#!/usr/bin/env python # # NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018 # nop.head@gmail.com # hydraraptor.blogspot.com # # This file is part of NopSCADlib. # # NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the # GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib. # If not, see . # # #! Generates exploded and unexploded assembly views and scrapes build instructions to make readme.md, readme.html and printme.html files for the project. # from __future__ import print_function from set_config import * import openscad from tests import do_cmd, update_image, colour_scheme, background import time import times from deps import * import os import json import blurb import bom import shutil from colorama import Fore def is_assembly(s): return s[-9:] == '_assembly' or s[-11:] == '_assemblies' def bom_to_assemblies(bom_dir, bounds_map): global flat_bom # # Make a list of all the parts in the BOM # bom_file = bom_dir + "/bom.json" with open(bom_file) as json_file: flat_bom = json.load(json_file) # # Decide if we need big or small assembly pictures # for bom in flat_bom: big = False for ass in bom["assemblies"]: for b in flat_bom: if b["name"] == ass: if b["big"]: big = True break if not big: for stl in bom["printed"]: bounds = bounds_map[stl] width = bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0] depth = bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1] if max(width, depth) > 80: big = True break bom["big"] = big or bom["routed"] # # Remove the main assembly if it is a shell # ass = flat_bom[-1] if len(ass["assemblies"]) < 2 and not ass["vitamins"] and not ass["printed"] and not ass["routed"]: flat_bom = flat_bom[:-1] return [assembly["name"] for assembly in flat_bom] def eop(print_mode, doc_file, last = False, first = False): if print_mode: print('\n
', file = doc_file) else: if not first: print('[Top](#TOP)', file = doc_file) if not last: print("\n---", file = doc_file) def pad(s, before, after = 0): return ' ' * before + str(s) + ' ' * after def views(target, do_assemblies = None): done_assemblies = [] # # Make the target directory # top_dir = set_config(target) target_dir = top_dir + 'assemblies' deps_dir = top_dir + "deps" bom_dir = top_dir + "bom" if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) if not os.path.isdir(deps_dir): os.makedirs(deps_dir) times.read_times(target_dir) bounds_fname = top_dir + 'stls/bounds.json' with open(bounds_fname) as json_file: bounds_map = json.load(json_file) # # Find all the assemblies # assemblies = bom_to_assemblies(bom_dir, bounds_map) for file in os.listdir(target_dir): if file.endswith('.png'): assembly = file[:-4].replace('_assembled', '_assembly') if assembly.endswith('_tn'): assembly = assembly[:-3] if not assembly in assemblies: print("Removing %s" % file) os.remove(target_dir + '/' + file) # # Find all the scad files # main_blurb = None lib_dir = os.environ['OPENSCADPATH'] + '/NopSCADlib/printed' for dir in [source_dir, lib_dir]: for filename in os.listdir(dir): if filename.endswith('.scad'): # # find any modules with names ending in _assembly # with open(dir + "/" + filename, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() line_no = 0 for line in lines: words = line.split() if len(words) and words[0] == "module": module = words[1].split('(')[0] if is_assembly(module): if module in assemblies: # # Scrape the assembly instructions # for ass in flat_bom: if ass["name"] == module: if not "blurb" in ass: ass["blurb"] = blurb.scrape_module_blurb(lines[:line_no]) break if not do_assemblies or module in do_assemblies: # # make a file to use the module # png_maker_name = 'png.scad' with open(png_maker_name, "w") as f: f.write("use <%s/%s>\n" % (dir, filename)) f.write("%s();\n" % module); # # Run openscad on th created file # dname = deps_name(deps_dir, filename) for explode