tests/run-multitests.py: Add new test runner for multiple Py instances.
This commit adds a test runner and initial test scripts which run multiple
Python/MicroPython instances (eg executables, target boards) in parallel.
This is useful for testing, eg, network and Bluetooth functionality.
Each test file has a set of functions called instanceX(), where X ranges
from 0 up to the maximum number of instances that are needed, N-1. Then
run-multitests.py will execute this script on N separate instances (eg
micropython executables, or attached boards via pyboard.py) at the same
time, synchronising their start in the right order, possibly passing IP
address (or other address like bluetooth MAC) from the "server" instance to
the "client" instances so they can connect to each other. It then runs
them to completion, collects the output, and then tests against what
CPython gives (or what's in a provided .py.exp file).
The tests will be run using the standard unix executable for all instances
by default, eg:
$ ./run-multitests.py multi_net/*.py
Or they can be run with a board and unix executable via:
$ ./run-multitests.py --instance pyb:/dev/ttyACM0 --instance exec:micropython multi_net/*.py
2020-03-03 22:25:29 -05:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This file is part of the MicroPython project, http://micropython.org/
# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2020 Damien P. George
import sys, os, time, re, select
import argparse
import subprocess
import pyboard
if os.name == "nt":
CPYTHON3 = os.getenv("MICROPY_CPYTHON3", "python3.exe")
MICROPYTHON = os.getenv("MICROPY_MICROPYTHON", "../ports/windows/micropython.exe")
CPYTHON3 = os.getenv("MICROPY_CPYTHON3", "python3")
MICROPYTHON = os.getenv("MICROPY_MICROPYTHON", "../ports/unix/micropython")
import sys
class multitest:
def flush():
if hasattr(sys.stdout, "flush"):
def skip():
raise SystemExit
def next():
def globals(**gs):
for g in gs:
print("SET {{}} = {{!r}}".format(g, gs[g]))
def get_network_ip():
import network
ip = network.WLAN().ifconfig()[0]
ip = ""
return ip
2020-04-07 01:03:31 -04:00
# The btstack implementation on Unix generates some spurious output that we
# can't control.
"libusb: error ", # It tries to open devices that it doesn't have access to (libusb prints unconditionally).
"hci_transport_h2_libusb.c", # Same issue. We enable LOG_ERROR in btstack.
"USB Path: ", # Hardcoded in btstack's libusb transport.
"hci_number_completed_packet", # Warning from btstack.
tests/run-multitests.py: Add new test runner for multiple Py instances.
This commit adds a test runner and initial test scripts which run multiple
Python/MicroPython instances (eg executables, target boards) in parallel.
This is useful for testing, eg, network and Bluetooth functionality.
Each test file has a set of functions called instanceX(), where X ranges
from 0 up to the maximum number of instances that are needed, N-1. Then
run-multitests.py will execute this script on N separate instances (eg
micropython executables, or attached boards via pyboard.py) at the same
time, synchronising their start in the right order, possibly passing IP
address (or other address like bluetooth MAC) from the "server" instance to
the "client" instances so they can connect to each other. It then runs
them to completion, collects the output, and then tests against what
CPython gives (or what's in a provided .py.exp file).
The tests will be run using the standard unix executable for all instances
by default, eg:
$ ./run-multitests.py multi_net/*.py
Or they can be run with a board and unix executable via:
$ ./run-multitests.py --instance pyb:/dev/ttyACM0 --instance exec:micropython multi_net/*.py
2020-03-03 22:25:29 -05:00
class PyInstance:
def __init__(self):
def close(self):
def prepare_script_from_file(self, filename, prepend, append):
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
script = f.read()
if prepend:
script = bytes(prepend, "ascii") + b"\n" + script
if append:
script += b"\n" + bytes(append, "ascii")
return script
def run_file(self, filename, prepend="", append=""):
return self.run_script(self.prepare_script_from_file(filename, prepend, append))
def start_file(self, filename, prepend="", append=""):
return self.start_script(self.prepare_script_from_file(filename, prepend, append))
class PyInstanceSubProcess(PyInstance):
def __init__(self, cmd):
self.cmd = cmd
self.popen = None
self.finished = True
def __str__(self):
return self.cmd[0].rsplit("/")[-1]
def run_script(self, script):
output = b""
err = None
p = subprocess.run(
self.cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, input=script
output = p.stdout
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as er:
err = er
return str(output.strip(), "ascii"), err
def start_script(self, script):
self.popen = subprocess.Popen(
self.cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
self.finished = False
def stop(self):
if self.popen and self.popen.poll() is None:
def readline(self):
sel = select.select([self.popen.stdout.raw], [], [], 0.1)
if not sel[0]:
self.finished = self.popen.poll() is not None
return None, None
