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// Copyright (C) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
// are met:
// Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
// documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of
// its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
// from this software without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef __HW_GPIO_H__
#define __HW_GPIO_H__
// The following are defines for the GPIO register offsets.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_DATA 0x00000000 // 0x4000 5000 0x4000 6000 0x4000
// 7000 0x4002 4000 GPIO Data
// (GPIODATA)@@ offset 0x000 The
// GPIODATA register is the data
// register. In software control
// mode@@ values written in the
// GPIODATA register are transferred
// onto the GPIO port pins if the
// respective pins have been
// configured as outputs through the
// GPIO Direction (GPIODIR) register
// (see page 653). In order to write
// to GPIODATA@@ the corresponding
// bits in the mask@@ resulting from
// the address bus bits [9:2]@@ must
// be set. Otherwise@@ the bit
// values remain unchanged by the
// write. Similarly@@ the values
// read from this register are
// determined for each bit by the
// mask bit derived from the address
// used to access the data
// register@@ bits [9:2]. Bits that
// are set in the address mask cause
// the corresponding bits in
// GPIODATA to be read@@ and bits
// that are clear in the address
// mask cause the corresponding bits
// in GPIODATA to be read as 0@@
// regardless of their value. A read
// from GPIODATA returns the last
// bit value written if the
// respective pins are configured as
// outputs@@ or it returns the value
// on the corresponding input pin
// when these are configured as
// inputs. All bits are cleared by a
// reset.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_DIR 0x00000400 // 0x4000 5400 0x4000 6400 0x4000
// 7400 0x4002 4400 GPIO Direction
// (GPIODIR)@@ offset 0x400 The
// GPIODIR register is the data
// direction register. Setting a bit
// in the GPIODIR register
// configures the corresponding pin
// to be an output@@ while clearing
// a bit configures the
// corresponding pin to be an input.
// All bits are cleared by a reset@@
// meaning all GPIO pins are inputs
// by default.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_IS 0x00000404 // 0x4000 5404 0x4000 6404 0x4000
// 7404 0x4002 4404 GPIO Interrupt
// Sense (GPIOIS)@@ offset 0x404 The
// GPIOIS register is the interrupt
// sense register. Setting a bit in
// the GPIOIS register configures
// the corresponding pin to detect
// levels@@ while clearing a bit
// configures the corresponding pin
// to detect edges. All bits are
// cleared by a reset.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_IBE 0x00000408 // 0x4000 5408 0x4000 6408 0x4000
// 7408 0x4002 4408 GPIO Interrupt
// Both Edges (GPIOIBE)@@ offset
// 0x408 The GPIOIBE register allows
// both edges to cause interrupts.
// When the corresponding bit in the
// GPIO Interrupt Sense (GPIOIS)
// register is set to detect edges@@
// setting a bit in the GPIOIBE
// register configures the
// corresponding pin to detect both
// rising and falling edges@@
// regardless of the corresponding
// bit in the GPIO Interrupt Event
// (GPIOIEV) register . Clearing a
// bit configures the pin to be
// controlled by the GPIOIEV
// register. All bits are cleared by
// a reset.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_IEV 0x0000040C // 0x4000 540C 0x4000 640C 0x4000
// 740C 0x4002 440C GPIO Interrupt
// Event (GPIOIEV)@@ offset 0x40C
// The GPIOIEV register is the
// interrupt event register. Setting
// a bit in the GPIOIEV register
// configures the corresponding pin
// to detect rising edges or high
// levels@@ depending on the
// corresponding bit value in the
// GPIO Interrupt Sense (GPIOIS)
// register . Clearing a bit
// configures the pin to detect
// falling edges or low levels@@
// depending on the corresponding
// bit value in the GPIOIS register.
// All bits are cleared by a reset.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_IM 0x00000410 // 0x4000 5410 0x4000 6410 0x4000
// 7410 0x4002 4410 GPIO Interrupt
// Mask (GPIOIM)@@ offset 0x410 The
// GPIOIM register is the interrupt
// mask register. Setting a bit in
// the GPIOIM register allows
// interrupts that are generated by
// the corresponding pin to be sent
// to the interrupt controller on
// the combined interrupt signal.
