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From time to time, an error occurs when working with CircuitPython. Here are a
variety of errors that can happen, what they mean and how to fix them.
File system issues
If your host computer starts complaining that your ``CIRCUITPY`` drive is corrupted
or files cannot be overwritten or deleted, then you will have to erase it completely.
When CircuitPython restarts it will create a fresh empty ``CIRCUITPY`` filesystem.
This often happens on Windows when the ``CIRCUITPY`` disk is not safely ejected
before being reset by the button or being disconnected from USB. This can also
happen on Linux and Mac OSX but its less likely.
2018-01-02 21:25:41 -05:00
.. caution:: To erase and re-create ``CIRCUITPY`` (for example, to correct a corrupted filesystem),
follow one of the procedures below. It's important to note that **any files stored on the**
``CIRCUITPY`` **drive will be erased**.
2018-01-02 21:25:41 -05:00
**For boards with** ``CIRCUITPY`` **stored on a separate SPI flash chip,
such as Feather M0 Express, Metro M0 Express and Circuit Playground Express:**
2018-01-02 21:25:41 -05:00
#. Download the appropriate flash .erase uf2 from `here <>`_.
#. Double-click the reset button.
#. Copy the appropriate .uf2 to the xxxBOOT drive.
#. The on-board NeoPixel will turn blue, indicating the erase has started.
#. After about 15 seconds, the NexoPixel will start flashing green. If it flashes red, the erase failed.
#. Double-click again and load the appropriate `CircuitPython .uf2 <>`_.
2018-01-02 21:25:41 -05:00
**For boards without SPI flash, such as Feather M0 Proto, Gemma M0 and, Trinket M0:**
#. Download the appropriate erase .uf2 from `here <>`_.
#. Double-click the reset button.
#. Copy the appropriate .uf2 to the xxxBOOT drive.
#. The boot LED will start pulsing again, and the xxxBOOT drive will appear again.
#. Load the appropriate `CircuitPython .uf2 <>`_.
ValueError: Incompatible ``.mpy`` file.
This error occurs when importing a module that is stored as a ``mpy`` binary file
(rather than a ``py`` text file) that was generated by a different version of
CircuitPython than the one its being loaded into. Most versions are compatible
but, rarely they aren't. In particular, the ``mpy`` binary format changed between
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CircuitPython versions 1.x and 2.x, and will change again between 2.x and 3.x.
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So, for instance, if you just upgraded to CircuitPython 2.x from 1.x you'll need to download a
newer version of the library that triggered the error on ``import``. They are
all available in the
`Adafruit bundle <>`_
and the `Community bundle <>`_.
Make sure to download a version with 2.0.0 or higher in the filename.