Chris Palmer 8d22940506 Project blurb can now be split with into sections with markdown horizonal rules
made with asterisks.
If an image is include in the first section the default image is supressed.
2020-12-28 20:49:37 +00:00

418 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018
# This file is part of NopSCADlib.
# NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
# If not, see <>.
#! Generates exploded and unexploded assembly views and scrapes build instructions to make, readme.html and printme.html files for the project.
from __future__ import print_function
from set_config import *
import openscad
from tests import do_cmd, update_image, colour_scheme, background
import time
import times
import options
from deps import *
import os
import json
import blurb
import bom
import shutil
import re
from colorama import Fore
def is_assembly(s):
return s[-9:] == '_assembly' or s[-11:] == '_assemblies'
def bom_to_assemblies(bom_dir, bounds_map):
global flat_bom
# Make a list of all the parts in the BOM
bom_file = bom_dir + "/bom.json"
with open(bom_file) as json_file:
flat_bom = json.load(json_file)
# Decide if we need big or small assembly pictures
for bom in flat_bom:
if bom["big"] == None:
big = False
for ass in bom["assemblies"]:
for b in flat_bom:
if b["name"] == ass:
if b["big"]:
big = True
if not big:
for stl in bom["printed"]:
bounds = bounds_map[stl]
width = bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0]
depth = bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1]
if max(width, depth) > 80:
big = True
bom["big"] = big or bom["routed"]
# Remove the main assembly if it is a shell
if flat_bom:
ass = flat_bom[-1]
if len(ass["assemblies"]) < 2 and not ass["vitamins"] and not ass["printed"] and not ass["routed"]:
flat_bom = flat_bom[:-1]
return [assembly["name"] for assembly in flat_bom]
def eop(print_mode, doc_file, last = False, first = False):
if print_mode:
print('\n<div style="page-break-after: always;"></div>', file = doc_file)
if not first:
print('[Top](#TOP)', file = doc_file)
if not last:
print("\n---", file = doc_file)
def pad(s, before, after = 0):
return '&nbsp;' * before + str(s) + '&nbsp;' * after
def titalise(name):
cap_next = True
result = ''
for c in name.replace('_', ' '):
result = result + (c.upper() if cap_next else c);
cap_next = c == ' '
return result
def usage():
print("\nusage:\n\t views [target_config] [<name1>_assembly] ... [<nameN>_assembly] - Create assembly images and readme.")
def views(target, do_assemblies = None):
done_assemblies = []
# Make the target directory
top_dir = set_config(target, usage)
target_dir = top_dir + 'assemblies'
deps_dir = top_dir + "deps"
bom_dir = top_dir + "bom"
if not os.path.isdir(target_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(deps_dir):
bounds_fname = top_dir + 'stls/bounds.json'
with open(bounds_fname) as json_file:
bounds_map = json.load(json_file)
# Find all the assemblies and remove any old views
assemblies = bom_to_assemblies(bom_dir, bounds_map)
lc_assemblies = [ass.lower() for ass in assemblies]
for file in os.listdir(target_dir):
if file.endswith('.png'):
assembly = file[:-4].replace('_assembled', '_assembly')
if assembly.endswith('_tn'):
assembly = assembly[:-3]
if not assembly in assemblies:
print("Removing %s" % file)
os.remove(target_dir + '/' + file)
# Find all the scad files
main_blurb = None
for dir in source_dirs(bom_dir):
if os.path.isdir(dir):
for filename in os.listdir(dir):
if filename.endswith('.scad'):
# find any modules with names ending in _assembly
with open(dir + "/" + filename, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
line_no = 0
for line in lines:
words = line.split()
if len(words) and words[0] == "module":
module = words[1].split('(')[0]
if is_assembly(module):
lc_module = module.lower()
if lc_module in lc_assemblies:
real_name = assemblies[lc_assemblies.index(lc_module)]
# Scrape the assembly instructions
for ass in flat_bom:
if ass["name"] == real_name:
if not "blurb" in ass:
ass["blurb"] = blurb.scrape_module_blurb(lines[:line_no])
if not do_assemblies or real_name in do_assemblies:
# Run openscad on the created file
dname = deps_name(deps_dir, filename)
