicroMod form-factor with the M.2 MicroMod connector to allow you to plug in a compatible MicroMod Carrier Board with any number of peripherals.
The MicroMod nRF52840 Processor features the same Raytac MDBT50Q-P1M found on our [Pro nRF52840 Mini](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15025). This module includes an integrated trace antenna, fits the IC to an FCC-approved footprint along with including decoupling and timing mechanisms that would need to be designed into a circuit using the bare nRF52840 IC. The Bluetooth transceiver included on the nRF52840 boasts a BT 5.1 stack and supports Bluetooth 5, Bluetooth mesh, IEEE 802.15.4 (Zigbee & Thread) and 2.4Ghz RF wireless protocols (including Nordic's proprietary RF protocol) allowing you to pick which option works best for your application.
We've also routed two I<sup>2</sup>C buses, 2 SPI buses, eleven GPIO, dedicated digital, analog, PWM & PDM pins along with multiple serial UARTS to cover nearly all of your peripheral needs.
CircuitPython pin definitions, while similar to other boards represent a slight departure from just the typical `A` and `D` pin definitions. The majority of general pins are labeled as `G` (or alternatively, `BUS`,) as the MicroMod system they build on uses those names to specify pins that may not be specficially analog or digital.
The SparkFun MicroMod spec uses a zero-based peripheral numbering scheme. The 0th peripheral is the default and the "0" is omitted from the peripheral name. For example, the first I2C peripheral is named `I2C` (instead of `I2C0`) and the second I2C peripheral is named `I2C1`. Note: MicroMod `UART` is not present in the edge connector pinout because the primary debug serial port (i.e.`UART0`) is exposed as a virtual serial port over USB. As a result, the first UART peripheral in the edge connector pinout is `UART1` and the second UART peripheral is `UART2`.
For more details, see https://www.sparkfun.com/micromod#tech-specs.
The MicroMod nRF52840 Processor needs to have the [Adafruit nRF52 UF2 bootloader](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_nRF52_Bootloader/releases/latest) flashed on it.