in [0, 1]: png_name = target_dir + '/' + module + '.png' if not explode: png_name = png_name.replace('_assembly', '_assembled') changed = check_deps(png_name, dname) changed = times.check_have_time(changed, png_name) tmp_name = 'tmp.png' if changed: print(changed) t = time.time() openscad.run("-D$pose=1", "-D$explode=%d" % explode, colour_scheme, "--projection=p", "--imgsize=4096,4096", "--autocenter", "--viewall", "-d", dname, "-o", tmp_name, png_maker_name); times.add_time(png_name, t) do_cmd(["magick", tmp_name, "-trim", "-resize", "1004x1004", "-bordercolor", background, "-border", "10", tmp_name]) update_image(tmp_name, png_name) tn_name = png_name.replace('.png', '_tn.png') if mtime(png_name) > mtime(tn_name): do_cmd(("magick "+ png_name + " -trim -resize 280x280 -background " + background + " -gravity Center -extent 280x280 -bordercolor " + background + " -border 10 " + tmp_name).split()) update_image(tmp_name, tn_name) os.remove(png_maker_name) done_assemblies.append(module) else: if module == 'main_assembly': main_blurb = blurb.scrape_module_blurb(lines[:line_no]) line_no += 1 times.print_times() # # Build the document # for print_mode in [True, False]: doc_name = top_dir + "readme.md" with open(doc_name, "wt") as doc_file: # # Title, description and picture # project = ' '.join(word[0].upper() + word[1:] for word in os.path.basename(os.getcwd()).split('_')) print('\n# %s' % project, file = doc_file) main_file = bom.find_scad_file('main_assembly') if not main_file: raise Exception("can't find source for main_assembly") text = blurb.scrape_blurb(source_dir + '/' + main_file) if len(text): print(text, file = doc_file, end = '') else: if print_mode: print(Fore.MAGENTA + "Missing project description" + Fore.WHITE) print('![Main Assembly](assemblies/%s.png)\n' % flat_bom[-1]["name"].replace('_assembly', '_assembled'), file = doc_file) eop(print_mode, doc_file, first = True) # # Build TOC # print('## Table of Contents', file = doc_file) print('1. [Parts list](#Parts_list)', file = doc_file) for ass in flat_bom: name = ass["name"] cap_name = name.replace('_', ' ').title() print('1. [%s](#%s)' % (cap_name, name), file = doc_file) print(file = doc_file) eop(print_mode, doc_file) # # Global BOM # print('\n## Parts list', file = doc_file) types = ["vitamins", "printed", "routed"] headings = {"vitamins" : "vitamins", "printed" : "3D printed parts", "routed" : "CNC routed parts"} things = {} for t in types: things[t] = {} for ass in flat_bom: for t in types: for thing in ass[t]: if thing in things[t]: things[t][thing] += ass[t][thing] else: things[t][thing] = ass[t][thing] for ass in flat_bom: name = ass["name"][:-9].replace('_', ' ').title().replace(' ',' ') print('| %s ' % name, file = doc_file, end = '') print('| TOTALS | |', file = doc_file) print(('|--:' * len(flat_bom) + '|--:|:--|'), file = doc_file) for t in types: if things[t]: totals = {} heading = headings[t][0:1].upper() + headings[t][1:] print(('| ' * len(flat_bom) + '| | **%s** |') % heading, file = doc_file) for thing in sorted(things[t], key = lambda s: s.split(":")[-1]): for ass in flat_bom: count = ass[t][thing] if thing in ass[t] else 0 print('| %s ' % pad(count if count else '.', 2, 1), file = doc_file, end = '') name = ass["name"] if name in totals: totals[name] += count else: totals[name] = count print('| %s | %s |' % (pad(things[t][thing], 2, 1), pad(thing.split(":")[-1], 2)), file = doc_file) grand_total = 0 for ass in flat_bom: name = ass["name"] total = totals[name] if name in totals else 0 print('| %s ' % pad(total if total else '.', 2, 1), file = doc_file, end = '') grand_total += total print("| %s | %s |" % (pad(grand_total, 2, 1), pad('Total %s count' % headings[t], 2)), file = doc_file) print(file = doc_file) eop(print_mode, doc_file) # # Assembly instructions # for ass in flat_bom: