// // NopSCADlib Copyright Chris Palmer 2020 // nop.head@gmail.com // hydraraptor.blogspot.com // // This file is part of NopSCADlib. // // NopSCADlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the // GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // NopSCADlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NopSCADlib. // If not, see . // // //! Parametric cable drag chain to limit the bend radius of a cable run. //! //! Each link has a maximum bend angle of 45°, so the mininium radius is proportional to the link length. //! //! The travel property is how far it can move in each direction, i.e. half the maximum travel if the chain is mounted in the middle of the travel. //! //! The ends can have screw lugs with four screw positions to choose from, specified by a list of two arrays of four bools. //! If none are enabled then a child object is expected to customise the end and this gets unioned with the blank end. //! If both ends are customised then two children are expected. //! Each child is called twice, once with `$fasteners` set to 0 to augment the STL and again with `$fasteners` set to 1 to add //! to the assembly, for example to add inserts. // include <../core.scad> use <../utils/horiholes.scad> use <../utils/maths.scad> clearance = 0.1; function drag_chain_name(type) = type[0]; //! The name to allow more than one in a project function drag_chain_size(type) = type[1]; //! The internal size and link length function drag_chain_travel(type) = type[2]; //! X travel function drag_chain_wall(type) = type[3]; //! Side wall thickness function drag_chain_bwall(type) = type[4]; //! Bottom wall function drag_chain_twall(type) = type[5]; //! Top wall function drag_chain_screw(type) = type[6]; //! Mounting screw for the ends function drag_chain_screw_lists(type) = type[7]; //! Two lists of four bools to say which screws positions are used function drag_chain_clearance() = clearance; //! Clearance around joints. function drag_chain_radius(type) = //! The bend radius at the pivot centres let(s = drag_chain_size(type)) s.x / 2 / sin(360 / 16); function drag_chain_z(type) = //! Outside dimension of a 180 bend let(os = drag_chain_outer_size(type), s = drag_chain_size(type)) 2 * drag_chain_radius(type) + os.z; function drag_chain(name, size, travel, wall = 1.6, bwall = 1.5, twall = 1.5, screw = M2_cap_screw, screw_lists = [[1,0,0,1],[1,0,0,1]]) = //! Constructor [name, size, travel, wall, bwall, twall, screw, screw_lists]; function drag_chain_outer_size(type) = //! Link outer dimensions let(s = drag_chain_size(type), z = s.z + drag_chain_bwall(type) + drag_chain_twall(type)) [s.x + z, s.y + 4 * drag_chain_wall(type) + 2 * clearance, z]; function screw_lug_radius(screw) = //! Radius of a screw lug corrected_radius(screw_clearance_radius(screw)) + 3.1 * extrusion_width; module screw_lug(screw, h = 0) //! Create a D shaped lug for a screw extrude_if(h, center = false) difference() { r = screw_lug_radius(screw); hull() { circle4n(r); translate([-r, -r]) square([2 * r, eps]); } poly_circle(screw_clearance_radius(screw)); } function bool2int(b) = b ? 1 : 0; module drag_chain_screw_positions(type, end) { //! Place children at the screw positions, end = 0 for the start, 1 for the end r = screw_lug_radius(drag_chain_screw(type)); s = drag_chain_size(type); os = drag_chain_outer_size(type); R = os.z / 2; x0 = end ? R + norm([drag_chain_cam_x(type), R - drag_chain_twall(type)]) + clearance + r : r; x1 = end ? os.x - r : os.x - 2 * R - clearance - r; for(i = [0 : 3], x = [x0, x1, x0, x1][i], y = [-1, -1, 1, 1][i]) if(drag_chain_screw_lists(type)[bool2int(end)][i]) translate([x, y * (s.y / 2 + r)]) let($a = [180, 0, 180, 0][i]) children(); } function drag_chain_cam_x(type) = // how far the cam sticks out let(s = drag_chain_size(type), r = drag_chain_outer_size(type).z / 2, wall = drag_chain_wall(type), cam_r = s.x - 2 * clearance - wall - r, // inner_x_normal - clearance - r twall = drag_chain_twall(type) ) min(sqrt(max(sqr(cam_r) - sqr(r - twall), 0)), r); module drag_chain_link(type, start = false, end = false, check_kids = true) { //! One link of the chain, special case for start and end stl(str(drag_chain_name(type), "_drag_chain_link", start ? "_start" : end ? "_end" : "")); s = drag_chain_size(type); wall = drag_chain_wall(type); bwall = drag_chain_bwall(type); twall = drag_chain_twall(type); os = drag_chain_outer_size(type); r = os.z / 2; pin_r = r / 2; socket_x = r; pin_x = socket_x + s.x; outer_normal_x = pin_x - r - clearance; // s.x - clearance outer_end_x = end ? os.x : outer_normal_x; inner_x = start ? 0 : outer_normal_x - wall; // s.x - clearance - wall roof_x_normal = 2 * r - twall; roof_x = start ? 0 : roof_x_normal; floor_x = start ? 