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synced 2025-03-17 08:50:44 -04:00
Moved screw_insert() from inserts.scad to screw.scad. Changed most includes of inserts.scad to use insert.scad. Removed linear_bearings, iecs, rockers and microswitches from lib.scad as already included by other vitamins.
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// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018
// nop.head@gmail.com
// hydraraptor.blogspot.com
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Customisable printed rubber feet for equipment cases. The insert variant is better for solid feet because
//! inserts don't grip well in rubber.
include <../core.scad>
include <../vitamins/screws.scad>
use <../vitamins/insert.scad>
foot = [25, 12, 3, 2, M4_cap_screw, 10];
insert_foot = [20, 10, 0, 2, M3_cap_screw, 10];
function insert_foot() = insert_foot; //! Default foot with insert
function foot_diameter(type = foot) = type[0]; //! Outside maximum diameter
function foot_height(type = foot) = type[1]; //! Total height
function foot_thickness(type = foot)= type[2]; //! Thickness under the screw
function foot_rad(type = foot) = type[3]; //! Rounded corner radius
function foot_screw(type = foot) = type[4]; //! Screw type
function foot_slant(type = foot) = type[5]; //! Taper angle
module foot(type = foot) { //! Generate STL
h = foot_height(type);
t = foot_thickness(type);
r1 = washer_radius(screw_washer(foot_screw(type)));
r3 = foot_diameter(type) / 2;
r2 = r3 - h * tan(foot_slant(type));
r = foot_rad(type);
union() {
rotate_extrude(convexity = 3) {
hull() {
translate([r1, 0])
square([r3 - r1, eps]);
for(x = [r1 + r, r2 - r])
translate([x, h - r])
linear_extrude(height = t)
difference() {
circle(r1 + eps);
poly_circle( screw_clearance_radius(foot_screw(type)));
module foot_assembly(t = 0, type = foot, flip = false) { //! Assembly with fasteners in place for specified sheet thickness
screw = foot_screw(type);
washer = screw_washer(screw);
nut = screw_nut(screw);
squeeze = 0.5;
screw_length = screw_longer_than(foot_thickness(type) + t + 2 * washer_thickness(washer) + nut_thickness(nut, true) - squeeze);
vflip() explode(15, true) {
color(pp4_colour) foot(type);
explode(15, true)
nut_and_washer(nut, true);
screw_and_washer(screw, screw_length);
screw_and_washer(screw, screw_length);
nut_and_washer(nut, true);
module insert_foot(type = insert_foot) { //! Generate STL for foot with insert
h = foot_height(type);
r3 = foot_diameter(type) / 2;
r2 = r3 - h * tan(foot_slant(type));
r = foot_rad(type);
insert = screw_insert(foot_screw(type));
h2 = insert_hole_length(insert);
r4 = insert_hole_radius(insert);
r5 = r4 + 1;
union() {
rotate_extrude() {
union() {
hull() {
translate([r5, 0]) {
square([r3 - r5, eps]);
square([eps, h]);
translate([r2 - r, h - r])
linear_extrude(height = h2 + eps)
difference() {
circle(r5 + eps);
cylinder(r = r5 + eps, h = h - h2);
//! Place the insert in the bottom of the foot and push home with a soldering iron with a conical bit heated to 200°C.
module insert_foot_assembly(type = insert_foot) //! Printed part with insert in place
assembly("insert_foot") {
screw = foot_screw(type);
insert = screw_insert(screw);
color(pp1_colour) insert_foot(type);
module fastened_insert_foot_assembly(t = 3, type = insert_foot) { //! Assembly with fasteners in place for specified sheet thickness
screw = foot_screw(type);
washer = screw_washer(screw);
insert = screw_insert(screw);
screw_length = screw_shorter_than(insert_length(insert) + t + 2 * washer_thickness(washer));
explode(-10) insert_foot_assembly(type);
screw_and_washer(screw, screw_length, true);