2016-01-17 14:12:53 +02:00
sudo: required
2018-11-26 10:16:55 -08:00
dist: xenial
2014-04-15 02:05:47 +08:00
language: c
- gcc
2018-06-27 22:41:41 +02:00
2019-02-16 17:10:53 -05:00
depth: 6
2018-09-18 15:38:12 -04:00
2018-10-10 19:24:45 -05:00
# Each item under 'env' is a separate Travis job to execute.
# They run in separate environments, so each one must take the time
# to clone the repository and submodules; to download and install SDKs,
# pip packages, and so forth. By gathering activities together in optimal
# ways, the "run time" and "total time" of the travis jobs can be minimized.
# Since at the time of writing Travis generally starts 5 or 6 jobs, the
# builds have been organized into 5 groups of *approximately* equal durations.
# Additionally, the jobs that need extra SDKs are also organized together.
# When adding new boards, take a look on the travis CI page
# https://travis-ci.org/adafruit/circuitpython to which build that installs
# that SDK is shortest and add it there. In the case of major re-organizations,
# just try to make the builds "about equal in run time"
2017-11-15 15:05:34 -08:00
2019-07-25 22:54:14 -07:00
- TRAVIS_TESTS="unix docs translations website" TRAVIS_BOARDS="trinket_m0_haxpress circuitplayground_express mini_sam_m4 grandcentral_m4_express capablerobot_usbhub pygamer pca10056 pca10059 feather_nrf52840_express makerdiary_nrf52840_mdk makerdiary_nrf52840_mdk_usb_dongle particle_boron particle_argon particle_xenon sparkfun_nrf52840_mini electronut_labs_papyr electronut_labs_blip" TRAVIS_SDK=arm:nrf
2019-07-09 16:02:39 -04:00
- TRAVIS_BOARDS="metro_m0_express metro_m4_express metro_m4_airlift_lite pirkey_m0 trellis_m4_express trinket_m0 sparkfun_lumidrive sparkfun_redboard_turbo bast_pro_mini_m0 datum_distance pyruler" TRAVIS_SDK=arm
2019-07-25 22:54:14 -07:00
- TRAVIS_BOARDS="cp32-m4 feather_radiofruit_zigbee gemma_m0 hallowing_m0_express itsybitsy_m0_express itsybitsy_m4_express meowmeow sam32 uchip escornabot_makech pygamer_advance datum_imu" TRAVIS_SDK=arm
2019-07-29 21:53:49 +10:00
- TRAVIS_BOARDS="feather_m0_supersized feather_m0_express_crickit feather_m0_rfm69 feather_m0_rfm9x feather_m4_express arduino_zero arduino_mkr1300 arduino_mkrzero pewpew10 kicksat-sprite ugame10 robohatmm1_m0 robohatmm1_m4 datum_light" TRAVIS_SDK=arm
2019-07-25 22:54:14 -07:00
- TRAVIS_BOARDS="datalore_ip_m4 circuitplayground_express_crickit feather_m0_adalogger feather_m0_basic feather_m0_express catwan_usbstick pyportal sparkfun_samd21_mini sparkfun_samd21_dev pybadge pybadge_airlift datum_weather" TRAVIS_SDK=arm
2014-04-15 02:05:47 +08:00
2017-04-20 14:04:06 -07:00
2019-01-15 09:44:28 -08:00
- $(ls -d1 bin/*/*/* | tr "\n" ":")
2017-04-20 16:18:30 -07:00
target_paths: /
2017-04-20 14:04:06 -07:00
2019-06-26 11:14:45 -07:00
# Some deploy jobs take over 10 minutes so use this keep alive hack to make sure Travis doesn't kill us.
before_deploy: |
function keep_alive() {
while true; do
echo -en "\a"
sleep 5
keep_alive &
2018-11-28 16:58:44 -08:00
provider: releases
secure: "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"
2018-12-10 12:55:35 -08:00
file_glob: true
2019-01-15 09:44:28 -08:00
file: "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/bin/*/*/*"