// Clearing a bit prevents an
// interrupt on the corresponding
// pin from being sent to the
// interrupt controller. All bits
// are cleared by a reset.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_RIS 0x00000414 // 0x4000 5414 0x4000 6414 0x4000
// 7414 0x4002 4414 GPIO Raw
// Interrupt Status (GPIORIS)@@
// offset 0x414 The GPIORIS register
// is the raw interrupt status
// register. A bit in this register
// is set when an interrupt
// condition occurs on the
// corresponding GPIO pin. If the
// corresponding bit in the GPIO
// Interrupt Mask (GPIOIM) register
// is set@@ the interrupt is sent to
// the interrupt controller. Bits
// read as zero indicate that
// corresponding input pins have not
// initiated an interrupt. A bit in
// this register can be cleared by
// writing a 1 to the corresponding
// bit in the GPIO Interrupt Clear
// (GPIOICR) register.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_MIS 0x00000418 // 0x4000 5418 0x4000 6418 0x4000
// 7418 0x4002 4418 GPIO Masked
// Interrupt Status (GPIOMIS)@@
// offset 0x418 The GPIOMIS register
// is the masked interrupt status
// register. If a bit is set in this
// register@@ the corresponding
// interrupt has triggered an
// interrupt to the interrupt
// controller. If a bit is clear@@
// either no interrupt has been
// generated@@ or the interrupt is
// masked. If no port pin@@ other
// than the one that is being used
// as an ADC trigger@@ is being used
// to generate interrupts@@ the
// appropriate Interrupt Set Enable
// (ENn) register can disable the
// interrupts for the port@@ and the
// ADC interrupt can be used to read
// back the converted data.
// Otherwise@@ the port interrupt
// handler must ignore and clear
// interrupts on the port pin and
// wait for the ADC interrupt@@ or
// the ADC interrupt must be
// disabled in the EN0 register and
// the port interrupt handler must
// poll the ADC registers until the
// conversion is completed. If no
// port pin@@ other than the one
// that is being used as an ADC
// trigger@@ is being used to
// generate interrupts@@ the
// appropriate Interrupt Set Enable
// (ENn) register can disable the
// interrupts for the port@@ and the
// ADC interrupt can be used to read
// back the converted data.
// Otherwise@@ the port interrupt
// handler must ignore and clear
// interrupts on the port pin and
// wait for the ADC interrupt@@ or
// the ADC interrupt must be
// disabled in the EN0 register and
// the port interrupt handler must
// poll the ADC registers until the
// conversion is completed. Note
// that if the Port B GPIOADCCTL
// register is cleared@@ PB4 can
// still be used as an external
// trigger for the ADC. This is a
// legacy mode which allows code
// written for previous Stellaris
// devices to operate on this
// microcontroller. GPIOMIS is the
// state of the interrupt after
// masking.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_ICR 0x0000041C // 0x4000 541C 0x4000 641C 0x4000
// 741C 0x4002 441C GPIO Interrupt
// Clear (GPIOICR)@@ offset 0x41C
// The GPIOICR register is the
// interrupt clear register. Writing
// a 1 to a bit in this register
// clears the corresponding
// interrupt bit in the GPIORIS and
// GPIOMIS registers. Writing a 0
// has no effect.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_AFSEL 0x00000420 // 0x4000 5420 0x4000 6420 0x4000
// 7420 0x4002 4420 GPIO Alternate
// Function Select (GPIOAFSEL)@@
// offset 0x420 The GPIOAFSEL
// register is the mode control
// select register. If a bit is
// clear@@ the pin is used as a GPIO
// and is controlled by the GPIO
// registers. Setting a bit in this
// register configures the
// corresponding GPIO line to be
// controlled by an associated
// peripheral. Several possible
// peripheral functions are
// multiplexed on each GPIO. The
// GPIO Port Control (GPIOPCTL)
// register is used to select one of
// the possible functions.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_DR2R 0x00000500 // 0x4000 5500 0x4000 6500 0x4000
// 7500 0x4002 4500 GPIO 2-mA Drive
// Select (GPIODR2R)@@ offset 0x500
// The GPIODR2R register is the 2-mA
// drive control register. Each GPIO
// signal in the port can be
// individually configured without
// affecting the other pads. When
// setting the DRV2 bit for a GPIO
// signal@@ the corresponding DRV4
// bit in the GPIODR4R register and
// DRV8 bit in the GPIODR8R register
// are automatically cleared by
// hardware. By default@@ all GPIO
// pins have 2-mA drive.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_DR4R 0x00000504 // 0x4000 5504 0x4000 6504 0x4000
// 7504 0x4002 4504 GPIO 4-mA Drive
// Select (GPIODR4R)@@ offset 0x504
// The GPIODR4R register is the 4-mA
// drive control register. Each GPIO
// signal in the port can be
// individually configured without
// affecting the other pads. When
// setting the DRV4 bit for a GPIO
// signal@@ the corresponding DRV2
// bit in the GPIODR2R register and
// DRV8 bit in the GPIODR8R register
// are automatically cleared by
// hardware.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_DR8R 0x00000508 // 0x4000 5508 0x4000 6508 0x4000
// 7508 0x4002 4508 GPIO 8-mA Drive
// Select (GPIODR8R)@@ offset 0x508
// The GPIODR8R register is the 8-mA
// drive control register. Each GPIO
// signal in the port can be
// individually configured without
// affecting the other pads. When
// setting the DRV8 bit for a GPIO
// signal@@ the corresponding DRV2
// bit in the GPIODR2R register and
// DRV4 bit in the GPIODR4R register
// are automatically cleared by
// hardware. The 8-mA setting is
// also used for high-current
// operation. Note: There is no
// configuration difference between
// 8-mA and high-current operation.
