// // NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2020 // nop.head@gmail.com // hydraraptor.blogspot.com // // This file is part of NopSCADlib. // // NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the // GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib. // If not, see . // // //! A fully parametric 3D printed case that can be customised with cutouts and additions specified by children. //! //! The walls can be made wavy, which possibly reduces warping when printing and looks nice, however if holes need to be made //! in the sides you can't print a wavy bridge. Any holes need to be surrounded by a 45° chamfer to make the bridges straight. //! See the mounting points for the feet in the first example. //! //! It can also have printed feet on the base with the screws doubling up to hold the base on. // include <../core.scad> include <../vitamins/screws.scad> use <../vitamins/insert.scad> use function pbox_name(type) = type[0]; //! Name to allow more than one box in a project function pbox_wall(type) = type[1]; //! Wall thickness function pbox_top(type) = type[2]; //! Top thickness function pbox_base(type) = type[3]; //! Base thickness, can be zero for no base function pbox_foot(type) = type[4]; //! Printed foot, can be false to suppress feet function pbox_base_screw(type) = type[5]; //! Screw type if no feet function pbox_radius(type) = type[6]; //! Internal corner radius function pbox_ridges(type) = type[7]; //! Ridge wavelength and amplitude function pbox_width(type) = type[8]; //! Internal width function pbox_depth(type) = type[9]; //! Internal depth function pbox_height(type) = type[10]; //! Internal height base_outset = 1; // How much the base overlaps the inner dimensions base_overlap = 2; // The width of ledge the base sits on height_overlap = 1; // How far the edges sit below the base function pbox_inclusion(type) = pbox_base(type) ? base_overlap - base_outset : 0; //! How far the ledge for the base extends inwards function pbox_total_height(type) = //! Total height including base overlap let(base = pbox_base(type), foot = pbox_foot(type), washer = pbox_washer(type), screw = pbox_screw(type)) pbox_height(type) + pbox_top(type) + base + (base ? height_overlap : 0) + (foot || !base ? 0 : washer_thickness(washer) + screw_head_height(screw)); function pbox_screw(type) = //! Foot screw if got feet else base_screw let(foot = pbox_foot(type)) foot ? foot_screw(foot) : pbox_base_screw(type); function pbox_insert(type) = screw_insert(pbox_screw(type)); //! The insert for the base screws function pbox_washer(type) = screw_washer(pbox_screw(type)); //! The washer for the base screws function pbox_screw_length(type, panel_thickness = 0) = //! Length of the base screw let(foot = pbox_foot(type)) screw_shorter_than(pbox_base(type) + washer_thickness(pbox_washer(type)) + insert_length(pbox_insert(type)) + (foot ? foot_thickness(foot) : panel_thickness)); function pbox_mid_offset(type) = pbox_ridges(type).y + pbox_wall(type) / 2; // Offset to wall midpoint function pbox_screw_inset(type) = //! How far the base screws are inset let(foot = pbox_foot(type), r = foot ? foot_diameter(foot) / 2 : washer_radius(pbox_washer(type)), R = pbox_radius(type) ) max(r, R - (R - r) / sqrt(2)); module pbox_screw_positions(type) { foot = pbox_foot(type); inset = pbox_screw_inset(type); for(x = [-1, 1], y = [-1, 1]) translate([x * (pbox_width(type) / 2 - inset), y * (pbox_depth(type) / 2 - inset)]) rotate((y > 0 ? -x * 45 : -x * 135) + 90) children(); } module pbox_mid_shape(type) { ridges = pbox_ridges(type); offset = ridges.y + pbox_wall(type) / 2; rad = pbox_radius(type) + offset; w = pbox_width(type) + 2 * offset; d = pbox_depth(type) + 2 * offset; module waves(length) { l = length - 2 * rad; waves = round(l / ridges.x); points = 16; translate([-l / 2, ridges.y / 2]) polygon(concat([[0, -10]], [for(i = [0 : waves * points], a = 360 * i / points) [i * l / waves / points, -cos(a) * ridges.y / 2] ], [[l, -10]])); } difference() { rounded_square([w, d], rad, center = true); if(ridges.y) for(side = [-1, 1]) { translate([0, side * d / 2]) rotate(90 + side * 90) waves(w); translate([side * w / 2, 0]) rotate(side * 90) waves(d); } } } module pbox_inner_shape(type) { rad = pbox_radius(type); w = pbox_width(type); d = pbox_depth(type); rounded_square([w, d], rad, center = true); } module pbox_base(type) { //! Generate the STL for the base stl(str(pbox_name(type),"_base")); t = pbox_base(type); difference() { union() { linear_extrude(height = t) offset(base_outset - 0.2) pbox_inner_shape(type); if($children > 0) children(0); } pbox_screw_positions(type) poly_cylinder(r = screw_clearance_radius(pbox_screw(type)), h = 2 * t + eps, center = true); if($children > 1) children(1); } } module pbox(type) { //! Generate the STL for the main case stl(pbox_name(type)); height = pbox_height(type); total_height = pbox_total_height(type); top_thickness = pbox_top(type); wall = pbox_wall(type); ledge_outset = pbox_ridges(type).y; ledge_inset = base_outset - base_overlap; ledge_h = pbox_base(type) ? (ledge_outset - ledge_inset) * 2 : 0; difference() { union() { linear_extrude(height = total_height) offset(wall / 2) pbox_mid_shape(type); if($children > 2) children(2); } difference() { translate_z(top_thickness) union() { linear_extrude(height = height + eps) offset(-wall / 2) pbox_mid_shape(type); translate_z(height) // Recess for the base linear_extrude(height = total_height - height) offset(base_outset) pbox_inner_shape(type); } // Ledge to support the lid if(ledge_h) translate_z(top_thickness + height - ledge_h) difference() { rounded_rectangle([pbox_width(type) + 2 * outset, pbox_depth(type) + 2 * outset, ledge_h], 1, center = false); hull() { linear_extrude(height = ledge_h + eps) offset(ledge_inset) pbox_inner_shape(type); linear_extrude(height = eps) offset(ledge_outset) pbox_inner_shape(type); } pbox_screw_positions(type) insert_hole(pbox_insert(type)); } // Corner lugs for inserts outset = wall + pbox_ridges(type).y; or = pbox_radius(type) + outset; inset = pbox_screw_inset(type) + outset; br = insert_boss_radius(pbox_insert(type), wall); ext = sqrt(2) * inset - or * (sqrt(2) - 1) - br; translate_z(height + top_thickness) pbox_screw_positions(type) insert_lug(pbox_insert(type), wall, counter_bore = 0, extension = ext, corner_r = or); if($children > 0) children(0); } if($children > 1) children(1); } } module pbox_inserts(type) //! Place the inserts for the base screws translate_z(pbox_height(type) + pbox_top(type)) pbox_screw_positions(type) insert(pbox_insert(type)); module pbox_base_screws(type, thickness = 0) //! Place the screws and feet translate_z(pbox_height(type) + pbox_top(type) + pbox_base(type)) pbox_screw_positions(type) { foot = pbox_foot(type); if(foot) color(pp4_colour) foot(foot); translate_z(foot ? foot_thickness(foot) : thickness) screw_and_washer(pbox_screw(type), pbox_screw_length(type, thickness)); }