2018-11-28 16:58:44 -08:00
skip_cleanup: true
tags: true
2017-01-06 10:59:20 -08:00
2017-07-03 15:05:08 -07:00
- https://rosie-ci.ngrok.io/travis
on_success: always
on_failure: always
on_start: always
on_cancel: always
on_error: always
2017-01-06 10:59:20 -08:00
2014-04-15 02:05:47 +08:00
2018-11-28 00:19:17 -08:00
# Expand the git tree back to 4.0.0-alpha.1 and then fetch the latest tag.
2018-11-27 23:59:02 -08:00
- LAST_TAG=`git ls-remote --quiet --tags --sort=version:refname | egrep -o "refs/tags/[0-9]+.*\$" | tail -n 1`
2018-11-28 00:19:17 -08:00
- git fetch --depth 1 origin $LAST_TAG:$LAST_TAG
2018-11-27 23:29:30 -08:00
- git describe --dirty --always --tags
2018-10-09 20:39:40 -05:00
- function var_search () { case "$1" in *$2*) true;; *) false;; esac; }
2016-01-17 14:12:53 +02:00
- sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
2018-05-15 14:54:12 -04:00
2018-11-26 10:16:55 -08:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_SDK-}" arm || (wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/adafruit-circuit-python/gcc-arm-embedded_7-2018q2-1~xenial1_amd64.deb && sudo dpkg -i gcc-arm-embedded*_amd64.deb))
2017-11-15 15:05:34 -08:00
2018-06-10 14:20:32 -05:00
# For huzzah builds
2018-11-30 12:59:05 -08:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_SDK-}" esp8266 || (wget https://github.com/jepler/esp-open-sdk/releases/download/2018-06-10/xtensa-lx106-elf-standalone.tar.gz && tar -C .. -xaf xtensa-lx106-elf-standalone.tar.gz))
2018-10-10 18:47:56 -05:00
- if var_search "${TRAVIS_SDK-}" esp8266 ; then PATH=$(readlink -f ../xtensa-lx106-elf/bin):$PATH; fi
2018-10-09 20:39:40 -05:00
2017-09-08 12:35:25 +10:00
# For coverage testing (upgrade is used to get latest urllib3 version)
2018-11-28 16:58:44 -08:00
- sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
2019-07-28 18:19:56 -05:00
- pip3 install --user sh click setuptools
2018-10-09 20:39:40 -05:00
- ([[ -z "$TRAVIS_TESTS" ]] || sudo pip install --upgrade cpp-coveralls)
2019-04-17 11:35:30 -07:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_TESTS-}" docs || sudo apt-get install -y librsvg2-bin)
2019-07-28 18:19:56 -05:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_TESTS-}" docs || pip3 install --user Sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme recommonmark sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter)
2018-11-28 16:58:44 -08:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_TESTS-}" translations || pip3 install --user polib)
2018-10-09 20:39:40 -05:00
2019-07-20 01:08:22 -05:00
# Check if there's any board missing in TRAVIS_BOARDS
- cd tools && python3 -u travis_new_boards_check.py
- cd ..
2018-10-10 19:24:45 -05:00
# report some good version numbers to the build
2016-01-17 14:12:53 +02:00
- gcc --version
2018-11-26 10:16:55 -08:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_SDK-}" arm || arm-none-eabi-gcc --version)
2018-10-09 20:39:40 -05:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_SDK-}" esp8266 || xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc --version)
2016-01-17 14:12:53 +02:00
- python3 --version
2014-04-15 02:05:47 +08:00
2016-10-24 12:12:22 -07:00
# Build mpy-cross first because other builds depend on it.
2019-01-09 12:07:50 -05:00
- echo 'Building mpy-cross' && echo 'travis_fold:start:mpy-cross'
2019-01-18 14:52:12 -05:00
- make -C mpy-cross -j2 ; S=$? ; echo $S > status ; (exit $S)
2019-01-09 13:31:32 -05:00
- echo 'travis_fold:end:mpy-cross' && tools/print_status.py status
2017-11-15 15:05:34 -08:00
2018-12-05 15:01:58 -05:00
# Use unbuffered output because building all the releases can take a long time.
# Travis will cancel the job if it sees no output for >10 minutes.
- cd tools && python3 -u build_release_files.py
2018-11-28 16:58:44 -08:00
- cd ..