// The additional current capacity
// results from a shift in the
// VOH/VOL levels.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_ODR 0x0000050C // 0x4000 550C 0x4000 650C 0x4000
// 750C 0x4002 450C GPIO Open Drain
// Select (GPIOODR)@@ offset 0x50C
// The GPIOODR register is the open
// drain control register. Setting a
// bit in this register enables the
// open-drain configuration of the
// corresponding GPIO pad. When
// open-drain mode is enabled@@ the
// corresponding bit should also be
// set in the GPIO Digital Input
// Enable (GPIODEN) register .
// Corresponding bits in the drive
// strength and slew rate control
// registers (GPIODR2R@@ GPIODR4R@@
// GPIODR8R@@ and GPIOSLR) can be
// set to achieve the desired rise
// and fall times. The GPIO acts as
// an open-drain input if the
// corresponding bit in the GPIODIR
// register is cleared. If open
// drain is selected while the GPIO
// is configured as an input@@ the
// GPIO will remain an input and the
// open-drain selection has no
// effect until the GPIO is changed
// to an output. When using the I2C
// module@@ in addition to
// configuring the pin to open
// drain@@ the GPIO Alternate
// Function Select (GPIOAFSEL)
// register bits for the I2C clock
// and data pins should be set
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PUR 0x00000510 // 0x4000 5510 0x4000 6510 0x4000
// 7510 0x4002 4510 GPIO Pull-Up
// Select (GPIOPUR)@@ offset 0x510
// The GPIOPUR register is the
// pull-up control register. When a
// bit is set@@ a weak pull-up
// resistor on the corresponding
// GPIO signal is enabled. Setting a
// bit in GPIOPUR automatically
// clears the corresponding bit in
// the GPIO Pull-Down Select
// (GPIOPDR) register . Write access
// to this register is protected
// with the GPIOCR register. Bits in
// GPIOCR that are cleared prevent
// writes to the equivalent bit in
// this register.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PDR 0x00000514 // 0x4000 5514 0x4000 6514 0x4000
// 7514 0x4002 4514 GPIO Pull-Down
// Select (GPIOPDR)@@ offset 0x514
// The GPIOPDR register is the
// pull-down control register. When
// a bit is set@@ a weak pull-down
// resistor on the corresponding
// GPIO signal is enabled. Setting a
// bit in GPIOPDR automatically
// clears the corresponding bit in
// the GPIO Pull-Up Select (GPIOPUR)
// register
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_SLR 0x00000518 // 0x4000 5518 0x4000 6518 0x4000
// 7518 0x4002 4518 The GPIOSLR
// register is the slew rate control
// register. Slew rate control is
// only available when using the
// 8-mA drive strength option via
// the GPIO 8-mA Drive Select
// (GPIODR8R) register
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_DEN 0x0000051C // 0x4000 551C 0x4000 651C 0x4000
// 751C 0x4002 451C GPIO Digital
// Enable (GPIODEN)@@ offset 0x51C
// Note: Pins configured as digital
// inputs are Schmitt-triggered. The
// GPIODEN register is the digital
// enable register. By default@@ all
// GPIO signals except those listed
// below are configured out of reset
// to be undriven (tristate). Their
// digital function is disabled;
// they do not drive a logic value
// on the pin and they do not allow
// the pin voltage into the GPIO
// receiver. To use the pin as a
// digital input or output (either
// GPIO or alternate function)@@ the
// corresponding GPIODEN bit must be
// set.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_LOCK 0x00000520 // 0x4000 5520 0x4000 6520 0x4000
// 7520 0x4002 4520 GPIO Lock
// (GPIOLOCK)@@ offset 0x520 The
// GPIOLOCK register enables write
// access to the GPIOCR register .
// Writing 0x4C4F.434B to the
// GPIOLOCK register unlocks the
// GPIOCR register. Writing any
// other value to the GPIOLOCK
// register re-enables the locked
// state. Reading the GPIOLOCK
// register returns the lock status
// rather than the 32-bit value that
// was previously written.
