162 lines
4.0 KiB
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include ../py/mkenv.mk
# qstr definitions (must come before including py.mk)
QSTR_DEFS = qstrdefsport.h
# include py core make definitions
include ../py/py.mk
CROSS_COMPILE = arm-none-eabi-
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
CFLAGS_CORTEX_M4 = -mthumb -mtune=cortex-m4 -mcpu=cortex-m4 -fsingle-precision-constant -Wdouble-promotion $(CFLAGS_TEENSY)
INC = -I.
INC += -I$(PY_SRC)
INC += -I../stmhal
INC += -Icore
CFLAGS = $(INC) -Wall -ansi -std=gnu99 -nostdlib $(CFLAGS_CORTEX_M4)
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -T mk20dx256.ld
LIBGCC_FILE_NAME = $(shell $(CC) -print-libgcc-file-name)
LIBM_FILE_NAME = $(shell $(CC) -print-file-name=libm.a)
LIBC_FILE_NAME = $(shell $(CC) -print-file-name=libc.a)
#$(info %%%%% LIBM_FILE_NAME = $(LIBM_FILE_NAME))
#$(info %%%%% LIBC_FILE_NAME = $(LIBC_FILE_NAME))
#$(info %%%%% dirname LIBGCC_FILE_NAME = $(dir $(LIBGCC_FILE_NAME)))
#$(info %%%%% dirname LIBM_FILE_NAME = $(dir $(LIBM_FILE_NAME)))
#$(info %%%%% dirname LIBC_FILE_NAME = $(dir $(LIBC_FILE_NAME)))
LIBS = -L $(dir $(LIBM_FILE_NAME)) -lm
LIBS += -L $(dir $(LIBC_FILE_NAME)) -lc
LIBS += -L $(dir $(LIBGCC_FILE_NAME)) -lgcc
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
ifdef DEBUG
CFLAGS += -Og -ggdb
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
SRC_C = \
hal_gpio.c \
help.c \
import.c \
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
main.c \
lcd.c \
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
led.c \
lexermemzip.c \
memzip.c \
modpyb.c \
teensy_hal.c \
uart.c \
usb.c \
STM_SRC_C = $(addprefix stmhal/,\
gccollect.c \
input.c \
pin.c \
pin_named_pins.c \
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
printf.c \
pyexec.c \
pybstdio.c \
readline.c \
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
string0.c \
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
STM_SRC_S = $(addprefix stmhal/,\
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
gchelper.s \
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
SRC_TEENSY = $(addprefix core/,\
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
mk20dx128.c \
pins_teensy.c \
analog.c \
usb_desc.c \
usb_dev.c \
usb_mem.c \
usb_serial.c \
yield.c \
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
OBJ = $(PY_O) $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(SRC_C:.c=.o) $(STM_SRC_C:.c=.o) $(STM_SRC_S:.s=.o) $(SRC_TEENSY:.c=.o))
OBJ += $(BUILD)/pins_gen.o
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
all: hex
hex: $(BUILD)/micropython-mz.hex
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
ifeq ($(ARDUINO),)
post_compile: $(BUILD)/micropython-mz.hex
$(ECHO) "Please define ARDUINO (where TeensyDuino is installed)"
exit 1
$(ECHO) "Please define ARDUINO (where TeensyDuino is installed)"
exit 1
TOOLS_PATH = $(ARDUINO)/hardware/tools
post_compile: $(BUILD)/micropython-mz.hex
$(ECHO) "Preparing $@ for upload"
$(Q)$(TOOLS_PATH)/teensy_post_compile -file="$(basename $(<F))" -path="$(abspath $(<D))" -tools="$(TOOLS_PATH)"
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
.PHONY: deploy
deploy: post_compile reboot
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
$(BUILD)/micropython.elf: $(OBJ)
$(ECHO) "LINK $@"
$(Q)$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o "$@" -Wl,-Map,$(@:.elf=.map) $(OBJ) $(LIBS)
$(Q)$(SIZE) $@
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
ifeq ($(MEMZIP_DIR),)
MEMZIP_DIR = memzip_files
$(BUILD)/micropython-mz.hex: $(BUILD)/micropython.hex $(shell find ${MEMZIP_DIR} -type f)
@$(ECHO) "Creating $@"
$(Q)./add-memzip.sh $< $@ ${MEMZIP_DIR}
$(BUILD)/%.hex: $(BUILD)/%.elf
$(ECHO) "HEX $<"
$(Q)$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -R .eeprom "$<" "$@"
2014-01-06 00:20:11 -08:00
MAKE_PINS = make-pins.py
BOARD_PINS = teensy-pins.csv
AF_FILE = mk20dx256-af.csv
PREFIX_FILE = mk20dx256-prefix.c
GEN_PINS_SRC = $(BUILD)/pins_gen.c
# Making OBJ use an order-only depenedency on the generated pins.h file
# has the side effect of making the pins.h file before we actually compile
# any of the objects. The normal dependency generation will deal with the
# case when pins.h is modified. But when it doesn't exist, we don't know
# which source files might need it.
$(OBJ): | $(HEADER_BUILD)/pins.h
# Use a pattern rule here so that make will only call make-pins.py once to make
# both pins_$(BOARD).c and pins.h
$(BUILD)/%_gen.c $(HEADER_BUILD)/%.h: teensy-%.csv $(MAKE_PINS) $(AF_FILE) $(PREFIX_FILE)
$(ECHO) "Create $@"
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(MAKE_PINS) --board $(BOARD_PINS) --af $(AF_FILE) --prefix $(PREFIX_FILE) --hdr $(GEN_PINS_HDR) > $(GEN_PINS_SRC)
$(BUILD)/pins_gen.o: $(BUILD)/pins_gen.c
$(call compile_c)
$(BUILD)/%.pp: $(BUILD)/%.c
$(ECHO) "PreProcess $<"
$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -E -Wp,-C,-dD,-dI -o $@ $<
include ../py/mkrules.mk