out = self.popen.stdout.raw.readline()
if out == b"":
self.finished = self.popen.poll() is not None
return None, None
return str(out.rstrip(), "ascii"), None
def is_finished(self):
return self.finished
def wait_finished(self):
out = self.popen.stdout.read()
return str(out, "ascii"), ""
class PyInstancePyboard(PyInstance):
def __init__(self, device):
self.device = device
self.pyb = pyboard.Pyboard(device)
self.finished = True
def __str__(self):
return self.device.rsplit("/")[-1]
def close(self):
def run_script(self, script):
output = b""
err = None
output = self.pyb.exec_(script)
except pyboard.PyboardError as er:
err = er
return str(output.strip(), "ascii"), err
def start_script(self, script):
self.finished = False
def stop(self):
def readline(self):
if self.finished:
return None, None
if self.pyb.serial.inWaiting() == 0:
return None, None
out = self.pyb.read_until(1, (b"\r\n", b"\x04"))
if out.endswith(b"\x04"):
self.finished = True
out = out[:-1]
err = str(self.pyb.read_until(1, b"\x04"), "ascii")
err = err[:-1]
if not out and not err:
return None, None
err = None
return str(out.rstrip(), "ascii"), err
def is_finished(self):
return self.finished
def wait_finished(self):
out, err = self.pyb.follow(10, None)
return str(out, "ascii"), str(err, "ascii")
def prepare_test_file_list(test_files):
test_files2 = []
for test_file in sorted(test_files):
num_instances = 0
with open(test_file) as f:
for line in f:
m = re.match(r"def instance([0-9]+)\(\):", line)
if m:
num_instances = max(num_instances, int(m.group(1)) + 1)
test_files2.append((test_file, num_instances))
return test_files2
def trace_instance_output(instance_idx, line):
if cmd_args.trace_output:
t_ms = round((time.time() - trace_t0) * 1000)
print("{:6} i{} :".format(t_ms, instance_idx), line)
def run_test_on_instances(test_file, num_instances, instances):
global trace_t0
trace_t0 = time.time()
error = False
skip = False
injected_globals = ""
output = [[] for _ in range(num_instances)]
# Start all instances running, in order, waiting until they signal they are ready
for idx in range(num_instances):
append_code = APPEND_CODE_TEMPLATE.format(injected_globals, idx)
instance = instances[idx]
instance.start_file(test_file, append=append_code)
last_read_time = time.time()
while True:
if instance.is_finished():
out, err = instance.readline()
if out is None and err is None:
if time.time() > last_read_time + INSTANCE_READ_TIMEOUT_S:
error = True
last_read_time = time.time()
2020-04-07 01:03:31 -04:00
if out is not None and not any(m in out for m in IGNORE_OUTPUT_MATCHES):
tests/run-multitests.py: Add new test runner for multiple Py instances.
This commit adds a test runner and initial test scripts which run multiple
Python/MicroPython instances (eg executables, target boards) in parallel.
This is useful for testing, eg, network and Bluetooth functionality.
Each test file has a set of functions called instanceX(), where X ranges
from 0 up to the maximum number of instances that are needed, N-1. Then
run-multitests.py will execute this script on N separate instances (eg
micropython executables, or attached boards via pyboard.py) at the same
time, synchronising their start in the right order, possibly passing IP
address (or other address like bluetooth MAC) from the "server" instance to
the "client" instances so they can connect to each other. It then runs
them to completion, collects the output, and then tests against what
CPython gives (or what's in a provided .py.exp file).
The tests will be run using the standard unix executable for all instances
by default, eg:
$ ./run-multitests.py multi_net/*.py
Or they can be run with a board and unix executable via:
$ ./run-multitests.py --instance pyb:/dev/ttyACM0 --instance exec:micropython multi_net/*.py
2020-03-03 22:25:29 -05:00
trace_instance_output(idx, out)
if out.startswith("SET "):
injected_globals += out[4:] + "\n"
elif out == "SKIP":
skip = True
elif out == "NEXT":
if err is not None:
trace_instance_output(idx, err)
error = True
if error or skip:
if not error and not skip:
# Capture output and wait for all instances to finish running
last_read_time = [time.time() for _ in range(num_instances)]
while True:
num_running = 0
num_output = 0
for idx in range(num_instances):
instance = instances[idx]
if instance.is_finished():
num_running += 1
out, err = instance.readline()
if out is None and err is None:
if time.time() > last_read_time[idx] + INSTANCE_READ_TIMEOUT_S:
error = True
num_output += 1
last_read_time[idx] = time.time()
if out is not None:
trace_instance_output(idx, out)
if err is not None:
trace_instance_output(idx, err)
error = True
if not num_output:
if not num_running or error:
# Stop all instances
for idx in range(num_instances):
output_str = ""
for idx, lines in enumerate(output):
output_str += "--- instance{} ---\n".format(idx)
output_str += "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
return error, skip, output_str
def run_tests(test_files, instances_truth, instances_test):
2020-03-18 06:33:17 -04:00
skipped_tests = []
passed_tests = []
failed_tests = []
tests/run-multitests.py: Add new test runner for multiple Py instances.