// Therefore@@ when write accesses
// are disabled@@ or locked@@
// reading the GPIOLOCK register
// returns 0x0000.0001. When write
// accesses are enabled@@ or
// unlocked@@ reading the GPIOLOCK
// register returns 0x0000.0000.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_CR 0x00000524 // 0x4000 5524 0x4000 6524 0x4000
// 7524 0x4002 4524 GPIO Commit
// (GPIOCR)@@ offset 0x524 The
// GPIOCR register is the commit
// register. The value of the GPIOCR
// register determines which bits of
// GPIOPDR@@ and GPIODEN registers
// are committed when a write to
// these registers is performed. If
// a bit in the GPIOCR register is
// cleared@@ the data being written
// to the corresponding bit in the
// or GPIODEN registers cannot be
// committed and retains its
// previous value. If a bit in the
// GPIOCR register is set@@ the data
// being written to the
// corresponding bit of the
// or GPIODEN registers is committed
// to the register and reflects the
// new value. The contents of the
// GPIOCR register can only be
// modified if the status in the
// GPIOLOCK register is unlocked.
// Writes to the GPIOCR register are
// ignored if the status in the
// GPIOLOCK register is locked.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_AMSEL 0x00000528 // 0x4000 5528 0x4000 6528 0x4000
// 7528 0x4002 4528 The GPIOAMSEL
// register controls isolation
// circuits to the analog side of a
// unified I/O pad. Because the
// GPIOs may be driven by a 5-V
// source and affect analog
// operation@@ analog circuitry
// requires isolation from the pins
// when they are not used in their
// analog function. Each bit of this
// register controls the isolation
// circuitry for the corresponding
// GPIO signal.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PCTL 0x0000052C // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) 0x4000 552C
// 0x4000 652C 0x4000 752C 0x4002
// 452C GPIO Port Control
// (GPIOPCTL)@@ offset 0x52C The
// GPIOPCTL register is used in
// conjunction with the GPIOAFSEL
// register and selects the specific
// peripheral signal for each GPIO
// pin when using the alternate
// function mode. Most bits in the
// GPIOAFSEL register are cleared on
// reset@@ therefore most GPIO pins
// are configured as GPIOs by
// default. When a bit is set in the
// GPIOAFSEL register@@ the
// corresponding GPIO signal is
// controlled by an associated
// peripheral. The GPIOPCTL register
// selects one out of a set of
// peripheral functions for each
// GPIO@@ providing additional
// flexibility in signal definition.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_ADCCTL 0x00000530 // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. ADC trigger via GPIO is
// not supported. 0x4000 5530 0x4000
// 6530 0x4000 7530 0x4002 4530 GPIO
// ADC Control (GPIOADCCTL)@@ offset
// 0x530 This register is used to
// configure a GPIO pin as a source
// for the ADC trigger. Note that if
// the Port B GPIOADCCTL register is
// cleared@@ PB4 can still be used
// as an external trigger for the
// ADC. This is a legacy mode which
// allows code written for previous
// Stellaris devices to operate on
// this microcontroller.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_DMACTL 0x00000534 // 0x4000 5534 0x4000 6534 0x4000
// 7534 0x4002 4534 GPIO DMA Control
// (GPIODMACTL)@@ offset 0x534 This
// register is used to configure a
// GPIO pin as a source for the ?DMA
// trigger.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_SI 0x00000538 // 0x4000 5538 0x4000 6538 0x4000
// 7538 0x4002 4538 GPIO Select
// Interrupt (GPIOSI)@@ offset 0x538
// This register is used to enable
// individual interrupts for each
// pin. Note: This register is only
// available on Port P and Port Q.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID4 0x00000FD0 // 0x4000 5FD0 0x4000 6FD0 0x4000
// 7FD0 0x4002 4FD0 GPIO Peripheral
// Identification 4
// (GPIOPeriphID4)@@ offset 0xFD0
// The GPIOPeriphID4@@
// GPIOPeriphID5@@ GPIOPeriphID6@@
// and GPIOPeriphID7 registers can
// conceptually be treated as one
// 32-bit register; each register
// contains eight bits of the 32-bit
// register@@ used by software to
// identify the peripheral.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID5 0x00000FD4 // 0x4000 5FD4 0x4000 6FD4 0x4000
// 7FD4 0x4002 4FD4 GPIO Peripheral
// Identification 5
