// // NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2018 // nop.head@gmail.com // hydraraptor.blogspot.com // // This file is part of NopSCADlib. // // NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the // GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib. // If not, see . // // //! Printed cable grommets for passing cables through panels avoiding sharp edges and in the case //! of conductive panels, an extra layer of insulation. // include <../core.scad> use <../vitamins/cable_strip.scad> base = 1.25; slot_height = round_to_layer(1.27) + layer_height; wall = 1.6; overlap = 1.5; height = base + slot_height + wall + overlap; rad = wall + overlap; clearance = 0.1; module ribbon_grommet_hole(ways, h = 50, expand = true) { //! Generate a hole for a ribbon grommet length = ribbon_clamp_slot(ways) + 2 * wall; rad = cnc_bit_r; height = base + slot_height + wall; extrude_if(h) offset(expand ? clearance : 0) hull() { translate([-length / 2, 0]) square([length, base]); for(end = [-1, 1]) translate([end * (length / 2 - rad), height - rad]) drill(rad, 0); } } module ribbon_grommet(ways, thickness) { //! Generate the STL for a printed ribbon grommet stl(str("ribbon_grommet_", ways, "_", thickness)); width = 2 * (wall + clearance) + thickness; slot_length = ribbon_clamp_slot(ways); length = slot_length + 2 * wall + 2 * overlap; rotate([90, 0, 0]) union() { for(side = [-1, 1]) translate_z(side * (width - wall) / 2) linear_extrude(height = wall, center = true, convexity = 5) difference() { hull() { translate([-length / 2, 0]) square([length, base]); for(end = [-1, 1]) translate([end * (length / 2 - rad), height - rad]) semi_circle(rad); } translate([-slot_length / 2, base]) square([slot_length, slot_height]); } linear_extrude(height = width -1, center = true) difference() { ribbon_grommet_hole(ways, expand = false, h = 0); translate([-slot_length / 2, base]) square([slot_length, slot_height]); } } } module round_grommet_top(diameter, thickness, od = undef) { //! Generate the STL for a round grommet top half stl(str("round_grommet_top_", round(diameter * 10), "_", thickness)); chamfer = layer_height; h = wall + thickness + wall; r1 = diameter / 2; r2 = od == undef ? corrected_radius(r1) + wall : od / 2; r3 = r2 + overlap; r0 = r1 + 1; union() { rotate_extrude() polygon([ [r0, 0], [r3 - chamfer, 0], [r3, chamfer], [r3, wall], [r2, wall], [r2, h - chamfer], [r2 - chamfer, h], [r0, h], ]); render() difference() { cylinder(r = r0 + eps, h = h); poly_cylinder(r = r1, h = 100, center = true); } } } module round_grommet_bottom(diameter, od = undef) { //! Generate the STL for a round grommet bottom half stl(str("round_grommet_bottom_", round(diameter * 10))); chamfer = layer_height; r1 = diameter / 2; r2 = od == undef ? corrected_radius(r1) + wall : od / 2; r3 = r2 + max(overlap, wall + chamfer); rotate_extrude() polygon([ [r2, chamfer], [r2 + chamfer, 0], [r3, 0], [r3, wall - chamfer], [r3 - chamfer, wall], [r2, wall], ]); } module round_grommet_hole(diameter, h = 100) //! Make a hole for a round grommet drill(corrected_radius(diameter / 2) + wall + clearance, h); module round_grommet_assembly(diameter, thickness, od = undef) { color(pp1_colour) translate_z(wall) vflip() round_grommet_top(diameter, thickness, od); color(pp2_colour) translate_z(-thickness) vflip() round_grommet_bottom(diameter, od); } module mouse_grommet_hole(r, h = 50, z = undef, expand = wall + clearance) //! Make a hole for a mouse grommet extrude_if(h) hull(){ R = r + expand; translate([0, z == undef ? R : z]) if(expand) semi_circle(R); else semi_teardrop(r = R, h = 0); translate([-R, 0]) square([2 * R, eps]); } function mouse_grommet_offset(r) = r + wall; module mouse_grommet(r, thickness) { //! Make the STL for a mouse grommet stl(str("mouse_grommet_", r * 10, "_", thickness)); width = 2 * (wall + clearance) + thickness; length = 2 * r + 2 * wall + 2 * overlap; rotate([90, 0, 0]) union() { for(side = [-1, 1]) translate_z(side * (width - wall) / 2) linear_extrude(height = wall, center = true) difference() { mouse_grommet_hole(r, z = r + wall, h = 0, expand = wall + overlap); translate([0, wall]) mouse_grommet_hole(r, h = 0, expand = 0); } linear_extrude(height = width - 1, center = true) difference() { mouse_grommet_hole(r, h = 0, z = r + wall, expand = wall); translate([0, wall]) mouse_grommet_hole(r, h = 0, expand = 0); } } } module mouse_grommet_assembly(r, thickness) color(pp1_colour) rotate([-90, 0, 0]) mouse_grommet(r, thickness); module ribbon_grommet_20_3_stl() ribbon_grommet(20, 3); module mouse_grommet_15_3_stl() mouse_grommet(1.5, 3); module mouse_grommet_20_3_stl() mouse_grommet(2, 3); module mouse_grommet_25_3_stl() mouse_grommet(2.5, 3); module mouse_grommet_30_3_stl() mouse_grommet(3, 3); module round_grommet_bottom_30_stl() round_grommet_bottom(3); module round_grommet_bottom_40_stl() round_grommet_bottom(4); module round_grommet_bottom_50_stl() round_grommet_bottom(5); module round_grommet_bottom_60_stl() round_grommet_bottom(6); module round_grommet_top_30_3_stl() round_grommet_top(3, 3); module round_grommet_top_40_3_stl() round_grommet_top(4, 3); module round_grommet_top_50_3_stl() round_grommet_top(5, 3); module round_grommet_top_60_3_stl() round_grommet_top(6, 3);