0 : 2 * r; cam_x = drag_chain_cam_x(type); assert(r + norm([drag_chain_cam_x(type), r - drag_chain_twall(type)]) + clearance <= inner_x || start, "Link must be longer"); difference() { union() { for(side = [-1, 1]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) { // Outer cheeks translate_z(side * (os.y / 2 - wall / 2)) linear_extrude(wall, center = true) difference() { hull() { if(start) square([eps, os.z]); else translate([socket_x, r]) rotate(180) teardrop(r = r, h = 0); translate([outer_end_x - eps, 0]) square([eps, os.z]); } if(!start) translate([socket_x, r]) horihole(pin_r, r); } // Inner cheeks translate_z(side * (s.y / 2 + wall / 2)) linear_extrude(wall, center = true) difference() { union() { hull() { if(!end) { translate([pin_x, r]) rotate(180) teardrop(r = r, h = 0); translate([pin_x, twall]) square([cam_x, eps]); } else translate([os.x - eps, 0]) square([eps, os.z]); translate([inner_x, 0]) square([eps, os.z]); } } // Cutout for top wall if(!end) intersection() { translate([pin_x - r, 0]) square([3 * r, twall]); // When straight translate([pin_x, r]) rotate(-45) translate([-r + roof_x_normal, -r - twall]) // When bent fully square(os.z); } } // Pin if(!end) translate([pin_x, r, side * (s.y / 2 + wall + clearance)]) horicylinder(r = pin_r, z = r, h = 2 * wall); // Cheek joint translate([inner_x, 0, side * (s.y / 2 + wall) - 0.5]) cube([outer_end_x - inner_x, os.z, 1]); } // Roof, actually the floor when printed roof_end = end ? s.x + 2 * r : s.x + r - twall - clearance; translate([roof_x, -s.y / 2 - 0.5]) cube([roof_end - roof_x , s.y + 1, twall]); translate([roof_x, -os.y / 2 + 0.5]) cube([s.x - clearance - roof_x, os.y - 1, twall]); // Floor, actually the roof when printed floor_end = end ? s.x + 2 * r : s.x + r; translate([floor_x, -s.y / 2 - wall, os.z - bwall]) cube([floor_end - floor_x, s.y + 2 * wall, bwall]); translate([floor_x, -os.y / 2 + 0.5, os.z - bwall]) cube([s.x - floor_x - clearance, os.y -1, bwall]); if(start || end) { drag_chain_screw_positions(type, end) rotate($a) screw_lug(drag_chain_screw(type), os.z); if(check_kids) { custom = drag_chain_screw_lists(type)[bool2int(end)] == [0, 0, 0, 0]; assert($children == bool2int(custom), str("wrong number of children for ", end ? "end" : "start", " STL customisation: ", $children)); } children(); } } if(start || end) translate_z(-eps) drag_chain_screw_positions(type, end) rotate($a) poly_cylinder(r = screw_clearance_radius(drag_chain_screw(type)), h = os.z + 2 * eps, center = false); } if(show_supports() && !end) { for(side = [-1, 1]) { w = 2.1 * extrusion_width; translate([s.x + r + cam_x - w / 2, side * (s.y / 2 + wall / 2), twall / 2]) cube([w, wall, twall], center = true); h = round_to_layer(r - pin_r / sqrt(2)); y = s.y / 2 + max(wall + w / 2 + clearance, 2 * wall + clearance - w / 2); translate([s.x + r, side * y, h / 2]) cube([pin_r * sqrt(2), w, h], center = true); gap = cam_x - pin_r / sqrt(2) + extrusion_width; translate([s.x + r + cam_x - gap / 2, side * (s.y / 2 + wall + clearance / 2), layer_height / 2]) cube([gap, 2 * wall + clearance, layer_height], center = true); } } } // Need to use a wrapper because can't define nested modules in an assembly module _drag_chain_assembly(type, pos = 0, render = false) { s = drag_chain_size(type); x = (1 + exploded()) * s.x; r = drag_chain_radius(type) * x / s.x; travel = drag_chain_travel(type); links = ceil(travel / s.x); actual_travel = links * s.x; z = drag_chain_outer_size(type).z; zb = z / 2; // z of bottom track c = [actual_travel / 2 + pos / 2, 0, r + zb]; // centre of bend points = [ // Calculate list of hinge points for(i = 0, p = [0, 0, z / 2 + 2 * r]; i < links + 5; i = i + 1, dx = p.z > c.z ? x : -x, p = max(p.x + dx, p.x) <= c.x ? p + [dx, 0, 0] // Straight sections : let(q = circle_intersect(p, x, c, r)) q.x <= c.x ? [p.x - sqrt(sqr(x) - sqr(p.z - zb)), 0, zb] // Transition back to straight : q) // Circular section p ]; npoints = len(points); module link(n) // Position and colour link with origin at the hinge hole translate([-z / 2, 0, -z / 2]) { stl_colour(n < 0 || n == npoints - 1 ? pp3_colour : n % 2 ? pp1_colour : pp2_colour) render_if(render) drag_chain_link(type, start = n == -1, end = n == npoints - 1, check_kids = false) let($fasteners = 0) children(); let($fasteners = 1) children(); } screws = drag_chain_screw_lists(type); custom_start = screws[0] == [0, 0, 0, 0]; custom_end = screws[1] == [0, 0, 0, 0]; assert($children == bool2int(custom_start) + bool2int(custom_end), str("wrong number of children for end customisation: ", $children)); for(i = [0 : npoints - 2]) let(v = points[i + 1] - points[i]) translate(points[i]) rotate([0, -atan2(v.z, v.x), 0]) link(i); translate(points[0] - [x, 0, 0]) link(-1) if(custom_start) children(0); translate(points[npoints - 1]) hflip() link(npoints - 1) if(custom_end) children(custom_start ? 1 : 0); } //! 1. Remove the support material from the links with side cutters. //! 1. Clip the links together with the special ones at the ends. module drag_chain_assembly(type, pos = 0, render = false) //! Drag chain assembly assembly(str(drag_chain_name(type), "_drag_chain"), big = true, ngb = true) if($children == 2) _drag_chain_assembly(type, pos, render) { children(0); children(1); } else if($children == 1) _drag_chain_assembly(type, pos, render) children(0); else _drag_chain_assembly(type, pos, render);