// (GPIOPeriphID5)@@ offset 0xFD4
// The GPIOPeriphID4@@
// GPIOPeriphID5@@ GPIOPeriphID6@@
// and GPIOPeriphID7 registers can
// conceptually be treated as one
// 32-bit register; each register
// contains eight bits of the 32-bit
// register@@ used by software to
// identify the peripheral.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID6 0x00000FD8 // 0x4000 5FD8 0x4000 6FD8 0x4000
// 7FD8 0x4002 4FD8 GPIO Peripheral
// Identification 6
// (GPIOPeriphID6)@@ offset 0xFD8
// The GPIOPeriphID4@@
// GPIOPeriphID5@@ GPIOPeriphID6@@
// and GPIOPeriphID7 registers can
// conceptually be treated as one
// 32-bit register; each register
// contains eight bits of the 32-bit
// register@@ used by software to
// identify the peripheral.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID7 0x00000FDC // 0x4000 5FDC 0x4000 6FDC 0x4000
// 7FDC 0x4002 4FDC GPIO Peripheral
// Identification 7
// (GPIOPeriphID7)@@ offset 0xFDC
// The GPIOPeriphID4@@
// GPIOPeriphID5@@ GPIOPeriphID6@@
// and GPIOPeriphID7 registers can
// conceptually be treated as one
// 32-bit register; each register
// contains eight bits of the 32-bit
// register@@ used by software to
// identify the peripheral.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID0 0x00000FE0 // 0x4000 5FE0 0x4000 6FE0 0x4000
// 7FE0 0x4002 4FE0 GPIO Peripheral
// Identification 0
// (GPIOPeriphID0)@@ offset 0xFE0
// The GPIOPeriphID0@@
// GPIOPeriphID1@@ GPIOPeriphID2@@
// and GPIOPeriphID3 registers can
// conceptually be treated as one
// 32-bit register; each register
// contains eight bits of the 32-bit
// register@@ used by software to
// identify the peripheral.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID1 0x00000FE4 // 0x4000 5FE4 0x4000 6FE4 0x4000
// 7FE4 0x4002 4FE4 GPIO Peripheral
// Identification 1
// (GPIOPeriphID1)@@ offset 0xFE4
// The GPIOPeriphID0@@
// GPIOPeriphID1@@ GPIOPeriphID2@@
// and GPIOPeriphID3 registers can
// conceptually be treated as one
// 32-bit register; each register
// contains eight bits of the 32-bit
// register@@ used by software to
// identify the peripheral.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID2 0x00000FE8 // 0x4000 5FE8 0x4000 6FE8 0x4000
// 7FE8 0x4002 4FE8 GPIO Peripheral
// Identification 2
// (GPIOPeriphID2)@@ offset 0xFE8
// The GPIOPeriphID0@@
// GPIOPeriphID1@@ GPIOPeriphID2@@
// and GPIOPeriphID3 registers can
// conceptually be treated as one
// 32-bit register; each register
// contains eight bits of the 32-bit
// register@@ used by software to
// identify the peripheral.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID3 0x00000FEC // 0x4000 5FEC 0x4000 6FEC 0x4000
// 7FEC 0x4002 4FEC GPIO Peripheral
// Identification 3
// (GPIOPeriphID3)@@ offset 0xFEC
// The GPIOPeriphID0@@
// GPIOPeriphID1@@ GPIOPeriphID2@@
// and GPIOPeriphID3 registers can
// conceptually be treated as one
// 32-bit register; each register
// contains eight bits of the 32-bit
// register@@ used by software to
// identify the peripheral.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PCELLID0 0x00000FF0 // 0x4000 5FF0 0x4000 6FF0 0x4000
// 7FF0 0x4002 4FF0 GPIO PrimeCell
// Identification 0 (GPIOPCellID0)@@
// offset 0xFF0 The GPIOPCellID0@@
// GPIOPCellID1@@ GPIOPCellID2@@ and
// GPIOPCellID3 registers are four
// 8-bit wide registers@@ that can
// conceptually be treated as one
// 32-bit register. The register is
// used as a standard
// cross-peripheral identification
// system.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PCELLID1 0x00000FF4 // 0x4000 5FF4 0x4000 6FF4 0x4000
// 7FF4 0x4002 4FF4 GPIO PrimeCell
// Identification 1 (GPIOPCellID1)@@
// offset 0xFF4 The GPIOPCellID0@@
// GPIOPCellID1@@ GPIOPCellID2@@ and
// GPIOPCellID3 registers are four
// 8-bit wide registers@@ that can
// conceptually be treated as one
// 32-bit register. The register is
// used as a standard
// cross-peripheral identification
// system.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PCELLID2 0x00000FF8 // 0x4000 5FF8 0x4000 6FF8 0x4000
// 7FF8 0x4002 4FF8 GPIO PrimeCell
// Identification 2 (GPIOPCellID2)@@
// offset 0xFF8 The GPIOPCellID0@@
// GPIOPCellID1@@ GPIOPCellID2@@ and
// GPIOPCellID3 registers are four
// 8-bit wide registers@@ that can
// conceptually be treated as one
// 32-bit register. The register is
// used as a standard
// cross-peripheral identification
// system.