2017-11-15 15:05:34 -08:00
2019-01-09 12:07:50 -05:00
- echo 'Building unix' && echo 'travis_fold:start:unix'
2019-01-18 14:52:12 -05:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_TESTS-}" unix || (make -C ports/unix deplibs -j2 && make -C ports/unix -j2 && make -C ports/unix coverage -j2)) ; S=$? ; echo $S > status ; (exit $S)
2019-01-09 13:31:32 -05:00
- echo 'travis_fold:end:unix' && tools/print_status.py status
2017-11-15 15:05:34 -08:00
2015-03-01 13:37:27 +00:00
# run tests without coverage info
2018-04-02 08:04:22 -05:00
#- (cd tests && MICROPY_CPYTHON3=python3.4 ./run-tests -j1)
#- (cd tests && MICROPY_CPYTHON3=python3.4 ./run-tests -j1 --emit native)
2015-03-01 13:37:27 +00:00
# run tests with coverage info
2019-01-09 12:07:50 -05:00
- echo 'Test all' && echo 'travis_fold:start:test_all'
2019-01-18 14:52:12 -05:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_TESTS-}" unix || (cd tests && MICROPY_CPYTHON3=python3.5 MICROPY_MICROPYTHON=../ports/unix/micropython_coverage ./run-tests -j1)) ; S=$? ; echo $S > status ; (exit $S)
2019-01-09 13:31:32 -05:00
- echo 'travis_fold:end:test_all' && tools/print_status.py status
2019-01-09 12:07:50 -05:00
- echo 'Test threads' && echo 'travis_fold:start:test_threads'
2019-01-18 14:52:12 -05:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_TESTS-}" unix || (cd tests && MICROPY_CPYTHON3=python3.5 MICROPY_MICROPYTHON=../ports/unix/micropython_coverage ./run-tests -j1 -d thread)) ; S=$? ; echo $S > status ; (exit $S)
2019-01-09 13:31:32 -05:00
- echo 'travis_fold:end:test_threads' && tools/print_status.py status
2019-01-09 12:07:50 -05:00
- echo 'Testing with native' && echo 'travis_fold:start:test_native'
2019-01-18 14:52:12 -05:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_TESTS-}" unix || (cd tests && MICROPY_CPYTHON3=python3.5 MICROPY_MICROPYTHON=../ports/unix/micropython_coverage ./run-tests -j1 --emit native)) ; S=$? ; echo $S > status ; (exit $S)
2019-01-09 13:31:32 -05:00
- echo 'travis_fold:end:test_native' && tools/print_status.py status
2019-01-09 12:07:50 -05:00
- (echo 'Testing with mpy' && echo 'travis_fold:start:test_mpy')
2019-01-18 14:52:12 -05:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_TESTS-}" unix || (cd tests && MICROPY_CPYTHON3=python3.5 MICROPY_MICROPYTHON=../ports/unix/micropython_coverage ./run-tests -j1 --via-mpy -d basics float)) ; S=$? ; echo $S > status ; (exit $S)
2019-01-09 13:31:32 -05:00
- echo 'travis_fold:end:test_mpy' && tools/print_status.py status
2019-01-09 12:07:50 -05:00
- (echo 'Building docs' && echo 'travis_fold:start:build_docs')
2019-01-18 14:52:12 -05:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_TESTS-}" docs || sphinx-build -E -W -b html . _build/html) ; S=$? ; echo $S > status ; (exit $S)
2019-01-09 13:31:32 -05:00
- echo 'travis_fold:end:build_docs' && tools/print_status.py status
2019-01-09 12:07:50 -05:00
- (echo 'Building translations' && echo 'travis_fold:start:build_translations')
2019-01-18 14:52:12 -05:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_TESTS-}" translations || make check-translate) ; S=$? ; echo $S > status ; (exit $S)
2019-01-09 13:31:32 -05:00
- echo 'travis_fold:end:build_translations' && tools/print_status.py status
2018-02-27 15:38:28 -08:00
2017-01-20 13:12:23 +11:00
# run coveralls coverage analysis (try to, even if some builds/tests failed)
2017-10-24 22:31:16 -07:00
#- (cd ports/unix && coveralls --root ../.. --build-root . --gcov $(which gcov) --gcov-options '\-o build-coverage/' --include py --include extmod)
2014-04-15 12:52:59 +01:00
2018-11-28 16:58:44 -08:00
- (! var_search "${TRAVIS_TESTS-}" website || (cd tools && python3 build_board_info.py && cd ..))
2014-04-15 12:52:59 +01:00
2014-06-26 00:05:53 +03:00
- (cd tests && for exp in *.exp; do testbase=$(basename $exp .exp); echo -e "\nFAILURE $testbase"; diff -u $testbase.exp $testbase.out; done)