for explode in [0, 1]:
png_name = target_dir + '/' + real_name + '.png'
if not explode:
png_name = png_name.replace('_assembly', '_assembled')
changed = check_deps(png_name, dname)
changed = times.check_have_time(changed, png_name)
changed = options.have_changed(changed, png_name)
tmp_name = 'tmp.png'
if changed:
# make a file to use the module
png_maker_name = 'png.scad'
with open(png_maker_name, "w") as f:
f.write("use <%s/%s>\n" % (dir, filename))
f.write("%s();\n" % module);
t = time.time()
openscad.run_list(options.list() + ["-D$pose=1", "-D$explode=%d" % explode, colour_scheme, "--projection=p", "--imgsize=4096,4096", "--autocenter", "--viewall", "-d", dname, "-o", tmp_name, png_maker_name]);
times.add_time(png_name, t)
do_cmd(["magick", tmp_name, "-trim", "-resize", "1004x1004", "-bordercolor", background, "-border", "10", tmp_name])
update_image(tmp_name, png_name)
tn_name = png_name.replace('.png', '_tn.png')
if mtime(png_name) > mtime(tn_name):
do_cmd(("magick "+ png_name + " -trim -resize 280x280 -background " + background + " -gravity Center -extent 280x280 -bordercolor " + background + " -border 10 " + tmp_name).split())
update_image(tmp_name, tn_name)
if module == 'main_assembly':
main_blurb = blurb.scrape_module_blurb(lines[:line_no])
line_no += 1
# Build the document
for print_mode in [True, False]:
doc_name = top_dir + ""
with open(doc_name, "wt") as doc_file:
# Title, description and picture
project = ' '.join(word[0].upper() + word[1:] for word in os.path.basename(os.getcwd()).split('_'))
print('<a name="TOP"></a>\n# %s' % project, file = doc_file)
main_file = bom.find_scad_file('main_assembly')
if not main_file:
raise Exception("can't find source for main_assembly")
text = blurb.scrape_blurb(source_dir + '/' + main_file)
blurbs = blurb.split_blurb(text)
if len(text):
print(blurbs[0], file = doc_file)
if print_mode:
print(Fore.MAGENTA + "Missing project description" + Fore.WHITE)
# Only add the image if the first blurb section doesn't contain one.
got_image = False
for line in blurbs[0].split('\n'):
if re.match(r'.*\!\[.*\]\(.*\).*', line):
got_image = True
if not got_image:
print('![Main Assembly](assemblies/%s.png)\n' % flat_bom[-1]["name"].replace('_assembly', '_assembled'), file = doc_file)
eop(print_mode, doc_file, first = True)
# Build TOC
print('## Table of Contents', file = doc_file)
print('1. [Parts list](#Parts_list)', file = doc_file)
for ass in flat_bom:
name = ass["name"]
cap_name = titalise(name)
print('1. [%s](#%s)' % (cap_name, name), file = doc_file)
print(file = doc_file)
if len(blurbs) > 1:
print(blurbs[1], file = doc_file)
eop(print_mode, doc_file)
# Global BOM
print('<a name="Parts_list"></a>\n## Parts list', file = doc_file)
types = ["vitamins", "printed", "routed"]
headings = {"vitamins" : "vitamins", "printed" : "3D printed parts", "routed" : "CNC routed parts"}
things = {}
for t in types:
things[t] = {}
for ass in flat_bom:
for t in types:
for thing in ass[t]:
if thing in things[t]:
things[t][thing] += ass[t][thing]["count"]
things[t][thing] = ass[t][thing]["count"]
for ass in flat_bom:
name = titalise(ass["name"][:-9]).replace(' ','&nbsp;')
print('| <span style="writing-mode: vertical-rl; text-orientation: mixed;">%s</span> ' % name, file = doc_file, end = '')
print('| <span style="writing-mode: vertical-rl; text-orientation: mixed;">TOTALS</span> | |', file = doc_file)
print(('|---:' * len(flat_bom) + '|---:|:---|'), file = doc_file)
for t in types:
if things[t]:
totals = {}
heading = headings[t][0:1].upper() + headings[t][1:]
print(('| ' * len(flat_bom) + '| | **%s** |') % heading, file = doc_file)
for thing in sorted(things[t], key = lambda s: s.split(":")[-1]):
for ass in flat_bom:
count = ass[t][thing]["count"] if thing in ass[t] else 0
print('| %s ' % pad(count if count else '.', 2, 1), file = doc_file, end = '')
name = ass["name"]
if name in totals:
totals[name] += count
totals[name] = count
print('| %s | %s |' % (pad(things[t][thing], 2, 1), pad(thing.split(":")[-1], 2)), file = doc_file)
grand_total = 0
for ass in flat_bom:
name = ass["name"]
total = totals[name] if name in totals else 0