#define GPIO_O_GPIO_PCELLID3 0x00000FFC // 0x4000 5FFC 0x4000 6FFC 0x4000
// 7FFC 0x4002 4FFC GPIO PrimeCell
// Identification 3 (GPIOPCellID3)@@
// offset 0xFFC The GPIOPCellID0@@
// GPIOPCellID1@@ GPIOPCellID2@@ and
// GPIOPCellID3 registers are four
// 8-bit wide registers@@ that can
// conceptually be treated as one
// 32-bit register. The register is
// used as a standard
// cross-peripheral identification
// system.0xb1
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_DATA register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_DATA_DATA_M 0x000000FF // GPIO Data This register is
// virtually mapped to 256 locations
// in the address space. To
// facilitate the reading and
// writing of data to these
// registers by independent
// drivers@@ the data read from and
// written to the registers are
// masked by the eight address lines
// [9:2]. Reads from this register
// return its current state. Writes
// to this register only affect bits
// that are not masked by ADDR[9:2]
// and are configured as outputs.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_DIR register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_DIR_DIR_M 0x000000FF // GPIO Data Direction Value
// Description 0 Corresponding pin
// is an input. 1 Corresponding pins
// is an output.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_IS register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_IS_IS_M 0x000000FF // GPIO Interrupt Sense Value
// Description 0 The edge on the
// corresponding pin is detected
// (edge-sensitive). 1 The level on
// the corresponding pin is detected
// (level-sensitive).
#define GPIO_GPIO_IS_IS_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_IBE register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_IBE_IBE_M 0x000000FF // GPIO Interrupt Both Edges Value
// Description 0 Interrupt
// generation is controlled by the
// GPIO Interrupt Event (GPIOIEV)
// register. 1 Both edges on the
// corresponding pin trigger an
// interrupt.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_IEV register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_IEV_IEV_M 0x000000FF // GPIO Interrupt Event Value
// Description 1 A falling edge or a
// Low level on the corresponding
// pin triggers an interrupt. 0 A
// rising edge or a High level on
// the corresponding pin triggers an
// interrupt.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_IM register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_IM_IME_M 0x000000FF // GPIO Interrupt Mask Enable Value
// Description 0 The interrupt from
// the corresponding pin is masked.
// 1 The interrupt from the
// corresponding pin is sent to the
// interrupt controller.
#define GPIO_GPIO_IM_IME_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_RIS register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_RIS_RIS_M 0x000000FF // GPIO Interrupt Raw Status Value
// Description 1 An interrupt
// condition has occurred on the
// corresponding pin. 0 interrupt
// condition has not occurred on the
// corresponding pin. A bit is
// cleared by writing a 1 to the
// corresponding bit in the GPIOICR
// register.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_MIS register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_MIS_MIS_M 0x000000FF // GPIO Masked Interrupt Status
// Value Description 1 An interrupt
// condition on the corresponding
// pin has triggered an interrupt to
// the interrupt controller. 0 An
// interrupt condition on the
// corresponding pin is masked or
// has not occurred. A bit is
// cleared by writing a 1 to the
// corresponding bit in the GPIOICR
// register.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_ICR register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_ICR_IC_M 0x000000FF // GPIO Interrupt Clear Value
// Description 1 The corresponding
// interrupt is cleared. 0 The
// corresponding interrupt is
// unaffected.
#define GPIO_GPIO_ICR_IC_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_AFSEL register.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_DR2R register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_DR2R_DRV2_M 0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Output Pad
// 2-mA Drive Enable Value
// Description 1 The corresponding
// GPIO pin has 2-mA drive. The
// drive for the corresponding GPIO
// pin is controlled by the GPIODR4R
// or GPIODR8R register. 0 Setting a
// bit in either the GPIODR4
// register or the GPIODR8 register
// clears the corresponding 2-mA
// enable bit. The change is
// effective on the second clock
// cycle after the write if
// accessing GPIO via the APB memory
// aperture. If using AHB access@@
// the change is effective on the
// next clock cycle.
