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// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <>.
//! Door hinges to hang an acrylic sheet door on a 3D printer, default 6mm thick.
//! The screws are tapped into the acrylic.
//! Rubber door [sealing strip](#sealing_strip) is used to make it airtight and a [door_latch](#door_latch) holds it closed.
include <../core.scad>
width = 18;
thickness = 4;
rad = 3;
dia = 12;
pin_screw = M3_cap_screw;
screw = M3_dome_screw;
stat_screw = M4_dome_screw;
stat_width = 15;
stat_length = 34;
stat_clearance = 0.75;
function door_hinge_pin_x() = -dia / 2; //! X offset of the hinge pin
function door_hinge_pin_y() = -dia / 2 - stat_clearance; //! Y offset of the hinge pin
function door_hinge_screw() = screw; //! Screw type used for hinge pin
function door_hinge_stat_screw() = stat_screw; //! Screw use to fasten the stationary part
function door_hinge_stat_width() = stat_width; //! Width of the stationary part
function door_hinge_stat_length() = stat_length; //! Length of the stationary part
module door_hinge_hole_positions(dir = 0) { //! Position chidren at the door hole positions
hole_pitch = width - 10;
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([width / 2 + side * hole_pitch / 2, -dir * width / 2 -side * hole_pitch / 2])
module door_hinge(door_thickness) { //! Generates STL for the moving part of the hinge
stl(str("door_hinge_", door_thickness));
hole_pitch = width - 10;
union() {
rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(width, center = true)
difference() {
hull() {
translate([dia / 2, thickness + door_thickness / 2])
intersection() {
teardrop(r = dia / 2, h = 0, truncate = false);
square([dia + 1, 2 * thickness + door_thickness], center = true);
square([1, thickness + door_thickness]);
translate([dia / 2, thickness + door_thickness / 2])
teardrop(r = screw_clearance_radius(pin_screw), h = 0);
difference() {
hull() {
translate([0, -width / 2])
square([1, width]);
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([-width + rad, side * (width / 2 - rad)])
module door_hinge_6_stl() door_hinge(6);
module door_hinge_stat_hole_positions(dir = 0) { //! Position children over the screws holes of the stationary part
hole_pitch = dia + (stat_length - dia) / 2;
for(side = [-1, 1])
translate([side * hole_pitch / 2, dir * (stat_width / 2 + washer_thickness(screw_washer(pin_screw))), thickness])
module door_hinge_stat_stl() { //! Generates the STL for the stationary part
union() {
difference() {
rounded_square([stat_length, stat_width], rad);
rotate([90, 0, 0])
linear_extrude(stat_width, center = true)
difference() {
hull() {
translate([0, dia / 2 + stat_clearance])
circle(d = dia);
translate([0, 0.5])
square([dia, 1], center = true);
translate([0, dia / 2 + stat_clearance])
teardrop(r = screw_clearance_radius(pin_screw), h = 0);
module door_hinge_assembly(top, door_thickness = 6) { //! The moving assembly that goes on the door
dir = top ? -1 : 1;
pin_x = door_hinge_pin_x();
pin_y = door_hinge_pin_y();
washer = screw_washer(screw);
screw_length = screw_shorter_than(thickness + door_thickness + washer_thickness(washer));
translate([0, pin_y - (thickness + door_thickness / 2), dir * width / 2]) {
rotate([90, 0, 180])
stl_colour(pp2_colour) door_hinge(door_thickness);
rotate([90, 0, 0])
screw_and_washer(screw, screw_length);
translate([pin_x, pin_y, top ? 0 : -washer_thickness(screw_washer(pin_screw))])
translate([pin_x, pin_y, top ? washer_thickness(screw_washer(pin_screw)) + stat_width : width])
screw_and_washer(pin_screw, screw_longer_than(2 * washer_thickness(screw_washer(pin_screw)) + width + stat_width));
module door_hinge_static_assembly(top, sheet_thickness = 3) { //! The stationary assembly
dir = top ? -1 : 1;
pin_x = door_hinge_pin_x();
stat_washer = screw_washer(stat_screw);
stat_nut = screw_nut(stat_screw);
stat_screw_length = screw_longer_than(thickness + sheet_thickness + 2 * washer_thickness(stat_washer) + nut_thickness(stat_nut, true));
translate([pin_x, 0, -dir * (stat_width / 2 + washer_thickness(screw_washer(pin_screw)))])
rotate([90, 0, 0]) {
stl_colour(pp1_colour) door_hinge_stat_stl();
door_hinge_stat_hole_positions() {
screw_and_washer(stat_screw, stat_screw_length);
translate_z(-thickness - sheet_thickness)
nut_and_washer(stat_nut, true);
module door_hinge_parts_stl() { //! Generates the STL for both parts of the hinge
translate([2, width / 2 + 1])
translate([0, -stat_width / 2 - 1])