print('| %s ' % pad(total if total else '.', 2, 1), file = doc_file, end = '')
grand_total += total
print("| %s | %s |" % (pad(grand_total, 2, 1), pad('Total %s count' % headings[t], 2)), file = doc_file)
print(file = doc_file)
if len(blurbs) > 2:
print(blurbs[2], file = doc_file)
eop(print_mode, doc_file)
# Assembly instructions
for ass in flat_bom:
name = ass["name"]
cap_name = titalise(name)
if ass["count"] > 1:
print('<a name="%s"></a>\n## %d x %s' % (name, ass["count"], cap_name), file = doc_file)
print('<a name="%s"></a>\n## %s' % (name, cap_name), file = doc_file)
vitamins = ass["vitamins"]
if vitamins:
print("### Vitamins", file = doc_file)
print("|Qty|Description|", file = doc_file)
print("|---:|:----------|", file = doc_file)
for v in sorted(vitamins, key = lambda s: s.split(":")[-1]):
print("|%d|%s|" % (vitamins[v]["count"], v.split(":")[1]), file = doc_file)
print("\n", file = doc_file)
printed = ass["printed"]
if printed:
print('### 3D Printed parts', file = doc_file)
keys = sorted(list(printed.keys()))
for i, p in enumerate(keys):
print('%s %d x %s |' % ('\n|' if not (i % 3) else '', printed[p]["count"], p), file = doc_file, end = '')
if (i % 3) == 2 or i == len(printed) - 1:
n = (i % 3) + 1
print('\n|%s' % ('---|' * n), file = doc_file)
for j in range(n):
part = keys[i - n + j + 1]
print('| ![%s](stls/%s) %s' % (part, part.replace('.stl','.png'), '|\n' if j == j - 1 else ''), end = '', file = doc_file)
print('\n', file = doc_file)
print('\n', file = doc_file)
routed = ass["routed"]
if routed:
print("### CNC Routed parts", file = doc_file)
keys = sorted(list(routed.keys()))
for i, r in enumerate(keys):
print('%s %d x %s |' % ('\n|' if not (i % 3) else '', routed[r]["count"], r), file = doc_file, end = '')
if (i % 3) == 2 or i == len(routed) - 1:
n = (i % 3) + 1
print('\n|%s' % ('---|' * n), file = doc_file)
for j in range(n):
part = keys[i - n + j + 1]
print('| ![%s](dxfs/%s) %s' % (part, part.replace('.dxf','.png'), '|\n' if j == j - 1 else ''), end = '', file = doc_file)
print('\n', file = doc_file)
print('\n', file = doc_file)
sub_assemblies = ass["assemblies"]
if sub_assemblies:
print("### Sub-assemblies", file = doc_file)
keys = sorted(list(sub_assemblies.keys()))
for i, a in enumerate(keys):
print('%s %d x %s |' % ('\n|' if not (i % 3) else '', sub_assemblies[a], a), file = doc_file, end = '')
if (i % 3) == 2 or i == len(keys) - 1:
n = (i % 3) + 1
print('\n|%s' % ('---|' * n), file = doc_file)
for j in range(n):
a = keys[i - n + j + 1].replace('_assembly', '_assembled')
print('| ![%s](assemblies/%s) %s' % (a, a + '_tn.png', '|\n' if j == j - 1 else ''), end = '', file = doc_file)
print('\n', file = doc_file)
print('\n', file = doc_file)
small = not ass["big"]
suffix = '_tn.png' if small else '.png'
print('### Assembly instructions', file = doc_file)
print('![%s](assemblies/%s)\n' % (name, name + suffix), file = doc_file)
if "blurb" in ass and ass["blurb"]:
print(ass["blurb"], file = doc_file)
if print_mode:
print(Fore.MAGENTA + "Missing instructions for %s" % name, Fore.WHITE)
name = name.replace('_assembly', '_assembled')
print('![%s](assemblies/%s)\n' % (name, name + suffix), file = doc_file)
eop(print_mode, doc_file, last = ass == flat_bom[-1] and not main_blurb)
# If main module is suppressed print any blurb here
if main_blurb:
print(main_blurb, file = doc_file)
eop(print_mode, doc_file, last = True)
# Convert to HTML
html_name = "printme.html" if print_mode else "readme.html"
with open(top_dir + html_name, "wt") as html_file:
do_cmd(("python -m markdown -x tables -x sane_lists " + doc_name).split(), html_file)
# Spell check
do_cmd('codespell -L od'.split())
# List the ones we didn't find
missing = set()
for assembly in assemblies + (do_assemblies if do_assemblies else []):
if assembly not in done_assemblies:
if missing:
for assembly in missing:
print(Fore.MAGENTA + "Could not find a module called", assembly, Fore.WHITE)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1][-9:] != "_assembly":
target, assemblies = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:]
target, assemblies = None, sys.argv[1:]
for a in assemblies:
if a[-9:] != "_assembly": usage()
views(target, assemblies)