This commit adds a test runner and initial test scripts which run multiple
Python/MicroPython instances (eg executables, target boards) in parallel.
This is useful for testing, eg, network and Bluetooth functionality.
Each test file has a set of functions called instanceX(), where X ranges
from 0 up to the maximum number of instances that are needed, N-1. Then
run-multitests.py will execute this script on N separate instances (eg
micropython executables, or attached boards via pyboard.py) at the same
time, synchronising their start in the right order, possibly passing IP
address (or other address like bluetooth MAC) from the "server" instance to
the "client" instances so they can connect to each other. It then runs
them to completion, collects the output, and then tests against what
CPython gives (or what's in a provided .py.exp file).
The tests will be run using the standard unix executable for all instances
by default, eg:
$ ./run-multitests.py multi_net/*.py
Or they can be run with a board and unix executable via:
$ ./run-multitests.py --instance pyb:/dev/ttyACM0 --instance exec:micropython multi_net/*.py
2020-03-03 22:25:29 -05:00
for test_file, num_instances in test_files:
instances_str = "|".join(str(instances_test[i]) for i in range(num_instances))
print("{} on {}: ".format(test_file, instances_str), end="")
if cmd_args.show_output or cmd_args.trace_output:
# Run test on test instances
error, skip, output_test = run_test_on_instances(test_file, num_instances, instances_test)
if cmd_args.show_output:
print("### TEST ###")
print(output_test, end="")
if not skip:
# Check if truth exists in a file, and read it in
test_file_expected = test_file + ".exp"
if os.path.isfile(test_file_expected):
with open(test_file_expected) as f:
output_truth = f.read()
# Run test on truth instances to get expected output
_, _, output_truth = run_test_on_instances(
test_file, num_instances, instances_truth
if cmd_args.show_output:
print("### TRUTH ###")
print(output_truth, end="")
# Print result of test
if skip:
2020-03-18 06:33:17 -04:00
tests/run-multitests.py: Add new test runner for multiple Py instances.
This commit adds a test runner and initial test scripts which run multiple
Python/MicroPython instances (eg executables, target boards) in parallel.
This is useful for testing, eg, network and Bluetooth functionality.
Each test file has a set of functions called instanceX(), where X ranges
from 0 up to the maximum number of instances that are needed, N-1. Then
run-multitests.py will execute this script on N separate instances (eg
micropython executables, or attached boards via pyboard.py) at the same
time, synchronising their start in the right order, possibly passing IP
address (or other address like bluetooth MAC) from the "server" instance to
the "client" instances so they can connect to each other. It then runs
them to completion, collects the output, and then tests against what
CPython gives (or what's in a provided .py.exp file).
The tests will be run using the standard unix executable for all instances
by default, eg:
$ ./run-multitests.py multi_net/*.py
Or they can be run with a board and unix executable via:
$ ./run-multitests.py --instance pyb:/dev/ttyACM0 --instance exec:micropython multi_net/*.py
2020-03-03 22:25:29 -05:00
elif output_test == output_truth:
2020-03-18 06:33:17 -04:00
tests/run-multitests.py: Add new test runner for multiple Py instances.
This commit adds a test runner and initial test scripts which run multiple
Python/MicroPython instances (eg executables, target boards) in parallel.
This is useful for testing, eg, network and Bluetooth functionality.
Each test file has a set of functions called instanceX(), where X ranges
from 0 up to the maximum number of instances that are needed, N-1. Then
run-multitests.py will execute this script on N separate instances (eg
micropython executables, or attached boards via pyboard.py) at the same
time, synchronising their start in the right order, possibly passing IP
address (or other address like bluetooth MAC) from the "server" instance to
the "client" instances so they can connect to each other. It then runs
them to completion, collects the output, and then tests against what
CPython gives (or what's in a provided .py.exp file).