#define GPIO_GPIO_DR2R_DRV2_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_DR4R register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_DR4R_DRV4_M 0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Output Pad
// 4-mA Drive Enable Value
// Description 1 The corresponding
// GPIO pin has 4-mA drive. The
// drive for the corresponding GPIO
// pin is controlled by the GPIODR2R
// or GPIODR8R register. 0 Setting a
// bit in either the GPIODR2
// register or the GPIODR8 register
// clears the corresponding 4-mA
// enable bit. The change is
// effective on the second clock
// cycle after the write if
// accessing GPIO via the APB memory
// aperture. If using AHB access@@
// the change is effective on the
// next clock cycle.
#define GPIO_GPIO_DR4R_DRV4_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_DR8R register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_DR8R_DRV8_M 0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Output Pad
// 8-mA Drive Enable Value
// Description 1 The corresponding
// GPIO pin has 8-mA drive. The
// drive for the corresponding GPIO
// pin is controlled by the GPIODR2R
// or GPIODR4R register. 0 Setting a
// bit in either the GPIODR2
// register or the GPIODR4 register
// clears the corresponding 8-mA
// enable bit. The change is
// effective on the second clock
// cycle after the write if
// accessing GPIO via the APB memory
// aperture. If using AHB access@@
// the change is effective on the
// next clock cycle.
#define GPIO_GPIO_DR8R_DRV8_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_ODR register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_ODR_ODE_M 0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Output Pad
// Open Drain Enable Value
// Description 1 The corresponding
// pin is configured as open drain.
// 0 The corresponding pin is not
// configured as open drain.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_PUR register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_PUR_PUE_M 0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Pad Weak
// Pull-Up Enable Value Description
// 1 The corresponding pin has a
// weak pull-up resistor. 0 The
// corresponding pin is not
// affected. Setting a bit in the
// GPIOPDR register clears the
// corresponding bit in the GPIOPUR
// register. The change is effective
// on the second clock cycle after
// the write if accessing GPIO via
// the APB memory aperture. If using
// AHB access@@ the change is
// effective on the next clock
// cycle.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_PDR register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_PDR_PDE_M 0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Pad Weak
// Pull-Down Enable Value
// Description 1 The corresponding
// pin has a weak pull-down
// resistor. 0 The corresponding pin
// is not affected. Setting a bit in
// the GPIOPUR register clears the
// corresponding bit in the GPIOPDR
// register. The change is effective
// on the second clock cycle after
// the write if accessing GPIO via
// the APB memory aperture. If using
// AHB access@@ the change is
// effective on the next clock
// cycle.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_SLR register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_SLR_SRL_M 0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Slew Rate
// Limit Enable (8-mA drive only)
// Value Description 1 Slew rate
// control is enabled for the
// corresponding pin. 0 Slew rate
// control is disabled for the
// corresponding pin.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_DEN register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_DEN_DEN_M 0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Digital Enable
// Value Description 0 The digital
// functions for the corresponding
// pin are disabled. 1 The digital
// functions for the corresponding
// pin are enabled.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_LOCK register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_LOCK_LOCK_M 0xFFFFFFFF // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. GPIO Lock A write of the
// value 0x4C4F.434B unlocks the
// GPIO Commit (GPIOCR) register for
// write access.A write of any other
// value or a write to the GPIOCR
// register reapplies the lock@@
// preventing any register updates.
// A read of this register returns
// the following values: Value
// Description 0x1 The GPIOCR
// register is locked and may not be
// modified. 0x0 The GPIOCR register
// is unlocked and may be modified.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_CR register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_CR_CR_M 0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) GPIO Commit
// Value Description The
// corresponding GPIOAFSEL@@
// bits can be written. 1 The
// corresponding GPIOAFSEL@@
// bits cannot be written. 0 Note:
// The default register type for the
// GPIOCR register is RO for all
// GPIO pins with the exception of
// the NMI pin and the four JTAG/SWD
// pins (PD7@@ PF0@@ and PC[3:0]).
// These six pins are the only GPIOs
// that are protected by the GPIOCR
// register. Because of this@@ the
// register type for GPIO Port D7@@
// GPIO Port F0@@ and GPIO Port
// C[3:0] is R/W. The default reset
// value for the GPIOCR register is
// 0x0000.00FF for all GPIO pins@@
// with the exception of the NMI pin
// and the four JTAG/SWD pins (PD7@@
// PF0@@ and PC[3:0]). To ensure
// that the JTAG port is not
// accidentally programmed as GPIO
// pins@@ the PC[3:0] pins default
// to non-committable. Similarly@@
// to ensure that the NMI pin is not
// accidentally programmed as a GPIO
// pin@@ the PD7 and PF0 pins
// default to non-committable.
