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// NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2019
// This file is part of NopSCADlib.
// NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
// GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib.
// If not, see <>.
//! Utilities for making threads with sweep. They can be used to model screws, nuts, studding, leadscrews, etc, and also to make printed threads.
//! The ends can be tapered, flat or chamfered by setting the ```top``` and ```bot``` parameters to -1 for tapered, 0 for a flat cut and positive to
//! specify a chamfer angle.
//! Threads are by default solid, so the male version is wrapped around a cylinder and the female inside a tube. This can be suppressed to just get the helix, for
//! example to make a printed pot with a screw top lid.
//! Threads with a typical 60 degree angle appear too bright with OpenSCAD's primitive lighting model as they face towards the lights more than the top and sides of
//! a cylinder. To get around this a colour can be passed to thread that is used to colour the cylinder and then toned down to colour the helix.
//! Making the ends requires a CGAL intersection, which make threads relatively slow. For this reason they are generally disabled when using the GUI but can
//! be enabled by setting ```$show_threads``` to ```true```. When the tests are run, by default, threads are enabled only for things that feature them like screws.
//! This behaviour can be changed by setting a ```NOPSCADLIB_SHOW_THREADS``` environment variable to ```false``` to disable all threads and ```true``` to enable all threads.
//! The same variable also affects the generation of assembly diagrams.
//! Threads obey the $fn, $fa, $fs variables.
include <../utils/core/core.scad>
use <sweep.scad>
use <maths.scad>
use <tube.scad>
thread_colour_factor = 0.8; // 60 degree threads appear too bright due to the angle facing the light sources
function thread_profile(h, crest, angle, overlap = 0.1) = //! Create thread profile path
let(base = crest + 2 * (h + overlap) * tan(angle / 2))
[[-base / 2, -overlap, 0], [-crest / 2, h, 0], [crest / 2, h, 0], [base / 2, -overlap, 0]];
module thread(dia, pitch, length, profile, center = true, top = -1, bot = -1, starts = 1, solid = true, female = false, colour = undef) { //! Create male or femail thread, ends can be tapered, chamfered or square
// Apply colour if defined
module colour(factor) if(is_undef(colour)) children(); else color(colour * factor) children();
// Compress the profile to compensate for it being tilted by the helix angle
scale = cos(atan(pitch / (PI * dia)));
sprofile = [for(p = profile) [p.x * scale, p.y, p.z]];
// Extract some properties from the profile, perhaps they should be stored in it.
h = max([for(p = sprofile) p.y]);
maxx = max([for(p = sprofile) p.x]);
minx = min([for(p = sprofile) p.x]);
crest_xmax = max([for(p = sprofile) if(p.x != maxx) p.x]);
crest_xmin = min([for(p = sprofile) if(p.x != minx) p.x]);
// If the ends don't taper we need an extra half turn past the ends to be cropped horizontally.
extra_top = top < 0 ? 0 : -minx / pitch;
extra_bot = bot < 0 ? 0 : maxx / pitch;
turns = length / pitch + extra_top + extra_bot;
// Generate the helix path, possibly with tapered ends
dir = female ? 1 : -1;
r = dia / 2;
sides = r2sides4n(r);
step_angle = 360 / sides;
segs = ceil(turns * sides);
leadin = ceil(sides / starts);
final = floor(turns * sides) - leadin;
path = [for(i = [0 : segs],
R = i < leadin && bot < 0 ? r + dir * (h - h * i / leadin)
: i > final && top < 0 ? r + dir * h * (i - final) / leadin : r,
a = i * step_angle - 360 * extra_bot)
[R * cos(a), R * sin(a), a * pitch / 360]];
// Generate the skin vertices
facets = len(profile);
twist = helical_twist_per_segment(r, pitch, sides);
// For female threads we need to invert the profile
iprofile = female ? reverse([for(p = sprofile) [p.x, -p.y, 0]]) : sprofile;
// If the bottom is tapered then the twist will be greater, so pre-twist the profile to get the straight bit at the correct angle
rprofile = bot < 0 ? transform_points(iprofile, rotate(-dir * (helical_twist_per_segment(r - h, pitch, sides) - twist) * sides / PI))
: iprofile;
points = skin_points(rprofile, path, false, twist * segs);
// To form the ends correctly we need to use intersection but it is very slow with the full thread so we just
// intersect the start and the end and sweep the rest outside of the intersection.
top_chamfer_h = (top > 0 ? h * tan(top) : 0);
bot_chamfer_h = (bot > 0 ? h * tan(bot) : 0);
top_overlap = max( maxx, top_chamfer_h - crest_xmin) / pitch;
bot_overlap = max(-minx, bot_chamfer_h + crest_xmax) / pitch;
start = ceil(sides * (bot_overlap + extra_bot));
end = segs - ceil(sides * (top_overlap + extra_top));
start_skin_faces = skin_faces(points, start + 1, facets, false);
middle_skin_faces = skin_faces(points, end - start + 1, facets, false, start);
end_skin_faces = skin_faces(points, segs - end + 1, facets, false, end);
start_faces = concat([cap(facets) ], start_skin_faces, [cap(facets, start)]);
middle_faces = concat([cap(facets, start, false)], middle_skin_faces, [cap(facets, end)]);
end_faces = concat([cap(facets, end, false)], end_skin_faces, [cap(facets, segs)]);
overlap = - profile[0].y;
translate_z((center ? -length / 2 : 0)) {
ends_faces = concat(start_faces, end_faces);
for(i = [0 : starts - 1])
rotate(360 * i / starts + (female ? 180 / starts : 0)) {
render() intersection() {
polyhedron(points, ends_faces);
len = length - 2 * eps;
if(female) {
difference() {
translate([0, eps])
square([r + h + overlap, len]);
polygon([[0, length], [r, length], [r - h, length - top_chamfer_h], [0, length - top_chamfer_h]]);
polygon([[0, 0], [r, 0], [r - h, bot_chamfer_h], [0, bot_chamfer_h]]);
difference() {
hull() {
translate([0, eps])
square([r, len]);
translate([0, bot_chamfer_h])
square([r + h + overlap, len - top_chamfer_h - bot_chamfer_h]);
square([r - overlap, length]);
polyhedron(points, middle_faces);
tube(or = r + (top < 0 || bot < 0 ? h : 0) + 2 * overlap, ir = r, h = length, center = false);
cylinder(d = dia, h = length);
module male_metric_thread(d, pitch, length, center = true, top = -1, bot = -1, solid = true, colour = undef) { //! Create male thread with metric profile
H = pitch * sqrt(3) / 2;
h = 5 * H / 8;
minor_d = d - 2 * h;
thread(minor_d, pitch, length, thread_profile(h, pitch / 8, 60), center, top, bot, solid = solid, colour = colour);
module female_metric_thread(d, pitch, length, center = true, top = -1, bot = -1, colour = undef) { //! Create female thread with metric profile
H = pitch * sqrt(3) / 2;
h = 5 * H / 8;
thread(d, pitch, length, thread_profile(h, pitch / 4, 60), center, top, bot, solid = false, female = true, colour = colour);
function metric_coarse_pitch(d) //! Convert metric diameter to pitch
= d == 1.6 ? 0.35 // M1.6
: [0.4, // M2
0.45,// M2.5
0.5, // M3
0.6, // M3.5
0.7, // M4
0.8, // M5
1.0, // M6
1.25, // M8
1.5, // M10
1.75, // M12
0, // M14
2.0, // M16
][d * 2 - 4];