The tests will be run using the standard unix executable for all instances
by default, eg:
$ ./run-multitests.py multi_net/*.py
Or they can be run with a board and unix executable via:
$ ./run-multitests.py --instance pyb:/dev/ttyACM0 --instance exec:micropython multi_net/*.py
2020-03-03 22:25:29 -05:00
2020-03-18 06:33:17 -04:00
tests/run-multitests.py: Add new test runner for multiple Py instances.
This commit adds a test runner and initial test scripts which run multiple
Python/MicroPython instances (eg executables, target boards) in parallel.
This is useful for testing, eg, network and Bluetooth functionality.
Each test file has a set of functions called instanceX(), where X ranges
from 0 up to the maximum number of instances that are needed, N-1. Then
run-multitests.py will execute this script on N separate instances (eg
micropython executables, or attached boards via pyboard.py) at the same
time, synchronising their start in the right order, possibly passing IP
address (or other address like bluetooth MAC) from the "server" instance to
the "client" instances so they can connect to each other. It then runs
them to completion, collects the output, and then tests against what
CPython gives (or what's in a provided .py.exp file).
The tests will be run using the standard unix executable for all instances
by default, eg:
$ ./run-multitests.py multi_net/*.py
Or they can be run with a board and unix executable via:
$ ./run-multitests.py --instance pyb:/dev/ttyACM0 --instance exec:micropython multi_net/*.py
2020-03-03 22:25:29 -05:00
if not cmd_args.show_output:
print("### TEST ###")
print(output_test, end="")
print("### TRUTH ###")
print(output_truth, end="")
if cmd_args.show_output:
2020-03-18 06:33:17 -04:00
print("{} tests performed".format(len(skipped_tests) + len(passed_tests) + len(failed_tests)))
print("{} tests passed".format(len(passed_tests)))
if skipped_tests:
print("{} tests skipped: {}".format(len(skipped_tests), " ".join(skipped_tests)))
if failed_tests:
print("{} tests failed: {}".format(len(failed_tests), " ".join(failed_tests)))
return not failed_tests
tests/run-multitests.py: Add new test runner for multiple Py instances.
This commit adds a test runner and initial test scripts which run multiple
Python/MicroPython instances (eg executables, target boards) in parallel.
This is useful for testing, eg, network and Bluetooth functionality.
Each test file has a set of functions called instanceX(), where X ranges
from 0 up to the maximum number of instances that are needed, N-1. Then
run-multitests.py will execute this script on N separate instances (eg
micropython executables, or attached boards via pyboard.py) at the same
time, synchronising their start in the right order, possibly passing IP
address (or other address like bluetooth MAC) from the "server" instance to
the "client" instances so they can connect to each other. It then runs
them to completion, collects the output, and then tests against what
CPython gives (or what's in a provided .py.exp file).
The tests will be run using the standard unix executable for all instances
by default, eg:
$ ./run-multitests.py multi_net/*.py
Or they can be run with a board and unix executable via:
$ ./run-multitests.py --instance pyb:/dev/ttyACM0 --instance exec:micropython multi_net/*.py
2020-03-03 22:25:29 -05:00
def main():
global cmd_args
cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run network tests for MicroPython")
"-s", "--show-output", action="store_true", help="show test output after running"
"-t", "--trace-output", action="store_true", help="trace test output while running"
"-i", "--instance", action="append", default=[], help="instance(s) to run the tests on"
cmd_parser.add_argument("files", nargs="+", help="input test files")
cmd_args = cmd_parser.parse_args()
2020-03-09 11:58:47 -04:00
# clear search path to make sure tests use only builtin modules and those in extmod
2020-03-22 22:26:08 -04:00
os.environ["MICROPYPATH"] = os.pathsep + "../extmod"
2020-03-09 11:58:47 -04:00
tests/run-multitests.py: Add new test runner for multiple Py instances.
This commit adds a test runner and initial test scripts which run multiple
Python/MicroPython instances (eg executables, target boards) in parallel.
This is useful for testing, eg, network and Bluetooth functionality.
Each test file has a set of functions called instanceX(), where X ranges
from 0 up to the maximum number of instances that are needed, N-1. Then
run-multitests.py will execute this script on N separate instances (eg
micropython executables, or attached boards via pyboard.py) at the same
time, synchronising their start in the right order, possibly passing IP
address (or other address like bluetooth MAC) from the "server" instance to
the "client" instances so they can connect to each other. It then runs
them to completion, collects the output, and then tests against what
CPython gives (or what's in a provided .py.exp file).