// Because of this@@ the default
// reset value of GPIOCR for GPIO
// Port C is 0x0000.00F0@@ for GPIO
// Port D is 0x0000.007F@@ and for
// GPIO Port F is 0x0000.00FE.
#define GPIO_GPIO_CR_CR_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_AMSEL register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) GPIO Analog
// Mode Select Value Description 1
// The analog function of the pin is
// enabled@@ the isolation is
// disabled@@ and the pin is capable
// of analog functions. 0 The analog
// function of the pin is disabled@@
// the isolation is enabled@@ and
// the pin is capable of digital
// functions as specified by the
// other GPIO configuration
// registers. Note: This register
// and bits are only valid for GPIO
// signals that share analog
// function through a unified I/O
// pad. The reset state of this
// register is 0 for all signals.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_PCTL register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC7_M 0xF0000000 // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Port Mux
// Control 7 This field controls the
// configuration for GPIO pin 7.
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC7_S 28
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC6_M 0x0F000000 // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Port Mux
// Control 6 This field controls the
// configuration for GPIO pin 6.
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC6_S 24
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC5_M 0x00F00000 // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Port Mux
// Control 5 This field controls the
// configuration for GPIO pin 5.
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC5_S 20
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC4_M 0x000F0000 // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Port Mux
// Control 4 This field controls the
// configuration for GPIO pin 4.
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC4_S 16
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC3_M 0x0000F000 // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Port Mux
// Control 43 This field controls
// the configuration for GPIO pin 3.
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC3_S 12
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC1_M 0x00000F00 // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Port Mux
// Control 1 This field controls the
// configuration for GPIO pin 1.
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC2_M 0x000000F0 // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Port Mux
// Control 2 This field controls the
// configuration for GPIO pin 2.
#define GPIO_GPIO_PCTL_PMC0_M 0x0000000F // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. equivalant register exsist
// outside GPIO IP (refer
// PAD*_config register in the
// shared comn space) Port Mux
// Control 0 This field controls the
// configuration for GPIO pin 0.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_ADCCTL register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// cc3xx. ADC trigger via GPIO is
// not supported. ADC Trigger Enable
// Value Description 1 The
// corresponding pin is used to
// trigger the ADC. 0 The
// corresponding pin is not used to
// trigger the ADC.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_DMACTL register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in the
// cc3xx. Alternate register to
// support this feature is coded in
// the APPS_NWP_CMN space. refer
// register as offset 0x400F70D8
// ?DMA Trigger Enable Value
// Description 1 The corresponding
// pin is used to trigger the ?DMA.
// 0 The corresponding pin is not
// used to trigger the ?DMA.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the GPIO_O_GPIO_SI register.
#define GPIO_GPIO_SI_SUM 0x00000001 // Summary Interrupt Value
// Description 1 Each pin has its
// own interrupt vector. 0 All port
// pin interrupts are OR'ed together
// to produce a summary interrupt.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID4 register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// CC3XX. GPIO Peripheral ID
// Register [7:0]
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID5 register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// CC3XX. GPIO Peripheral ID
// Register [15:8]
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID6 register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// CC3XX. GPIO Peripheral ID
// Register [23:16]
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID7 register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// CC3XX. GPIO Peripheral ID
// Register [31:24]
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID0 register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// CC3XX. GPIO Peripheral ID
// Register [7:0] Can be used by
// software to identify the presence
// of this peripheral.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID1 register.
0x000000FF // GPIO Peripheral ID Register
// [15:8] Can be used by software to
// identify the presence of this
// peripheral.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID2 register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// CC3XX.v GPIO Peripheral ID
// Register [23:16] Can be used by
// software to identify the presence
// of this peripheral.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_PERIPHID3 register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// CC3XX. GPIO Peripheral ID
// Register [31:24] Can be used by
// software to identify the presence
// of this peripheral.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_PCELLID0 register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// CC3XX. GPIO PrimeCell ID Register
// [7:0] Provides software a
// standard cross-peripheral
// identification system.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_PCELLID1 register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// CC3XX. GPIO PrimeCell ID Register
// [15:8] Provides software a
// standard cross-peripheral
// identification system.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_PCELLID2 register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// CC3XX. GPIO PrimeCell ID Register
// [23:16] Provides software a
// standard cross-peripheral
// identification system.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the
// GPIO_O_GPIO_PCELLID3 register.
0x000000FF // This register is not used in
// CC3XX. GPIO PrimeCell ID Register
// [31:24] Provides software a
// standard cross-peripheral
// identification system.
#endif // __HW_GPIO_H__