name = ass["name"] cap_name = name.replace('_', ' ').title() if ass["count"] > 1: print('\n## %d x %s' % (name, ass["count"], cap_name), file = doc_file) else: print('\n## %s' % (name, cap_name), file = doc_file) vitamins = ass["vitamins"] if vitamins: print("### Vitamins", file = doc_file) print("|Qty|Description|", file = doc_file) print("|--:|:----------|", file = doc_file) for v in sorted(vitamins, key = lambda s: s.split(":")[-1]): print("|%d|%s|" % (vitamins[v], v.split(":")[1]), file = doc_file) print("\n", file = doc_file) printed = ass["printed"] if printed: print('### 3D Printed parts', file = doc_file) keys = sorted(list(printed.keys())) for i in range(len(keys)): p = keys[i] print('%s %d x %s |' % ('\n|' if not (i % 3) else '', printed[p], p), file = doc_file, end = '') if (i % 3) == 2 or i == len(printed) - 1: n = (i % 3) + 1 print('\n|%s' % ('--|' * n), file = doc_file) for j in range(n): part = keys[i - n + j + 1] print('| ![%s](stls/%s) %s' % (part, part.replace('.stl','.png'), '|\n' if j == j - 1 else ''), end = '', file = doc_file) print('\n', file = doc_file) print('\n', file = doc_file) routed = ass["routed"] if routed: print("### CNC Routed parts", file = doc_file) keys = sorted(list(routed.keys())) for i in range(len(keys)): r = keys[i] print('%s %d x %s |' % ('\n|' if not (i % 3) else '', routed[r], r), file = doc_file, end = '') if (i % 3) == 2 or i == len(routed) - 1: n = (i % 3) + 1 print('\n|%s' % ('--|' * n), file = doc_file) for j in range(n): part = keys[i - n + j + 1] print('| ![%s](dxfs/%s) %s' % (part, part.replace('.dxf','.png'), '|\n' if j == j - 1 else ''), end = '', file = doc_file) print('\n', file = doc_file) print('\n', file = doc_file) sub_assemblies = ass["assemblies"] if sub_assemblies: print("### Sub-assemblies", file = doc_file) keys = sorted(list(sub_assemblies.keys())) for i in range(len(keys)): a = keys[i] print('%s %d x %s |' % ('\n|' if not (i % 3) else '', sub_assemblies[a], a), file = doc_file, end = '') if (i % 3) == 2 or i == len(keys) - 1: n = (i % 3) + 1 print('\n|%s' % ('--|' * n), file = doc_file) for j in range(n): a = keys[i - n + j + 1].replace('_assembly', '_assembled') print('| ![%s](assemblies/%s) %s' % (a, a + '_tn.png', '|\n' if j == j - 1 else ''), end = '', file = doc_file) print('\n', file = doc_file) print('\n', file = doc_file) small = not ass["big"] suffix = '_tn.png' if small else '.png' print('### Assembly instructions', file = doc_file) print('![%s](assemblies/%s)\n' % (name, name + suffix), file = doc_file) if "blurb" in ass and ass["blurb"]: print(ass["blurb"], file = doc_file) else: if print_mode: print(Fore.MAGENTA + "Missing instructions for %s" % name, Fore.WHITE) name = name.replace('_assembly', '_assembled') print('![%s](assemblies/%s)\n' % (name, name + suffix), file = doc_file) eop(print_mode, doc_file, last = ass == flat_bom[-1] and not main_blurb) # # If main module is suppressed print any blurb here # if main_blurb: print(main_blurb, file = doc_file) eop(print_mode, doc_file, last = True) # # Convert to HTML # html_name = "printme.html" if print_mode else "readme.html" with open(top_dir + html_name, "wt") as html_file: do_cmd(("python -m markdown -x tables -x sane_lists " + doc_name).split(), html_file) # # Spell check # do_cmd('codespell -L od readme.md'.split()) # # List the ones we didn't find # missing = set() for assembly in assemblies + (do_assemblies if do_assemblies else []): if assembly not in done_assemblies: missing.add(assembly) if missing: for assembly in missing: print(Fore.MAGENTA + "Could not find a module called", assembly, Fore.WHITE) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1][-9:] != "_assembly": target, assemblies = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:] else: target, assemblies = None, sys.argv[1:] views(target, assemblies)