The tests will be run using the standard unix executable for all instances
by default, eg:
$ ./run-multitests.py multi_net/*.py
Or they can be run with a board and unix executable via:
$ ./run-multitests.py --instance pyb:/dev/ttyACM0 --instance exec:micropython multi_net/*.py
2020-03-03 22:25:29 -05:00
test_files = prepare_test_file_list(cmd_args.files)
max_instances = max(t[1] for t in test_files)
instances_truth = [PyInstanceSubProcess([PYTHON_TRUTH]) for _ in range(max_instances)]
instances_test = []
for i in cmd_args.instance:
if i.startswith("exec:"):
instances_test.append(PyInstanceSubProcess([i[len("exec:") :]]))
2020-04-07 01:59:41 -04:00
elif i == "micropython":
elif i == "cpython":
tests/run-multitests.py: Add new test runner for multiple Py instances.
This commit adds a test runner and initial test scripts which run multiple
Python/MicroPython instances (eg executables, target boards) in parallel.
This is useful for testing, eg, network and Bluetooth functionality.
Each test file has a set of functions called instanceX(), where X ranges
from 0 up to the maximum number of instances that are needed, N-1. Then
run-multitests.py will execute this script on N separate instances (eg
micropython executables, or attached boards via pyboard.py) at the same
time, synchronising their start in the right order, possibly passing IP
address (or other address like bluetooth MAC) from the "server" instance to
the "client" instances so they can connect to each other. It then runs
them to completion, collects the output, and then tests against what
CPython gives (or what's in a provided .py.exp file).
The tests will be run using the standard unix executable for all instances
by default, eg:
$ ./run-multitests.py multi_net/*.py
Or they can be run with a board and unix executable via:
$ ./run-multitests.py --instance pyb:/dev/ttyACM0 --instance exec:micropython multi_net/*.py
2020-03-03 22:25:29 -05:00
elif i.startswith("pyb:"):
instances_test.append(PyInstancePyboard(i[len("pyb:") :]))
print("unknown instance string: {}".format(i), file=sys.stderr)
for _ in range(max_instances - len(instances_test)):
2020-03-18 06:33:17 -04:00
all_pass = run_tests(test_files, instances_truth, instances_test)
tests/run-multitests.py: Add new test runner for multiple Py instances.
This commit adds a test runner and initial test scripts which run multiple
Python/MicroPython instances (eg executables, target boards) in parallel.
This is useful for testing, eg, network and Bluetooth functionality.
Each test file has a set of functions called instanceX(), where X ranges
from 0 up to the maximum number of instances that are needed, N-1. Then
run-multitests.py will execute this script on N separate instances (eg
micropython executables, or attached boards via pyboard.py) at the same
time, synchronising their start in the right order, possibly passing IP
address (or other address like bluetooth MAC) from the "server" instance to
the "client" instances so they can connect to each other. It then runs
them to completion, collects the output, and then tests against what
CPython gives (or what's in a provided .py.exp file).
The tests will be run using the standard unix executable for all instances
by default, eg:
$ ./run-multitests.py multi_net/*.py
Or they can be run with a board and unix executable via:
$ ./run-multitests.py --instance pyb:/dev/ttyACM0 --instance exec:micropython multi_net/*.py
2020-03-03 22:25:29 -05:00
for i in instances_truth:
for i in instances_test:
2020-03-18 06:33:17 -04:00
if not all_pass:
tests/run-multitests.py: Add new test runner for multiple Py instances.
This commit adds a test runner and initial test scripts which run multiple
Python/MicroPython instances (eg executables, target boards) in parallel.
This is useful for testing, eg, network and Bluetooth functionality.
Each test file has a set of functions called instanceX(), where X ranges
from 0 up to the maximum number of instances that are needed, N-1. Then
run-multitests.py will execute this script on N separate instances (eg
micropython executables, or attached boards via pyboard.py) at the same
time, synchronising their start in the right order, possibly passing IP
address (or other address like bluetooth MAC) from the "server" instance to
the "client" instances so they can connect to each other. It then runs
them to completion, collects the output, and then tests against what
CPython gives (or what's in a provided .py.exp file).
The tests will be run using the standard unix executable for all instances
by default, eg:
$ ./run-multitests.py multi_net/*.py
Or they can be run with a board and unix executable via:
$ ./run-multitests.py --instance pyb:/dev/ttyACM0 --instance exec:micropython multi_net/*.py
2020-03-03 22:25:29 -05:00
if __name__ == "__main__":