2014-04-01 08:10:02 -07:00
# Change the following to True to get a much more comprehensive set of tests
# to run, albeit, which take considerably longer.
full_tests = False
2014-03-30 21:06:50 -07:00
def test(fmt, *args):
print('{:8s}'.format(fmt) + '>' + fmt.format(*args) + '<')
2015-03-14 21:20:58 +00:00
2014-03-30 21:06:50 -07:00
test("{}-{}", 1, [4, 5])
test("{0}-{1}", 1, [4, 5])
test("{1}-{0}", 1, [4, 5])
test("{:x}", 1)
test("{!r}", 2)
test("{:x}", 0x10)
test("{!r}", "foo")
test("{!s}", "foo")
2014-04-01 08:10:02 -07:00
test("{0!r:>10s} {0!s:>10s}", "foo")
test("{:4b}", 10)
test("{:4c}", 48)
test("{:4d}", 123)
test("{:4n}", 123)
test("{:4o}", 123)
test("{:4x}", 123)
test("{:4X}", 123)
2014-04-07 11:19:51 -07:00
test("{:4,d}", 12345678)
2014-04-01 08:10:02 -07:00
test("{:#4b}", 10)
test("{:#4o}", 123)
test("{:#4x}", 123)
test("{:#4X}", 123)
2014-04-07 11:19:51 -07:00
test("{:#4d}", 0)
test("{:#4b}", 0)
test("{:#4o}", 0)
test("{:#4x}", 0)
test("{:#4X}", 0)
2014-04-01 08:10:02 -07:00
test("{:<6s}", "ab")
test("{:>6s}", "ab")
test("{:^6s}", "ab")
2015-03-14 21:20:58 +00:00
test("{:.1s}", "ab")
2014-04-01 08:10:02 -07:00
test("{: <6d}", 123)
test("{: <6d}", -123)
test("{:0<6d}", 123)
test("{:0<6d}", -123)
test("{:@<6d}", 123)
test("{:@<6d}", -123)
test("{:@< 6d}", 123)
test("{:@< 6d}", -123)
test("{:@<+6d}", 123)
test("{:@<+6d}", -123)
test("{:@<-6d}", 123)
test("{:@<-6d}", -123)
test("{:@>6d}", -123)
test("{:@<6d}", -123)
test("{:@=6d}", -123)
test("{:06d}", -123)
2015-01-04 00:14:13 +02:00
print("{}".format(123, foo="bar"))
print("{}-{foo}".format(123, foo="bar"))
2014-03-30 21:06:50 -07:00
def test_fmt(conv, fill, alignment, sign, prefix, width, precision, type, arg):
fmt = '{'
if conv:
fmt += '!'
fmt += conv
fmt += ':'
if alignment:
fmt += fill
fmt += alignment
fmt += sign
fmt += prefix
fmt += width
if precision:
fmt += '.'
fmt += precision
fmt += type
fmt += '}'
test(fmt, arg)
if fill == '0' and alignment == '=':
fmt = '{:'
fmt += sign
fmt += prefix
fmt += width
if precision:
fmt += '.'
fmt += precision
fmt += type
fmt += '}'
test(fmt, arg)
int_nums = (-1234, -123, -12, -1, 0, 1, 12, 123, 1234, True, False)
int_nums2 = (-12, -1, 0, 1, 12, True, False)
2014-04-01 08:10:02 -07:00
if full_tests:
2014-03-30 21:06:50 -07:00
for type in ('', 'b', 'd', 'o', 'x', 'X'):
for width in ('', '1', '3', '5', '7'):
for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '=', '^'):
for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'):
for sign in ('', '+', '-', ' '):
for prefix in ('', '#'):
for num in int_nums:
test_fmt('', fill, alignment, sign, prefix, width, '', type, num)
2014-04-01 08:10:02 -07:00
if full_tests:
2014-03-30 21:06:50 -07:00
for width in ('', '1', '2'):
for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '^'):
for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'):
test_fmt('', fill, alignment, '', '', width, '', 'c', 48)
2014-04-01 08:10:02 -07:00
if full_tests:
2014-03-30 21:06:50 -07:00
for conv in ('', 'r', 's'):
for width in ('', '1', '4', '10'):
for alignment in ('', '<', '>', '^'):
for fill in ('', ' ', '0', '@'):
for str in ('', 'a', 'bcd', 'This is a test with a longer string'):
test_fmt(conv, fill, alignment, '', '', width, '', 's', str)
# TODO Add tests for erroneous format strings.